Allen Walker glared through half lidded eyes at the man hovering above him. A soft moan escaped the silveretts lips as he attempted to get up. Soon stopped by a pounding in his head, the boy just closed his eyes again as a chuckle came from the man looking down at him.

"Shut the hell up Kanda." Allen mumbled, massaging his temples as he opened one eye a crack.

"Moyashi… that was magnificent." Kanda laughed again as Allen let out another groan.

"I am not going to walk for weeks." Allen stuttered out as he clutched his left leg.

"Well, you did fall head first down the stairs. Not to mention, about 70 flights." Kanda laughed, smirking as Allen squinted up at him in anger.

"I think you forgot to mention the asshole that tripped me. I remember now, he had really GIRLY hair." Allen shot back and Kanda's eyes froze.

"What did you just say?" The long-haired stoic warrior spit back at the injured boy.

"You heard me." Allen laughed. "I said a GIRLY HAIRED ASSHOLE tripped me."

Kanda grabbed Allen by the collar, pulling him up like a rag doll so they were facing each other. Leaning in, Kanda growled at the smirking boy. "At least I don't have old man hair." He shot back and Allen froze.

"Old man hair?!" Kanda nodded and kept his grip on Allen's shirt. "YOU ASSHOLE!"

"Oy Moyashi, can you hear me? Or are your ears already failing you?"

"I am sorry, Madame, were you talking to me?"

"Why you pipsqueak!"

"Better that then a woman!"

"Why, I am going to kill you. And I wouldn't mention that, judging by your feminine features. Last time I checked only girls had big eyes and long eyelashes."

"Obviously not, because you have narrow eyes yet you are still a woman!"

"I am going to KILL YOU!"

"Ha, I would rather that then have to spend one more second looking at that atrocity you call a face."

The two began to bicker, unaware of the crowd that had silently gathered, watching them. A red haired usagi bounded up and took a short look at the two fighting men. Then in a fluid motion, the rabbit pushed their heads together, causing them to kiss. Then Lavi fled the scene as a shocked silverett and black-haired samurai stood there, lip locked. That gave the bystanders enough time to also flee the scene, knowing what would come next. The pair's eyes widened as they pulled apart quickly.

"LAVI!" The two screamed in unison and took off after the bookman, one with a sword drawn and the other slightly limping.

Haha I couldn't help it lol!