Stiles totally had ideas about what he wanted for his big night. I mean, that's perfectly normal. Everybody plans out how they'd like to lose their virginity right? Scott says "No!" when Stiles asks him about it, but that's just Scott. Erica, Lydia and Allison say that it's totally normal, but that he should also plan for things to change. Whatever that means Stiles scoffs to himself.

Anyway, he wants balloons. It's not very conventional. He thinks most people might want rose petals, but he's not a girl and those things smell and werewolf boyfriend with a sensitive nose. So dinner first and then sexy time. But yeah balloons and candles. Hey, the candles are totally legit lighting, not soppy romantic stuff. I mean, he doesn't want glaring overhead lights given how scrawny he is, but naked Derek, so not dark either. Besides, he just keeps imagining how much more clumsy he will be in the dark and he wants sex, not a concussion or a hospital visit. So the candles are on his list.

A bed was mandatory, so that cut most of their standard makeout locations off of the where to bang Stiles list. No Dad's kind puts his house on the no list given that he had leaked the whole I'm going to have sex with my boyfriend thing. He's certain his Dad was not going to be taking the night shift on his birthday eve as a result of that stupid fb event. The location was completely stressing him out. Hotels are just so cheap and the idea of a B&B where the owner is somewhere in the house maybe listening kinda creeps Stiles out. Derek told him to stop worrying about it, he'd take care of the location, but seriously this was coming from the guy who lived in a burnt out house and a broken down subway train?! So Stiles just frets semi quietly about it. Weirdly enough it's Scott who calms him down about the whole thing saying "Dude! Enough! It's not like Derek is going to be a dick about the whole thing given his sex history issues. You know he's going to want you to have nicer better memories." Stiles totally wanted to kiss him until Scott finished off with telling him to stop being such a girl and never to mention anything about Derek and sex around him again. Sooo unfair and unreasonable, given the whole mooning over Allison thing.

But the more Stiles thinks about it, the more he wanted to have this be a wonderful happy time for both he and Derek to replace all the bad of Derek's old and now completely irrelevant first time. This is going to be the first time that both he and Derek deserve. Did he just revirginate his werewolf boyfriend's ass?! Well yes he had and so what. People rewrite history all the time. So again balloons and candles work for every happy occasion. Hats would be stupid, but Stiles does look forward to the day he gets to see Derek in a polystyrene birthday hat. He supposes that he would be too tired and cozy after everything for confetti or shooting streamers.

So Derek finally just tells him that he is taking Stiles out for dinner and that they will be going to the still yet undisclosed location and that they will do whatever Stiles feels comfortable doing. He also tells Stiles that they are not doing anything below the belt for at least a week before the big day! Stiles cries foul play. Derek tells him that he has everything taken care of and that all he needs to do is relax and have a nice shower before dinner. Stiles HATES it when people tell him to relax! He just can't do that. But he suffers through the week of no sex or what he likes to call "the week he spent trying to torture Derek with reminders about why he thinks Stiles mouth is so pretty" because it was all for a good cause right?! And if he just spent more time in the shower or alone in his room "researching" then no one needs to know about it. Except of course everyone knows about it since Stiles complains to everybody who will listen and even those who won't.

Stiles of course pesters Danny with all kinds of questions about what to expect and what are some good moves to do because he just doesn't want to be surprised or seem incapable. He's mostly really worded about just coming and embarrassing himself, until Danny reminds him that "1. You're a teenager, so trust me you'll be back in the game in no time and 2. It's Derek that needs to worry about maintain the erection until after penetration not stiles." He also made a suggestion about having an ice cold glass of water by the bed and what its uses could be that made Stiles smile.

The day arrives and Stiles is a bundle of nerves. Does he manscape, should he not eat, will baby powder help make him smell fresh down there?! Hyperventilating becomes a thing and so does texting Danny. He gets a yes to trimming, a you need to eat before you pass out to the food question and a no to the baby powder because "that shit smells". In the end Danny comes over with Jackson of all people and makes him play lacrosse for a few hours and kills time after playing video games. Jackson spends most of the day smirking at him and is a pretty instant on lacrosse practice being a real workout, but he wasn't a douchey as he could have been. There were the inevitable comments about Stiles being the "receiver" and why he should play in net, but for Jackson, that was mild. All in all, it was kind of awesome and so Stiles couldn't resist hugging them before they left. Danny was cool about it and Jackson pretended he hated it with a "the fuck Stiles" after allowing the hug for two seconds before pushing Stiles away.

The guys had left him about an hour and a half before Derek was picking him up, so Stiles jumped in his car and went to the store to buy a balloon. He figured that Derek deserved to have at least one balloon, after all he had probably heard all about Lydia's get well balloon and well Stiles loved Derek more. When he'd originally gone shopping for the balloons, he had looked at the one that had said "You're really really old" because come on totally funny, but resisted. He was helplessly unable to resist the one that had the baby looking down his own diaper that said "Yup I'm a boy" so that one got ordered. Then the red heart was just so classic and really it wasn't just his ass and his virginity that Stiles was handing over to his sexy boyfriend, so yeah the heart was perfect. He also got the one that said "To the world's greatest boyfriend also known as Mr. Sexypants", because who knew that balloon even existed! He's not even sure how he's supposed to resist the one call the big bad wolf, so he doesn't. The shop owner has them ready for him when he comes in so all he has to do is pay and make sure they don't fly away whilst getting them home.

