Note from the Author: As I'm sure you've read, I will be revamping this entire story. I'm always open and extremely appreciative to all and any constructive criticism. I really do enjoy seeing your comments and reviews, so please, make sure to leave your reaction, thoughts or even just a comment of support. They truly do make my day and make me feel motivated to produce more of this.

Thank you to all my readers

The day was average, nothing spectacular, nor notable about this day. If anything, people could say that it was duller than usual. Either way, the day went on, the bustling people weaving in between each other to get to where they needed to be.

The only real thing that was "off" was an apparent lack of the raven informant. No matter where you looked in the city of Ikebukuro, there was neither hide nor hair of the mischievous man. And it wasn't just today either. No, Izaya had been absent for an entire week. One would think that this would be a positive development. However that wasn't necessarily the case.

While Shizuo was quite giddy, and basically radiating triumph, a different emotion tugged at the blonde's conscious. Shizuo wasn't absolutely sure just what it was. Concern? Uncertainty? Perhaps it was worry. Izaya had just . . . vanished. Up and left.

Even if he wasn't necessarily worried about the damned flea- he was definitely curious as to why he had just vanished so suddenly. Perhaps Izaya was planning something, staying away for a little while to make Shizuo let his guard down, before attacking.

Or. .

Perhaps he had finally done it. Perhaps he had finally managed to beat some sense into the flea's thick skull. Idealistically that's what he wanted to believe. But all evidence pointed toward the rather solid fact that Izaya would never just accept defeat. He hated him. Izaya absolutely hated Shizuo- they wanted each other dead. For the thin raven to just suddenly drop this burning hatred they had developed over the years, would be near impossible.

His mind began to wander to other possibilities. . . What if he was lost- Or, what if he had finally pissed off someone so bad, that he had been kidnapped. He knew that the business Izaya worked in was incredibly dangerous. One slip up, and he would be history. Perhaps Izaya had just been killed.

No. Definitely not. He was too smart for that. Too clever and far too fast. Not even Shizuo had managed to kill him yet.

Either way, his sudden disappearance was rather concerning. And whether the blonde brute liked it- a seed of worry had rooted itself in his mind and stomach. No matter how he tried to squash the nagging thought, it simply bounced back, evading the extermination.

In a desperate attempt to rid his mind of that stupid flea, Shizuo turned his sights on his work.

Honey colored eyes stared daggers into the client in front of him. The poor man struggled in his grasp, his eyes wide with fright and fear- it was a surprise he didn't just pee himself right then and there.

"I'll . . . I'll have the money soon- I promise! P-Please. Just- Don't hurt me! I promise I'll get the money soon!" The man's pleading voice however did nothing to deter Shizuo however. They were all so pitiful. Every last one of them. Each client they had dealt with was pathetic, always begging for more time, practically in tears once Shizuo dealt with them. Those light colored eyes slid over to Tom in a wordless fashion. The man just blew out a sigh. "Fine. You have a month. One month. Understand? Only one. And my friend and I will be back to collect." With that, Shizuo dropped him carelessly and roughly, making the other fall back hard, landing on his posterior.

Shizuo turned, his anger hadn't subsided in the least as he left the house, Tom following behind quietly.

This is how it was ever since Izaya had just decided to up and leave. His anger, his rage and stress had begun to build, filling his being with negative emotions of all sorts. You see, Izaya had been his punching bag. A punching bag that didn't scream or beg for their life. No. Within just one of their little "sessions" Shizuo could get out quite a bit of his frustration.

But, with his punching bag missing, all those terrible emotions were beginning to boil over, spilling into his normal routine. He would snap at almost every single client- even those who had no problem with paying up. It was really beginning to become a problem.

It was seriously becoming ridiculous.

Just where the hell was he!?


Why should he care?

Shizuo should be ecstatic that the stupid ass flea was rid of, not worrying or brooding over his whereabouts. He should be absolutely overjoyed. He never had to deal with him again! All the freedom in the world!

But that's not how it was.

