AN: Modern AU in which Toph and Sokka attend a Halloween party.

Also, I want to thank all of you – the ones who have followed this collection of drabbles for the past forty days. You all are amazing. 3 I want to give a special shout out to sugarangelcookies: you are amazing and your reviews kept me going. Seriously. 3

Day 31: Costumes

The backseat was crowded, so crowded that Toph was practically sitting in Sokka's lap. Normally, this wouldn't bother him, he wouldn't think twice about it. But there was a problem: Toph was half-naked. Well, maybe not half-naked, but she was…she was wearing a Wonder Woman costume, for God's sake. Her pale thigh was pressed tightly against his thigh and each time she moved an unfamiliar warmth spread throughout Sokka's body. He clenched his teeth, forcing himself to concentrate on the road and not on her thighs or breasts.

"How long till we get there?" he asked, concentrating on the outside scenery.

"A few minutes," Katara answered from the driver's seat, turning briefly to give Sokka an amused glance, her face painted green. What was that about? He wondered. Did she know the difficulties he was currently facing? Of course she did; she was the one to pick out Toph's costume and help the blind girl get ready. Of course Katara knew what she about to do to him and the other unfortunate men and women at the party. Damn her.

"Who's bringin' the alcohol?" Toph questioned, readjusting the costume around her breasts.

Stop staring, Sokka.

"I think Ty-Lee," Aang answered on Toph's other side. He was dressed as a ninja. "I heard her mention it in class the other day."

Toph frowned. "Damn. I thought Zuko would bring it this time. He always brings the best."

"Could you stop squirming?" Sokka snapped, his cheeks flaming.

"Excuse me for being squished between two men."

Sokka noticed her attempt scooting away from him, adjusting her seatbelt so that it stretched. Aang blushed crimson as she moved against him and Sokka's eyes narrowed. He didn't remember saying for her to move, just to stop moving. "Don't squish Aang!" he reprimanded, pulling her back to his side. There, much better.

"Make up your damn mind, Snoozles."

He remained quiet, feeling pleased at having her squished against him again. He caught Katara's gaze from the rearview mirror; she was smirking knowingly. A glare was the only response she received.

"Twinkle Toes could've sat in the front if Katara hadn't decided to haul the whole house with her," Toph grumbled.

"I didn't haul the whole house," Katara defended. "I needed somewhere to put my hat and cape. You can't drive wearing those, you know."

"Excuses, excuses."

Katara rolled her eyes and pulled onto the street. If only Toph knew how Sokka was looking at her…

"We're here!" she announced, parking. The house was a classmate's (Haru) from college and he had invited Katara and the rest of her friends and only a few other people, so it wasn't supposed to be a big deal or anything, but Katara still couldn't help but to worry about the others – especially Toph. Maybe it was a bad idea dressing her friend provocatively and then sending her to party where she would undoubtedly get drunk. She scolded herself. It wasn't her fault; Toph had been adamant about wearing something attractive.

Sokka exited the car quickly, readjusting his lab coat and running a gentle hand over his stiff hair. He was dressed as Albert Einstein, one of his idols. He turned his head quickly when Toph exited the car, momentarily bending so she could do something with her boots. How could she wear those, anyway? She was blind and, well, Sokka had never seen her in heeled boots before. But she walked in them with ease and confidence.

"You comin', Snoozles?" she called over her shoulder, unaware of Sokka's stare from behind her.


They entered the party together. Sokka was pleased to see that the only party-goers were people he knew. He was not pleased, however, at the stares Toph was already getting. He grasped her elbow, suggesting they get a drink. She nodded and he led the way, his eyes narrowed as he stared straight ahead and avoided the gazes of the men in the room.

"What was that about?" Toph asked as she leaned against the counter, sipping her drink.

"What was what about?"

"You wantin' to hurry and get a drink."

He colored. "Nothin'."

She shrugged. "Okay then."

What was with her? Normally she would've annoyed the shit out of him until she got the answers she wanted! There was something off about her, but Sokka couldn't place his finger on just what it was. He didn't have time to think, though, because at that moment his ex-girlfriend entered the kitchen, dressed as Eve, showing nearly as much skin as Toph. Strangely, though, his heart didn't speed up at the sight of her.

"Hey guys," she greeted, smiling broadly.

"Hey, Suki," Toph said, drinking the last of her beer.

"Uh, hey, Suki," Sokka greeted, waving in the direction of the girl.

"I'm gonna go dance. See ya, Suki."

Without another word, Toph left, leaving Sokka staring after her, flabbergasted. Since when did Toph dance? Of all the parties they had attended Toph never danced; she joked around with him usually. His eyes narrowed as he watched her pull a guy onto the dance floor – Haru, of all people – and drape her arms over his shoulders.

"…You there, Sokka?"

