Approximately a year has passed since the vampires have taken over the entire world. They wreaked absolute chaos, and killed many of humans along the way. The humans that were not killed were being sent to each town square to be sold to the vampires running the town. They would forever become their slaves, doing whatever was asked of them, no matter what the cost.

Dark, grey clouds filled the sky in the small devastated town. Caroline Forbes sat with her legs crossed on a dark green bench that had been there since her childhood. That part of her life now seems decades ago as so much has changed. Her eyes were glued to her lap, watching as her thumbs danced around each other nervously. She was to be sold as a slave, against her will. Caroline swore that there was thousands of people in the town square this morning. The most that had been in this town square, ever.

As she warily surveyed the area, she frowned as she hardly recognized her once beloved town. The once friendly town of Mystic Falls was never dull. There was always something going on, whether it was festivals, balls or local town parties. But, she surmised, times have drastically changed. Especially since the vampires have taken over.

Caroline heard through the rumor mill that vampires were originally created in this town, and the originals were set on using it as the capital of the new world. What she wanted more than anything was to escape this god forsaken town. Search out the rumored humans that were hiding under ground and help take this world back in the hands of the humans. The idea of having it ruled by blood thirsty vampires was too much to process for the once bouncy and bright young girl.

At this point, Caroline simply waited inside of her once cozy and safe home, to be rounded up by a group of vampires that would lead her to the town square. There she would be auctioned off and old Caroline would meet her inevitable demise. After all, small piece of earth that she was claiming one last time as her own property was surrounded by ruthless vampires who were ready to kill anyone who dared to step out of line.

Caroline had been walking down the street, early this morning. She needed some food from the grocery store. The sun was just beginning to rise, and the sky was a beautiful burnt orange color. Something that she had never seen. She was hoping that no vampires would be out at this hour. Walking along the street, Caroline did her best to be as stealth as she could. She was dressed in a black hoodie, and black sweats. Seeing the store in the distance, she increased her walking speed. Suddenly, a man appeared out of nowhere, causing her to come to a hault. Looking up at him, she knew in her gut that he was not human. Her mind formed a plan to pivit and run back to her home a mile away. She backed up, but arms wrapped around her, and her feet left the ground. "Let go of me!" She kicked, but it did no harm against the vampire. He carried her to the back of a white van and tossed her inside as if she was a toy. Without another word, he shut the doors.

After the vampires had kidnapped her off of the street earlier, she was allowed to go back to her home to find a 'sexy' outfit to wear for the auction. She refused to give in so soon, until she was sold off she would retain as much free will as possible. She grinned as she put on the ugliest dress that she owned, it would be considered pretty by some, but still, it was far from sexy.

Caroline was the fashion queen of old Mystic Falls. Her dress was a dull grey, with a lace pattern draped over it in a matching grey. She wore heels of the same color, and her usual butterfly necklace that her mother had given her for her eighteenth birthday. One of her hands reached up and touched the necklace; she smiled sadly as she closed her eyes. Never would she know the fate of her mother. Since she was the town Sheriff, she only suspected that she was one of the first to be killed. That was the last thing that Caroline wanted to think of right now.

"You're up, sweetheart. Last one of the day." A vampire said to her. She glanced up and caught his taunting gaze, this only made her angrier. Caroline swiftly stood up and he grabbed her arm.

"Don't touch me!" She snapped at him, pulling away from his grasp.

"Feisty, I like that." He teased. Caroline glared daggers at him. "Don't worry sweetheart, I would bid on you if I could." He moved from standing next to her, to standing behind her. She rolled her eyes, realizing that men would never change, even as vampires.

As Caroline got closer to the staging area, she could see the crowds of vampires ahead of her. There were a lot more than she had been expecting. Some of them were familiar faces, people she has known since she was a little girl. There were vampires all over her town.

"Up the stairs." He guided her, she wasn't sure if she should turn around and slap him, thinking she was so stupid not to notice stairs, or keep walking. Caroline sauntered up the three steps and continued out onto the stage, overlooking the massive crowd of vampires. It was much bigger than she had suspected. There had to be more auctions like this around the world not only in Mystic Falls, though judging by the amount of people, surrounding towns must have brought their humans here to be auctioned as well.

She did her best to remain calm, not wanting them to hear the spike in her heartbeat. A proud female vampire strolled over to her with a wide smile, all teeth.

"Here we have Caroline Forbes. She has lived Mystic Falls all her life." She said looking at her. "How tragic." She let out a laugh and the other vampires joined in. Caroline glared at the tall brown haired girl. How the hell did she know that she hasn't traveled anywhere?

"Can we just get this over with?" Caroline snapped.

"Well, then. Let's just obey the little human's wishes, shall we." The girl looked over Caroline. "Hmm, I think the bidding will start at a dollar." Her head shot over to the vampire conducting the auction, she shrugged. Caroline was fuming. She could hear vampires calling out numbers, all in hopes of owning her.

The last number she heard was 50.

"75!" A new voice called out, she looked over to the male. His hair and eyes were a similar brown; he was dressed in a simple black suit. Everyone turned to look at him, almost as if they were in shock of him speaking. The other voice spoke up. Their glances went to the other male, judging him for challenging the male in the suit.

"350" He called out defiantly.

"1,000." The brown haired male said with ease. Silence fell over the crowd.

"Going once." The girl said with a huff. "Going twice." Caroline glanced over at her and saw the girl's eyes roll. "Sold to Elijah."

