Losing someone once is scaring,

Losing another seems like bad luck or the heavens wishes for your loves end.

When your heart experiences the first lose, it's only waiting for the next;

Hope and praying to hold your lover longer…

Even when things get messy you never wish for them to flee.

Love and fate are two different things,

But wounded heart is the same.




It all seems familiar—the sound of the heart-monitor. The kill never though he'd be here again, in a room with his wife, holding her hand as she peacefully sleeps. Hisana was enough but now Tatsuki? It didn't seem fair to him.

According to the doctor: the press from the babies was too much for her body, and she became stress—placing all their lives in danger—which lead the doctors to sedate Tatsuki and place her on the watch list. Every half-hour a nurse or doctor would come in: check her heart-rate, blood-pressure and how many centimeters babies have moved.

It's slowly killing him inside—all this caution is only making Byakuya anxious and overly concerned—when his sister came to check on him and Tatsuki, he simply shooed her away and ordered the rest of the killers to go back to the house. He didn't want anyone to see him like this—a hopeless mess—and knowing his wife, she'd tell everyone: "everything's going to be fine, the babies just need a little more time in the oven before being placed on the cooling-rack"—he smirks for the thought; that's exactly what Tatsuki would say right now.

At first Byakuya thought the worse—losing all four: the three babies and his wife—but it seems someone decided to give him a slice of mercy. Either that or Tatsuki's too tough of a cookie to break.

He lays his exhausted head against the hospital bed—both: mentally and physically exhausted—which wasn't helping his situation.

The killer can't help but feeling sleeping beckoning him and tries to fight the urge—he didn't want to fall asleep and have her become worse, but it couldn't be prevented; he's way too tired.

[Flash back]

It's silent, just as he likes it.

A case of silence means: perfection—there's no one alive which he was assigned to deliver. His boss will be over-joyed when reading the report and the phone-call of gratitude from their customer.

Pulling out a stained handkerchief he sighs deeply and wipes his several throwing knives and slides them into their holds inside his suit—not expecting a thing.

As he turns a corner he hears something—more like… someone.

Instantly he readies his knives and listens—he can hear stuttered breathes, sobbing and silent pleads like a groups being tortured or threatened.

Slowly he creeps towards the noise. When he peers behind the wall, he blinks: an elevator filled with targets he missed. How'd they—it doesn't matter, he'll deal with it now; no one will know—

"Throw that blade and I'll make your throat into a sprinkler," the solid metal of the katana burns his throat—it's a woman—he concludes from the scratchy but feminine voice. "Kuchiki Byakuya, I'm glad you understand," he tenses for her knowledge of his name.

"Who are you?" he growls with rage. "How do you know my name? What do you want? What's your business here—"

"All in good-time, Kuchiki," she purrs into his ear.

Byakuya sneers as the mysterious-woman takes his blade, flicks the metal into the elevator.

The crowd of men shriek as the point stabs into the red-button and the doors close—screams is all that can be heard in the silent building.

Swiftly she removes the sword from his throat and sleeves the weapon. "This way, Kuchiki," the woman laughs before he can attack; her hand clasps onto his as she pulls him towards a window—it's been years since he's held hands with a woman.

"Are you insane?!" the male screams.

She snickers before looking over to Byakuya: pale-thin face, calm brown eyes and short raven-locks. "Aren't we all?"

He went to open his mouth to rebut her answer, but the shattering sound of the glass and his frightful scream interrupt his argument.

The woman chuckles for his tight grip on her hand—from the look on his face, he seems about ready to shit his pants—she wants to laugh but holds-back, and flicks a switch on her black belt.

A swift zoom is heard while a thick black-rope claws onto a neighboring building, pulling the two killers onto the roof effortlessly.

Byakuya wraps his arms around her waist tightly as their bodies fly onto the rock covered roof and rolls together as one. When they suddenly stop, he's on-top of the woman and she's on the bottom—laughing loudly.

Somehow he finds her laughter comforting but slightly annoying since it's mocking him—so he thinks, but either way this isn't good. If his boss were to find-out about this encounter, he'd be punished—maybe even killed. 'Having loss ends to a kill only leads blackmail,' he recalls his boss stern-words.

He must kill this woman.

Her laughter stops once his hands wrap around her throat and he pins her down with his weight—choking slightly she glares at the male-killer with a death-wrenching aura. 'He thought: he could kill me so easily?' the woman snickers in her thoughts.

