Hey, everyone! So, this is officially the last chapter of Impossible. It's essentially just pure fluff, almost plotless, just to show everyone what those to do now that they're officially a couple.

I know; I'm tearing up already. It feels like it was only yesterday when I had planned on making this, and yet, here we are, reaching its epilogue!

Oh yeah, before I go on into further theatrics, can I ask you guys to tell me what you thought of chapter eight? Thanks, 'coz I personally thought it wasn't that good. It'd be nice to hear about your comments on it.

Anyway, back to the theatrics. I love you all, thank you so much for the support in this story! I just thought that this archive deserved some more fan fictions for Leo and Aries, and, well, I came up with these!

I might type some more Leo x Aries stories into the near future, but after this story I'm focusing first on my GruVia fic (the one based on chapter nine) and a Baka and Test fic. But I can assure you, this won't be my last Leo and Aries fic. Please keep tuned for more!

Anyway, a billion thanks and, for the last time in Impossible, here goes, enjoy!


Aries POV

I wake up to the warm sunlight on the side of my face. I turn to my side, and open my still sleepy eyes. I blink a couple of times and my eyes finally adjust to the light. I sit up straight and look at my messy bed. I turn to my side and see strawberry blonde hair sticking out from underneath the sheets.

It takes me almost a full minute to register that Leo's sleeping beside me. Hey, I'm still not used to this whole…sleeping together (among other stuff) thing. It's only been a couple of weeks since that night, and I've got to say, I've never been happier.

There haven't really been many changes in our relationship. We still hang out, go out to eat and stuff, watch movies and what not, and Leo still goes through my clothes, but there are still some changes. Like whenever we go out, I'm still not used to the handholding, and him placing his arm around my shoulder. I'm still not quite used to him just suddenly scooping me up for a kiss. And of course, his perverted jokes don't just stay as perverted jokes, if you know what I mean.

I stretch my limbs and try standing up, but Leo's already gotten a hold over my waist.

I look down at him and smile, "Good morning, Leo." I say.

He smiles back and sits up. "Good morning to you, too, Aries." He tells me, and as he sits up straight I add another thing to the list of things I'm still not used to. I forgot that Leo's totally naked and blush a bright red.

He notices me blushing and smiles in a perverted way. "What? You're naked too, if I must remind you."

I look down at myself and remember that I'm only got a blanket to cover myself up, and I blush even harder.

"Sorry…I'm still not used to this…" I admit shyly.

He chuckles and climbs on top of me, pushing me back down to the bed.

"Well then, I guess I have to make sure you get used to it, huh?" he says, his lips already dangerously close to my neck.

I giggle and let him kiss me, but stop him before he goes down any further. He groans his annoyance but I ignore it.

"Aries…" he says, looking at me with puppy-dog eyes. I bite my lip in order to resist. Miraculously, I do.

"No, Leo. It's only seven in the morning! And you already had some last night!"

He gives me a mock pout and whispers huskily in my ear, "But I want some this morning too…"

I sit up straight, taking him along with me. "Come on, stand up and pick some of the clothes you scattered all over the floor. I'm going to take a shower." I pick up his shirt, since it's the closest to me, and proceed to put it on.

"Can I join you?" he says flirtatiously, and I can't help but laugh.

"Alright, fine." I tell him, rolling my eyes. The next thing I know he's carrying me in his arms and we're rushing to the bathroom.

Leo can be quite the pervert sometimes, if not always, and I admit it's going to take some getting used to. I mean, sure, he's been a pervert ever since then, before we started dating, but now it's like he's already got free access to everything and his perverted suggestions don't just stay suggestions anymore.

Yup, it's going to take some getting used to, but I don't mind. I have ages for that.


"Aries, are you ready yet? Let's go! The food's getting cold!" Leo calls out, standing by the front door. He's got a basket in his hand and is wearing the scarf I knitted him some time ago. This is the first time I've seen him wear it, and it's kind of funny to see it with his usual attire of a suit.

