Wow, uh, ok. Here. Part one of two? This is weird. I think I need to be kicked out of the fandom…


You were very wrong about John Egbert.

It's a fact that you'll never admit. You have a hard enough time admitting it to yourself. Besides, no one needs to know that you were ever wrong, that you ever made a mistake, that things ever went the wrong way. Not with Noir and not now with John. You need them to continue thinking that it all was a part of your plan, even if that also means being thought of as a psychopath. It's thanks to your luck that all of those mistakes worked out the way they did anyways. Making one pawn a monster and the other a hero, it wasn't exactly how you thought it would go, but it all turned out okay.

What definitely was not a part of your so-called "plan" was making that hero someone who actually mattered at the same time. And it scares you. Especially because you aren't sure just how much he matters, not only to the others and the wellbeing of this new universe but to yourself as well. Your fellow immortals don't need to know any of this, they would think of you differently, you would be seen as weak.

Thankfully, most of them seem to buy that you're a psychopath. It's better than being seen as a weakling by far.

John was supposed to be like Tavros. He was supposed to be inadequate, unworthy of the title of God, and most importantly, to be uncertain about every move he made, to rely on you for guidance. John was supposed to be a follower but despite how easily he gives into orders he turned out to be a leader. You weren't prepared for that, you weren't prepared to be wrong again.

But you had gone into the situation blind. No pun intended. You knew nothing of the humans and didn't care to learn, you simply wanted to beat Terezi. Helping someone rise to your rank, no, surpass you, was never your intention.

You're a liar, a manipulator, a thief. You don't have a leader, you don't need a leader, you are your own leader. You know what to do, what moves to make, and if something goes wrong you have your luck to back you up. Does that not make it so you're never wrong? All of your mistakes work out. They always take you where you want to go. Does that mean that they aren't mistakes at all? You don't need someone to tell you what to do, to help you, to guide you. You don't need a leader; you certainly never needed Karkat. You work alone unless making deals and even then your partners tend to end up with a knife in the back.

If your deal with Eridan hadn't been working out so well you're sure you would have found a way to trick him out of something, just like Equius. You should have seen his betrayal coming. But, unlike Equius, Eridan wouldn't have ever guessed you would try anything, he wouldn't have been prepared with his own trick up his sleeve.

John was just supposed to be another pawn in your games, another test of power. You're sure Terezi felt the same about Strider. Neither boy was supposed to mean anything, they weren't supposed to become your friends and they weren't supposed to become a part of your session. They were just two stupid aliens with odd skin and hair who had ruined all of your lives. But over time you realized that, despite all of his weaknesses, John is strong. Still easily manipulated of course, but strong. Not only did you start to like John you even started to pity him. His race is so fragile, so soft and harmless, how did they ever survive? It seems through will alone. John's silly and clueless; you actually like that about him. But he's determined to win and that's something you respect.

He's not the bravest; he's an idiot, it's not exactly bravery, mostly stupidity. He went through the entire game blindly. Only his luck, creativity, and your guidance got him out alive. Sometimes he really reminds you of yourself, it makes you proud. But he's still the only one respected as a true hero. Despite Rose and Dave and their sacrifice, Karkat calming the beast that killed two innocents, Jade and Kanaya creating you all a new universe, Sollux fueling the meteor, Aradia caring for the dead, John is still the one seen as the hero.

You suppose that makes you the true villain.

Really, saving you all was a group effort, but John's the one who had thought of it. Crazy boy. It's not surprising, what, with all of his wild creations that he's made with his alchemiter. Karkat also played an important role as the other ectobiologist of your conjoined group and the hero of blood along with Dave and his manipulations of time. But, when it comes down to it, John's the one who breathed life back into those of you who had died for good. Feferi first and then she was able to aid them with her own powers.

Now that you're thinking about it you can't help but scowl. You know how the whole breathing the spirit into people works. Just like kissing them to wake them in their other body. John had to press his mouth to Feferi's and breathe out. A kiss.

You try, and fail, not to be jealous.

So John is the hero. He's silly and clueless but you think it helps him come up with all sorts of crazy ideas, just like the one that brought you back from the dead, so it's okay. He's not determined to win, you think, but to get everyone out alive. And he did.

You find yourself wondering if he would have been able to do it without you though. If he would have been able to face death had you not meddled, if he would have accepted it like you had. Him, stabbed right in the stomach by the beast you created; you, beaten to a pulp by the heartless creature you helped resurrect.

Are you truly responsible for everything he is today or would he have been better off without you?

The one thing that seems to haunt you the most, though, is the question of just how different the two heroes of breath are. Maybe the better question would be just how similar they are. Would John have been brave enough, no, pitied you enough, to have put you out of your misery? Or would he have fallen short, just like the other?

You're a liar, a manipulator, a thief. Everything you've created has hurt you, not like John, his inventions are always beneficial. Yours have all been harmful, bad, or wrong, even if it was necessary for your "plan". So how did you manage to shape this boy into what he is today? How did something finally turn out right? How did this boy become a hero?

Perhaps you give yourself too much credit. You would still like to think it's your luck, though.

John is a hero, he's pure, humble, sweet, caring. He is weak. But he is determined, he does things his own way while still listening to others, he was the first to reach God Tier, with your help of course but still the first. He is powerful.

John believes men should be strong, that they should be brave, good at heart, their actions fueled by love. Going by his beliefs you would say he's a true man. He believes women deserve to be treated like they're royal, delicate, special, they should be loving and pure and all of the things that you aren't.

John is helpful, good, and honorable. He succeeds in bringing smiles to the faces of those around you simply by smiling himself. Your creation continues to be respected as leader long after everything has ended. You all are at peace; you all may rest in this perfect world reserved for the gods, those who have fought their way through the game, even those who had died like yourself. There is no need for a leader here and he never asked for the position, you doubt he even wants it, but he still has it.

Even Karkat, stubborn Karkat who backs down for no one, has given up the title he fought so hard to get so John may have it. Feferi, your would-be-ruler, had no qualms about it. Eridan accepts your new leader begrudgingly. John has earned Equius' respect and thus Nepeta's as well. Tavros would never stand up against such a thing and he doesn't have any issues with his fellow hero anyway. Kanaya seems a bit wary of the boy, still not convinced that the little human who runs around playing pranks can truly be a leader. Aradia is happy with everything, Sollux simply does not care, and drugs once again pacify Gamzee. Terezi is the only one obviously unhappy with him, she wants Strider to be the one respected as leader but suggestions of such a thing seem to make Dave uncomfortable. All of the humans are perfectly fine with John as the designated leader.

You don't need a leader; you've never needed a leader. You didn't need one before the games and you didn't need one during them. You don't need John as a leader, you don't, but you do need John.

Everything you create hurts you. John may be good but he still manages to cause you pain. You actually care about him, you actually care about what he thinks of you, and you want him to care about you the same way. He's made you feel weak. He's made you feel a lot of confusing things. But he's also made you feel safe, special, and loved without even trying.