Byakuya purses his lips tightly while he looks into her eyes—they're calm? What?—suddenly her slightly whimpers of choking end, she seems more amused than frightful which is unsettling to him.

"You must be insane!" he exclaims as a smile comes to her lips.

"No, no, you're just cute when you're trying to choke someone out," the woman sighs before locking her legs around his waist, he grunts once being knocked to the ground.

The woman rolls onto Byakuya's body, pinning him down and taking a firm grip on his pale throat. "Plus, you suck at choking someone out," she snickers while his throat echoes with pleads for mercy. "First of all, your thumbs are supposed to down on the wind-pipe: crushing it for an easier kill. Secondly, fingers are to dig and push the back of the neck forward to create a quicker break in the throat. And thirdly, never loosen your hold, Kuchiki."

She releases his throat and the male coughs for air—he's never been chocked-out before, but that was terrifying—especially since she seemed overly-calm about it.

He sits-up as she leans back and pulls out of hand-held computer from her waist-band. "Who the…hell are you?" he coughs.

Not looking towards him, she continued clicking several buttons on the screen. "I'm guessing your boss never told you, huh?" the woman smirks and shakes her head, "That's just like Old Yama."

Byakuya narrows his eyes while rubbing his throat, "Just tell me who you are."

Raising a brow she looks at the killer and begins to make a 'tsking' sound. "So impatient, and hear I thought I'd be working with a well-mannered killer," she sneers, "what bull-shit that was."

"Working together?" he catches on.

"Yeah, as in partners," she eggs before placing the computer back in her waist-line and standing.

"I don't need a partner!" he shouts as she walks away with attitude.

"Oh yeah you will," the woman glances over briefly while clicking buttons on a belt. "The Japanese mafia isn't something to handle with just a single person, not even Old-Yama and my boss could do it alone. You're not better than either, Kuchiki."

"Who are you to talk?" he stands; eyes on her form while she reels the rip-rope back into her harness. "You just tried to kill me. How am I supposed to trust you?"

She sighs heavily and crosses her arms over her chest, "I saved your life, Kuchiki."

"By throwing through a window and—, "he tries.

"I was going to destroy that building after those elevator doors closed," she interrupts; his body tense. "I had the whole buildings sprinklers ringed with acid to get rid of the bodies, then set for a neutral base to be sprayed to hide the acid, afterwards the building will collapse and an explosion will occur."

He stood in silent and looks over to the building, he could see the shimmering acid-drops in the sunlight and the window frame being eaten away rapidly.

"Knowing how I found you, you'd probably be caught in the acid and killed with all the targets, so I took action," the woman flicks the next switch to set the base timer for ten-minutes.

"By holding a katana to my throat and threatening me?" he coldly states.

"You probably wouldn't listen to any other way," she says; turning on her heels she heads towards the ladder leading down to the alley below. "We need to go."

He doesn't rebut as she climbs down the metal ladder and slides to the bottom, he follows silently.

"Tatsuki Arisawa," she suddenly tells him.

Once they reach the alley-way he looks over Tatsuki with a narrow-eye. "What's that?"

"My name," she snickers before walking ahead.

Byakuya could only wait her walk away.

[End of Flash back]

Slowly he awakens from the memory as a delicate hand runs its' fingers through his hair, humming a soothing song beside him.

Turning his head to the side he opens his eyes to see the blurry vision of Tatsuki, rubbing her large-stomach and playing with his hair—a peaceful sight and image to his heart.

"…How are you feeling?" he instantly questions.

Tatsuki smirks as she rests her hand in his raven-locks, "It'll take a more than our children to kill me, Bya," she smiles.

"I know that," he coolly states.

"You're full of shit," Tatsuki sighs as she sits-up, "I know you were worried."

"I was not," he calmly lies.

"Really? So, you didn't order another bed in my room so you can stay over-night?" she points to the futon resting next to her hospital-bed, the exact one the nurse explained the reasoning for it.

Byakuya's grey eyes soften as he blushes for the truth—he did scream and bribe the doctor. "I just worry about you is all," he mutters.

"Sometimes you worry too much, "Tatsuki smiles; hands place on his she grips his fingers tightly. "It's going to kill you someday."

Pulling her knuckles to his lips he kisses them gently, "Have some fate in me Tatsuki, it'll take more than just worry to kill me."

"I hope so," she grins.

