So I'm thinking, I should try a different approach to a Fairy Tail Crossover... and DBZ came to my mind so, why not give it shot?

'Course instead of using Goku, I'll use Gohan...

I'll also try to not make him extremely over-powered though this will take place post Cell Games saga so he'll probably be as strong as Gildarts, not counting Gohan's SSJ transformations...So here goes something

Let the story BEGIN!

"Do it now Gohan!"

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Gohan screamed as he overtook Cell in the Kamehameha struggle

"I'M PerrrFffecccttt...!" Cell screamed as his body got reduced to ash

Breathing heavily, Gohan reverted back to his normal state and began to fall however, a massive light appeared from where the two Kamehameha waves converged. It then sucked Gohan in. The poor half-saiyan was too tired to attempt fighting it.

"G-Gohan!" Krillin and Piccolo screamed

The light disappeared along with Gohan

Meanwhile in Fiore...

Makarov was with Porlyuscia, catching up on old times but that's when...


They both ran outside to see a boy whose right arm was bloody and broken, in a torn up purple gi... unconscious.

A few hours later...

Gohan woke up, breathing very heavily and running a cold sweat, he was extremely sore from his battle with Cell but managed to mutter a few words, "Where am I?"

"Calm down child." Porlyuscia said in an annoyed tone

"You my boy are in Magnolia, a city in the Fiore Kingdom." Makarov added

"Oh... where exactly is that again? I'm not exactly from around here..." Gohan responded

Porlyuscia sighed and a gave Gohan a map, "Earthland? Wha- wait a sec, I remember there being a huge light that engulfed me..."

"We found you in critical condition, what in the world were you doing?" Makarov asked, his tone being slightly softer

"Oh well..." Memories of the battle came back, "never mind..."

"Well it doesn't matter now does it? Allow me to see your eyes, Son Gohan" Makarov requested

"Wait how do you know my name!?" Gohan said in a surprised tone; Makarov laughed, he then stared into Gohan's eyes "This boy is powerful, maybe more so than Gildarts but... something isn't right... his eyes only show innocence, how can one be so strong yet have heart so exceedingly pure?

"Uh, excuse me mister, but what is your name?" Gohan asked with confusion in his tone

Makarov stroked his stache and told him: "My name is Makarov, the woman you see here is the one who patched ya up, her name is Porlyuscia."

Gohan jumped out of the bed he was in and bowed "It's nice to meet you two, thanks! I'm Gohan though, you probably knew that already, didn't you?"

"Wait a second, are you already healed!? That can't be with the condition you were in! It's not humanly possible!" Porlyuscia shouted in shock

"Well I'm not exactly one hundred percent human, so I heal pretty quick." Gohan explained casually as he pulled his bandages off

"Hm? Not one hundred percent you say? Makarov said with curiosity in his voice

"Uh, never mind that..." Gohan muttered

"Gohan can you use magic?" Makarov asked

"Sorta." Gohan said as he then charged a sphere of ki in his hand

"I've never seen magic quite like that." Makarov inquired

"More like ki." Gohan responded

"K-KI!? Impossible!" both Makarov and Porlyuscia exclaimed

"Eh, why?" Gohan asked blankly, not aware of ki's significance

"Ki is life energy, if you are able to harness it like you just did, then you're technically shortening your lifespan." Porlyuscia explained

"Actually, it kinda just recharges itself after awhile, and yeah I know using so much of it at one time is dangerous. That's why one needs to learn how to control it." Gohan countered

"I guess this makes you earthland's first ki user." Makarov said, "Say, do you wanna join a guild? It's called Fairy Tail!"

"A guild?, mages?, magic?" Gohan asked

"Lemme explain it to ya, magic is an art that is used by almost everyone, it helps their daily lives and there are hundreds of magic types. People who dedicate their lives to the practice of magic are known as mages. Last but not least, mages will sometimes group up and become guilds, these guilds tend to take job requests and help others, though there are some guilds who tend to use their power to reek havoc and chaos, those are known as dark guilds."

