Blood, blood everywhere. Somewhere you hear a distant scream, you clutch your head and feel a hand on your shoulder. Turning your head, you see your friend Sollux, he gives you a comforting look, but you can tell he's thinking the same thing too. "We're going to die." Your name is Karkat Vantas and you have never been this scared in your life.

A little while back your best friend Gamzee, started to lose it. He first just yelled at people and threw things around. You kinda ignore it, now you regret that. You should have talked and calmed him down. You didn't realize how crazy Gamzee was till he killed Equius and Nepeta. You shiver at the thought of their brutally mangled corpses. It was a horrible sight, you wanted to rip out your own eyes when you saw it. Nepeta, head bashed in, skull split in too, blood all over the floor, you think you saw parts of her brain. You gag and hold your mouth, Sollux rubs your back, giving you a questioning look. You shake your head, not wanting to tell him, in case he gets sick.

He frowns, but nods, "C'mon kk, let'th get out of here."

You nod and follow him as he crawls under the tables, keeping as quiet as he could. You hear more cries and screams, you wonder who it is and shiver, knowing it's one of your friends. "I'm sorry..." Is all you can think, you're such a failure of a leader, can't even keep your people in place. You want to cry, but you have to be strong and find the rest of your friends. After you found Nepeta... You all screamed and ran off into different directions, not the smartest thing. You found Sollux when you were running down the hallway, he grabbed you and held your mouth shut. You tried to scream, but he told you to "thut up" as Gamzee came walking by. Aren't you glad he was there? Yes, you are.

You hear a honk and the both of you freeze, Gamzee walks in, dragging a body. Squinting and you notice the blood color is teal. Terezi... You want to cry, Sollux grabs you and holds your mouth, he backs up to the wall and you both pray Gamzee doesn't see you. Gamzee chuckles and drops her body on the floor, her head flops and turns, looking at you, you want to scream, loud. Sollux grips tightens on you and you know he's trying not to yell himself. Terezi eyes are gone, replaced with empty, bloody sockets, a wide smile carved into her face, blood leaking from the sides. Her neck is slashed wide open, the chord connected to her lungs hanging out. You hear Gamzee coming closer and clutch Sollux's hand. Gamzee stops, you can see his shoes, stained with blood. You hear thumping, as he grabs something on top of the table, above you.

He takes a couple steps back and turns around, facing Terezi's corpse. You slowly take a deep breath in through your nose. Gamzee slams down an katana, probably Striders, completely chopping off Terezi's left arm, blood squirts out and on to your face. Your eyes go wide, Sollux shushes you and holds you close, he tries to block your sight, but you push his hand away. Gamzee brings the katana up and again and slashes off Terezi other arm, in you head you scream, closing your eyes tightly. You hear a sickening crack as Gamzee finishes cutting of the rest of her limps. You peek out and notice Gamzee just throw a leg, that goes slidding infront of you and Sollux, you want to kick it away, so badly, but then Gamzee will know you're there. You watch as Gamzee sits Terezi up against the wall, facing you and writes on the wall behind her, "WHO'S NEXT? honk :o)" You shiver as he walks out of the room, you both wait, till you can no longer hear his foot steps. Sollux releases you, as quickly as you can you kick the leg away and pant.

"You okay, kk?"

"Do I look okay?!"

"...Right, thupid quethtion..."

You feel bad, 'cause he saw what you saw and he tried to get you to stop looking.


You mumble and wipe your face, trying to get the blood off of you. Sollux frowns.

"It'th okay, we thoud get out of here, before he cometh back."


You both nod to eachother and crawl out from under the table. You take a glance at Terezi and feel your stomach churn. "I'm sorry..."Are you ever, another one of your best friends, gone... You couldn't protect. Sollux tugs on your shirt, but you're frozen in place.

"Dammit, kk! Come on!"

He tugs harder, finally making you move. You both run in the opposite direction that Gamzee went. Sollux holds your hand, pretty much dragging you. Your vascular pump is beating hard and fast. Sollux just kept tugging on your hand, leading you farther into the darkness.