The office is silent as the scruffy blonde types on her laptop—it's been quiet for a while since Kaien and the rest of the main-employees were in a meeting about a ball that's to be held soon. Apparently Aizen needed more hands-on-deck for their little party.

Closing her laptop she sighs and looks over to the door—the hallways are empty it seems, well it's to be expected since all the major workers weren't available.

Standing from her seat she walks over to the door to see Karin and Toshiro talking away at the front-counter with little flirtations and meaningless antics.

Hiyori sighs as she looks over to the pile of files that Kaien asked her to take for emailing, and quickly grabs the load. From the swift movement a piece of paper flies into the air and lands on the floor—Hiyori freezes for the sight: it's an image of Rukia walking through town.

Her brown-eyes widen for the image but she calmly takes the picture from the floor, and opens the file to place it inside—just in case Kaien's watching her.

Hiyori's heart-races when she sees all the new-images of the Silent-Killer: at the beach with Ichigo, in the grocery store, driving and many others—he's put together an entire file of images and dates for the woman.

"My next victim," a sudden voice smiles—she hides her fear in her throat and smiles as she looks over to Kaien. "What do you think?"

"The profile and imagery is marvelous," Hiyori says with an interested look. "Why this woman?"

Kaien smirks as he walks into the office, "She's the one that got away."

"Ah, I see," Hiyori sighs before closing the file—she hast to tell Rukia about this now. "I hope you make her death very slow and torturous," her smile becomes murderous.

Kaien grins to his secretary and chuckles "This is why I like you Hiyori," he states before sitting in his chair. "You've got spunk, brilliant ideas' and we think alike."

"You know what they say: great minds think alike," the blonde winks before tucking the file under her arm. "Where should I mail this?"

Kaien quickly writes down an address and hands the sticky-note to Hiyori, who takes the paper and heads to the door. "I'll be right back."

Once the door closes behind her, she looks over to the front-desk where Karin and Toshiro stand still in their flirtatious daze—calmly but quickly Hiyori walks over to the two and interrupts their little chat. "Code: 781," she whispers harshly.

Toshiro looks over to his wife as her expression hardens, "Which road?" Karin questions—code for: one's being hunted.

"Silver King Avenue," Hiyori says with a stern look.

Toshiro tenses for the news before takes the file and sticky-note to play it cool.

Karin closes her eyes to hide her shock: Sliver King—Silent Killer: aka, Kuchiki Rukia.

Staring at the email from Toshiro, Rukia knows she's done for—not dead, but her cover is blown.

Looking over to Ichigo as he sits on the couch watching the monitors, she tightens her jaw and looks over to the rest of the killers in the house. "Code 781," she tells Ichigo.

Everyone freezes for the news and stares at the petite woman as she places her phone on the table.

"781: that's discovered and targeting," Uryuu says while pushing the glasses up his nose.

"Yeah we know," Seanna snaps from the kitchen table—when she notices Rukia frozen in her spot she grows curious. "Who?"

Ichigo stares at Rukia, noticing the crazed look in her eyes since receiving the news—it's a look he's never seen before. "Rukia—"

"It's Kaien, "the petite killer chuckles before pulling a gun from the couch-cushion. "This is going to be so fucking fun," Rukia giggles before setting the gun with a click and standing from the couch.

Ichigo stands and places his hands on her shoulders, "Midget calm down and think—"

"Seanna send out separate addresses to those in the building from our team, but tell Hiyori to keep playing along with Kaien along with another address, so he can't track her to me," Rukia orders; Seanna nods stiffly—Rukia looks over to Uryuu with a cold look, "Uryuu, I want you to monitor the hospital for my brother and—"

"What are you planning?" Ichigo interrupts. "You can't just kill Kaien alone."

Rukia steps back slightly as a bright smile comes to her lips—she looked utterly insane. "Oh, I can and I will," she twirls the gun slightly before placing it in her jean waistline and pulling out a sudden knife. "First put him to sleep and tie him up like a wild-animal," she calmly states. "Then, I'll slowly and carefully carve patches of skin from his body. Afterwards I'll cut off all his fingers and toes in front of him—alive and awake," she laughs before kissing the blade, "then, I'll torture him with many techniques as a thank you."

"You're sounds like a fucking psycho, Rukia," Ichigo growls.

"This," she points to herself, "is what happens after being torture for months on end by the same sick fuck who's killed over a dozen women, and is known for mutilating bodies!" Rukia snarl as she cracks her knuckles. "You go through that shit and tell me how fucking sane you are!"