You're greedy with his attention. You hog it all when you can, dragging him off to watch movies or to play pranks. You'll curl up together in his bed or on your couch, watching movies all night and sometimes all day. Any old movie tends to be put on repeat until one of you finally drifts off. Not Con Air, for whatever reason he doesn't like it anymore, which is a bit disappointing. And, of course, you'll leave whoopee cushions around, glue coins to the floor, sneak into Strider's room and slip his fingers into a warm glass of water, or, when he's in the shower, John will sneak into the bathroom to steal his clothes and his shades. None of it seems to faze Dave. He just walks out of the bathroom in a towel and his spare pair of shades he's learned to hide so he can show off in front of Terezi and Jade. They only giggle, or, in Terezi's case, cackle, while Karkat whines and complains and pretends to gag and Davesprite decides to join in. His other self always seems to prompt him to be less mature.

You're surprised that Dave's actually pretty okay when not spewing pointless words with no meaning. This is yet another small detail that you have a hard time admitting. And when John asked you were torn between making a snarky remark and telling the truth. Dave seemed to be having the same issue.

You don't blame him; you apparently aren't an easy person to like let alone love.

At this point no one even notices all of the coins on the kitchen floor and always check their chairs. You guys have to get some new material or this whole living forever thing will start to get boring.

The land you now call home, and will for the rest of eternity, is more human than troll. It's fertile and bright, far too bright to be considered comfortable for your kind, and filled to the brim with animals and plants only familiar to the four humans. Strider, in one of your few conversations, told you that this was not the normal home of any "modern day human", whatever that means. He called the entire thing "ironic" but he's full of crap and loves to lie for fun so you didn't take in much more of the conversation. His golden version, you find, is much more bearable and gets to the point.

"The early humans worshipped people who were supposed to live like this," he had told you, after his other self had departed with Terezi on his arm, of course. You had slowly dragged your gaze from the two figures, one cackling and the other smirking, you're sure, to look at him instead. He gets this look on his face whenever Terezi is around and he becomes quiet, quieter than he already is, which is saying something because he hardly ever speaks. He's the only one who's truly ironic, a thing you have told him on occasion with a wry smile and earned an empty laugh in return.

He's not like his other self, the one who acts like he's invincible and the coolest thing to grace any universe. He's not constantly speaking in rhymes and references; no, when he actually speaks it's calm and with purpose and every once in a while John or Jade can actually get him to crack a smile or laugh. He tries to stay away from both himself and your kind and it always made you think he was just another jerk. But with you always by John's side your paths had crossed eventually and you realized that he's not like that at all. He was cold to you but when he spoke to John it was less rude and cocky, he's actually a better friend to your hero than the other Dave. But John doesn't seem to realize it. Still holding a grudge for something that happened in the past, from what you understand.

You didn't get along at first but you warmed up to each other. You think it was after you both realized the other meant no harm to John. Somehow you have turned into someone Davesprite trusts, the only troll you note. He's usually with Jade but when she's with Nepeta or, gods forbid, Terezi he'll go to Rose, but she's often with Kanaya so then there's John, and when John is with Dave he'll finally turn to you. It's a silent agreement to stick to insulting each other at first, at least when everyone else is around, but they're all halfhearted and just as empty as much of what the other Dave says.

You found yourself with a pale crush but you thought that asking such a thing of him would make him stop speaking to you altogether. The humans don't understand your romance and you believe befriending you at all is a confusing subject to Davesprite. You didn't quite understand why until Rose dragged you aside. Then you finally found out about how Terezi was the one who had ruined his timeline, the one who lead to the death of the one he loves the most.

That's something the two of you have in common.

Then Ms. Lalonde proceeded to threaten to rip you apart in the most inhumane way possible, saving your brain for her studies and the rest of your remains as food for her pets, the evil gods who no longer exist. You were snarky and rude about it, giving her a taste of her own medicine, that is, until you realized she was serious. It seems you've stolen her Moirail like she stole yours. So you promised her you wouldn't do anything to hurt him, making the entire thing feel like you were trading Kanaya for him and in result you were absolutely giddy.

"Do you feel very godly?" You ask Davesprite finally and you get the answer you were expecting, a small, jerky, shake of his head before he leaves; gliding away and slowly blending in with the rest of the gold that surrounds you.

Your people never had gods, well, besides Gamzee's little cult. You had the Condesce and you certainly never felt the need to worship her. She's just another leader you never needed, like Marquise Spinneret Mindfang, your Queen was of no use to either of you. You didn't need any law let alone anything resembling order. But that's not the point; the point is that she didn't live in a place like this at all. She lived in a ship, sleek, sharp, and the color of human blood.

A ship you can understand but these buildings are different. Just like this new world they're all too bright and you complain about them constantly, but at least you aren't alone. Sollux and Eridan both seem to agree with you; actually, it's one of the few things they can agree on themselves. Besides Feferi, of course, but sadly their mutual romantic interest's love of your new home has led them to shut up. And then Eridan realized just how much gold and riches he's surrounded by and you think he genuinely likes it. It doesn't come as a surprise and you think that at one point in time it would have made you ecstatic as well. But there is no use for gold here.

The world seems never ending but after you reach a certain point you cannot go any farther. It's strange though because the perimeter of your world seems to change every day as well as the night sky. The nineteen buildings you each call home are almost always accessible, sometimes they are cut off, though, as well as the main building and the golden ship that has now been abandoned, left for the animals and plants to take over.

All of the buildings are a crisp white, the same color as the delicate shells of the eggs John uses when he cooks with his Nanna. They really are similar, both white and strange looking outside and their insides filled with thick golden riches. Once upon a time you would have hoarded it away, kept it like your ancestor would have, but now, as you said before, it is of no use to you. Unlike the eggs.

Eggs are fantastic, you'll sneak up on John so you can steal them right out of his hands, making him squawk indignantly, then break the delicate shell easily with your sharp nails and suck out all of the insides. You love eggs. John thinks it's nasty but he only laughs and throws you another instead of objecting.

You've told Davesprite your comparison of the buildings to eggs and he snorted in response. "Guess it's fitting for me to live in one, right?" He had asked, voice dead and flat like always but underneath pulsed a vein of contempt that could easily be missed. It comes to life whenever the subject of him being what he is now somehow comes up but it's even more noticeable when the subject of him being "the Other Dave" is.

"Ironic," is all you said, waiting to see if he would grow angry or simply play along and forget about it.

"On all of the levels."

"Aaaaaaaall of them." You added with a broad grin before lazily swinging your arm over to give him a fist bump.

You guess the buildings are pretty, though. High ceilings carved with images of your past battles, all gold and pearl and ivory. The walls are golden, too, and covered in complex patterns of a velvety material as well as sheer curtains that drape this way and that. Your people were never ones to worry about looks but this is nice, you must admit. The buildings still make you feel kind of claustrophobic when you think about it too much. The image of your failure always hanging over your head, the bright colors, the suffocating fabric, the fact that you really could be inside of an egg; it makes you uncomfortable.

John doesn't mind all of the sparkling gold and when asked why he just shrugs and says living in the ship for three years got him used to it. You tell him you don't know how he lived but he only laughs at you. Because you both know you'll have to make it through more than just three years.

