Chapter 5

Santana's POV

Ugh! I work with all idiots, I swear! I just got off the phone with the head of the finance department and I want to kill her. She lost all the gross income for this month due to a freaking mix up with checks. I told my dad that we shouldn't have hired her! She doesn't know how to run a freaking 7-11 let alone a multi-million dollar company.

"UGH!" I groan loudly. Emilio looks up from his coloring and gives me a questionable look.

"Mami, are you otay?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry. You know what? Why don't you go get your shoes on and I'll get Hannah ready and we will go to Toys R Us to get some new toys, huh?" Santana smiled.

"YEAH!" Emilio cheered, running to get his shoes. Santana smiled and walked over to Hannah's playpen where she was playing with her stuffed animals.

"Hey Princess, let's go get you some toys!" Santana cheered and Hannah smiled and wiggled in Santana's arms.

"Mami, can I get da new Iwon Man toy?" Emilio cheered.

"Yeah, and you can get the new spiderman too." Santana told him.

"You da best mami ever!" Emilio cheered hugging Santana's legs. Santana smiled at her son as she continued to get her daughter dressed.

"Emilio, ¿dónde está tu chaqueta?" Santana called.

"No lo sé. Quiero llevar mi chaqueta azul." Emilio answered.

"Bien, ir a buscar en el armario."

"Okay mami." Emilio trotted off to go find his jacket.

Santana's blackberry rang in her pocket and she quickly looked at the caller I.D. to see that her assistant was calling her.

"Hello?" Santana placed the phone between her cheek and her shoulder as she pulled Hannah's arms through her jacket.

"Ms. Lopez, the dealership in Detroit is asking for 4 million for the new shipments. I told them that I would ask, but it would be a very slim chance." Her assistant, Brandy, spoke through the phone.

"Four million dollars? They do realize that all of our manufacturing companies are here and not across seas, right?"

"Of course they do, but I think they want to get them here faster and expand so the new Pickup trucks can be placed. They are slightly larger than the old models."

"You think I don't know that? Who do you think approved of the designs?" Santana spat. Her job was REALLY getting on her nerves today. "You know what? Fine, give them 2 million and tell them that's all they get, but I want full reports tomorrow and again at the end of next month. If they don't increase sales I will end their careers, understood?"

"Yes, Ms. Lopez." Brandy squeaked.

"And I want all the model blueprints that have been released this month shipped to my dad's house in California. I want all other copies locked in my office. I'll be damned if another car company steals my models again." Santana huffed.

"Rodger. Also, I was in a staff meeting today and we all are wondering if we should start planning the annual Lopez Motor party?"

"I don't care, but I swear if you invite any of those god damned interns that like to get drunk and be stupid I will fire you, got it?"

"Yes Ms. Lopez. Anything else?"

"No that's all." Santana replied.

"Okay then, bye Ms. Lopez."

"Bye." Santana hung up her phone and let it drop on the couch. She had just finished getting Hannah ready when Emilio walked in with his jacket and a pout on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"I want mommy and auntie Brittany to come wit us. I miss dem." Emilio huffed.

"You want me to call and ask mommy if she wants to come?"

"Mommy!" Hannah cheered.

"You want me to call mommy too?" Santana asked Hannah and she nodded. Santana picked up her phone and called her speed dial number two.


"Hey Q, I was just about to take Emilio and Hannah to go get some toys and Emilio wants you and Brittany to come. You free?"

"To spend time with my son? Of course." Quinn laughed.

"Great, let me call Brittany and we will meet you at the Toys R Us by the mall in ten minutes."

"Okay, see you there. Tell Emilio and Hannah I love them." Santana smiled at Quinn's words. Normally women don't like their exes other children, but Brittany and Quinn were a big exception.

"I will, bye." They both hung up and Santana pressed speed dial number three on her phone.


"Hey Britt."

"Santana? Is everything okay?" Brittany panicked.

"Whoa B, calm down, everything's fine. I was just calling to ask if you wanted to hang out with Me, Emilio, Hannah, and Quinn?"

"Oh, yeah of course. Where are we going?"

"We are going to Toys R Us and then maybe out to lunch? I want to spend some time with all of you and Emilio wants you to come too."

"Yeah, I'll be there." Brittany replied.

"Awesome, ten minutes?"

"Sounds good. See you soon." Brittany hung up the phone and I looked down at Hannah. Her blue eyes were staring back into my chocolate brown ones. I smiled and she mirrored it.

"Emilio are you ready to go?" I called.

"Yeah, I just had to make sure my heroes were tucked in." Emilio answered. He ran back into the living room and we headed to the door. I made sure I had my keys, phone, and Hannah's diaper bag before leaving.


After we left Toys R Us, we headed to Panera Bread. Quinn and Brittany were chatting about something as we walked into the restaurant. Brittany was holding Emilio's hand and I had Hannah in my arms.

"Where do you guys want to sit?" I asked them.

"I want to sit in da boof!" Emilio cheered.

"It's booth, Emilio." Quinn corrected.

"Oh, I want to sit in da booth."

"Okay." I giggled at his crazy antics and we made our way over to the booth at the back of the restaurant.

