A/N: Thank you everyone very much for following my story. If you are interested in this type of subject in the Avatar world, then check out my other story: The Fire Nation School, After the War. That story is not linked to the events in this one in any way.

The Fire Nation School Chapter 3:

"Him, the one with the headband!"
The thin pointer finger slightly wrinkled with age was directed straight at Aang. At this outburst the room got silent, the party forgotten. Aang's eyes grew wide as he passed a look to Katara. Shuffling of children was heard, and Aang didn't have time to notice what they were doing.

Oonji felt a tap on her shoulder she turned her head slightly as she didn't want to be noticed by the guards. She quickly recognized him as Roshen, a boy in many of her classes. He had his belt on his head, went on to point at it frantically, and pointed to hers. She realized what him and everyone around her was doing just in time, as one of the guards was coming towards them. Grabbing it as fast as she could, Oonji clasped the sash in her hands and quickly tied it on her forehead. She turned away from the guard and once more felt a hand on her shoulder. This time the hand was more of gripping her forcibly, she let it turn her around.

"Looking for me?" She mustered up all the 'sweetness' she could and wore a large smile. The guard's face fell from her previously smug expression, her brown eyes darkened. She ignored Oonji and moved to Roshen. He seemed to have the same look on his face as she did before but instead he said,
"What is it?"

After the commotion was moved away from her Oonji saw the three mysterious kids run to the back of the cave, accompanied by Kuzon. Solid rock moved with a bang. No one seemed to notice. The girl Oonji remembered with black hair dangling over her eyes put herself in a tight stance, and pulled down with her arms, her hands in fists. They leaped into the newly formed hole in the wall. Astounded by this Oonji slowly made her way to the exit for the cave, once she was out of sight she ran to try to find where they went.

They had just made it to Appa everyone was on but Aang and Toph. Sokka was stretched out in the saddle, Katara shoving his feet away. Toph rocketed herself up using a pillar of earth landing on Sokka's stomach.

"Watch it Snoozles!" She snapped.

"You landed on me!" He replied cringing.


Katara rolled her eyes at the pair, and watched as Aang manipulated the air around him, using the currents to push him up on Appa's head.

"Hang on!" He called, looking back at them.

Toph just clung onto the side of the saddle; Sokka had retracted from his laying down position and was now propped against the saddle's side.

Oonji's eyes went wide. She was hiding in the brush on the side of the cave that obscured the path between the front and the back. Her hand moved the green away so her eyes could focus on the kids.


Her mind was moving so fast she could barely comprehend, so Kuzon had lied even more than she thought. She took in the beast they were riding, the earthbender girl, and Kuzon. If that's even his real name, she thought. And what was that thing he just did….Airbending? She had never seen it before, of course, but she read about it, the people who could fly but were too weak and evil to be in this world. They fought the Fire Nation! Of course he's a bad one, right? Her conflicting thoughts were too much for her to handle.

A lump the size of her fist formed in her throat. She swallowed, trying to alleviate the feeling. She didn't want anything to do with this. Yeah I was curious, but I didn't expect him to actually be the Avatar! She thought. Her mind was racing as she witnessed the beast take off, soon the children and the boy she once called a friend were gone.