The land is always warm, something that your kind welcomes but annoys both the humans and the low bloods. The compromise is John bringing in a cool breeze. At this point it's a constant thing, he doesn't even have to think about it.

Your nineteen homes are all spread out so you at least get a little bit of privacy. But privacy isn't something any of you are used to at this point so you find that you all tend to stick to the twentieth building despite all of your newfound space. It seems to have become the center of your universe.

Your group has been stranded on an island but you can see land out in the distance. That's where Rose has suggested all of their consorts have ended up. The only problem is that you aren't allowed to go that far. This new world isn't like Alternia, it's nothing like what the humans are used to either, besides Jade at least. But she's explained that her island was nothing like this. Her island was a jungle and this is no jungle, not to mention the size difference.

The island is large and covered with all sorts of different plants and features. There are mountains, they aren't very tall, more like hills honestly, but covered in forests. There are short, knotted, trees as well as tall, slender, ones and, your favorite, these thick trunked, gnarled, monsters with small leaves and branches laden with little fruits John calls "olives." They're nothing like Alternian olive trees and you decide that you like these better. Especially when told that their yield is not poisonous like your kind.

Your house, or hive as the others continue to call them, is out by the water like it was before. It's not as big though, which is good because the bigger it is the lonelier it is in your opinion. But now there tends to be someone else there with you, anyways, so it doesn't really matter. It's perched on a cliff of white rock that juts out into the water. The area has been flattened out though so the small temple you call home can sit there easily. The grass is thick and a brilliant green, the bushes around your home bloom with tiny purple flowers that smell lovely, and then there are these small trees with large orange fruits that smell even better. You gather them up to spread about your house even though Davesprite makes fun of you for it.

The beaches are white and just as bright as everything else around you but in some areas it's rocky and uncomfortable to walk on. The water is a brilliant blue like your blood and you love it.

Behind your home, past the beach and the thick line of trees that grow along it, is a field of tall grass and flowers. Like everything else here they are, of course, golden but littered amongst them are bright red blooms and little splatters of white. The best part is all of the twisted trees bearing the little human olive things.

But the new land quickly became old and you were eager to explore more.

You teamed up with John, Eridan, and Davesprite to sail out to the smudge of green in the distance. It didn't work out how you thought it would, though. The ship that was at the dock when you all first arrived is surprisingly nice even if it isn't like your old one. It's some strange combination of styles, sleek, and curving upwards in the front with golden accents and dark wood, but with a crow's nest and a wheel with beautiful golden swirls painted on it as well. The most disappointing thing about it is that it has no weapons, even if you don't need any.

Your crew wasn't exactly stable even though you all were obviously the best people for the job, you a skilled sailor, Eridan a creature of the sea, John the god of air, and Davesprite perfectly capable of climbing up to the "crow's nest". John was eager to explore and to find his "daughter", whom he calls Viceroy, so getting him to join you was easy, all you had to do to get Eridan was hate-flirt a little, and then you just had to enlighten Davesprite to the irony of his job.

He deemed it ironic enough and you all were on your way, after bickering over who was going to actually be behind the wheel of course. You finally gave in with a huff and a roll of your eyes after Davesprite threatened to leave. So Eridan was the captain in the end, freeing you to play with John and Davesprite instead.

The air was salty and fresh, a little different from what you were used to on your planet, but it was still nice. You hadn't realized just how much you missed sailing, the wind in your hair and the water spraying your face. It brought back memories that you still aren't sure you want to keep or to get rid of.

John had swept you off your feet while you were wrapped up in your thoughts, pulling you into a little tornado of salty air. You had yelped but the noise quickly turned into a laugh as you grabbed for your hat, the one John made you, and let him spin you about.

He had used his skills with the alchemiter to make this for you, a pirate hat with a blue feather stuck in it. It meant more to you than you let on. And it was perfect for the occasion too of course.

Eridan would huff and complain about John's silly antics but Davesprite just called out for him to shut up. Your hero shot you a wicked grin, something he'd picked up from you in the past week or so, slowing you down before focusing on sweeping Eridan up into a little tornado too. He was furious, face turning purple, cheeks puffing up, and fins flaring. It was hilarious and you found yourself laughing even harder as you started to become dizzy.

"You look like a puffer fish!" John had giggled when he finally sat both of you down and you had burst out laughing yet again because of the look of pure rage on the other boy's face.

You were tempted to try and grab the ship's wheel but changed your mind. Eridan was pouting and still purple in the face, not to mention how bad his accent was. You weren't sure what he would do if provoked further.

The rest of your short sail was spent pestering Davesprite by purposefully messing up his hair with the wind. He sent you weak glares from behind his shades but the two of you didn't even try to hide what you were doing.

And then barely and hour into your journey the ship just stopped and no matter how hard John tried it would not go forward. It was as if you had hit a force field. When Davesprite tried to fly over it he couldn't and when Eridan tried he couldn't swim under it. So you continued on, sailing in a circle around your little island, bumping into the force field every now and then.

You didn't succeed in traveling to new lands but it was fun anyways.

Some days there's an extra person staying in the twentieth building, usually it's Feferi but sometimes it's one of the others on the very edge of the island. You'll try to go home and walk right into the force field. There's no way around it so the obvious place to return to is the twentieth building, but you usually go to John's instead.

You like living right on the water like this. Jade, Feferi, and Eridan think it's fantastic, too, obviously. Feferi's building is even under water but she usually stays with Sollux instead. You aren't sure why Eridan's temple isn't, but when you ask he snaps at you so you only roll your eyes and remember to avoid the subject unless you purposefully want to piss him off.

This new world isn't so bad but your actions continue to haunt you. Battle lines have been drawn, it seems. Terezi and you pitted against each other yet again. But you have a feeling you both wish it wouldn't be this way. You just have a bad habit of arguing over everything but the actual issue. And you don't know how to change it.

A clawed hand, golden and covered with rough scaly skin, whips out to wave in front of your face. You jolt, eyes quickly focusing the appendage that could belong to no other than Davesprite. "You okay there Serket? You zoned out again."

You sigh heavily, eyes flicking away and brow twitching with frustration. Meddling Moirails. "I'm fine, just tired."

He looks concerned, the Strider equivalent, and it makes you annoyed but happy at the same time. Because you know he pities you too, even if he doesn't realize it. "More nightmares?" He's not as good as Dave at keeping his emotions from his voice

"Yeah…" You mumble, rubbing at your eyes.

When you're tired everything seems even brighter and it makes your eyes practically throb in protest. Today's not going to be a good day.

"Thought the drugs were supposed to keep those away." He mumbles winding an arm around you and gently guiding you forward. His wing wraps around you too and it makes you feel surprisingly safe. It's a rare act, something that usually doesn't happen outside of the safety of one of your homes, but no one is around right now so it's okay.

Getting to this point was hard. You both refused to show weakness by seeking the other out officially. When one of you wanted to see the other it was excused as boredom. You never would come out and tell the other you wanted to talk or you were there to seek the comfort that their presence brings. You both have a silent understanding that seems to come with Moirallegiance so it was obvious to both of you, though. Gamzee knows he has to act as if he is the weak one in his relationship with Karkat, he must "force" the other into hugs and talks and so on even though everyone knows that Karkat desires it more than him. Nepeta knows that Equius is afraid of his own strength and must assure him that he will not hurt her but not push him to do things beyond a certain point that is only clear to her.

