Let me know if you think this ought to be in Punctuation is Important story or here.

"Hey, Dad? Remember that promise you made me make after I had my first wet dream and you gave me that lecture about sex and the whole "with great power comes great responsibility" and how I better strap one on or raise the consequence, because you weren't Janelle's mom and any babies were my responsibility?" This is Stiles' opening salvo when he call his Dad the morning after he and Derek had had sex for the first time. A promise was a promise and Stilinski men kept them.

"Sure son, I remember. A man doesn't forget his first sex talk with his son, no matter how much he'd like to. Especially when said son had so many questions to ask. Why else do you think I've learned to come prepared with pamphlets since then?"

Stiles tries not to snicker when he remember just how many embarrassing questions he had asked his dad that day about his body, other boys bodies, sex ,women's bodies, orgasms, circumcision and porn etc. A few years older he can see how difficult some of his questions must have been for his dad. Clearing his throat he adds "Well let's see if I can remember it all. 1. All parties to the event were sober and consenting. 2. Testing was done before hand and the sex was safe. 3. I have no regrets. 4. It was good and I'm happy. Are we good? Is that all the deets I was supposed to provide about my first time?"

"Yeah we're good. I just wanted to be sure you were happy and safe and had made the decisions from the right emotional/mental place. Your mother would have been so much better at dealing with this stuff."

"Stiles could hear the emotion in his Dad's voice. "We're good Dad. That speech on sex and responsibility was good. You used a Spiderman reference, which was very cool and made me pay attention. It was a guy thing. I don't think Mum would have thought of it." Stiles wished he could express enough to his Dad how much he appreciated him and what he did for him every day.

"So your Mum probably would have been proud of both of us then huh." He Dad says.

Stiles pauses and really tries not to say it but..."So you're saying Mum would have been proud about me popping my cherry? Or would she be proud because of how I did it? Or..."

"Bye Stiles" His Dad says over his continued rambling before hanging up on him. Stiles just smiles before putting his own phone down and looking over at where Derek is eating his breakfast in bed.

"Sooo.." He says to Derek stealing a piece of bacon right off of Derek's fork "After breakfast we can go another round right? I mean the party isn't until dinner..."

"You sure you're up for it?" Derek asks while feeding him eggs from the shared plate.

Swallowing quickly Stiles answered "Uhhh teenager here. I'm more likely to be 'up' for more than you will in a 12 hour period."

"Challenge accepted." Derek said with a smirk on his face.

"What? Oh shit, really?!" Stiles isn't certain whether to be happy or worried, so he goes for a combination of both. He begins shovelling food in his mouth, because the sooner they can get to the sex? Well the better everything is.