A/N: Thanks for all the views and reviews last chapter! And just to make it clear, that dress is not provided by Law or any of his crew because they are not pedophiles. They're just too cool, especially Law ;).

Chapter Summary: One word for disgusting old men who like flying unicorns spewing rainbows: Die.


Yuki cursed Law in every language she knew, which wasn't very much because she was only fluent in two languages: English and Chinese. The Duke was a tall old man with barely any gray hair to cover his almost bald head. It was funny how shiny his head was under the light. Maybe he rubbed oil onto his head, but Yuki was more preoccupied at the moment with his sickeningly sweet smile. She tensed when he bent down to inspect her closer and that didn't escape his notice.

"Oh, don't worry, little girly, I won't hurt you. Why don't you introduce yourself?" The Duke asked, portraying the image of a kind old man, but Yuki still felt uneasy because if the rumors on the island were anything to go by, the Duke was a person to be wary of.

The people were kind enough to warn them, but Law of course ignored them to acquire the special herbal plant that he was after. And just in case she forgot to tell you, that's his reason for making the effort to dock on this island in the first place: A herb that only grows in the Duke's backyard.

Selfish pig.

But seriously, how exactly did she manage to get herself stuck in a dress? Oh yeah, the same kind people that had warned them about the Duke shoved it on her.

Back when they first tried to enter the island… (and this is not a flashback because I don't like them)

"We told you that you can't come in! The Duke will bomb your submarine out of the waters if you keep nagging him!"

The guard that was shouting at them from on top of the huge 'Welcome to Candy Cane Island!' gates was really trying to help them, but when Law wanted something, he got it whether he had to kill for it or not. He probably did that quite a lot, actually, whether it's for what he wants or just for fun.

"Oh, but I'm sure that the Duke will make an exception this time," Law grinned, subtly pushing Yuki forward.

"The Duke does not make any exception for savages like you lot, so if you want to keep your head on-" The other guard nudged the shouting man in the ribs.

The guard glared at the man who just nudged him. The man ignored his angry friend and whispered hurriedly into his ear. "Wait, they have a little girl with them! The Duke will kill us if we hurt her!"

The guard (now deemed Guard #1) looked over at the Heart Pirates and saw that Guard #2 (formerly 'the man') was right and a girl that looked like she was 8 had been pushed out to stand beside the captain.

"Contact the Duke right away!" Guard #1 ordered a lower rank soldier, who saluted immediately and scurried away to do so. In no time, he held a Den Den Mushi hooked up with the Duke.

[What is so urgent that it is necessary for you to call me?] The Duke didn't sound particularly happy, most likely because there weren't any cute girls left on the island. There weren't a lot of ships that came by with girls on their ships either, because those people on board those ships were mostly 'pirate brutes'.

"Sir, a group of pirates are asking for permission to enter this island," Guard #1 reported dutifully while Guard #2 signaled for said pirates to stay silent for a moment. It didn't really make a difference, because the crew was silent to begin with and Law just continued smiling eerily up at them with his hat slightly shadowing his eyes. S

[I do not see what the problem is. Drive them out immediately!]

"But sir, they have a little girl with them!"

That got the Duke thinking, and it was obvious that he was beginning to change his mind. [Is she cute?]

"Shoulder-length black hair, black eyes, pale skin, looks like she's 8. Do you like her, sir?"

[She's perfect. Let the pirates in or whatever, I don't care, just get me that girl even if you have to pay those savages. Be sure to clean her up before you send her to me.] He hung up.

Guard #1 turned to Guard #2. "You heard him, let them in."

After they were allowed entry…

"The deal is that we take this girl and we will allow you to enter this island. Is that fair?" Guard #2 asked the group. He'd descended from on top of the gates to discuss with the Heart Pirates.

"Yes, that's perfectly fine," Law replied pleasantly, his ever-present smirk annoying as always, or to Yuki at least, because she was their 'ticket'. The plan was rather simple.

It's something like this…

1: Have Yuki be sent to the Duke (And possibly swipe a Den Den Mushi to contact them).

2: Yuki will try to steal some of those special herb plants.

3: If step 2 doesn't work, then she'll distract the Duke so that the Heart Pirates can sneak inside to steal the herbs.

4: Yuk will have to somehow escape to find them in the sub. And if she can't, then, as Law put it, 'That would mean that she isn't worth rescuing and they would just leave her behind'.