He's silent—he wouldn't be sane, no one would but he can't have her acting like this until the end of the mission, it would only set the rest of the team off and worried.

"This is probably what he wants," Ichigo states with a cold eye, "You to go crazy and daring."

"Not at all," Rukia smirks before grabbing a Kaien's file from the table. "He's a person who loves fear, so his dying wish is for me to cower in a corner and praying to god for help—like hell I'm going to do that."

"Since you know him so well, what's his first move going to be?" Seanna perks from the corner.

"Easy, a bold statement to show complete control—he's probably got Hiyori to mail my file to his house," Rukia swiftly predicts. "He'll watch from a distance as the package arrives. I'll go to the mail and look inside, read the file outside and become full of fear," the petite killer states, "that's what he wants from his next move."

Seanna purses her lips together as she looks over to Uryuu who's slowly making a profile in his head. "If not, he'll come here today and confront me," Rukia grins, "Oh I hope he does."

Hiyori looks out to the sun-set as she exits the building and heads towards her car, stepping off the curve and heading towards the drivers-side she feels eyes on her, but doesn't look over to see who's watching her.

Climbing into the vehicle she closes the door and adjusts the review-mirror to see a car in the distance—Kaien car to be exact; he's leaving the parking-lot and saw her getting into her car. It seems normal.

The blonde turns the key and the engine rumbles but doesn't start—she tries again and nothing. Over and over, the car never starts.

She hisses as she gets out of the car and opens the hood—looking around she notices that nothing seems to be wrong with the vehicle.

"Need a ride?" a kind voice questions; Hiyori looks over to see Kaien. "Don't worry, I'm not Stark—I don't bit."

She chuckles for the joke and sighs while closing the hood—she still needs to get closer to the enemy, right?

Once grabbing her purse from the car and getting into the car, she locks the broken-down vehicle. "This sucks," the blonde sighs.

"Yeah," Kaien starts as he pulls out of the parking-lot. "Along with the fact, no mechanic or tow-trucks run after six, so you'll have to get it towed in the morning."

"Really? I didn't know that till now," Hiyori grumps as she places her phone down.

When the blonde notices Kaien stopping at a red-light she looks over the street. "Make a left at the next set of lights," she instructs; he nods.

But once the next set of lights occurs, he turns right instead—she tenses and chews on her inner-cheek; this was the way to the head-quarters where Rukia is at the moment. "You made the wrong turn, Kaien," she tells him.

"Oh no I didn't," he chuckles; suddenly the car doors lock.

Hiyori remains calm and sighs, "I don't know what you're planning but I'll play along."

"Good," the murder sings as he comes to the street—when he parks in front of headquarters, Hiyori doesn't know what to do.

"Why'd you take me here?" Hiyori questions.

Kaien opens his door and steps out, leaning inside he winks at the blonde. "You're going to help me out."



Rukia looks over to the killers looking at the house monitors—Ichigo's pissed for the course of events and the fact: Rukia's the target.

"Whatever happens: no one is to go outside," Rukia instructs, especially to Ichigo who shakes his head in disagreement.

The silent killer knows he'll come to her rescue if anything happens, that's just how Ichigo is.

Swiftly Rukia walks to the front foor, covers the gun on her waistline and opens the door—her heart races for the thought of being near Kaien again; she never thought this day would come, but it's here now.



Her violet eyes rest on the murder as he leans against the passenger door, when she catches the sight of Hiyori her heart-tightens—this is somewhat new.

"Kaien," she says stepping down from the front-steps.

"It's been a while Rukia," the raven-hair smiles as he pushes off the car-door. "I've missed you."

"I haven't," Rukia grins coldly.

"Now, now, Rukia," he sighs, "the past is the past—you know I truly loved you and still do."

"I'm not stupid, "she says bitterly; he raises a brow as he shoves his hands into his grey-pant pockets. "You expect me to cower in fear—honestly, you don't fear me."

"Really?" he gasps childishly.

"Yes," she crosses her arms over her chest. "Why are you here?"

"I should ask you that."

"Vacation," Rukia quickly answers.

"You sure you're not stalking me—"

"You're the last person I would want to be around, now get back in your car and get the fuck off my property," Rukia orders.

Kaien waves a finger in the air. "Tsk, tsk, Rukia," he chuckles. "I've come today with a proposal."

"I won't marry you again," she quickly rejects. "That's a death trap."

