Join the team as they face a mission unlike any other they faced a wedding.


October 29, 09:16 EST

"Why do we have to wear this?" Conner tugged at the collar of his shirt. "I hate monkey suits."

"It's not a monkey suit. Just a regular one." Robin said adjusting his tie.

"Come on, you have to admit …we…look…good." Wally remarked as he watched himself in the mirror.

"I still don't get why he asked me to be one of his groomsmen, you three are his friends." Conner said.

"You are also one of Roy's friends, even if you didn't know as long we have." Kaldur said. He took his up his jacket on shrugged it on.

"What I still don't get is how in the world did he get Jade to say 'yes'." Robin said.

"The real question is why would he ask her in the first place." Wally said, he was putting on his tie and having a difficult time of doing so.

"What's wrong with Jade?" Robin asked.

"Yon know how she is, how did they start dating in the first place?"

"Like your one to talk, your dating Jade's sister."

"Artemis isn't like Jade."


"So they have a few similarities." Robin, Conner and Kaldur all snorted at Wally's comment.

"Frankly, I think Artemis is the fiercer of the two." Conner said.

"That's not true." Wally fumbled with his tie and somehow managed to get his hand caught in the knot.

"Wally." Robin raised his eyebrow at the speedster.

"Okay maybe sometimes Artemis could be….."

"I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you." The boy's spun around. Standing in the doorway was Artemis. Behind her stood Zatanna, Raquel, and M'gaan. All the boy's jaws dropped (to various lengths). Wally's one was practically on the floor. The girl's were already dressed in there outfit's for the wedding. They were the same basic type of dress; one shoulder with a sliver broach accenting it, long so it was just brushing the ground with a dangerously high slit. The only real difference was the color.

Artemis was in vibrant green. Zatanna, sexy black. Raquel smoke grey and M'gaan a ruby red.

"Babe, wow." Wally said trying to put his tongue back in his mouth.

"Oh, trying to kiss up now are you?" she walked up him looking him straight in the eye.

"Kiss up, no…I mean, I wasn't going to say anything bad, or anything. I was just, I was telling the guys... Rob help." He pulled desperately at his caught hand but it wasn't budging .

"Sorry I'm not putting myself of the middle of this." Robin said.

"You're hopeless." Artemis said. She untangled his tie and began retying it.

"Ahhh, thanks babe." He said as she pulled the know sung against his neck.

"I must say, you look good in a tux."

"Well this is the Wall-man we're talking about."

"What look do you like more Artemis, Wally sprawled on the floor with sun tan on his nose or tux?" M'gaan asked.

"Sprawled with sun tan, definitely…but this a close second." Everyone but except Wally laughed.

"Aren't you all supposed to be helping Jade get ready?" Robin asked looking at the girls.

"She pretty much done, mom's helping her with the last touches. She asked us to ask you check on Roy. You know he has those moments where he…." Artemis trailed off. No one the team needed to be reminded of Roy's of gilt ridden rages.

"Sure we're going to check if he was done any way." Wally said. He, Robin and Kaldur all left the room. They made their way to the end of the hall were Roy was getting ready.

"Roy, can we come in?" Kaldur asked, knocking on the door. There was no answer. He pushed open the door and cursed in Atlantean. "He's not in here." Wally zoomed in and grabbed a note on the bed.

"I can't go through with this, Jade deservers a real man. Not some clone." He read. Robin was already typing on his watch's holo-screen.

"He Zetaed to Star city 6 minutes ago." He said.

"We just put on our tuxes. When we find him he's dead." Wally said.

"If we don't get him back Jade is going to kill us." Robin said.

'M'gaan do you hear me.' Kaldur said mentally.

'Don't tell me…' She answered.

'We're going to Star City. Stall Jade till we get back.'

'We'll keep her busy for as long we can.' She said. The three boys ran the Zeta Tubes.

"Artemis we have a bit of a problem." M'gaan said.

"Oh no. He ran didn't he?" Artemis put a hand over her eyes.

"The boy's already went after him. They asked us to stall Jade."

"That's easier said than done." She said. The girls left Conner and when back to Artemis' room where Jade was getting ready.

Zatanna gave Artemis a nudge forward. "I don't know about this." Artemis said.

"You don't have to tell her, just stall her." Zatanna said.

"M'gaan could you link up with my mom, let her know what's going on…it will ve so much easier if I don't have to keep both of them in the dark."

"Of course." M'gaan said. Artemis took a deep breath in and walked into the room.

"Artemis, how do I look?" Jade turned once her dress. She was wearing a traditional Vietnamese wedding dress. It was green and red, with a red and white head dress. Artemis forgot for a moment why she had come in.

"Whoa, Jade you look great." She said. Then she noticed the brief change in her mother's face. For a moment she looked shocked. 'M'gaan told her.' Artemis said to herself.

"I guess I have to thank you for all of this." Jade said.

"Huh…oh no you don't." Artemis said.

"Yes I do. It's thanks to you and your sidekick friends that we have a safe place to get married." Despite the situation Artemis frowned at the word 'sidekick' but she decided to let it slide this once.

"I'm just happy you're fighting for the good guys now." Artemis said.

"Did the boy's go check on Roy?" Jade asked. Artemis tired to keep her voice steady.

"Yeah, yeah. Everything is just fine." She said a little too quickly.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Why would you ask that?"

"I know you Artemis. You can't lie to me." Jade narrowed her eyes at Artemis. "What happened?"


"Something did happen…oh no…did he…" she trailed off. "If he does anything stupid I swear I'll kill him." She began walking to the door. Artemis dived between her and the exit.

"Okay I'll tell you what's up." Artemis said. Her mother shot her a warning look.

"He had a freak out, the whole being a clone thing." She said. Jade looked at her.

"What did he do?"

"Panic attack, started yelling about he not good enough to have a real life. He was still a bit shaken when I last saw him, But don't worry the boys are calming him down." Behind Jade's back she saw her mother gave a thumbs up.

"Well then he's in capable hands, I'm sure the boys will have him sorted out in no time." Paula said drawing her daughter's attention. "Especially if Flash Boy is helping." She said taking a dig at her youngest daughter. Artemis groaned inwardly. 'They better have it sorted out fast, or we'll all be facing Jade's wrath.' She said to herself.

Look out for the next chapter...It's up to Robin, Wally and Kaldur to find Roy before Jade get's too suspicious. Can they find the groom before time runs out? How long can Artemis keep her sister in the dark?

Nardragon- until the next page.