A million things could have gone wrong for him that night, ironically the only thing that truly did was the factor that helped him defeat them all. They had had it all set-up. Everyone had been prepared to get rid of him. Just like he had been prepared to one-up them once more. As it turns out, his defense plan would not be necessary. The witch never got to perform her spell, at least not the way it had been intended. A glitch was all that had happened. A witch´s spell failing just like that - not due to a disruption or to an apparent weakness of the witch, but simply on its own - it happened. About as often as a mere human hit the jack pot in the lottery or as often as lightning struck twice. To be accurate, Klaus had heard of these events happening twice, during his life time. And he had kept of an army of witches throughout the centuries. Grimoires hardly mentioned them, he doubted Bonnie Bennett would find the explanation in hers. Instead of stopping his heart from beating, it did the reverse- on someone other than him.

It had taken him some moments to grasp what exactly must have happened, as he suddenly heard the heart in Caroline´s unconscious body beat heavily, as he suddenly could detect a human flavor in her divine scent, making her even sweeter than before. A coincidence of epic proportions had turned his desired companion human.

Having realized this before any of them did, he left the scene. He missed her waking up to the feel of oxygen back in to her lungs, her need to readjust to breathing, he pulse quickening over the realization. But he never strayed far.

Over the next few days, he kept close watch on her. The Salvatores naturally tried to keep an eye on her and protect her from his advances, but ultimately they never caught him in-time. So he watched her every time she ventured out for a walk in the sun, soaking in the warm feeling of rays tangling across her fair skin. And he watched her reconnect with her mother as her daughter had returned to being human. There was a lump forming in his throat as he observed everything happening around her attentively. As he watched her falling in love with her regained humanity.

To his dismay, she still saw that mutt. Not needing to hear their love-making, he abandoned her place for a few hours, before returning later that evening, watching her laying in bed, cuddled up against Tyler´s chest. A wave of envy crushed him in that moment. But he stayed, waiting for something he couldn´t yet name.

Eventually she woke up and quietly made her way down towards the kitchen, her senses no longer catching on to the predator lurking for her in the next room. He had meant to keep quiet and just let her return to bed, until he watched her standing by the fridge, helping herself to some milk. Her tank top had risen up a bit, revealing bruises on her back. That ultimately triggered it.

In a flash he had her chest gently but firmly and inescapably pinned against the fridge, one hand swiftly taking the milk carton out of her hand before pushing down onto her upper back, the other clamping her mouth shut. Her loud and terrified heart beat deafening his ears. Her senses could no longer keep her alert and weary of the supernatural, he thought as his hand caressed the bruise. Her body could no longer handle physical contact, as he found another, tiny bruise on her arm. He knew Tyler had no idea he had harmed her at all, but Klaus could have torn his heart out anyway for this. Her body was fragile now. She was mortal.

"Good evening, love." he whispered into the still struggling girl´s ear.

His hands touched her bruises once more before he continued speaking. "I assume Tyler has not readjusted to your newly-discovered human needs."

Without saying anything more, he sank his teeth into her tender neck. And he didn´t stop. Not until he had her nearly drained. The last words she heard before her fluttery eyes shut was "so fragile."

When she awoke, he neck hurt like hell. Her mom was sitting next to her, looking exhausted with worry. Tyler held sat next to her. She was in a hospital room.

She started taking vervain again, knowing it would poison her blood. But the fear stayed close-by. Knowing that her human senses would never be able to give her a heads-up on his imminent arrival, she developed a slight paranoia, trying to find him in crowds, never quite believing herself to be alone.

Then the gifts kept coming. A sketch of her former vampire face mysteriously made its way into her purse. She came home one from cheer practice and her bed was covered with rose petals of all colors while her room was engulfed in candle light. There was a simple note lying on her pillow. "Soon" was all it said. She woke up the next morning, and a familiar diamond bracelet encircled her wrist. She threw it out along with the other gifts.

Her friends helped her. They tried everything in their power to keep her safe, and encouraged her to stay, knowing she´d rather not go running. Knowing she´d like to live her natural life the way she wants it, without fear. Their efforts wound up not sufficing.

He found her the night she had sent out her college applications. He sat on the edge of her bed, waiting for her to wake up as he was sure she would. The minute her eyes opened, he was already on her, pinning her to the mattress, firmly holding both of her wrists in hand, while the other opened the first button of her lavender silk pajama, revealing her creamy collarbone. "You´ve had two month, sweetheart. Time to fix this."

She struggled, as she comprehended the meaning behind his words. "No, Klaus.. please. I just got my life back. Please. Please... don´t take it away again."

"Love, it´s for your own good."

"No, it´s not. Because I like being human. I like it. All of it."

At that, fury evaded his eyes and his fangs returned to her neck. Breaking the skin. Biting into her veins. However, this time, he took his time. Slowly taking a huge sip of her blood before whispering. "You´ll get old." Another sip. "You can be killed in so many many ways." Another sip, thrusting into her shoulder like an intoxicated lover. "You´ll be gone." Then he drank until she was barely alive.

With her last bit of consciousness, she whispered. "Please, don´t do this." He answered her plea by softly kissing her forehead.

"I won´t let you go to waste. Not ever." Then he bit into his own wrist and forced his blood down her throat. Not just a few sips, but enough to make her feel conscious and strong again.

When he was satisfied that she had enough of his blood in her system to make a rare vampire-vampire sire bond inevitable, he placed both of his hands onto her cheeks, wiping away her tears.

She quietly shook her head against his hold. Then all she felt was his lips on her, before her neck was snapped.

That night he took her away from Mystic Falls. To be his for all eternity.

Hey... this is just a random oneshot I had to get out of my system. Do NOT ask me for an update. There won´t be one. I just had to get this out of my head, so I can update Liars Liars and my other stories.