"Not marriage," he growls—this isn't the same woman he knew years ago; she different… more in control and demanding; he loves it. "I want you to come with me to the Munedo Ball."

The news of the ball didn't surprise the silent killer, they've been researching the event since it's been mentioned around the office. "No," Rukia answers.

Kaien opens Hiyori's door and ushers her out—she follows and Rukia narrows her eyes; the blonde should've stayed in the car. "I thought you'd reject my offer, so, I have someone here that will make you reconsider."

"My answer is no. Now leave," she tries again.

Hiyori is silent as she looks over the two ex-lovers—their eyes never leaving the other and stares that would rattle anyone's flight instinct. She shouts once Kaien suddenly pushes her down to the ground and pulls out a gun. Hiyori's eyes widen for the steel barrel pointed her way.

Rukia swiftly pulls out her weapon and points it at Kaien who smirks. "Still a lying bitch it seems," he snickers.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Rukia says coolly.

"I thought F.B.I agents hand in their weapons when traveling off duty," Kaien glares.

"No, we're to have them with us at all times—especially me," she sets the gun.

"Just put down the gun, Ruks" he chuckles to the killer. "We all know you won't shoot."

Rukia raises a brow for the statement—she'd shoot whoever she had to. "That's a bold statement for someone I want to gut like a fish."

"You're too much of a cry-baby justice freak—"

Suddenly a scream comes from Hiyori as a bullet sticks into her arm—Kaien's stunned by the smoke coming from Rukia's barrel. "You bitch!" Hiyori cries in pain, "You shot me!"

The barrel turns on Kaien as he stares dumbfounded at his secretary—he didn't think Rukia would do it.

The silent killer did feel bad for the blonde killer on the ground; she didn't want to hurt her, but, it had to be done. If not, Kaien wouldn't take her seriously or understand she's a changed woman without remorse.

"So," Rukia smirks. "Now that we established my lack of fucks; why'd you bring her here?"

Kaien chuckles as he twirls the gun around his finger and looks down at Hiyori. "That was my secretary—I actually liked her and you shot her—so now my request is bigger," he snickers.

"Get to the point already before I shot you in the femur," Rukia threatens.

"Alright, calm down," he sighs. "I want you to attend the ball with me and become my secretary now."

"I refuse," Rukia snaps; instantly Kaien points the gun at Hiyori's leg and shots.

The blonde screams in pain and gasps as the pain rush through her body—it felt like a thousand knives in her skin as the blood drips down her skin. "Please! Stop!" she cries.

"You refuse now?" Kaien dares to question.

Rukia's instinct tell her to agree to save the blonde from the pain, but her killer mind say: no. If she were to go back with Kaien, he'd only make her another torture victim and dead body on the side of the road.

"I still say no," Rukia says without thinking.

Another bullet is sent into Hiyori's body—right arm.

"She's only got another leg and then I start gambling with internal organs, my sweet-pea," Kaien sings with the gun ready. "How about now?"

"Please just do it!" Hiyori pleads and cries. "I beg of you!"

"No," Rukia firmly says as her thoughts ramble-on.

He shoot Hiyori's other leg and she shrieks in pain—she looks down to see the pooling blood and feels tears rush down her cheeks. "P-P-Please…." She whispers.

Kaien points the gun at her shoulder and looks over to his love "Just agree already, Rukia."

"No," the silent killer says and another bang covers the air along with a scream.

The group inside sit in fear for the scene—they've never seen such a method before: torture and test, that's what Kaien's doing—testing Rukia's morals of justice for others over her own self-awareness. But, seeing the utter pain on Hiyori's face gave the rest of the group chills especially those who work in her company.

"Come on, Ruks," Kaien teases with a grin, "Just agree and Hiyori won't be shot."

A bargain—oh no, it's breaking someone's sanity. If Rukia was to accept, it'd be less than a week before he had her in his dungeon being tortured, and for Hiyori, this is to press her acting skill along with judgement.

"Hiyori, how're your limps?" Kaien sickly asks.

"What the fuck kind of question is that, Kaien?!" Hiyori screams and raven-haired male smirks, "You shot me!"

"When you look at it that way, it seems I did, but in all truth: Rukia's the one shooting you," he spins the wheel to see whether the blonde will break or spill any unknown information.

The blonde cracks a chuckle as her eyes hide in the shadows of her bangs. "Honestly, I don't really care who shot me," she snickers; eyes on both the killer and murderer. "I'll kill you both when this is over."