Your relationship with Kanaya wasn't like this. And even though it's not even official you think it's better.

The first time Davesprite fell asleep at your house was an accident. You were surprised but then you remembered that an action like this isn't that big of a deal to humans, a fact that disappoints you till this day. Trusting another to not kill you in your sleep is a big deal to your kind but sadly the humans don't look at it the same way. So you let Davesprite sleep, going to the kitchen to get some more popcorn and leaving the TV on. You knew better than to take off his shades or to place a blanket over him, it's too hot for that. An hour later Davesprite jolted awake with a cry like a wounded animal and you acted on instinct, joining him on the couch and winding your arms around him.

After the flapping of his wings and the terrible screams ceased there was a long moment of silence. You didn't notice it; you simply continued to run your hand through the mess of feathers at the back of his neck and to press your lips to the side of his head. His shades digging into the side of your neck was growing uncomfortable as well as the way you were sitting, but it still took a moment before it registered that it was over. Your hand stilled and even with the TV droning on it felt awkward and too quiet. You had torn away, cheeks flushed with cool blue blood and eyes wide.

You both stared at each other for a long moment before you finally mumbled out an apology because hell if you knew what else to say. He just said "S'okay." Stupid accent is worse than Eridan's. But a week later he showed up with the excuse of Jade having a "sleepover" with Rose and the two of you crashed on the couch together.

A few days after that he asked if you had the "hots" for him and you punched him. You broke his glasses, which really wasn't what you were aiming for so you made John alchemize him a new pair later. But first you told Davesprite how stupid he is and that if anything you were pale for him because the whole situation was just stupid and you refused to ignore it any longer. He just grinned, that cocky Strider grin of course, and said okay. Stupid, pitiful, boy.

Now he knows but he still doesn't get Moirallegiance. So when you ask if you're Moirails he just says, "Vriska, I don't have a clue what the hell that means beyond us being best bros and 'getting our cuddle on'. Which is fine if it's just that. I'm cool with the bro cuddles even though it's kind of weird but, Christ, you and your orange fetish, I should've seen it coming." You usually punch him in the arm before he can continue on.

When he stays with you, or even when John stays with you, the nightmares tend to stay away. But last night he was with Jade and John was at home, not curled up on the couch with you, so the nightmares came again. Sopor, yeah, you don't know why it's not working as well as it used to. Maybe it's because you aren't actually sleeping in a pool of it, instead just rubbing it into your skin so you can sleep in a bed. "They aren't the same. Different kind of nightmare I guess." You say instead. You aren't sure how this works. All you know is that the one time you dared to go to sleep without your sopor you were haunted by images and pains from wounds you've never gotten, of a death you never experienced, and a man with a flirtatious smile you've never met. You don't know why someone so handsome and nice made your stomach twist in horror. The nightmares you get now are blurry things of falling, blood bubbling up from within your throat, and everything going dark. Other times it's seeing it happen to John. Seeing him get tricked and killed.

Both your deaths by the same hand.

You glance at Davesprite out of the corner of your eye just in time to see him nod. You joined up in the field with all of the olive trees, both having been called to the main building by Rose. He was headed to drag you out of bed and was obviously surprised to find that you were already going. He doesn't look tired, you don't think he even really needs sleep, but this is Davesprite. He thinks that waking up before twelve is a sin or something. So he's going to be grumpy about it and you don't blame him one bit.

"What does little Miss. Lalonde waaaaaaaant?" You whine leaning into him and scrunching up your nose when his feathers tickle your face.

"You think she actually told me?" He huffs indignantly.

"You pity her, she pities you, yeah, I would assume so." You grumble back.

Rose Lalonde is a no good meddling meddler who steals Moirails. You don't like her. Especially after hearing about how Karkat had declared her John's Matesprit. Stupid, no good, meddling leader needs to mind his own business.

"I don't pity Rose. She's my sister, okay? Do you understand that?"

"Do you understand Moirallegiance?" You counter.


"Then no, I don't get your sister thing." You reply slipping an arm around his waist.

He rests his head against the top of your own, something the other Dave wouldn't be able to do, and gives you a squeeze. "Nobody gets sister things."

You have a feeling he's making some joke out of this so you jab him in the side with your knuckle making him squawk. You giggle and his face flushes gold, lips twisting into a scowl. "I hate you."

"Ooh Mr. Strider, ooooooooh…" You sigh dramatically and his arm suddenly slips down so he can tickle you.

Despite it all it seems you are still the first to arrive in the clearing, or perhaps you were the only two called, it doesn't matter. The main building is larger than all of the others and behind it are the overgrown remains of the golden ship. This is the center of the island and the place that all of your paths lead to, Davesprite has explained that this is yet another reference to whatever gods the humans used to worship.

White pillars taller than almost all of the trees on the island hold up a roof decorated with Lusii and monsters. Ivy has crawled up and now almost reaches the ceiling despite the columns' height and the cypress trees are quickly catching up. You ascend the marble staircase and head towards the large wooden doors that already stand open. The wrap around porch holds a table, some chairs, and potted flowers, all beautiful and expensive looking. You still feel out of place among it all.

You walk down the hall, your steps silent and Davesprite floating, so when you turn to enter the library you aren't surprised that they haven't heard you. As soon as you see them, lip-locked and pressed against the dark wood of the desk, you grin, opening your mouth to call out to them. But instead a hand is clamped over your mouth and Davesprite drags you away, eyes wide behind his golden shades. He's rigid, completely freaked out, so you simply allow him to pull you from the building once more.

As soon as you're on the porch again you turn on him. "Dave."

"Oh my god. What the hell was that? Oh my god." He hisses, eyes not wide but squeezed shut.

"I believe we just walked in on your 'sister thing' kissing her Matesprit." You reply, failing to keep the amusement from your voice completely. He glares at you, lips twisting in disgust.


"I don't knoooooooow Dave… That's sure what it looked like to me…" You tease, lips pulling into a wicked grin, all fangs and black lips. "They, as Vantas would say, were locked in an embrace, kissing passionately, their love-"

"No! Shut up! Shut your dirty mouth! Oh my god!" He clamps his hands over his ears and squeezes his eyes shut even tighter, as if he could actually keep it all out. "I am forever scarred with that image. Jesus Christ, why him? Why him?"

"As if I know. Sollux is a skinny, geeky, bastard, I don't get why all the girls pity him." You snort.

Davesprite moans, clawed hands gripping his head tighter. "No."

You laugh, slinging an arm around him and pulling him down so you can press a kiss to his cheek. He's a pitiful thing.

He groans and whines and carries on and it's a wonder neither of them have heard him yet, especially with you laughing so hard. You do guess it's muffled by Dave's chest and thick ruff of feathers though. "I cannot deal with this Serket."