5: If she didn't make it onto the sub, Yuki will then dedicate the rest of her live to hunting down Law and make sure that he ends up six feet under. (Self-inserted)

"I'm glad that we've reached an agreement then. Please, follow me." Guard #2 led them past the now open gates. Guard #1 stayed behind to resume his duty, watching them closely as they trailed after his friend. Yuki dragged her feet, feeling dread fill her up with each step. Any girl would do that when they were about to walk to their doom in the form of a warped psychotic pedophile. Maybe she was exaggerating just a bit, but she could care less.

They continued along a path in the leafy vegetation before a village with houses made of stone into view. The village was huge with noisy crowds bustling about the streets, chattering away as they either hurried to their destination or stopped frequently to shop. But one huge building cast a shadow over the entire village: a castle. It was most likely the Duke's, but Yuki was feverishly hoping that it wasn't because it looked, in all honesty, like a living nightmare.

You might be imagining a huge medieval castle or a super modern one with tech stuff all around and solar panels (my idea of a modern castle), but this one looked like a castle that came straight from a Sugar Plum Princess movie or something. Pink walls and roofs, candy canes and whatever girly decorations you can think of, etc. Yep, everything she hated was there.

Maybe she'll take the liberty of torching that castle down to the grounds after she got what she needed…

"Feel free to do whatever you want here as long as you cause the people no harm. I will be bringing the girl to be cleaned up now," The guard informed them. Law led his crew away without a word, and when I said without a word, I was excluding the fact that he shot Yuki an amused grin because that's an action, not a word (obviously). Yuki discreetly flipped him off.

"Please, this way," The guard gently pushed Yuki towards one of the stone houses. It was something like an inn and when they were inside, the guard called out into the empty building. They probably didn't have a lot of people coming to this island thanks to a certain pedophile because there wasn't even a single waiter to serve the nonexistent customers. "Ladies, here's a girl that needs to be cleaned up!"

Yuki was confused by his words. "Didn't you say that the Duke took all the girls away?"

The guard grimaced slightly, "I'm certain that I said the Duke took all the cute girls away and, well, these ladies here happen to be-"

"Did I just hear that there's a girl that needs a makeover?" Yuki cringed when a shrill and sickening voice made her ears sting with pain.

"Oh, honey, you came to the right place for that!" Forget her previous statement, this voice mutilated her ears.

The owners of the two voices flounced into the room, and Yuki couldn't help but gape at them. Now she understood why they weren't taken away by the Duke.

The first lady was a skinny, tall woman, and when I say skinny, I mean stick-like skinny. As in, you can probably see her rib cages… Never mind, let's just ditch that thought. So, anyways, she was a skinny, tall woman with a ridiculous swirly hairdo and her clothes were a bit… extravagant.

The second one had the exact same hairstyle except it was slanted towards the left (Yuki wondered how she managed to do that. Gel, maybe?). She was only a head taller than Yuki, but Yuki certainly wasn't horizontally challenged like her. To put it bluntly, this lady was very fat and with her uh, skimpy clothing, all her fat and stuff were visible... Well, at least the Duke was sane enough to not consider these ladies as cute.

Before Yuki could so much as squeak out a protest, the older females had an iron grip on her and was dragging her away. The guard mouthed 'good luck, you'll need it', and looked at her with so much sympathy that she felt like crying out of despair. What in the world did she do in her past life to deserve this? Massacred thousands of people?

"You are quite cute, aren't you? It's no wonder that the Duke wants you. He's crazy about little girls," Lady #1 cooed, all but shoving Yuki into a room. Lady #2 followed behind them and closed the door.

"I don't think that you need make-up, you have a natural blush," She began, tiptoeing to reach the top of a high dresser, rifling through the lipstick tubes and other make-up thingies that Yuki never was interested in before she disregarded them completely.

And no, Yuki didn't have a natural blush. Her cheeks were pink with embarrassment and barely controlled raw hatred towards Law because everything, everything, in this room was… pink. Dresses, skirts, combs, etc. Hell, even the tissue paper box that was placed on top of the dresser was pink!

"Pink's not exactly the best color to go with your hair and skin, but it's the Duke's favorite color, so it'll just have to do. I pity you, to be truthful. The Duke isn't exactly the man a girl wants to be in the same room with," Lady #1 muttered half to herself and Yuki, not looking happy as she held out half a dozen dresses in front of her.

Lady #2 came whirling up with another armful of dresses and she together with her friend looked down at Yuki. She didn't like Law's expression earlier and theirs honestly wasn't any better.

"Makeover time~"

End of what I refuse to call a flashback and back to where Yuki is in the Duke's castle…

That's pretty much how Yuki ended up in this dress. She was resisting the urge to rip it off with all her strength because she just didn't do pink, especially not a lacey pink dress with ribbons, pink flats that were just killing her feet, and a gigantic sparkly pink bow weighing her head down. She was surprised that they didn't dye her hair pink, but she would've ripped their heads off if they dared to.