"Do you know what you want to order?" I ask both of the women sitting with me.

"I want a Chicken Cesar salad." Quinn answered.

"I want a cheese bagel sandwich." Brittany told me.

"Okay, I'll go order, and I'm gonna get the kid some soup." I told them. They nod and I walk up to the register. Just as I was about to place my order, I hear the door open and I quickly glance at the door. In walked Rachel in all her perfection.

"Santana?" She called when she saw me.

"Rachel! Hey!" I beamed and pulled her into a hug. Quinn and Rachel were now looking over at us with confused faces.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm having lunch with Quinn and Brittany." I answered.

"Emilio and Hannah's mothers?" Rachel quirked and eyebrow.

"Yeah. I told you we're all like best friends." I chuckle.

"I know, I just didn't know they liked to hang out with you like this. But I'm just going to grab some food and I'll be out of your way. I would want to ruin your lunch." Rachel told me.

"Nonsense, you should come join us. Quinn and Brittany don't mind, and Emilio and Hannah love you." I replied.

"I don't know." Rachel looked hesitant.

"Please? It would mean the world to me if you could all get along."

"Okay, I'll join you guys." Rachel smiled.

Quinn's POV

I wonder who that girl Santana is talking to is. She looks so familiar.

"Emilio, who is mami talking to?" I ask my son.

"That's her friend, Rachel. She is really nice and she can sing really good!"

"Really? Does she come over Mami's house?" I ask.

"She comed over once. She singed the piderman song for me!"

"She looks like someone I know." Brittany said to me.

"I was thinking the same thing." I replied. After a minute of Emilio and Hannah talking about random things, Santana and the Rachel girl started on their way over to us. I smiled at them knowing that Santana was probably dating this girl.

"Hey guys, this is my friend Rachel. She's going to be having lunch with us."

Rachel's POV

When I heard Santana say that I was her friend I couldn't help but feel a little sad. I really want her to ask me to be her girlfriend. I understand that Emilio and Hannah aren't comfortable with their parents dating others but I really want to be introduced as her girlfriend.

"Hi, I'm Rachel." I put on a huge smile, but I couldn't help but to feel like an outsider. Not to mention that both of these women are insanely gorgeous. One woman had these bright blue eyes that made you want to stare into them all day. Hannah had the same eyes so I guess that meant that she was Brittany. The other lady, I assume is Quinn, had mesmerizing hazel eyes just like Emilio.

This made me think we I earth Santana would want me after she's had these two beauties. I now know why she hasn't asked me to be her girlfriend. Why would she when she has these two?

"Hi, I'm Brittany. It's really nice to meet you." The blue eyed one stuck her hand out and I shook it with a smile.

"Hi, Brittany. It's really nice to meet you too."

"And I'm Quinn." Quinn did the same and I shook her hand as well.

"Hi Rachel! Do you 'member me?" Emilio asked.

"Of course I remember you buddy. How could I forget?" I giggled.

"I dunno. Sometimes abulea calls me Santiago."

"That's because you remind her a lot of abuelo." Santana reminded him.

She guided me to the booth that Emilio was sitting in and Quinn and Brittany were sitting on the other side. When she set the tray down Quinn and Brittany grabbed what I assumed was their food. Quinn took Emilio's soup and put two ice cubes from her water so it wouldn't be too hot. Santana scooted Hannah's highchair closer to her and began feeding her some soup too. Brittany took Santana's sandwich and cut it into four pieces like Santana does when she makes sandwiches at her house. They worked together so well. Like a family.

"So Rachel, what do you do for a living?" Quinn asked me.

"I'm on Broadway. I'm in a revival of Funny Girl at the moment."

"You're on Broadway? Do you know the play Cats?" Brittany asked, excitedly.

"Yeah, it's my dads favorite."

"Lord Tubbington makes me watch it all the time."

"Tubby!" Hannah cheered.

"Lord…Tubbington?" I asked slowly.

"He's her gigantic cat." Santana told me.

"Tana! He's not gigantic. He just needs to lose a little weight." Brittany corrected.

"No Britt, he's huge."

"He's not. All I have to do is get him to stop smoking and unjoin that gang, and we should be able to get him back to his normal self." Was she serious?

"He started smoking again?" Santana asked, seriously. I guess she really is serious.

"Yeah, I guess his gang members made him. I told him that if he didn't stop he couldn't be around Hannah anymore. I don't know if he quit yet because I refuse to talk to him after he deleted all of my Dancing with the Stars episodes on my Tivo, but I think he is going to stop. I have a really good feeling about it."

"That's great, B. If you need me to come and talk some sense into him I will. I don't want my daughter around him if he is such a bad influence." Santana replied as she continued to feed Hannah.

"I'm sure that Lord Tubbington will quit." I told her.

"Me too, B." Quinn added.

"Yeah, just tell him dat mami will put him in time out if he doesn't." Emilio told her.

"I already told him that, but he still doesn't listen. And he leaves the toilet seat up. I always fall in."

By the end of lunch I can't help but feel closer to Santana. Hopefully she asks me to be her girlfriend soon. Wish me luck.