"I don't know Strider, having Sollux as a…" You scrunch up your nose, pulling back to look him in the eye. He's still glaring. "Brother and law might not be that bad…"

He snorts jerking his chin towards the door. "It's brother-in-law. And yes, yes it would be that bad." He grumbles.

You really don't get human terms they're stupid. But that doesn't matter, what does matter is Moirail Cuddles. Moirail Cuddles are the best, especially with Davesprite because he's all fluffy, warm, and familiar.

"Christ Vriska…" He mumbles and you pull back to glare at him. "Neeeeeeeedy…"

"Shove it Strider!" You hiss punching him in the shoulder. He only laughs, a strange noise that reminds you of some of the bird calls around here. You think that's probably why he tries even harder than Dave not to, at least around those he doesn't trust. It's pitiful.

You pout at him and his brow furrows at your sudden mood swing. "What?"

"Pitiful," you huff pulling him down to press a kiss to his forehead.

"Uh, guys…?" Davesprite jolts at the sudden appearance of John but you just glance in his direction before pulling Davesprite closer. John and Karkat are coming up, both eyeing you warily. "What are you… doing?" John laughs nervously and Karkat just scowls rolling his eyes.

"No, please go back to flaunting your pity like the imbeciles you are, I'll just be inside getting some actual shit done." Karkat snaps, stomping up the stairs, all four feet and eight inches of him rigid and radiating hate.

"You're just jealous." Davesprite decides resting his cheek on the top of your head again, careful to avoid your horns.

John looks a bit horrified and Karkat looks, well, like he usually does, like he wants to shoot someone if not himself. "What?" John asks looking between the three of you with wide blue eyes.

"They're Moirails, oh, intelligent leader of mine." Karkat hisses before moving to go into the building. You're a little surprised his language isn't as coarse as usual and his words are a little less sharp, maybe something's wrong, you don't know and you don't care.

"Oh no, Vantas…" You purr, reaching out to grab him by the sleeve of his sweater.

"The hell do you want now?" He snaps.

"They're in the middle of something…" Your grin comes back with a vengeance and Karkat leans away warily.

"Does someone care to explain what's going on?" John whines and Davesprite groans pulling out of your grasp.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it."

"Dude! Are you two, like, a thing?" John hisses, blue eyes flicking between the two of you. The boy is incapable of being quiet.

Your grin only grows though because he has to be jealous, he has to be.

"Yes John, I'm one of those jerks who would cheat on a cute little lady like your sister." Davesprite grumbles sarcastically. "It's their weird alien cuddle romance. Not their weird alien make-out romance."

John pouts at him, dark brows knitting together, and he opens his mouth to respond but Karkat's cutting him off.

"Wow, you culturally insensitive ass, our romance is so much more complex and beautiful than that." Karkat barks, black lips curling up so you can see all of his sharp teeth. That's more like the Karkat you know. It's a threat but humans are stupid and Karkat is Karkat, so it's not really all that threatening in the first place. Especially when he's talking about romance. "Now, to get this over with-"

"Waaaaaaaait!" You grab his wrist and yank him back before he can try to go inside. You're a little shocked he was prepared to let Dave off that easy. He hisses, snapping at your hands, but, as you said, it's Karkat. "You'll interrupt the glorious moment that's currently taking place."

He gives you the most exasperated look you've ever seen but doesn't object. Which is actually shocking. "This better be good Serket."

You lean in and he stiffens. Your kind isn't used to being this close, at least not when you aren't in a Quadrant. And you would never be in a Quadrant with Karkat Vantas. "Sollux and Rose…" You whisper in his ear and wait for the inevitable.

"What?" He yells right in your own but it was totally worth it.

You pull away grinning and take in Karkat's look of horror. This boy's expressions, you swear. If you had gotten the full experience of talking with him online you may have actually grown to like him.

"What?" He repeats. "What do you…? What?"

You throw your head back and laugh feeling pretty damn proud of yourself. You've rendered Karkat Vantas as close to speechless as he's ever been and probably ever will be. The words he spews are even emptier and more numerous than Dave's. That's saying something.

Karkat shakes his head, stunned look turning into one of anger, and promptly storms into the building. You look to Davesprite and he smirks. Even he must see how this is sure to go. "Well then. This should be good."

You stride ahead of your two heroes, grin threatening to split your face in half. Karkat's reaction is going to be priceless; you wouldn't miss it for the world. But when you reach the library you are not greeted by two blushing teens and a sputtering Karkat but by the words "Jesus KK, don't be such a perv!" and "I must agree Mr. Vantas, this is a place of learning, it is not for 'sloppy make outs' as you call it." The first is lisped even worse than usual and the second is dripping with a little too much sarcasm. Your grin turns wicked and you hear Dave snort indignantly from behind.

"Oh Ms. Captoooooooor…" You purr, slipping into the room. The walls reach all the way up, arching into a dome, and shelves full of books as thick as Equius are pressed against them. Rose's desk is a large, dark brown, block covered with papers and pens. It's always a mess. And in the center of the room, sitting on a thick red rug, is a pair of chairs, a coffee table, and a couch.

Rose, who is currently seated at her desk instead of being pushed against it, glares daggers at you with those purple eyes of hers. Sollux is sprawled across the couch, a whole ten feet away from where he was when you first arrived, all seven feet and one hundred pounds of him bony and relaxed as if he has been there all morning. He's rolling his eyes, you're sure.

Karkat glares at you too but he doesn't say anything, just claims the largest chair and attempts to sit in it like a throne. He only succeeds in looking like a grumpy little brat.

You make your way over to Sollux, abandoning your original plan of harassing the human instead, and are happy to see Davesprite floating over to Rose. You are the perfect team. It is you. You turn your attention to John who is just standing in the doorway looking like a lost puppy and try your hardest to look at him pleadingly. You could never match his puppy eyes though. He seems confused until you make a jerky little motion towards Karkat that he thankfully doesn't notice. John just rolls those big blue eyes before bounding over to the other boy.

When you look back at Sollux he's shaking his head.

"Soooooooollux…" You purr, slipping behind the couch. He glares up at you warily. You don't think he's gotten over the whole thing with his Moirail yet. You smirk down at him, cross your arms on the back of the couch, and lean down to look at him. "You have a little something on your lips Mr. Captor."

His eye, the blue one you notice, twitches ever so slightly but then his lips, smudged with black, are pulling into a smirk and his sharp teeth are sticking out all over the place. "Yeah, unlike someone I can actually get a Matesprit." He replies, voice calm but words dripping with venom. And he has succeeded; he has struck a nerve. His words make your blood boil and your fists clench, nails biting at your skin and mind screaming "Make him pay". But you don't because as hot and bothered as it makes you it also echoes through your being as an undeniable, icy, truth that just makes you want to curl up and cry.

You, Vriska Serket, are not an easy girl to love and you certainly have no reason to be pitied.

You scowl at him despite your best efforts and the boy smirks, crossing his arms behind his head and laying back once more. You sometimes wonder if he's black for you, maybe that's why he tries to ignite such a fire within you. Or maybe it's just because revenge is a temptress that even Sollux Captor cannot withstand. "There something wrong Ms. Serket?" He asks innocently and you want to punch him until those teeth fall out all over again and that horrible lisp is gone with them, you want to make him say your name right. But not in a romantic way, you don't want to make him burn, make him long for more; you want him to freeze over with an icy, unsatisfying, hate. The kind that makes you sick, repels instead of tempts.