"Alright, I'm coming!" I answer, grabbing my dark blue coat. It's really cold outside tonight, so I decide to put something warm on.

"Let's go." He says, taking my hand with his free arm. I close the door behind us and we start walking.

"Where are you taking me, Leo?" I ask him, since he hasn't told me anything at all about what he's got planned. All I can tell is that we're having a picnic tonight, nothing else.

"It's a secret." He tells me, and I decide to just drop the subject. I'll find out soon enough anyway.

We keep walking for about ten minutes. The moon is shining bright tonight, and the skies are so clear that the stars could be seen from every angle. The wind wasn't so strong; only a gentle breeze so it wouldn't be so hot.

"We're here." He tells me, and we stop. I look around me. We're at a field of wildflowers beside a calm lake. The water is pitch-black and it reflects the moon and the stars above it. There are some lights jumping around, twinkling lightly. It takes me a while to realize that they're fireflies.

"Wow." Is all I can say. I look up at Leo and smile. "This place is beautiful."

He smiles back at me and we sit down, placing the picnic blanket underneath us. He sets the basket in between us and brings out two plates and two wine glasses. He takes out from inside the basket a wine bottle and sandwiches, placing the sandwiches on the plates. I take the bottle of wine and pour wine onto our glasses.

We each take bites out of our sandwiches, all of which Leo prepared.

"This is nice, Leo." I tell him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Well, I wanted us to have a perfect date tonight, you see." He tells me. I nod. Tonight is perfect. It's calm and quiet, the stars are shining brightly, there are fireflies dancing around us…it's so romantic; I can't believe it was Leo who thought of this.

"Why?" I ask, taking another bite out of my sandwich.

"Silly, did you honestly forget?" he tells me, chuckling.

"Huh?" I say, trying to think of any important things that are supposed to happen today. Then I remember, and I look at Leo.

"I can't believe you remembered…" I tell him.

"Silly, I've been your best friend for ages now; did you honestly think that I'd forget your birthday? And it's your first birthday that we're celebrating as a couple, too. I wanted it to be special." He replies, sitting beside me.

I'm close to tears and smile. "Thank you, Leo…I love you so much." I say to him, kissing him on the lips.

"I love you too, Aries." He tells me, kissing me again and wrapping his arms around my waist.

The kiss gets deeper and more passionate, and he pulls me down on top of him. We roll around and now he's on top of me, the food beside us completely forgotten.

"Aries, don't you want to have some cake first?" he asks me, and sits up.

"There's cake, too?"

"Yup, chocolate, your favorite."

We eat the cake and finish our wine. Afterwards he lies down on my lap and we look up at stars. I play with his hair.

"Hey, Aries?" he calls out, looking up at me.

"What?" I say, looking down at him, or, at least, looking down at what I can see of him.

"I can't see anything." Leo says bluntly, and I don't understand what he means.

"I can't see your face, Aries." He replies.

"Oh?" I say, and blush.

"They're blocking your face from me, Aries." He says again, sounding like a little kid.

I look down and see him pointing up, gesturing at those things that he says is blocking my face, and I blush.

You must have guessed by now that he's referring to my breasts, again. This is the second time he's actually made any open references about them, and I blush harder.

"Although, this view isn't that bad, either. Oh, how I would kill for x-ray vision right now! Or see through clothes!"

"Leo!" I say, and mutter quietly, "I don't think they're that big…"

Apparently, Leo hears me and exclaims. "Are you kidding? They're huge!"

"They are not!" I exclaim, moving my hands from his hair to my chest, making a useless attempt to shield them from view.

"By the way," Leo says, sitting up straight and facing me, "I was wondering, what size are you, Aries?"

"Eh?" I say, turning a shade of red so dark it's visible even at night. "Why are you asking me that?"

"I don't know, just curious, I guess." Leo says, chuckling. "Well?"

"I don't know…" I lie. "I…ah!"

I exclaim because Leo pounces on me and tackles me down to the ground, my back on the picnic blanket and him on top of me.

