Our life is like a broken record going over and over never to stop, all we think about is the normal goals we want with the want for a family, good job, love, marriage, a house with a white fence big yard with a dog running that is our broken record. Then someone decides to change the record and play outside the boundaries that was their life.

He grunted at the alarm Beeping to get him up on his phone, his orange mane ruffled with his pillow as he awakened to the sound, he sighed and answered the phone.
"Hai" he yawned as he raised from his bed, boxer briefs on and lazy amber eyes.

" Koursaki there is a meeting in a hour" Uarhara spoke with the serious tongue his wife taught him well.

"Fine... Will she be there?" Ichigo asked hoping for the best, he had grown a feeling for the silent killer with her additue and spunk for the job.

" I know you are fond of her but perhaps you should think of someone other then her, she is new and all but doesn't say a word... But yes she will be there it is about her" Urahara knew the prim reason too.

" Alright then... I'll see ya in a hour " Ichigo sighed and ended the call, he hurried out of his room to be greeted by the best known sniper in the business Uryuu. He knew since highschool and when Urahara picked them for training in the program.

" Ichigo do you have any idea why we are to attend a meeting for the silent?" he asked moving his glasses up on his nose.

"No idea but god knows why we have to... Do you think it'll be about her lack of words" Ichigo scratched the back of his hand questioning his thoughts.

" possibly, she's the quietest ever... But I heard she is the best at the job " Uryuu hated the fact she was all rounded in weapons spots he felt like he could be replaced anytime with her to battle she was the best and didn't rub it in which was a sting for the boy.

" Don't worry we all feel replaceable for her status but she is the special assassin " Ichigo know her title like the back of his hand.

she tightened the belt of her trench coat as she exited the SUV that burned in the bright sun with it's black paint. Her large heels clicking the ground as her black attire swayed with her. She reached the building empty with a few body guards here and there, she had only watched the place for three days but she knew the drill watch for a little. As the large male guard approached and looked into her violet eyes under her black sunglasses he asked a simple question.

" Do you have a appointment for being here in the morning?" his voice was deep and solid as the non emotion played on her pale face. With a quick movement she pulled out her hand gun with a silencer ' you have a appointment with death' she though as she pulled the trigger and the mans throat was shot.
She glanced at the others at he fell to the ground with quick shots, she killed everyone of them with a shot to the head, throat, heart or the suffering way several to the stomach.
She loved her job in the morning the smell of blood and death in the air as she walked down the large empty hallway with the gun in hand, she turned to the closed office door and slid it open easily were a business man with two strippers were. One dancing on him the other giving him pleasure down blow she smirked and held the gun to her side as the man grew wry of her presences as a smile shined on his face.
" Ah! I didn't order a third what a surp-" the bullet hit his skull and went threw the other side into the wall, the strippers were screaming at the sight.

The high pitch screams were giving her a headache and she quickly ended it with a bullet threw the throat, the walk to her car was silent as she walked past the pools of blood with a click of her heels. She leaped into the car and sped off to head quarters she was already late for the meeting as she stamped ' COMPLETE' on the file as she sped down the road.

As the car came to a halt she grabbed the file and walked into the large glass window building as the bell boy took her car away. She entered to see the strawberry blonde behind the desk " your late " she spoke only to get a shrug, her head was pounding like a drum she wanted no sound as she entered the elevator that sped to the 9th floor were the whole company was, she sighed as the door opened and she walked threw the crowd of fellow killers who smiled at her lateness. " Glade you decide to fucken show up Kuchiki" Uarhara yelled causing her to walk forward. She didn't want his non sense today or right now for the matter, she placed the file on the large dark wood desk and swiftly slid the folder to his finger tips.

" Why the hell did you finish this mission! It was supposed to keep you all week!" he exclaimed raising from his chair as he yelled causing her head ache to get worse as he bladdered on and on about shit. She rubbed her temple and had enough, she swiftly pulled out her gun and shot, he stood there shocked at first like the whole room as she stared. No aim, no voice just the bullet that skimmed his ear and logged in to the wall. She looked at him with a shut-the-fuck-up look in her eyes, she pocketed her gun and sighed again.

" can I at least get a explanation " Uarhara spoke glancing down at the file only to get silence from the woman " Fine then! This meeting was called because we have gotten a new assignment for the crock of crime Aizen Sousken he has been known for thief of banks, murders of people, our clients is his main man Gin Ichimaru who has discovered that Aizen killed his mother. Aizens wife Momo has been running in hiding for her life since her husband has been on a killing rage, for six months Aizen has been hiding with his wife for a unknown reason" the case was huge for the business.