"No, of course not Mr. Captor, just filing it all away for later." You say finally, once the wave of self-pity has passed.

"I'm sure."

Rose clears her throat and you jerk your head in her direction, meeting her icy purple gaze head on. They're the worst couple in the history of Matespritship. He's all tall and bony and she's so tiny and all soft curves, he's wrapped up in his computer for days and she does the same with her writing, he's depressing and sarcastic and she's snarky and dark. Okay, you take it back; they're eerily perfect for each other. You just can't see how it's red and not as pitch black as a moonless night.

"Believe it or not you all have been asked to join us today for something important. I was hoping the others would drag themselves out of bed, put on their happy face, and get here on time, but it seems you are the only ones feeling punctual this morning." She's snappy and rude and you don't see how John could ever pity her. Ever. "Which is actually quite a shocker." She's sure to add, gaze never leaving you.

You glare back, smirking when Davesprite shoves at her arm. She finally looks away.

"What's wrong?" John chirps, not even noticing the exchange.

"Nothing's wrong, not exactly." For once the great Rose Lalonde doesn't sound so sure of herself. You notice the bags under her eyes and how her clothes are slightly wrinkled for the first time. Ms. Lalonde is always flawless, her makeup, her posture, her clothes, all of them perfect. This new development makes you feel a little better. "You see the horrorterrors have been speaking to us again… Meaning the Derse dreamers."

Sollux visibly stiffens in response and Karkat's face twists into another of his one of a kind expressions. John looks worried but you know he doesn't really get it because you don't either. Maybe you're lucky to have been a Prospit dreamer.

"I haven't noticed," Davesprite mumbles finally.

"They never really spoke to you. From what we understand they never took an interest in you, Nepeta, or Equius. Not as much as everyone else. We were seen as the weak links; unstable is perhaps a better word for it. I was too stubborn to see that what I was doing was, indeed, wrong; I thought that I was correct and that I would be able to handle all of the power given to me. Sollux is… a bit volatile…" He huffs and grumbles but does not object. "Eridan is violent and holds grudges and is, well…"

"Eridan," you supply and the familiar quirk to her black lips is back.

"Yes, Eridan. Aradia is used to the voices in her head so they don't seem to bother her like they do us, thankfully. As well as Feferi who has had one acting as her parent her entire life." Rose continues, glancing at the door when Eridan barges in. He's all tall and regal looking, hair slicked back, jaw strong, and eyes just beginning to shift to violet. But really he's just a big joke with his purple cape and ridiculous patch of matching hair. He nods sharply before sauntering over to the free chair and collapsing into it with a sigh.

"Speaking of the devil!" You say, grinning broadly at your ex. He glares weakly at you, lips pulling back to reveal sharp white teeth.

"It's 'speak of the devil', Vriska." Davesprite mumbles, lips twitching into an all too familiar smirk that reminds you of Lalonde's. You just stick your tongue out at him.

"As I was saying, Sollux, Eridan, and I seem to be the only ones truly bothered by them. They have been giving us visions though…" She murmurs reaching down to get something that is at her feet. "But they are not reliable." She adds, standing up straight once more. She has a small wooden bowl and a stick covered in leaves.

"Uh… Rose?"

"These are traditional laurel leaves, this is not water from the Kassotis though, I simply gathered it from the stream, and then of course, oh, Dave, would you please grab my stool?"

You all just stare at her for a moment, waiting for someone else to break the silence. "What are you glubbin' about?"

"No Eridan, the proper question is 'what the hell are you even talking about?'" Dave replies, his attention shifting back to his sister. "Laurel leaves and water?"

"Dave," she sighs. "You are the one who continues to compare our current situation to Greek mythology. I, acting as the seer, will attempt to perform my duties as those before me did." She holds up the bowl and the laurel, purple eyes flicking over in your direction. "There is a reason for those cracks in the basement it seems." You frown at her trying to understand what she's getting at, but then you glance down and realize Sollux has grown rigid once more. Whatever message her words carry it was not meant for you.

"So… how does this work…?" John asks warily.

"I sit on a stool, a tripod to be more specific, and peer into this bowl of 'holy water' while holding this in my free hand." She replies calmly, holding up the twig.

"Oh good grief…" Davesprite grumbles gathering up the stool sitting behind her desk. She must have alchemized it. "Okay, so for an hour? A day…?"

"I'm not sure. It is the seventh day of the month…"

"You're keeping track of the perigees?" Karkat scoffs and Rose sighs.

"Mr. Vantas, we have a god of time among us, he knows these things whether he wants to or not. That is how I know it is the seventh day of the seventh month even though there seems to be only a single season here. It is the perfect time to do this." Rose replies, quickly growing irritated, you can tell. "Now, I will lock myself away in the basement and you all will leave me alone until I come out."

"Whoa, whoa, wait a sec Rose." John cuts in, brows furrowing and that cute little pout coming to his lips. "This isn't… You're sure this isn't just more crazy grimdark crap right?"

"Yes John." She doesn't sound very convincing, especially with Sollux fighting to restrain himself, grinding his teeth and eyes shining a little brighter.

Today has already proven to be odd but it's not over yet. Karkat leaves as soon as he can, acting quiet and awkward which really is odd for him, well, minus the awkward part. And then when Kanaya comes in the first thing she asks is "Karkat is here too isn't he?" And when she was informed that he had already left she looked uncomfortable if not upset. You were tempted to ask what was wrong but you aren't her Moirail anymore, it's not really your place. The others come and are filled in on the situation, some seem to care more than others, and Gamzee doesn't care at all. Most are wary though, Equius begins to sweat right away, curious to know about the visions but Rose is quick to tell them that they aren't very clear. You think she may be lying.

Once everyone has been informed of what will be taking place Davesprite helps Rose carry her supplies downstairs into the thick black of the basement, his glow breaking through it just enough to light their way. When he comes back up he is alone.

You drag him home, not letting John pester him too much. It's like Gamzee and Karkat's silent agreements; you must be the one to act needy, at least right now. His mask is cracking, his lips twisting downwards instead of the usual bored expression, but he still remains calm while trying to slip out of his conversation with John. You must admit that you are impressed by his self-control. John is worried and you want to assure him it will be fine, take him home and coddle over him and Davesprite both until the girl emerges from the dark again and then it will be back to her being the star.

He pities her, you're sure. She's beautiful but delicate and small, unstable as she admitted herself; so pale and dainty just like the rest of them. You can understand how he would pity her. John treats her like she's special; he grins goofily at her and flushes when he's granted with a real smile, not just a quirk of black lips. He'll open doors for her, bow to her jokingly, but he still does it. She reduces him to what you had originally intended to, a blushing stuttering mess, uncertain of every move to make and what words to say. John believes women deserve to be treated like they're royal, delicate, special, they should be loving and pure and all of the things that you aren't. Rose isn't perfect but she does fit the requirements of being a lady better than you. She's a better woman, a better protégé, and a better goddess of light.