"I see but, I kinda want to figure out a way get back to my world first, plus maybe I should explore Fiore a bit so that I might get some leads." Gohan said

"I understand Gohan, however my offer will still stand also, come with me very quickly to Magnolia, we should get you some new clothing." Makarov said

Gohan looked at his reflection and sheepishly laughed "Okay then, let's get going!" Gohan shouted with enthusiasm, "Oh, and thanks again Porlyuscia!" Gohan said before he and Makarov left her house.

Porlyuscia actually smiled that day "What an intriguing young child. Take care of yourself, Gohan I hope we meet again"

Gohan and Makarov started out the door and began walking towards Magnolia, that's when Gohan spoke up, "Hey Makarov, wouldn't it be faster to just fly there?"

"Are you telling me you can fly, Gohan?" Makarov asked, that's when Gohan just levitated off the ground to Makarov's surprise

"Well if you can't, you could just ride on my back." Gohan suggested and Makarov complied

Makarov jumped onto Gohan's back and flying child gave on bit of instruction: "Hang on!" blasting off at top speed


A few minutes later, Gohan and Makarov reached Magnolia

"Land here." Makarov commanded as he pointed towards an odd shaped building

As they landed, Makarov ran into the building requesting Gohan to wait right in front, and came back out with a wallet filled with jewels and led Gohan to a place known as Hearts Kreuz.

"Oi, Makarov what can I do ya for?" a blacksmith said as Makarov and Gohan came into the shop

"I'd like to get some clothes for my friend here." Makarov said as he pointed at Gohan

"Ah, of course any design you want in particular?" Gohan then took a sheet of paper and drew a design that looked like Goku's gi and handed it to the smith

"This is an interesting design, I'll get to it right away!" the smith exclaimed

The smith came out with a box that contained Gohan's clothes, and Makarov paid him 24,000 jewels

Gohan quickly changed into his new clothes (his appearance similar to that of his get-up in "Bojack Unbound") "Wow, thanks Makarov!" he exclaimed

"Not bad, you look real sharp kid" Makarov commented, "In fact, you sorta resemble a man I once read about in an Earthland legend, his name was Son Goku, what a coincidence, Son Goku, Son Gohan." Makarov laughed

"Hm, well he is my father so it shouldn't be that big a deal." Gohan stated blankly

"Wha- wait but, I don- jus-... WHAT!?" Makarov shouted

Gohan gave him a nervous look as if he'd done something wrong, "Um, are you okay?"

"It's just, eh... I... Ugh... Proof... I want some proof, do something Goku could do." Makarov demanded in a flabbergasted tone

"Right here, but what about all the houses and buildings?" Gohan asked nervously

"My boy destruction is a common thing in Fairy Tail, don't worry one bit, besides if you can't use the technique there'll be nothing to worry about." Makarov responded

"Okay then, here goes..." Gohan murmured before taking a deep breath

Makarov's eyes widened, "Is this boy really going to try this?...I mean sure he can use some ki but even then...The amount of focus and energy used was said to be staggering..."

"" A blue energy sphere appeared as Gohan tucked his hands behind his back. Makarov stared in shock

"My goodness... he's actually doing it... and it seems he's in complete control." Makarov thought

"HAAAAAAAA!" Gohan cried as he shifted his hands to the front of him and released a massive blue beam.

As the beam approached the guild hall, Makarov screamed "Wait! Don't do it!" Gohan listened to Makarov's plea and threw his hands into the air, causing the beam the instantly bend upwards and dissipate. Makarov was speechless "Jeez, he wasn't lying.. only the son of Goku could do something like that." Makarov thought

"Pretty cool, huh? Almost all of my friends can use it."