Sokka's head snapped to Suki. "Uh, yeah. So…how ya been?"

Suki grinned. "Good. How about you?"

He glanced back, spotting Toph and Haru near the middle of the dance floor. "Good. Yeah. Good."

Suki followed his direction, her grin widening. "Toph looks pretty tonight, doesn't she?"

"Yeah…her costume's a little too revealing, though."

"And mine isn't?" Suki snorted.

Sokka gave her costume a hard look before replying, "Nope."

She snorted again, much to Sokka's displeasure. What was it with her and Katara? It was like they knew something that he didn't. It was infuriating. With a huff, he looked toward Toph's direction, only to find Toph and Haru gone. He craned his neck to get a better look into the living room and, sure enough, they were absent. Sokka's mouth went dry. Where were they?

"Sokka, you keep zoning out." Suki waved a hand in front of his face, bringing his attention back to her. "You okay?"

"D'you see Toph and Haru anywhere?"

Suki frowned, but looked into the living room nevertheless. Slowly, she shook her head. "Uh, no."

Sokka downed the rest of his drink. "I'm gonna go find her, make sure she's gettin' around all right."

Without another word, Sokka walked away, his heart pounding with each step. Maybe they were outside? Maybe they were just…hanging out somewhere? Preferably not Haru's bedroom. Mental images of Toph and Haru in his bedroom…together flashed through Sokka's mind. Disgusted, he pushed them away.

He didn't find them anywhere on the first level of the house, which only raised his anxiety. Where were they? What were they doing? Sokka passed Aang and Katara as he walked up the stairs. The two shared a "look" before telling Sokka they hadn't seen Toph. For some reason, Sokka suspected that they were lying.

As he passed a closed door, a moan caught his interest. He froze, listening at the moving on the other side of the door. There was a deep laugh, a masculine laugh, and then the man moaned, "Toph."

Sokka didn't think – he didn't have time to. He burst through the door, his blood boiling. Before him – in a bathroom, of all places – Toph sat on the counter, her legs wrapped tightly around Haru's waist. One of Haru's hands cupped a breast while the other held her waist. They were kissing when Sokka entered, but Haru quickly pulled away when he saw Sokka. "Uh, a little privacy, please," he requested, grinning.

What a smug grin.

"Get out," Toph demanded.

Sokka noticed that Haru's hand still cupped one of Toph's breasts. Once again, he didn't think: he walked forward, grabbing Haru's hand and pushing the boy away, wedging himself between his best friend and former friend. "Don't touch her," he heard himself warn, but Sokka wasn't completely aware of himself. All he knew was that he didn't like seeing Haru touch Toph and vice versa. Now he didn't like seeing Haru look at Toph. What was wrong with him? He'd never acted like this before.

"What the fuck, Sokka?" Toph growled, punching him on the shoulder.

Haru glanced between the two nervously before backing away, his hands raised in surrender. Without a word, he left them alone, closing the door behind him. Sokka turned back to Toph, his glare lost on the blind girl. "The better question is: what the fuck, Toph?"

"What are you talkin' about? I did nothing wrong!"

"Because I stopped you! And you're wearing that costume and -"

"Ha. You think you can stop me from sleeping with him?" She frowned suddenly. "What about my costume?"

Sokka faltered, ignoring her last question. "I-I – yes!"

Toph's face darkened. "Excuse me?"

"I don't want that!"

"For me to sleep with him?"

"Yes – no. I mean no, don't sleep with him."

Slowly, Toph grinned. "Why?"

Sokka glared at her grin. "Because."

"Why because?"

"Because it's not right."


"I don't like it."


"You are the most frustrating woman I know."

Toph's grin widened as she hopped down from the counter. "You better believe it." Her eyes widened suddenly. "What was it you said about my costume, Snoozles?"


"No, you said something."

"Forget about it."

She placed her hands on her hips. "What? You don't like my costume."

Heavens, no, it wasn't that.

"No! It's a great costume! It's just…a little showy."

Toph smirked. "As in it shows my boobs and legs?"

"Um, yeah."

"And you don't like that?"

"No! I like it! It's just – !" He stopped suddenly, realizing what he said. Oh, God, had he really admitted that to Toph? When he dared a look at her, she was blushing. Blushing! The blush was so fierce that it crept down to her chest.

"Maybe we should get another drink?" he suggested finally, to which Toph nodded vigorously. They left the bathroom in silence, Toph allowing Sokka to guide her down the stairs.

Later that night, when she's pressed against a wall and he's kissing her neck, his hands traveling the length of her body, Sokka realizes that if it were not for the costume currently on the floor he never would've paid attention to his growing feelings toward Toph.

He pulls away momentarily to say, "Keep the costume."

Toph grins. "Aye, aye, Captain."