"Who's on the file?" Ichigo asked eyeing the silent beauty as she listened to the man speak he honestly wanted to be on the case with her since she is the best plus he wanted quality time to see her.

" We will have Uryuu on the sniper, Chad explosives, Orhime the distraction, Tatsuki driver, Ichigo and Rukia will be the main killers... There will be a plane heading to Las Noushes islands in 19 hours there with a partner I assign you, you'll room with this assignment requires chemistry with your partner. Tatsuki and Chad will be partners because their the escape, Uryuu and Orhime for the reason Uryuu is watching you and Rukia with Ichigo since your killing... Oh and miss kuchiki no speeding threw this one" Uarhara explained getting a knife thrown at his head but landed in the wall.

Rukia was fine with the partnering Ichigo was a sexy and hot with his hair, look but she was not interested for the reason she never know him or anything plus all the woman who worked there were all googly eyed over him. But she won't complain she could become a friend or a acquaintance.

" And since Kuchiki is silent, Koursaki your bonding will start now good luck with the silent killer" Uarhara was serious she was the silent killer for a month she has done nearly 169 cases this was ridiculous.

Ichigo was dumbfounded with the news he'll be rooming with her, flying on the same plane but now spending more time with her it was a dream. " But Uarhara I'm working on a case at the moment" he realized the fact.

" Well I'm sure Kuchiki can help finish the case in minutes since she doesn't it all the time" he hissed looking at the woman who had a evil grin on her face. He glanced over at Ichigo who was being dragged out the door by her as he knew the plan was working well.

The elevator was silent with her presence beside him looking forward, he wanted to do other things at the moment with her " You ready for this mission?" he asked getting a nod yes.

"Do you talk at all?" he wanted looking at her beauty he wondered what was under there. She shrugged her shoulders as the steel doors opened and the beauty walked with a spunky step when the desk women called her " Rukia" she called and the women looked at her turning to her with a smile on her lips " Your brother called from Las Nouched islands saying he needed to talk with you also Uarhara decided to set you up with a shrink for the lack of word-" a gun shot hit the celling from Rukia she was pissed. The woman looked at her worried and scared at the ceiling that was crumbling when Uarhara appeared in the door way "WHAT THE HELL-" Rukia glared at him and took the paper and walked to him. He looked scared at the women as she knocked him to the ground and shoved it done his throat she held a gun to his temple holding the trigger " She found out about the shrink Uarhara " Yoruichi snickered at the side when Jinta chuckled " Ruki-chan he drove the Hummer today" Jinta squealed as the women she grabbed the paper from his mouth a held it in front of him pointing at the shriek " Cancel or-" she pulled the trigger and the paper was to pieces "you die" Uarhara finished.

Rukia smirked and headed to the buildings door with Ichigo behind her, she went to the door of the black sports car and got in. She looked at Ichigo who had a surprised face " This is your car?" he spoke and she nodded as he got inside. She started the black speeding beauty and drove down the road, he looked at her with a awe face she was perfect. " To the right the building is called 'Spark Cop' the victim is the CEO he was told for ford and cuts on a employee who is paying for this" he explained as she pulled up at the large glassed windowed building the door was unlocked but the man was all the way on the top floor he was here early everyday so he could have his way with his assistant. Rukia sighed and got out of the car she headed inside the building tighting her coat belt.

When she got into the small area with a front desk she found a single guard that she shot between the eye she went to the door and signaled Ichigo inside as he followed then together went to the stairs. She walked up the stairs easily in her high ass heels like a goddess she leaned against a wall with the gun by her side she glanced at the orange haired man and smiled lightly "You have a nice smile" he whispered she raised her gun pointing at him he gulped as she pulled the trigger and heard a body drop to the floor. She giggled softly at his though of her killing him just for the comment " Thanks" he whispered she placed her finger on his lips and put her gun inside her coat her eyes spoke wait-here-I'll -come-get- you-when -we're-clear and he nodded as she stepped into the hallway with a swift movement. " Hey there beautiful want to have so fun" a guard spoke she looked at him with a sexy smile and he grabbed her tossed her to a wall, he started to kiss her neck with her thigh in his hand lifting her leg.

