The things life throws at you

A/N: So this is my first NCIS fanfic so be nice! Constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. This story is AU and may not follow much from the story just so you know. Thanks to everyone who reviewed, who followed and who added my story to their favorites list. But anyway on to the story, I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I wish I did but sadly I do not own these amazing characters. But if I did would have Tony and Gibbs together and everything my way. This story was actually inspired by another abandoned story on NCIS fan fiction archive it was about Tony and Gibbs and the entire cast of NCIS. It is set during high school. The only parts I have are that they are in high school and Tony and Gibbs are together oh an a small surprise to come later. Oh and in my universe there is no homophobia and men can have babies.

Jethro let out a low growl and moved in front of Tony so he was out of the sight of Demion. Demion just seemed to smile brighter only for a second, but Jethro caught it.

"Oh hi. Who are you?" Demion asked with a sickly sweet tone that feigned innocence.

"Jethro. So why are you still here?"

The guys looked over to Jethro. They all sported questioning dispositions towards Jethro but kept it to themselves. None of them had ever heard him talk like that or even act like that towards anyone before.

"Just need to get a locker, then I'll be out of here."

Jethro just watched as he walked over to an empty locker. He had instantly not liked this guy but when he talked to Tony there was hatred there. But one question still remained: How did he know Tony?

Soon but not soon enough Demion shut his locker and walked out of the locker room. Jethro felt Tony grab onto the back of his shirt and book bag. He turned around to look down at Tony. Tony now sported an upset face and he was worrying his bottom lip. He looked upset and anxious.

Jethro brought his hand up and caressed Tony's lips with his thumb. He hated seeing Tony upset.

"Hey Hun it's okay. I don't care that you know him. All I want to know is how you know him?" Jethro said softly trying to reassure Tony that it wasn't him he was angry with.

"Over the summer he came into the shop and asked how to get to the school and I told him. He told me he was going to start going to the school and needed to know where it was. I really didn't think anything of it."

"It's okay Babe." Jethro then pulled Tony into a hug. Tony burrowed his face into Jethro's chest.

They broke apart and looked into each other's eyes only to look away when they realized that they weren't alone. The guys were looking at them with big smiles on their faces. Troy had a huge grin on his face as he held out his hand to Tom, who looked upset. Everything made sense though when Tom pulled out his wallet and grabbed out a ten and slapped it into Troy's awaiting hand. Troy only grinned larger at Tom's behavior.

"I so told you so. It's about time you guys finally admitted it." Troy's grin was big as he addressed Tom then Tony and Jethro.

Jethro had a smile on his face, he knew they would be excepting of them. Tony looked over his shoulder with a shy smile on his face; his cheeks were slightly flushed, at Jethro. Jethro loved that look on Tony and wanted to keep that look on his face forever.

"So how long has it been; recently? Because it was so obvious you two liked each other for awhile. Gosh you guys were either really stupid or really oblivious."

"Uh… We've been together for three years in about a month." Jethro answered sheepishly.

"Daang! I was not expecting that." Darrel finished with a low whistle of surprise.

"Yea I know, we just didn't want it to affect anything." Jethro answered laughing.

Just then the bell rang so they all left and headed to homeroom. They all agreed to keep the secret from everyone even the rest of the team.

As Tony and Jethro made it to Tony's homeroom they stopped outside of the door.

"Okay so I'll see you in lunch and I'll save you a seat, okay?"

"Yes Jet, we already discussed this earlier." Tony had to smile at Jethro's need to make sure everything was the right way, but he loved him for his need to be perfect and his way.

"Just be okay alright? And if you don't feel good don't keep it to yourself alright? You can text me anytime. If anything is wrong with the babies or you feel sick, call me right away and go to the nurse."

"Okay Jethro I get it. And I promise I will let you know about everything. You don't have worry, nothing bad will happen."

Alright alright, see you later Tone. Love you," Jethro said trying to take his time. He really didn't want to leave Tony's side.

"I love you too. Now get going before you're late to homeroom on the first day of school. You need your teachers to like you this year. Now go." Tony spoke with a stern look but it was betrayed with the slight smile and the mischievous look in his eyes.

"Okay bye." Jethro finished by kissing Tony, turning and leaving a smiling Tony behind.

During second block, feeling a buzz Tony pulled out his phone. Looking around to make sure his teacher want looking, Tony checked his phone.


Hey how are you doing? Chuckling Tony answered.

From: Tony

I'm good Jet. You don't have to always check up on me you know. But anyway how is your class?

From: Jethro

As boring as ever. I'm stuck with Mr. Sheldon teaching Technology. I swear if it wasn't a graduation requirement I wouldn't have taken this class.