Rukia took the distraction to set her gun and take a shot at Kaien—the bullet flew past his ear, knocking him into shock and alerting his gaze onto the petite killer. "There's a few things that's changed about you and me, Kaien," her lips curls into an insane grin. "I don't need hostages to get my point across or threaten someone for the matter; they come to me."

He tenses for the truth—all the times he caught the agent were in plain sight, she never tried to hide or make herself unknown—she wanted to be seen and caught by him. "You bitch," he growls in realization—this is what she wanted: to see his face, hear his voice and know he's still completely obsessed with her; it's to complete her own file of his current actions. "You set me up," Kaien snarls while storming towards Rukia.

She stays in place, but could see Ichigo's anxious look through the camera's—he's about to snap and ruin everything.

"You think you so smart! Huh?!" Kaien screams; barrel pressed to her forehead she doesn't flinch.

"I don't have to be smart to figure you out," she sighs before grabbing the barrel placing between her eyes. "Plus, you know, if you want a perfect head-shot: it hast to be between the eyes."

Kaien's eyes burn with fire as he stares at the petite-woman, uncertain of what to make of this—she's totally different and it's driving him mad; he doesn't know what'll make her snap now.

"But, I'll take your request," she slyly answers knowing Ichigo's hand's on the door-knob waiting for something to happen so he can appear—she didn't need him in the middle of this; Kaien would only use the orange-haired man as a weakness.

Felicity sighs with her eyes on the Kurosaki male, "Don't," she tells him. "Rukia can handle herself, and if you get involved now you'll insolvency her plan."

"I'm not going to let her kill herself," Ichigo growls.

"Have some faith in the Silent Killer," Amelia chirps from beside her sister. "Rukia's profiled for years and is quiet the killer."

Slowly Ichigo releases the knob and steps back, knowing the twins are right.

Outside Kaien frails his brow—she just accepted the offer without a common ground? Should push her more or just leave it as it is?

"I'll see you tomorrow morning in my office," he pulls the gun away, stun with the course of events that have taken place just now. "D-Don't be late, Rukia," Kaien stutters as he heads to his car.

"You're going to just leave me here?!" Hiyori yells to the murderer.

Kaien sighs and nods. "I can't take you to the hospital becomes I'm wanted, and I'm pretty sure you are as well. We're both better off not going around that place," he concludes—Hiyori wanted to laugh for his assumption: she's the good-guy and he's the bad one—hospitals welcome her with open arms.

"Fine, I'll find a way to take care of myself," the blonde grumps.

Kaien nods as he slides into his vehicle and starts the engine, still in shock for Rukia's actions he looks at her through the window only to see her dull cold eyes staring back at him.

He doesn't hesitate to turn into the street and drive-away with speed—he needs to get away, clear his head and think this over.

Rukia on the other hand, waits for Kaien to be long gone before rushing over to Hiyori in silent. "I should kill you, Silent killer," the blonde whimpers as the others file out of the house. "I didn't sign-up for this shit."

"Get her inside and lay her on the floor," Rukia orders.

"We need get me to the hospital dammit?!" Hiyori shouts.

"Kaien's right to have left you here," the petite woman narrows her eyes. "Since he did such, he still believes your on his side—so placing you in a hospital will only give-up the act—"

"Are you fucking nuts?!" the blonde exclaims. "I'm out for the count—"

"No, you have minor gun wounds," Rukia sighs as two of the men lift Hiyori from the grass and into the air.

"MINOR?!" the blonde shrieks. "I'm shot in both arms and legs, even the shoulder—"

Having enough of the bitching and complaining, Rukia points her gun-barrel in the middle of Hiyori's eyes. "If Kaien purposely shot you in those places: not penetrating a bone, nervous system even a major tissue," she says before clicking the end of the gun. "But, me, on the other hand wouldn't hesitate to shot you in those places—trust me, if you were shot in the bone, the pain would be a thousand times worse and you wouldn't be able to be lifted right now," Rukia coldly states.

"W-What?" Hiyori squeaks.

"That's right," the petite woman dull claims. "Kaien missed all those things for a reason: I'm only temporary."

Hey guys, so, I got a review for this story asking for another chapter and to complete it—which I will, it's just frozen at the moment, but I'll re-open it which the same conditions as before: reviews= next chapter.

We got a deal?

Tell me what you thought about this long awaited chapter.