Makarov looked at him with wide-eyes, but soon snapped back to reality. "My boy you truly are a wonder." Makarov said

Gohan laughed while giving Makarov the peace sign, "Though if you are to journey around the world..." Makarov took out the wallet and gave it to Gohan, "Here take this wallet it contains jewels, Fiore's currency"

"Gee, thanks Makarov. Though if you can don't tell anyone about me, okay?" Gohan replied, Makarov nodded at his request, "Well I'm off" Gohan said as flew off into the sunset

"I expect great things from you Gohan, I hope I get to hear of your accomplishments soon..." Makarov muttered to himself

Soon enough Gohan was approaching Hargeon, he descended into the city and started to explore the sights only to hear an explosion, Gohan ran to see what was happening

There was a group of people gathered around a building that was on fire, Gohan asked an orange haired man about what was happening, "Excuse me mister, but what's going on?"

"Well the building is on fire for starters and there are a couple of dark mages behind this." the orange haired man said in a bored tone, "Anyways I've gotta evacuate everyone from this building." he continued and turned his head to look at Gohan but he was no longer there.

"Wha...?" All of sudden Gohan emerged from the building, carrying the people who were in there. The orange haired man couldn't help but smirk at him

"Let's see what he'll do about the fire." He thought to himself

Gohan took a deep breathe and blew at the fire, "Eh!?" The orange haired man looked at him with a mixed expression stupidity and curiousity, but just then, the fires went out...completely

Gohan returned to the orange haired man "Done" he said

"Impressive kid, you must be a mage."

"Well sorta." Gohan responded

"Well I'm a mage as well, the name's Gildarts!"

"My name is Son Gohan, I thought I sensed a great power around here." Gohan said as he bowed

Gildarts chuckled "Well I am an S-Class after all...put er' there kid!" Gohan shook Gildarts' hand, "Jeez, that's a heck/hell of a grip he's got there!" They both thought

Out of nowhere, the building collapsed "Yikes, guess I must of overdone it..." Gohan sheepishly laughed- with a bit of nervousness in it

"Meh, don't sweat it, Gohan." Gildarts responded

Gohan was laughing when all of a sudden, he felt two strong power levels coming his way. "You feel it too, huh?" Gildarts responded, "Get ready here they come!" He added, this time with a bit of excitement

Three dark guild members appeared; "Well, well, if isn't the famous Gildarts... and some brat." one of the dark mages said in a cocky tone

The other two chuckled at the analogy and proceeded to attack Gildarts. The other mage sent a purple magic wave at Gohan, which he dodged with ease and instantly teleported behind the mage "Behind you..." Gohan said in a bored tone, he then punched the mage in the face, sending him flying through buildings.

Gildarts did the same to one of the other mages, the remaining drak mage attempted to flee but Gohan appeared right in front of him, causing the mage to back into Gildarts. The mage then fell to the ground, crying for his life. Gohan sighed, "I don't know about Gildarts, but I'll let you go if you promise me one thing." Gohan said

"Anything!" the dark mage said

"You can't hurt anyone ever again, got it?" Gohan asked

"Yes, I'll change just don't hurt me!"

"Okay then." Gohan said, the mage then took off at a speed Gohan almost couldn't follow. Gildarts patted Gohan on the back, "Not too shabby, Gohan, I've never seen a kid your age, fight the way you just did."

"Thanks, Gildarts, perhaps we'll meet again someday." Gohan responded

"Sure, kid I'd like that." Gildarts replied, "One question I have for you is: what type of magic do you use?"

"Ki" Gohan answered

"Ki!? Y'know that's your own life energy, right? Not to say I dont believe you, especially with what you just pulled off... A man from an old story named Son Goku used Ki."

"I know, he's my dad." Gohan replied as he walked away

"...WHAT!?" Gildarts exclaimed

"See ya later Gildarts!" Gohan shouted as he started flying away

"The kid can fly?...THE KID CAN FLY!" Gildarts stared in shock

"Well, this kid is full of surprises... but, something tells me this isn't the last time I'll see him... well goodbye Gohan!" Gildarts thought to himself

What did you guys think of that? Feedback is very much appreciated but no flaming please. Anyways next up, Gohan will find the tower of heavens and meet Erza Scarlet...