Ichigo glared at the sence of the guard with his silent beauty when he saw Rukia grab her gun and point it at his heart like she was touching him then shot the man went limp in her arms. He watched her drag the body into a office and then close the door as she walked out. He smiled at the women with her plan that's when he saw her look down the hall to see a guard " ADAM!" the guard spoke and walked down the hall with a gun in hand "Adam come on this isn't funny" the guard spoke and walked in front of the office he stopped and looked around when Rukia placed the gun on his neck "A-Adam" the guard stuttered. She rolled her eyes " Who's this?" the guard spoke Rukia leaned to his ear " The person who killed you" she whispered and shot the body went limp she caught it before it made a sound and dragged it into the office.

She closed the door and went to Ichigo who was silent when she arrived she waved him all clear and he approached her, they walked down the hallway " Your good at this job" he whispered getting a nod in return from her when she pulled him into a corn close to her, she heard guards walking on the other side 4 to be pacific. She noted the smirk on Ichigos face at the closeness she raised 4 fingers and pointed at him then raised two fingers basically saying ' there are four guards you get two and I get the other two' he nodded and went out shot two guards and she did as well when they reached the office were the man was, they heard moaning from the door and figured out what was going on it the office " Rukia you go in first-" she placed a finger on his lips and moved to the door slid it open to reveal the man and women having 'fun' the man looked up with a smile "Looks like I have a watcher" he spoke. Rukia smiled " Welcome to my office" he spoke when she raised her gun " Welcome to death" Rukia spoke and shot the man he went limp on top of the women as she screamed at her dead lover, Rukia rubbed her temples she was getting a worse head ache and shot the women getting silence at the dead bodies. She walked out to Ichigo who was gapping like a fish " You killed my victim" he spoke and she shrugged.

Ichigo was angry at the fact she killed his pray and didn't care that she did. He looked over at her as she walked passed the corpses with her slight hop and her hair moving in the breeze as she moved " Are you going to repay me some how?" he spoke causing her to stop and turn to him.

Was he serious it was a kill not a big deal.. What could he possibly want from me? He could have any girl like Orhime who wanted to throw herself at him she was full figure. She nodded at his question for a yes he smiled at her. She smiled back.

"Well then I guess we're gonna have some fun with your repayment Miss. Kuchiki" he snickered as they left the building and jumped into the car and she drove down the road. He couldn't keep his eyes off her " I wonder what such a beautiful creature of yourself sounds like" he smiled as as they came to a stop at a light. She chuckled and shook her head in amusement at his cheesy talk, she snickered and placed a device on her finger to speak her thoughts.

" You really think I'll fall for that crap, you better give me some toast and butter because all you speak is cheese and you just got grilled" the voice spoke it was soft and feminine.

Ichigo was puzzled " Wait... How the hell did you just say that?" he asked looking at her puzzled.

She chuckled lightly " Listen here Strawberry, this is call a voice and mind reader it says everything I am thinking at the moment so I don't have to talk " the voice spoke.

He shook his head is disbelief " You are one mysterious midget woman " he smiled.

"watch you mouth Strawberry or else you'll become your 'victim' back at that building.. Understood" Rukia though

"Yes mother" he teased and she rolled her eyes at his words. "How'd you get into this business anyways?" he saw her face sadden at the moment.

"I rather not talk about it" the machine spoke as she turned a corner toward Uaraharas company, he touched her hand she flinched a little as they came to a stop. " I'll see you tomorrow before the flight... I got to go" she though and the machine spoke but he didn't move a inch she looked up into his amber orbs then looked to her lap and closed her eyes thinking of her past and her reason then she looked back up at him.

" You can tell me I will understand I have a reason too" he gently touched her cheek and cradled her pale, soft skin. "Can you please open up to me at-least... Please " he pleaded her eyes looked at her with soft eyes.

" Maybe some other day" he sighed and opened the door before getting out he looked over at her sad face " Rukia" he spoke and her face looked up at him from her lap " No matter how much cheese I tell you, I only speak the truth for a beautiful women like yourself. What ever the reason you started I'm happy you did cause if you didn't then I'd never would have met you nor spoken to you" he smiled and got out of the car, closed the door when she looked at him with a smile.

" Maybe one day I'll let you hear my voice.. Smooth talk Koursaki Ichigo. But for now thank you for the compliment" she drove off down the road after leaving a confused and baffled man behind.