Pairing: No romantic pairing.

Summary: Five times Gilbert Bielschmidt lived up to his role as big brother. (Human AU, in honor of German Unity Day)

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia or any related ideas. This is all just for fun and entertainment here.

Gilbert was going to be a big brother. He wasn't sure how he felt about that. After all, at four years old he wasn't entirely sure he understood this whole thing. For a while now, Mutti had been telling him she would be having a baby. Apparently said baby was in her stomach. That alone was disconcerting to Gilbert. The baby was in her stomach? How did it get in there? Would they have to cut her open to get it out? The idea was horrifying and he wasn't entirely sure why Vater would stand for such a thing.

From what he could see, this 'baby' wasn't doing anybody any good. Mutti was getting bigger and bigger (were they sure she wasn't going to pop like a balloon?!) and as she got bigger, she became more uncomfortable. She was tired much of the time. She didn't want to play very much, and she cried so much! Vater seemed more stressed out - they were both constantly talking about money when they thought Gilbert was too absorbed in playing with his toys. Yes, Gilbert was damn near certain he didn't like this baby, and he certainly didn't want to be its big brother. Mutti and Vater were his. He didn't want to share them!

His opinion hadn't changed by the time the baby did come. It had been in the middle of the night - Mutti seemed like she was in pain! Was the baby hurting her? He certainly didn't like that, though she continued to assure him that she was okay. Vater seemed even more stressed, worried lines showing on his stoic face. They had to go to the hospital - he'd been there once when he'd broken his arm falling out of a tree (that he wasn't allowed to climb) and he didn't like that place. He definitely didn't want his Mutti to be in one. However, both Vater and Mutti said the hospital was no place for a little boy, and his Großvater came to care for him.

Though they'd left just before his bed time, Gilbert wasn't allowed to see his Mutti, his Vater or even that little baby until the next morning. Großvater woke him up very early and took him right to the hospital. He didn't want to go, but Mutti was there and he wanted to make sure she was alright. The drive was the longest Gilbert had ever experienced, but then again, at four years old, he had little patience for car trips.

When they arrived, Großvater whisked him right up to a private room. There, he saw, much to his relief was his Mutti. She looked tired, but she wasn't hurting anymore. Immediately he tugged his hand out of the hold his Großvater had on it and ran to the bed to climb up beside her. Before he reached his destination though, he was swiftly picked up by Vater. "Careful," He warned, his voice deep and rumbling, fatigue making it rough. "Your mutter needs you to be gentle." He cautioned, and Gilbert nodded, letting Vater set him down on the bed.

It was then that he finally saw the little bundle in her arms. He crawled closer, a frown on his pale face. "Mutti?" He asked in confusion.

She shifted then, moving so he could see better. It was the baby they'd talked so much about, so tiny with its eyes shut, a dusting of pale blond hair atop its head. "Gilbert, liebling," She pulled him close. "This is your little brother." She allowed Gilbert to reach out with curious fingers, watching him as he touched the soft blond hair. "His name is Ludwig."

"He's tiny." Gilbert observed with a frown. Who knew babies were that small? Of course he'd seen pictures of himself as a baby but he'd never seen a real one! He was so very small. He looked helpless.

"He's very tiny. He needs to be taken care of. He's not big and strong like you yet." She explained warmly, giving a little smile as she watched her older son as he took to stroking the baby's light hair with gentle fingers. "He doesn't know how to do anything yet?"

"Anything?" Gilbert asked skeptically.

"Nein. He can't read or talk. He can't feed himself or walk."

Gilbert frowned. "Well ... I can teach him." He said, deciding for himself.

"I'm sure you can." Mutti said, pleased. "Do you want to do that, Gilbert? Do you want to take care of Ludwig and teach him what you know?"

Ludwig gave a little yawn, stirring in his mother's arms. He opened his big, blue eyes and Gilbert frowned again. He was so small and so helpless. Anything could happen to something that tiny. He nodded finally. "I can do it." He said, tiny hands moving to ball into fists at his sides. "Ja ... I can do it." He repeated mostly to himself.

The moment the promise was made, young and inexperienced as he was, little Gilbert Bielschmidt knew that he would keep the promise no matter what. He was determined and if he did nothing else, he would take care of Ludwig, and he would teach him everything he knew.


Mutti - German for 'mommy'
Vater - German for 'father'
Großvater - German for 'grandfather'
Nein - German for 'no'
Ja - German for 'yes'

A/N: So I decided to write this little five part ficlet in honor of the German brothers. I can't promise each chapter will be out quickly but I will not abandon this story! I hope you all enjoy. I beta'd this one myself, so of course concrit is absolutely appreciated.

Worry not! Attachment to Letting Go hasn't been forgotten, and chapter four is still in the works.