This is just something I felt like doing, meh.

And warning this has Soviet Russia. Dont like then, hop off.

He remembered those hands, that face, that voice...

He remembered how they both used to stay up late during the war, and they would talk about the future, how they were going to change, and prevent this from happening again.

He remembered the look in those eyes, the way they used to shine, and were filled with hope for another tommorow.

He remembered the promise, made one night, the day that Hitler fell.

"I will never cease to exist", he said. "I will stand by you forever, I will never leave, we will triumph over this darkness." Alfred look at the Soviet Union, "Promise?" "...Da."

Then there was the change, the abrupt and sudden shift in him. He wasn't the same anymore. He had a different shine in his eyes, a diffferent voice. He wasn't the same.

For years Alfred hated the Soviet, the Russian, the man. But, he couldn't say it. He couldn't say those three words, because no matter how hard he tried, the words always came out as, "I love you."

He remembered the fall, he saw all of them run out of the house, one by one they left the Russian's big mansion. Until it was just Russia. Alone.

And now standing at the same tree, that the promise was made oh so long ago, Alfred looks at the pictures. Of them, back when they were happier, back when he was still here.

Through the tears that now started to flow, and the pain that could no longer be kept hidden Alfred said, "You...fucking red fucking promised...why? WHY DIDN'T YOU FUCKING LISTEN!?" Dropping to his knees he continued to sob, "I could have saved you, you lied to me."

"Why did you lie to me?"

Obviously this is about the relationship, between Alfred and Soviet Russia. Dont like it...then Oh well.