Once home, he jumps in the shower and cleans himself thoroughly maybe he jerks off just a little bit. He'd had Danny and Jackson help pick his outfit out already so it's just a matter of dressing. Surprisingly it had been Jackson who had suggested he might want to apply lip balm throughout the day to make certain he didn't have chapped lips. Stiles puts on a final application. When he gets downstairs his Dad is home.

"Big night?" His dad asks it's in between a question and a statement.

"Yes. Well…probably. I mean it's supposed to be, but all without pressure on either side." Stiles aims for trying to have the right answer. I mean, that's hard to do with a Dad who had more pamphlets then that lady from Glee. "And we know, be safe and all that."

"I know son, we went over that the other day. Nice balloons." Stiles can't help but smile looking at them.

"They are great right? Not too much? Maybe I should have done flowers of something. DO you buy the guy that's going to deflower you flowers?" He asks his Dad before he can stop himself and grimaces when his Dad winces a little.

"This is a little out of my field son. I mean, I brought flowers for your Mum the first time we did any hanky panky. I'm guessing with you and Derek it's an equal opportunity situation? But the balloons are good. They are a Stiles sort of touch."

"Yeah okay thanks Dad." Stiles gets out. Then before the conversation can go further they hear the sound of the car pulling up. Stiles' Dad makes him wait for Derek to come to the door, because he says that that's the right thing to do, even though all Stiles want to do is run out the door and jump Derek. It's not a long wait, so it appears that Derek had expected to come to the door. Derek and his Dad exchange some pleasantries uncomfortably while Stiles rounds up his balloons and then Stiles is dragging them off to the car. "Bye Dad! See you some time tomorrow." He yells over his shoulder.

Derek makes him pause for a kiss before allowing him to get into the car with the balloons. Stiles knows they must be annoying, but Derek doesn't say anything, he just smiles at Stiles before driving them off. Stiles can't stop his knee from bouncing and while Derek does glance at it, he doesn't tell Stiles to stop like he usually would. He can't help but notice that they are headed towards the Hale house. It kinda worries him, but he decides to go on faith and not freak out. Instead he talks about how they guys had come over to play lacrosse and how everyone had texted to wish him an early Happy Birthday or to wish them a good evening and stuff. He might have mentioned that he had wished that Scott had stopped by too.

"Sorry." Derek said "I had him helping me out. I thought Danny would be a better hang out buddy, and well I needed Scott's help with choosing some things."

That kinda actually settled Stiles down a bit. It was sweet. Scott working on the set up for his losing his virginity! He could mock him forever!It also meant that Derek had really put thought into the night. His heart felt almost overflowing as they pulled up in front of the house. So he grabbed the balloons by their strings and shoved them towards Derek hoping they would express everything he was feeling. "I got these for you. I picked them out special." Of course whatever Derek said back was muffled by all the balloons that were in his face. "OMG I should have given them to you out of the car." Stiles is flushed and nervous again. Derek just manages to push the balloons aside and give Stiles a kiss that manages to be tender and sexy all at the same time before telling Stiles that he loves them.

When they get to the front porch Derek really looks at them. He laughs at the sexy boyfriend, growls at the wolf (but in that sexy rumble that always gets Stiles to half-mast), checks Stiles out after the baby one and smiles at the heart. It just makes Stiles sigh contentedly. Derek makes him wait on the porch while he puts the balloons in a safe place. He's back before Stiles has too much time to fret. Then he takes Stiles' hand and leads him to the clearing a little ways from the house where they usually practice. There is a table and set of chairs and candlelight set out in the clearing. The table has all of the foods that Stiles loves, curly fries, hamburgers, etc., including beef stroganoff with pickles. It looks just like his Mum would make. Derek catches him looking at the dish and explains "Scott said it was your favourite. Your Dad let us copy the recipe. It took us three times to get it to look right. I did a trial run last week and Erica said I poisoned them, but Scott said this one tasted pretty close. I hope you don't mind its outside and that the food isn't fancy."

"Are you kidding me?" Stiles grins "It's awesome! It's so awesome that I'm totally NOT going to be able to mock Scott for helping pop my cherry in some small way aren't I." He can't help but pout a little about that. But then he's sitting down and eating dinner with Derek. It's great. There are stars above them and noises from the dark woods surrounding them, but he feels safe and happy and like this is going to be the best birthday ever. Derek has arranged the table so that they are sitting kitty corner to each other instead of across the table which is great because it means Stiles can touch Derek and so he does. He talks and runs his fingers along Derek's arm or holds his hand for a minute or bumps knees with him. He is even bold enough a few times to put his hand on Derek's thigh. Derek mostly listens to Stiles talking, but he does add in his thoughts here or there. He also puts his arm across the back of Stiles chair a few times, squeezes Stiles' hand, rubs the back of his neck and gives him a few hungry kisses. Dinner ends when Stiles blows out a single candle on a single cupcake which is chocolate peanut butter flavoured. He and Derek share. It's messy and gooey and leads to fingers being sucked and lips being licked. It's hot and the perfect segue to the next portion of the evening.