"You're lying." He says, "How could a girl not know what size they are?"

Blushing, I squirm underneath him, trying to escape his grasp. He takes both my arms and secures them with one of his, keeping them a safe distance from us above my head.

"Well then, if you won't tell me, I guess I'll just have to find out for myself, now don't I?" he says with a mischievous smile playing on his face.

"Leo!" I say, gasping when he proceeds to take his free hand and places it on my chest, feeling my breasts.

"Leo!" I say again, squirming.

"Well, they're definitely not B-cups…hmmm…maybe a C?" he says. Then he moves his hand around again, and I bite my lip to keep myself from moaning.

He frees me after, with a big, surprised expression on his face.

"You're a D-cup, aren't you?" he tells me humorously.

"I'm not!" I say.

"You're lying!" he counters, looking at me carefully. "I knew it, you are a D-cup!"

"Why do you want to know, Leo?" I say, covering myself up.

"Just curious, Aries. Besides, that means you're breasts have grown! Last time I checked, you were a C!"

I roll my eyes, but a certain line catches my interest. "Wait, last time you checked?!"


Leo and I are snuggling on the couch, watching a movie. Leo's sitting upright, and I'm in a lying position, my legs on top of his. His hands are caressing my legs while our eyes are remained glued to the TV.

A certain commercial then becomes a topic of interest.

"I never really understood their purpose." I say.

"What?" Leo asks, turning to face me.

"Those things, I say, pointing at the TV.

"Oh, you mean…" and his face colors, probably because of some perverted thought that popped into his head.

"Lingerie." I finish for him, laughing at his reaction.

"What do you mean?" he asks me.

"Well, I never really understood the purpose of lingerie." I tell him bluntly.

His eyebrows furrow. "Why not? Girls wear them in bed, to seduce their lovers. They wear them to make themselves look hot!"

I look at him, eyebrows raised in question. "And you know so much about this because…"

"Never mind that!" he says. "What don't you understand about lingerie?"

"Well, why put something on for the purpose of it being taken off, anyway?"

"Huh?" Leo says, ignoring the movie completely.

"You know what I mean! A girl wears them to bed for their lovers, but in the end they'll get removed anyway! What's the point of wearing them then?"

Leo shakes his head. "Hey, there are a lot of guys who like sleeping with women who've got lingerie on!"

"Really? They don't mind that the girl isn't naked? That's weird."

"How's that weird, Aries?"

"Well, you always end up taking off all of my clothes."

"That doesn't mean I don't want to see you in lingerie from time to time." Leo's eyes widen as he says this, probably because of yet another perverted thought.

"Well, you'd remove them from me anyway!"

"Good point."

"Anyway, lingerie is stupid and makes no sense." I say, and add, "And you sure as hell can expect me to never ever wear one."

"It is not stupid! And hey! Every guy has to have seen his girlfriend in lingerie at least once in their relationship!"

"Well, I guess you're the exception to that rule."

We keep quiet at that point, and I wonder if Leo's fantasizing about me in lingerie.

"Hey, how about we try something?" I suggest. "A game of sorts."

This grabs Leo's attention. "A game, you say?" He's already adjusting to face me.

"Not that kind, not really."

"Well, what do you mean, then?"

I smile. "Well, you said you wanted to see me in lingerie, right?"

Leo nods, a little bit too energetically.

"Well, one of these days, I'll wear one. Yup. The whole day, and all I'm wearing is some fancy lingerie."


"I haven't even gotten to your side of the deal yet." I say. "You're such a pervert."

"Well, I'm only perverted for you…" he says, and I swear that is the grossest line I've ever heard from him.

"Anyway, the deal is that, I will wear lingerie for a whole day, but," I make sure to stress the 'but', "you cannot have your way with me. For the entire time I have that lingerie on."

"Well, that's no fun!" he says, making a mock pout.

"It is for me." I say, giggling. "Besides, all you said was that you wanted to see me in lingerie!"

"Fine. Why do you want to do this, anyway?"