She may be pitiful and breakable but her mind is sharp, her words are used as weapons, same as Dave's. She's quick and dangerous. And you hate her almost as much as you envy her.

But she is special to your Moirail, if something was to happen to her you know that he would be broken. So you don't get into it with her as tempting as it is. She reminds you of Terezi that way.

So you take Davesprite home and keep your insults locked away as he whispers of his fears. "If she goes grimdark again we won't be able to do shit about it… her old body was like that even after death and crap. Like… all monochrome and creepy and Christ Vriska, what am I going to do if she goes crazy again?" He murmurs head tucked in the crook of your neck and shades abandoned on the coffee table.

You run your hand lazily through his ruff of gold and white feathers that are soft to the touch and flutter to the floor occasionally. "She'll be okay Dave, she's not doing what they told her to do, she's not giving into it." You assure him, shifting ever so slightly and just making him cling to you tighter, tail squeezing your leg and claws digging into your arm. You feel bad for not sounding convincing or even concerned. "Hey, Lalonde is strong, she can take care of herself." You wouldn't admit that to anyone else, and you're pretty sure he knows it. "Jade will probably want to spend the night with you," you add softly. "You should really go home."

He agrees but the two of you continue to lie there for a few more minutes before finally untangling. Davesprite puts his shades back on and the two of you walk out just in time to find Jade and Dave coming up. Jade grins brightly, almost exactly like John, and runs up to embrace her Matesprit. You can't help but smile. She makes him happy so she automatically makes you happy, too.

Jade is sweet, her language and temper are horrible, something you blame on Vantas, but she's still as sweet as sugar and treats Davesprite like he's still a human being. Sometimes it really irritates you how he tends to be ignored and brushed off, even by John, but Jade treats him right. And so does Rose, so she's not all bad. Jade and you don't talk much if at all but you know Davesprite tells you about her so you're sure he tells her about you. You've chatted online on occasion and you like her, she doesn't seem to mind you much either but she's still wary. You don't blame her.

Jade is trusting though, just like John, and you've won Davesprite's trust so that's another plus. Whenever you're together she acts as if you both are the best of friends, when you really aren't, and has even prodded Nepeta to talk to you, you think.

She breaks the hug, green eyes shining brightly and sun kissed skin rosy. She pecks him on the cheek making his own lips quirk up ever so slightly. Davesprite adores the girl. She's not very pitiful; she's sturdier than the others, snappy and strong. She's built to withstand the elements, hands rougher than her fellow humans', skin darker, and muscles more obvious. Maybe not as obvious as either of the Daves' but it's still there.

Jade may be the only human who you actually think highly of, who you have decided deserves some respect. John fills you with pride, he's become someone who should be respected but that was with your help and still he sometimes acts clueless and ditzy. You love him for it though. Dave, the human one, has not earned a sliver of respect from you. He may be tolerable sometimes but definitely not someone worthy of anything close to respect, not from you. He's smug, egotistical, and completely unbearable. He thinks he's better than everyone else and acts as if he deserves twice as much of the very thing you believe he shouldn't receive. That cancels out anything he had going for him like sacrificing himself with Rose. Her, you do not respect, not really, you admire that she has something that you do not, you envy her, you're jealous of her, and you resent her. But you still do not think she deserves any admiration, falling prey to the gods the way she did.

But, then again, you aren't one to talk.

Davesprite is different. He's not like the other humans and he's not like any of your kind either. He's more grounded, not so contradictory like humans tend to be. You guess your kind too. He uses less words but the effect is that they mean more. He doesn't want to be the center of attention, he's happy to sit back and let the others be the stars. You think it's not simply because he's more mature, that he's learned that being like that is simply childish, you think it's out of paranoia as well. He's still worried that this world will be torn from his grasp, that it's not meant for him, that he does not deserve it. Everyone else seems to know he does, for the most part. He seems to have come to the conclusion that sitting back to take it all in is more rewarding than being a part of it all. But then you realized it's not that, it's more about wanting to keep an eye on all of the people that he cares about so dearly. You think you understand.

But, as mature as he is and how serious he has become, he still has his moments. "Hey there babe," Davesprite says finally.

She rolls her eyes at the name pulling out of his grasp. "Dork!" She replies fondly before turning her gaze on you. She smiles even bigger and you smile back. At first you felt uncomfortable around Jade but not anymore. "Hi Vriska!" In one big step, thick skirts ruffling around her legs, she's in front of you. You meet her hug halfway and allow a kiss to be pressed to your cheek.

At first it had made you uncomfortable how she would always be too close or too touchy but Davesprite has explained that it's just how she is. She's not used to being around other people and doesn't understand the concept of personal space. You guess living on an island can do that to a person.

You can feel the other, human, Dave staring but you ignore him. "Hey Jade!"

"I'm going to steal Dave for a while, okay?" She says teasingly. You only grin at her, watching as she drags Davesprite away, waving to you as she goes.

When she's out of sight the other Dave is still there, standing at the stairs with his hands in his pockets, facing the direction his alternate self went but you know his eyes are on you. Those shades can fool some but not you. "Something wrong Strider?" You purr, leaning against one of the pillars of your home.

"You don't think it's really creepy how, oh, I don't know, you spend your days snuggling with me?" He replies, finally facing you.

"Davesprite isn't you," you reply smoothly. "He may have been at one point but I assure you that you are not the same." He snorts and it makes your lips twitch because it's so similar to the sound Davesprite makes. "He has better taste than you," you add, making his brow quirk up. "What's really creepy," you continue before he can start. "Is knowing that you spend your days snuggling with Pyrope."

He doesn't object to that, he seems a little surprised, a snort escaping him. Finally he just nods his head, smirking faintly, before turning to leave. At least he knows when he has overstayed his welcome.

John comes over later and you are absolutely delighted, so delighted, in fact, that you almost don't notice how uncomfortable he is. He laughs nervously when you drag him inside, asking if Davesprite is around, and then later when you're watching the movie he keeps shifting around uncomfortably, raising his arm but then quickly lowering it. "Oh my god, what's wrong?" You say finally after the third or fourth time.

He flushes a brilliant red but it's hard to make it out in the flashing light coming from the screen. "N-nothing! Geez!"

"Joooooooohn!" You whine and his blue eyes quickly flick away, oversized teeth abusing his already cracked lip. You huff at his distress and reach out in order to pull his legs from their current position of "crisscross-applesauce" as he refers to it but he freaks out when you do. "Good grief John! Calm down!"

"Good grief is right! What are you doing? Oh my god!" He stammers, blush growing and ears also beginning to turn red.

"Gosh John! Can a girl not get a willing pillow around here?"

He looks like a deer caught in headlights, another human term you have learned from Davesprite, but then the blush is back with a vengeance as well as that nervous little smile you love so much. "Oh," he laughs and quickly moves to his usual spot.

You roll your eyes, laying out on the couch and using his lap as a pillow. He plays with the ends of your hair and brushes the tangled mess from your face with those long fingers of his. It's nice and soon enough you're drifting off.

