Sarah opened her eyes and stretched. She dressed and ran to the Doctor's room to see how he was of his wounds, but on the bedroom door was a note that said: "We have landed. I'm outside. P.S. Do not worry, it is safe."

Sarah left the TARDIS and saw that they were in a large cemetery. All around only were graves. It seemed a planet dedicated solely to eternal rest. It was nice and sad at the same time. What were they doing there?

It was not difficult to find the Doctor. He was kneeling before a grave and wearing his coat, his hat, his scarf... it was he again, Sarah Jane thought.

The journalist went to where his friend was and she read the name written on the tombstone.

'Thomas Ian Murray'.

"It is a tomb for Tom?" Sarah asked.

"I think he deserves a decent rest: he was a good man, though he never existed."

"He exists, and is not dead. He is you, Doctor. He always was you."

"Am I? He acted like me at all."

"Because you did not remember who you were, Time Lord, but I saw that your human life was not happy and you wanted to be that you had forgotten."

"You wanted a lot to my previous incarnation, Sarah. You came back to meet 'him' and yet you looked for 'me' all the time. Why?"

"Because I saw you weak and dying, remember? I suffered a lot when I thought you were dead, before you changed. That suffering I could not have dreamed at all. So I always knew you were really you."

The Doctor smiled without looking away from Murray's tomb.

"You did not let yourself be fooled easily. Good girl."

Sarah shook her head.

"That's not entirely true: I never thought that the other doctor could be an impostor."

"Of course. You never thought I could hurt you."

"It was horrible when Sholak attacked me with the appearance of your former body."

"Luckily I got there in time."

"No matter if you're human or Time Lord. You're always there when I need you most."

The Doctor smiled. "I did not want to lose you," he thought to himself.

"What have you buried?" Sarah asked.

"His clothing. Although I regret that Sholak shattered them."

"Will you miss being human?"

The Doctor did not answer. True, as a human he wanted to be a Time Lord, but when it was time to end his humanity he wept, and it was the Doctor himself and not Tom who did it, because he was giving up the only thing for what it worthwhile being human: he was giving up to spend the rest of his life with Sarah Jane Smith.

"You and I love that woman, don't we, Doctor? But if I release you we won't be able to have her."

And that was something that troubled him. He loved her, he had always wanted her, but his condition of Time Lord prevented him from love. When he believed himself human there was no reason not to express his feelings for her, he almost kissed her, but ultimately chickened out, and as his eyes were closed he could not see the reaction of the young woman. He did not know if she would reciprocate or reject him. If she would have rejected him it would have been bad for him. If she would have reciprocated him it would have been worse. But he wished that she would have reciprocated him. He wished tell his companion that when he fell asleep he dreamed that she kissed him and that was the most wonderful dream he had in a long time.

What the Doctor was burying in that tomb were his deepest feelings for Sarah Jane Smith; the only thing for what worthwhile being a human.

"Doctor? Are you okay? You're very quiet," Sarah asked worried about her friend.

"I was thinking."

"What were you thinking?"

"What about if you and me go on holiday one week?" He said getting up and smiling at the girl.

Sarah smiled excited. The Doctor put his right hand on the left shoulder of his friend and together they went to the TARDIS.

For them both it was better to think that the kiss that was about to happen on that gray planet was only a delusion. Nothing there was real.

Nothing except the Doctor, Sarah Jane, and what they felt for each other.

The End