"Well, for one, I want you to admit that lingerie is stupid since you'd have to take them off anyway, and, I want to see how long you'll last without…you know." I say.

"And what happens when I break that rule?"

"Well, like in any game, the loser must face consequences. This one has some, too."

"Fine. We'll play tomorrow." He says.

"Tomorrow! I still need to buy the lingerie, Leo!" I tell him.

"Don't worry. I have one at home that's just the right size for you. I've been dying to get you to put it on."

"Pervert." I reply.

"I know."

The next day I get the lingerie from Leo. It's a black lacy thing, and it's really, really tight. Plus, the torso area is nearly see-through. It's got this really low cleavage, and it feels like it won't even hold. It only goes up until my upper thigh, barely inches past my hip.

"Whoa." Leo says when he sees me. "You look hot in black."

"Thanks. Ready for the game?"

Leo nods. This is going to be fun.

~~~~about four hours and one back massage later~~~~

"I told you you'd lose." I tell Leo, who's on top of me, kissing me like there's no tomorrow. His hands move down to undo the strap of what I'm wearing, but I stop him.

"No way, punishment, remember? You have to hold it in for…I don't know, for as long as I feel like it."

He groans, annoyed, and moves his hands further down, trying to slip his hands into my underwear.

"You can't forbid me from doing this, can you?"

I let him do it. It's not like he's taking them off.

About fifteen minutes of heavy making out later, he finally gives up and literally begs me to strip.

"I win." I say.

"Uh, no you don't. Technically, I still do. You can't resist me, can you?" he says, already slipping into me.

"We should have more games like these, Aries. Makes our…sessions interesting."




Aries and I are at the guild, just hanging out. Or at least, that's what she thinks we're doing.

We're talking to some of our friends at the guild, there's Lucy, Gray, Juvia and Natsu.

"Hey, where's Erza?" I ask, looking around the guild. She's not there at all.

"Oh, she's got some business to attend to with the Magic Council." Lucy answers.

"Eh? But I thought Master Makarov dealt with those things."

"Oh, it's not for the guild. It's because of Jellal." Natsu replies, and excuses him and Lucy. Those two are dating now.

Then it's just me, Aries, Juvia and Gray.

"Thank you, by the way." Aries tells them, "And sorry for the trouble we caused you a while back."

I smile at Aries. Always so caring. No wonder I loved her.

"You're welcome, and it wasn't any trouble at all. In fact, thanks to what happened to you guys, Juvia and I even started dating." Gray tells us, a big smile on his face. He really has changed, and it's all because of Juvia.

Then I think, have I changed because of Aries, too? Maybe I have. Most likely.

"Excuse me," Aries says, "I have to go to the rest room for a while."

"Sure." I say. Great, this is my chance. Just when she's out of earshot I tell them what I'm planning to do.

"Minna! I'm going to need you're help. You see…"

After hearing of my plan, they all nod, smiling. "Sure, we'd love to help you."

Aries comes back from the restroom and has a big surprised expression on her face. I know why. Behind me, there are all sorts of decorations, making the guild livelier and more colorful than it already is. There's also music in the background, and someone even made floating hearts dance in the air.

"What…is this, Leo?" she asks me, moving closer.

"Aries." I tell her, trying to make my voice sound sad and remorseful.


"I'm sorry." I begin, and Aries' face falls. "I said I'd be the best boyfriend ever, but I don't think I can keep that promise anymore."

"Oh. Do you mean you want to…" she says, her expression gloomy. Oh god, she thinks I'm breaking up with her.

She's about to burst into tears when I continue what I was saying. "I can't keep that promise because…I plan on being the best husband ever, instead."

Then I go on one knee and bring out a ring. "Aries, will you marry me?"

She bursts into tears and nods. I smile, placing the ring on her left ring finger. I embrace her.

"Why are you crying, Aries?" I whisper. "Did you think I was breaking up with you?"

"Well, you didn't have to use those words, you know!"

"I thought you liked it! I sounded cheesy, didn't I? I thought you loved it when I was being cheesy!"