Perhaps it was sleep deprivation. . He hadn't been sleeping well- because of the stress. Or hormones- or mental issues. Anything. Absolutely Anything other than Izaya.

Of course, Tom had picked up on Shizuo's change in behavior. How could he not? The man was basically dripping and radiating agitation and aggression. And more than usual.

"...Hey, Shizuo."
"What." His response came out cold and firm and came out more like a statement more so than a question. It took everything Tom had NOT to flinch back at the tone of harshness the voice carried.
" That was the last stop for the day, we'll finish up tomorrow. ." Shizuo looked at his boss, a bit dumb-founded.
"But, it's so early! I mean, we don't have any other clients?"
Actually, it was around 5:30pm. The sun was threatening to set soon.
But in Shizuo's anger laced mind, he was only getting started. Too many people were getting off easy.

"Ah. . .I suppose so.. Shizuo, I think you should take a break. You seem a bit tense." He tried to come off as gentle as possible, in fear of being Shizuo's next punching bag.

"Sure. Whatever." Shizuo hissed out.


Fucking. Fabulous.

There went his last way of getting his frustration out.

There were no more people to bully, nor push around. No more people to take his irritation.

Except. . .

As if Tom read his mind, he immediately fled, leaving the haired up blonde in his dust. Letting out an annoyed sigh, he began to walk on. Perhaps being alone would help calm him down. As the fake blonde walked, the city began to quiet down- or at least, the area he was in did. Less cars populated the streets, and even less people filled the sidewalks.

He just let his legs carry him to wherever. That place happened to be the park. It wasn't too bad of a place. Maybe being surrounded by a bit of nature would quell his being. But that's not what he was met with. Couples dotted the park, it seemed to be that time after all. Some were cuddled on blankets in the grass, while others were sitting on the benches, in the arms of their lovers. He didn't need to listen in to know what they were talking about.

They were probably exchanging overrated "I love you's", corny jokes, complaints about school work and the like, the list could go on.

Shizuo couldn't help but feel a pang of envy. Never had the brute experienced that. He never had a high school sweetheart- hell. He had never even had a girlfriend.


Most women were scared of him. Despite his handsome looks, everyone knew just who he was, the brute of Ikebukuro. They saw him as cold and abusive, some monster that hurt people for fun. They steered clear of him. If only someone would stop, go against everything that they had been told about Shizuo and open him up and look at the real him. . .they'd find that his real self was as malicious as a puppy. A toothless puppy.

He hated it so much. He hated this cursed strength he had acquired. His temper as well was a wretched asset bestowed on him.

Despite the depressing thoughts, it seemed like Tom's suggestion was working, he was calming down. The air was cool and smelled sweet in comparison to the air near the streets. It was almost like aroma therapy. Before he knew it, the anger, frustration and stress had melted away the farther he got into the park.

His spot. Yes. That's where he was going. A beautiful spot he could be left alone in. The fountain in the middle of the park. As he headed deeper in, the couples become more scarce. Good.

They only served to remind him of how alone he was in the world. He had one family member left, and in all honesty he was rather sure that he was hated by him too.

Finally, the brute came to the previously mentioned fountain. The area was gorgeous, an open area that was now doused and dyed in beautiful orange light from the setting sun, painting the world around him in lovely fiery colors. It truly was breath taking, so much so that Shizuo barely noticed that the entire area was vacant. Vacant except for one.

Finally those honey colored eyes set on the figure only feet away. He too, like the world around them was washed in the colors of the setting sun, the fur trim of his jacket blew gently in the breeze. While familiar but vacant reddish brown eyes stared down, into the glittering water of the fountain. The ripples reflected the gold light, and in turn those empty eyes reflected it back, like they could hold no color.

It seemed as the other male didn't even realize that someone had approached him, as he didn't move from his spot, his hands still tucked away in the pockets of his jacket and eyes averted from the former bartender.

Immediately the irritation, the stress and the anger came back from the dead, and with a vengeance. He knew who this was. He didn't even need to think twice about it.

There was no way he couldn't.