From: Tony

Awe you poor baby;) Don't worry it'll be over in about… 65 minutes.

From: Jethro

Haha very funny, funny guy:)

From: Tony

I thought I was:D

From: Jethro

Haha well you thought wrong;). I'll meet you later outside of your class.

From: Tony

Okay bye.

From: Jethro

Bye Babe. Love you.

Gibbs stood outside of Tony's class room for 3 minutes, wondering where Tony was. Becoming nervous he tried to call Tony, but there was no answer. Hurrying to the nurses office, the only reasonable place to look, Jethro was disappointed to find out Tony had never went to the nurse's. The only thing he could do now was go back to class and hope Tony had to go somewhere and that's why he never showed up to meet him. But even then there was still the pessimistic voice telling him he was wrong. He squashed the voice before he became too agitated.

Jethro waited by the front doors looking for Tony. He was still no where to be found and Gibbs was growing frantic trying to figure out where he was. Having waited for 20 minutes, he jogged over to his Jeep and headed to Tony's house.

As the front door was opened, John had a grim look on his face. Gibbs' gut was screaming at him now even more than before.

"Where's Tony? Have you seen him?"

"He was here but now he's gone. And I fear he won't be back any time soon or ever, for that matter." The expression John had spoke volumes and did nothing for Jethro's nerves.

"Where did he go? Why did he leave?"

"Oh, I assure you he did not seem to want to leave at all. He seemed very torn. I fear he may have been forced to leave. There was a young man there with him and two larger men behind them waiting at the truck. They were clearly armed. I have my suspicions that Mr. Anthony Senior had something to do with this strange occurrence.

"Young man? What did he look like?" The pounding in his chest was getting greater with every word uttered between them. How could this have been happening? And why wasn't he informed by Tony of what was going on?

"Tall, dark hair, um… oh yes he had on a black leather jacket. But I'm afraid that's all I can recall."

"It's alright." Jethro then proceeded to run up the stairs to Tony's room. Taking a deep breath to compose him self, Jethro opened the door. Tony's room was missing a few things; clothes, shoes electronics, and some of Jethro's old foot ball T-shirts. But what wasn't gone was one of the few pictures of Tony and him. The picture was his favorite picture of them together. They seemed so care free then before anything like this happened. Holding the picture close, Jethro scanned the room. There, lying on the bed was an envelope with his name on the front.

Jethro set the picture down onto the bed next to him and sat down, staring at the envelope in front of him. He slowly worked up the courage to open it fearing the worst.

My dearest Jethro,

I'm going to try not to make this sound sappy or corny, so here it goes.

I have loved you since I first met you during pre-season. You were the strongest most caring person I had ever met. You knew what you wanted and weren't afraid to make it happen. I was so glad to be able to play with you and just wished you would see me as more than another player. Then we were matched up as partners and everything had just fit into place after that. Every day I felt the bond grow stronger and stronger. One of the best days of my life was when you finally asked me out on a date. It was just one of many nights we spent together and I wouldn't trade them for anything. You made my life complete with you're caring about me and the love for you only grew. You will always be my first love, my one true love and my soul mate.

Please don't worry about me; this is something I have to do, for many reasons. The most important is for my family and friends. I will never let any harm come to your dad and our friends, if I can help it, but also the most important things in my life; you and our babies.

I'm sorry I have to leave and you had no idea. Something from my past that I wish would have stayed there came up and I had to leave.

I want you to promise to meet and accept someone who brings you happiness like you brought me. Don't let anything stand in the way of true love, not even the thought of me. I know how life can be and I want you to find happiness and love. Make the most out of life and follow your heart; it will never lead you astray. So please keep that promise, I want you to be happy. My only wish for you is to live your life and make the most out of it everyday.

P.S. Please don't try to find me; you could find trouble and that's not what I want to happen to you. Be careful and please don't be too upset, you'll find someone else you love and have an amazing life together.

Love you now, always and forever,

Tony DiNozzo

Jethro kept starring at the letter until he couldn't see it any more. Hot tears blurred his vision and glided down his cheeks descended onto the paper creating little puddles on the letter. What would he do now? How would he live without Tony and his kids?

The End… or is it?

There will be a continuation to this. I have another story I need to finish and one that I have been thinking of doing. I get a new story idea in my head and then I lose interest in my other ones, but I will finish them all. I apologies for the long delay, I had not intended to take that long with the update. Life has been super busy with school assignments and projects, work, sports and everything in between. I will not take as long hopefully as I did to finish and update my other stories. So leave a review.

But on another note I met some people this weekend and I couldn't be more excited, they were; Barrett Brooks, Seth Franco, Irving Fryar, Keith Elias and one of my favorites Jimmy Supafly Snuka!