Title: Fratello

Author: Crimson613

Warning: OOC?

Summary: Spamano. Onesided Itacest. A poem.


Finally, after being apart for so long

We have now become one

Broken are your ties

With the once unconquerable Spanish Armanda

Or so I thought.

I can see conflict in your eyes

When you water your tomato garden

When you accidentally

make a bigger mess when cleaning

And when I call you cute

Especially then

Ve~ Did big brother Spain call you cute?

I heard he was sick

But he's pulling through

My dear Lovi, he calls

And my heart clenches

He's never given up on you

Not when you called him a bastard

Not when you refused to learn Spanish

Or when you refused to clean his house

You stayed by his side when his reign fell

Told him that even when the sun sets

It would still rise again

His pirate days are over

But his new life is just beginning

A personality that had coddled you from the dangers

Now surfaces

That stubborn curl that we both share

Twists into a heart

Soon he will be fine.


After being apart

For so long

We have now

Become one

Or so I thought.

this poem had special spacing and indents but I can't get it to stay the way it's supposed to :/

characters don't belong to me