She giggles while she wipes her tears away. "Idiot, I never said I liked it when you were being cheesy! I love you, not your cheesiness!"

I chuckle. "I love you too, Aries."

The whole guild breaks into applause. We thank them and tell them that they're all invited to our wedding.

Our wedding. I'm actually getting married. Aries is going to be my wife.


The doors open. The music starts to play on the organ. I turn my head to look at the entourage, but all of it's a messy blur. Everything happened so fast, it felt just like it was yesterday when I proposed.

The girls came and go, all wearing similar blue gowns, all holding similar bouquets of pinks, blues and violets, their hair all styled the same way. Lucy was a part of the entourage; she was Aries' maid of honor. All of Lucy's Spirits were invited as well, Aquarius was sitting next to Scorpio, and Gemini had come dressed as Lucy again, and was sitting at the back, so as to avoid confusion with the original Lucy. It was Cancer who had styled them, and he did a pretty good job.

But I don't care about that now. What I want to see is making her way down the aisle right now, and time played yet another trick on me. Earlier, time sped by too quickly, now it was taking too long. It feels as if every step Aries takes is one entire eternity altogether. She just can't get to me fast enough.

I half wanted to run down to her and kiss her right there and then, but that would ruin things.

I looked at her again. She looked marvelous. Her pink hair was curled and framed her sweet face perfectly, the veil covering her was light with a slight sheen of pink to it, and was pinned to her hair by her symbol, ram horns.

Her dress made her look like the most beautiful goddess ever conceivable, it was a simple bridal dress, strapless with a sweetheart neckline, embroidered only with plain white sparkling beads. It was long and flowing, and it swayed with her every move.

She was wearing pearl jewelry, with plain pearl earrings and a pearl necklace, modified so that the pendant from the necklace he bought her could be added to it. It gave her a nice splash of color, making her look like the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

"You look beautiful, Aries." I tell her when she makes it over to my side.

"Thanks." She says, blushing.

The minister says the rites and asks us to recite our vows, and soon we're exchanging rings and kissing. Everything is a blur again, and the next thing I remember is I'm kissing Aries and pushing her down onto the bed, she's still wearing her wedding dress and her hair's already a big mess, but she's still so goddarn beautiful.

"I love you, Aries." I tell her, just before slipping into her.

"I love you, too." She whispers to me.


It's quiet in our house. Then I hear footsteps going down the staircase. I look up and see Aries struggling to move down the steps.

"Careful, Aries." I tell her, rushing up to help her. "You might fall down."

"I've got it, Leo, trust me." She whispers, but I help her anyway.

"Still, Aries. Going down by yourself is really dangerous, especially since we've got such a narrow staircase and you're already seven months pregnant." I say to her, taking her around the waist and her shoulders.

"Leo, don't worry about it, I've been walking past these stairs for over a year now, I know it like the back of my hand. No need to worry." She says, reassuring me.

We make it down the flight of stairs and she plops down on the couch.

"I want a glass of water." She tells me, and stands up again. It takes her a great effort, since Aries has been really slender and the baby's nearly half her weight.

"You could've just asked me to get some for you, Aries. It would have saved you the trouble of going down the stairs." I say, getting up to get a glass of water from the kitchen.

I hand it over to her and she drinks from it. "Well, it was really boring up there." She says, pouting.

I move towards her and give her a wicked grin. "Maybe I can make things more interesting, then." I tell her, kissing her deeply. We stop, though, since she's not comfortable with getting it on now that she's pregnant – and showing it a great deal.

Needless to say, I have been getting zero action for about four months now. It's tough, yeah, but I don't mind.

"I'm going to be a father soon." I say, smiling at her and placing my hand on her bloated stomach.

She smiles wistfully. "I know. Only two more months."

"Yeah…then I can get some again." I mutter absentmindedly.