"Your name, Girly?" The Duke persisted, pulling Yuki out of her murderous thoughts. She kept her mouth sewn shut because there was no way in hell that she was going to tell him her name.

The guard that had led her to the Duke (not Guard #1 or #2) prodded her with the blunt end of his spear thingy. "Show respect and answer when questioned!" He hissed.

"Don't jab at a cute little girl like that, Gareth," The Duke chided, waving his hand for the guard to get out. Gareth protested at first, but the Duke's creepy smile shut him up, so Yuki and the Duke were alone in a matter of seconds. Fantastic.

"I'll repeat my question, what's your name?"

No response.

The Duke didn't appear to be bothered and Yuki soon knew why. "Oh, it's alright even if you don't answer me. I'll just name you! What's a good name? Hmm… How about Cuddly Unicorn? Nah, that's already taken. Dancing Teacup? Taken too. Fuzzy Bear? Oh, I think that's free, lucky you! Okay, Fuzzy Bear it is! Oh, how I love them and their beautiful rainbow sparkles…"

Yuki, the newly dubbed Fuzzy Bear, gaped at him in horror. Was that even a name?!

"What? You can't just go around changing people's names-"

"Oh, so you can speak, and you sound even cuter than I expected! Now come along, Fuzzy Bear, you need to meet the other girls first," The Duke rudely cut her off before dragging Yuki off by her wrist. She made sure that her new shoes dragged on the ground as much as possible as well as hopefully getting dirty.

A few more minutes of dragging…

"This is the Cutesy Nursery! The girls will show you around, so behave!" The Duke grinned (ewwww) and shoved her, locking the pink sparkly door milliseconds after her. Yuki stumbled, falling flat on her face. Why do people insist upon shoving her through doors?

"Ow, ow, ow… My nose! Goddamn sicko…" Yuki rubbed her sore nose to get rid of the pain. She was surprised when an icepack was pressed into her hands.

"Are you alright, little girl? Were you taken by the Duke?" The speaker was a woman with dark brown hair. Yuki estimated that she was somewhere around her early thirties. There was a small group of females behind her looking at Yuki with mutual sympathy, all wearing revoltingly pink clothes, which was probably the uniform for females around here. There were girls that were 10 or 12 amongst them and the oldest maybe 20 something. It wasn't necessary for her to say that the Cutesy Nursery was full of pink since you probably already know.

"Not taken. And I'm not a little girl, I'm 15 years old already," Yuki said with a serious face. Hopefully, they'd believe her, or Yuki might accidently make her fist kiss their faces.

The lady looked a little doubtful, but she didn't accuse her of lying. "I'm sorry then. May I ask what your name is?" She stood up and offered her hand to Yuki, who was still sitting on the floor.

"I hope that you don't mean the name the Duke gave me because it's just plain ridiculous. I'm Yuki, nice to meet you," Yuki introduced herself and took her hand.

"Nice to meet you too, Yuki. I'm Hisako, but call me Fluffy Kitty when the Duke and his guards are around or we'll get in trouble. Come and say 'hi', girls." Hisako waved for the group of girls to come over.

They greeted Yuki and told her their names (both their given name and the one that the Duke gave them). Yuki had blatantly refused to tell them what the Duke had labeled her as when they asked, but after their insistence she gave in.

"The Duke must really like you," Kisa, the youngest of them all, said after Yuki revealed her stupid name. Kisa's name, Sweet Tiger, suited her very well with her soft brown hair and big amber eyes. The pink dress she wore didn't really look good on her either, like Yuki.

"Why do you say that?" The Duke liked all cute girls after all, being the pedo he is.

"Because the Duke especially likes girls with black hair, and as you might've guessed by now, having his interest isn't a good thing." A girl that was her age, Sachiko (Dancing Teacup), patted Kisa's head as she answered her.

Yuki groaned, ready to rip out all of her hair if necessary. "Any of you guys have anything to dye hair with?"

"Wish I had," A woman whose name that Yuki forgot already said wistfully. "He likes pink hair just as much."

Yuki did a double-take and realized that she indeed had pink hair. You can't blame her, since natural pink hair isn't exactly common in our world. She angrily tugged at her pink dress, feeling her loathing for the color rise.

"I better show you around before you tear your uniform. The Duke won't be happy if you do," Hisako sighed and dragged Yuki off.

"The Duke can go to hell," Yuki grumbled. Was it a law in this world to drag her around at least once a day?