My love,

I wanted this letter to be perfect; to flow with words of wisdom and love that would comfort you through whatever comes your way. But you can already see that it isn't. I was going to throw this sheet away and start again but it has been so long since I have hidden anything from you that it would seem cheap to hide even this small mistake. And I cannot bear the idea that you would think leaving you and writing this was easy. So I will bear my heart through my writing and hope that you will shake your head and tut at how impulsive and rash and messy I was. And that then you will smile and find that whatever doubt has led you to read these words one more time has melted away. Because you shouldn't doubt yourself, my love.

Maker, there is so much I know that I want to say. But how can I fit into a single letter all that has been said and all that is still to be said between us? I don't think I can. Yes, my love, even the mighty Hero and Warden-Commander of Ferelden has her flaws. I hope I can trust you will guard this secret as closely as you have guarded all my others.

But perhaps I don't have to. Do you remember that time when we were walking through the streets of Denerim? - No, my love, stop being facetious. The time after the dragon. - That is one of my favourites. It has often provided a source of comfort and I thank you for that. It is fortunate that memories grow stronger the more often they are called upon. Make sure you reflect only on the ones worth remembering, love. As time passes and you find it more difficult to remember the small things – and you will, my love, there is no shame to it – then use these words, as stilted and flat as they are, to remind you which are worth remembering.

And do not flinch at the bad ones but do not dwell on them either. Those times have been and gone. That is all the acknowledgement those memories need. Instead remember that we endured. More than that, remember that we flourished. It may not be easy at first, love. Nothing we have ever done has been easy. But you must remember. And you will. I know you will.

I know that I must end now. If I do not then I will continue to write and write if only to ward off the time when I must leave you. I wish I could spare you the pain and loneliness but that is yours to own. So rather than practicalities – yes, my love, your warrior wife can be something other than practical on occasion – I will end with this. When you reread this letter - and I know you will until the edges are tattered and the ink faded – then let it be a connection between us. When you hold it in your hand then remember I once held it too and take comfort in the thought that our fingers touch across time and space. And when you remember – my love, my husband, my King – then know that I am with you.

There is nothing left to say except that which you already know. But if I write it then I hope you will hear it each time as though I was next to you. And that's a memory I hope you will never forget.

I love you.