She giggles and hits me on the head with a pillow. "So, that's what you really wanted? Sheesh, you got me pregnant in the first place. It's thanks to you that I'm so uncomfortable with sex now."

"I know, Aries, but I don't mind. I want to be a father, too, you know. I wanted to get you pregnant and to have a baby with you. I want to start a family with you." I kiss her again, and this time it takes her longer to push me away, a full five minutes.

"I love you, and our little baby here." I tell her.

"I love you, too." She tells me. Then she yawns. "I'm sleepy. I'm going to go take a nap first, Leo. See you later." She kisses me on the cheek before going up.

"Hold on, I'm going with you." I say, and carry her bridal style to our room. I don't care that she's seven months pregnant.

"Hey! Aren't I too heavy for you, Leo? You might drop me or something." She tells me, worry registering in her voice.

"Me? Drop you? No way. You're not heavy at all, Aries. And besides, I'm the lion spirit, remember? You don't have to worry about me. Besides, it's been a while since I carried you around like this. Only this time I won't be sleeping with you after placing you on the bed."

"That can be arranged." She says, and smiles up at me.

And, after an almost four month drought, I'm getting some action today.


"Huh? What's going on?" Lucy goes, noticing the bright glow by her side. She opens the keys pocket and finds a new key there. "What does this…"

Her question trails off when she sees me there, walking towards her. "Loke! Does this mean you and Aries…"

I nod, and she smiles. "Congratulations, Loke! Tell Aries I said congratulations to her, as well. By the way, where is she?"

"Still resting. I came by to tell you about the baby. We named her Lyrica. She isn't a Zodiac Spirit like me or her mother, but she's just as strong as the two of us. And, you are her master, too. But you can't use her yet. She's still a baby, and it'll take at least a year before she's able to use her magic. Us Spirits grow faster than humans, you see."

"Oh, I see." She says, smiling. "Thanks, Loke."

"Thank you, Lucy." I tell her.

"For what?" she asks.

"For getting me and Aries together. Thanks." I tell her.

"You're welcome. But you would've ended up with her one way or another. I just helped speed up the process."

"Still, thanks so much, Lucy. Aries wants to thank you, too."

Smiling, Lucy bid me farewell. "You should get back to your wife now, Loke."

I nod at her, and step back into my gate.

"Leo." A soft voice goes, calling at me. I look to my side and see Aries in her hospital bed, already conscious.

"Hey. You're awake already. Did you sleep well?" I tell her, my hand caressing her cheek.

She nods. She's sitting upright, holding Lyrica in her arms. She looks like a mixture of me and her; she got my strawberry blonde hair and her mother's eyes.

"Do you want to hold her?" she asks me, handing Lyrica over.

"Sure." I say, taking her from Aries.

"Hey, Lyrica. This is your daddy speaking." Lyrica smiles at my voice and giggles. "I love you so much, and I love your mother, too. Your mother loves you very much, too. When you're old enough, I'm going to tell you your mother and my love story, about how we ended up together. But right now, you can hope for a baby sibling to follow you." Lyrica laughs at that. "You'd like one, won't you?"

I look at Aries when I say the last line, smiling at her pervertedly.

"Well?" I tell her, moving closer to her. The nurse comes in and takes Lyrica back to the nursery to let Aries rest for a bit more, but I doubt she'd be getting any rest.

"Your daughter wants a baby sibling, Aries." I tell her, and kiss her.

She kisses me back, but pushes me away after. "Not now, Leo. I'm still tired."

"Okay. Get some rest then. I love you." I tell her, kissing her one last time.

"I love you, too." She tells me, just before going back to sleep.

Life is looking good for me.


Well, that's the end of it! It's very plotless and very pervy. I think every shot shows Leo wanting to sleep with Aries. I am a big fat pervert.

But oh well. That's all. Thank you again for the continued support! I appreciate all your reviews and the favorites! Thanks so much, everyone!

Oh, and don't forget to review! And, also, like I said in the first author's note, tell me what you thought of chapter eight, too!

Thanks so much!

Till next time!

- Kuroh Hana