Gokudera saw how Yamamoto stared at him lustfully, and as he licked his lips Gokudera immediately knew what was coming. Yamamoto leaned forward and placed a hand on either side of Gokudera's face, entwining his fingers in his silver hair. Yamamoto's eyes were already closed as his lips brushed against Gokudera's in the most fleeting of touches. Then he deepened the kiss, forcing Gokudera's lips open with his tongue. Gokudera's eyelids fluttered as Yamamoto's tongue stroked his own, trying to stir up a response, and his legs buckled as the kiss became fiercer.

It was then that he felt the repulsion. It hit him in waves, forcing a gasp from him. Gokudera's eyes jolted open, his face contorted into a grimace. Before Yamamoto could continue Gokudera placed his hands on the other young man's chest and pushed at him, forcing him to break the kiss and take a step back.

Yamamoto seemed shocked at Gokudera's reaction, his heart nearly breaking as he saw Gokudera wipe at his lips with a look of utter disgust. Yamamoto bowed his head in sadness, his usually cheerful personality pushed back deep within his psyche. He couldn't believe that his kiss had caused such a bitter reaction from Gokudera. He thought he felt the sameā€¦so why? Why had he pushed him away so quickly? Had Yamamoto moved too quickly? Was Gokudera simply not ready to take that leap from friendship into something more intimate?

Yamamoto raised his head dejectedly and glanced at Gokudera once more, his heart steeled for more disappointment.

To his surprise, Gokudera seemed utterly fine with what had just transpired, although he appeared to be fishing around in his pocket for some reason. After a while he took something out of his back pocket and smiled to himself in satisfaction. He walked towards Yamamoto with no hesitation, not showing an ounce of guilt for pushing Yamamoto so fiercely moments before.

He stopped just in front of Yamamoto, and it was only then that the black haired young man saw the tint of red veiling Gokudera's face.

Yamamoto nearly bit his tongue in surprise when Gokudera suddenly yanked his face forward with his hands, forcing his mouth open with his fingers. He pushed something inside and then pushed Yamamoto's cheeks in a way that made it impossible for him not to chew.

A strong mint taste enveloped Yamamoto's tongue as he chewed down on what he now knew to be gum. Yamamoto looked at Gokudera in confusion, his eyebrows raised in an unspoken question. Gokudera kept his hands on the side of Yamamoto's face and glared at him angrily before he spoke.

"Don't kiss me after you've eaten natto for lunch idiot," Gokudera said as he pulled Yamamoto forward into his own waiting kiss.


Omg the fluff lol. Did I catch you out with Gokudera's 'disgusted' response lol? It's so fun to write these little thingamajigs :D Oh, by the way, for those of you who don't know, Natto is fermented soybeans- really smelly little things :D