There were a few claps, but Caroline just walked off the other side of the stage towards the same man that brought her to the stage minutes earlier. He simply shrugged as Elijah walked over to her. "Good luck." The man said.

"Come, Caroline. It's time to get you and the others situated at your new quarters, is that understood?" He spoke with such formality that it had left Caroline shocked. She had to force herself to nod.

"Come." He stated turning around and walking towards a vehicle that was parked in the street. It was a sleek black pickup truck. Reaching into his pocket, he grabbed the keys and unlocked the truck. He walked over to the bed and pulled down the handle.

"Get in." Caroline looked at him, hoping that he was joking. "You don't want to get on my bad side, Miss. Forbes. I will punish you, right here right now, if you make me." He threatened.

She quickly climbed inside the bed of the truck and sat down with a huff. Elijah shot her a sharp look as he shut the door and walked over to the driver's seat. He moved the truck out of its parking spot and slowly drove off.

As Caroline sat there, her arms crossed over her chest, she couldn't help but think of how easily she could jump out of the truck right now. She could run as fast as possible, though the vampire could out run her, she reminded herself. The only other option would be to jump and hope for a quick death, perhaps that would be more pleasant than a life of servitude.

She couldn't help but wonder why she was the only one in the bed of the truck. Her eyes widened as she feared the worst. She hoped that she wasn't the only slave in his home, if so Caroline knew she wouldn't make it very long. She sighed again, looking at her surroundings. They had traveled from the middle of town, to the woods.

She sat up straight as he turned, beginning to drive down a side street. An enormous mansion came into view, never in her life had she seen a home that was so grand. The beige house seemed as if it was three separate buildings, one front wing then a wing to the right and left, in a slight 'U' shape. She was in awe.

The truck came to a stop in front of the home, her new home. Elijah got out of the truck and opened the bed, watching her every move. Caroline stood up and walked out, her head held high.

"Follow me." He spoke, leading her around the left side of the home to the massive back yard. There, were dozens of more slaves and two familiar faces. Elena and Matt. She smiled, at least she wasn't entirely alone.

"Get in line." A blonde girl snapped at her. Caroline opened her mouth to snap back at her but she hesitated, and did what she was told. Elijah got up on the patio that was raised from the grass they were standing on.

"Welcome to the Mikaelson house. You will be making sure this house is spotless, keeping up the garden and pool, making us human food if we desire and even your blood on our request. Half of you will be inside working the house, half outside. You will address us as Mr. or Miss. Mikaelson. If any of our requests are not made. You will be punished, that punishment will be decided by whomever is observing at the point. According to where you will be placed, your uniform will project it. Inside humans will not be allowed outside, and outside not allowed in, unless instructed by one of us. You may be asked to switch and go outside, or in. Where you strive will surely be your permanent position. Now, I will choose where you each will go."

With that, he made his way down the steps and went through the lines naming off where we would go. Caroline paid close attention to where Matt and Elena were to be serving. They both were ordered to be inside. Elijah stood in front of Caroline and looked down at her like an ant. "Outside." He said to her then spoke louder. "Outsides follow me, inside follow Miss. Mikaelson."

He led the group further into the woods. Caroline groaned softly, she got the feeling that she would never leave these woods alive. She had never worked a day in her life, let alone outdoors. She was never one to start digging in the mud, as a child she would freak out when she became dirty. As she looked around the more disgusted she became. This was going to be hell.

They came to a stop at a large cabin. Mr. Mikaelson led them inside and showed them their sleeping quarters. Caroline felt absolutely disgusted, the floors were nothing but dirt. It consisted of four beds per room, a main kitchen, living room and two bathrooms.

After the tour, he told them about the uniforms which must be worn at all times. First, he showed the men theirs. A maroon shirt with jet black jeans and tennis shoes. The women's outfit was similar. Their shirt was maroon, though it had an overlay of lace in the same color. It had a sweetheart neckline and a small ruffle at the bottom. The lace went to a cuff sleeve with a nude underlay. The pants were claimed to be black jeans, however they were leggings along with flats. Caroline rolled her eyes. This was officially hell.

Mr. Mikaelson called out the names of those who were 'outsiders' and handed them out. Once her name was called, Caroline walked up front and snatched it out of his hands. Thankfully he didn't punish her.

"Now go get your uniforms on and get to work. I believe we should start with the leaves." With a chuckle, he left the cabin.

Niklaus Mikaelson stood at the large white quartered window in his room. He observed the grounds from inside. His eyes rolled at the absurd outfits his sister was making the pathetic humans wear. He would have chosen simple jeans and a nice shirt, but his sister insisted on having them be semi-formal.

The newest servants had just walked out of their cabin, and almost all of them began to pick weeds. He had to laugh as seeing them on their hands and knees feverishly working out of nothing but fear was quite pitiful. It was then he noticed the one standing slave.

A blonde girl walked to the side, she slowly leaned over, picking up a weed as if she were afraid of getting her hands dirty. She quickly tossed it to the ground and wiped her soiled hand on her new leggings. She walked a few more steps before repeating the same process. He was fuming. Niklaus wanted nothing more than to march down the stairs and punish her right there, but he was not on duty. Not yet.

Hey guys!

Here is a new story of mine! Its a co-write with Klauslove. She has helped me in so many ways and I can't thank her enough!

Please let me know what you think, I really love to hear what you think

I don't own anything vampire diaries related, sadly.