The next day is spent with both John and Davesprite, your wish coming true. The boys move the coffee table out of the way and tear everything apart, grabbing blankets, pillows, and cushions till you have a pile in your living room right in front of the TV. Then you all curl up, you in the middle, John's shoulder serving as your pillow and his cheek resting against the top of your head in turn, and then Davesprite rests his head on your stomach and his tail curls around himself as a blanket. It's warm and comfortable, well, you doubt Davesprite is very comfortable with his wings like they are but he adjusts himself so they wrap around him too, so you hope it's okay. You're lucky that your wings can slip away, into your back. He's comfortable enough to not be complaining about it, though, but when it comes to the subject of movies it's another matter entirely. He makes stupid comments and weak insults that make you giggle and John huff, but not as eager as he once was to defend his precious movies.

When the subject of Rose comes up, Liv Tyler just happens to be on screen, of course, you are quick to change it. But it doesn't work so instead you begin running your hand through Davesprite's feathers making him sigh and melt into your touch. Your other hand slips into John's to give it a squeeze. Your boys are quieted once more.

John's free hand creeps over and hesitantly pets at Davesprite's feathers. The wrong way, naturally, making him squawk in displeasure, tearing away from the boy's touch. It's quiet for a second, then Dave's blushing thickly and John is stuttering out apologies and you're throwing your head back to laugh.

The next morning a new memo has been opened, titled "the current condiitiion of our darliing oracle", that informs you all that Rose has been successful but now must rest. It's all angry and vague but you couldn't care less. Davesprite is frustrated by it though and heads straight for Rose's home. You don't go with him; it's not your place. But when he comes back he tells you that Rose really is fine and that Sollux is taking good care of her, something that he admits begrudgingly.

He also tells you of her vision, a new world.

You don't understand and when you ask him for more information he can only shrug and tell you that's all he was told. She wasn't making much sense, not from having her tongue twisted by the gods but by pure joy.

You suppose you're glad.

And then, the next morning, you're dragged out of bed by an overexcited boy with blue eyes the size of saucers and a grin to match. "Vriska! Come ooon! Hurry up!" He whines throwing the covers off of you. You swear to god, if you didn't pity this boy…

He doesn't even give you time to wash off the sopor that is now flaking away on your skin or to change out of your baggy t-shirt and shorts, he drags you down the hall and out the door but stops you as soon as your feet hit the damp grass. He points up at the sky insistently and you quickly realize why. The blue, the perfect blue that matches John's eyes, is no longer there. Instead there are thick clouds dancing with light and images. The clouds of Skaia.

You never really paid them much mind but it's impossible not to now. They're massive and twisting, curling around themselves and others. They are the perfect white of everything else here.

You stare up at them with John by your side, hand still locked with your own, watching the images dance across the sky. Civilizations, of both humans and trolls, are rising in a land that reminds you of your own but is too different to be Alternia. You see flashes of battles and beauty, of hardships and striving. But the image of one creature in particular catches your eye. She's striking, eyes an icy blue, skin slate grey, thick black hair framing her face perfectly. Her lips, painted midnight black, are just barely tilted upwards, a hint of a smile and a flash of mischief in her eyes. High cheekbones are painted with swirls of cerulean and sticking out of her hair is a pair of golden horns. They are odd, too shiny like metal; no, they are metal. And around her neck she wears a heavy collar of gold and turquoise and, in it's center, your symbol. She's seated on a throne, her robes of gold and blue falling loosely around her, and on her head she wears a golden crown to match her horns.

You stare up at her, mouth hanging open ever so slightly. You don't know who or what she is but you have a feeling she has every right to share your symbol.

"Wow! She was pretty!" John murmurs and you punch him in the shoulder making him whine and pout.

"What is this?" You demand, motioning to the sky.

"It's the clouds! You know, the ones that give you visions and stuff! Rose said that the horrorterrors are backing off or something, giving us more freedom to actually act like gods! She says that they might grant us even more!" He answers eagerly. "C'mon!" And you're off again, this time across the rocky beach and through the tall grass all the way to the main building where everyone has gathered together to stare at the sky.

Thankfully everyone else seems to have not had much time to get dressed either, so you aren't sticking out. Equius stands with Nepeta, her leaning against him, clutching his arm. His hair is tied back and his shades missing. He's in an undershirt and some shorts and by his side Nepeta is in a little pink dress with bows and cartoons of a white cat. Her hat is missing as well as her tail for once, skin covered with flakes like your own. Aradia stands close to him too, engrossed in the visions in the heavens.

Davesprite is floating by Jade, in his usual gold shirt but she has on the hoodie John alchemized for him, golden and the front bearing an orange sword. It must be some sort of human practice to wear another's symbol. You'll have to ask.

Sitting on the stairs is Rose between Kanaya and Sollux and behind them stands Eridan and Feferi. Rose looks exhausted, the bags under her eyes are even more pronounced and her skin is an unhealthy white. Sollux doesn't have his arm around her or is even holding her hand but they are still sitting too close to be an accident. Same as Feferi and Eridan, the two of them are too close, the former leaning against the latter, hands brushing. All of them are in their pajamas, which, in Sollux's case, is basically what he wears all the time.

Gamzee is sprawled in the grass and Karkat is barking at him to get up with Tavros standing awkwardly nearby, Terezi is leaning against Dave with a bored expression on her face, maybe she can't smell the clouds, you don't know.

You make your way over to Rose, dragging John along with you. She smiles at you, too tired to be snarky with you, you suppose. "Ms. Serket…"


"So, are you planning on raising an empire yet?"

"First I need to know what the hell is going on." You reply with a huff.

"We created another universe through shenanigans, we thought that that meant we wouldn't get the benefits that actual winning brought. We were wrong. Winning the game means you get a new universe you are allowed to rule over as you please, if you played the game well it also means you get immortality. Cheating apparently gets you both." She explains. "The horrorterrors have no desire to rule over a group of mortals and they don't care to rule over us, they simply don't want anymore universes."

"What? Why?"

"Too much trouble, too much to keep track of, too many foolish races. I don't really know nor do I care." She says with a wave of her hand. "But, most importantly, it seems shenanigans get both parties what they desire. One lone universe with no splinters, no more games, no more paradoxes."

"So… we can rule over these people… and… we don't have anymore games to worry about?" That's a factor you never thought about. You never considered that another universe meant another game, another link in a never ending chain.

The thought of it makes you feel a little sick to your stomach.

"No, we are truly free." She says and Rose Lalonde, the girl you envy and hate, smiles at you so brightly you can't help but smile back.

"So, this whole empire thing…?" You ask eagerly and she rolls her eyes.

"Next I will begin working on a way to manipulate the new world. But only so we may push the people to do good, nothing more." She snaps, eyes narrowing. "If you do wish to build an empire I must insist you do not use it to make trouble."

You gasp dramatically as if such an idea offended you. It doesn't because that's exactly what you plan to do. "Why Ms. Lalonde, I'm hurt!"

"Yes, I'm so very sorry, I really should learn to make accusations with more basis." she sighs and Sollux snorts. You ignore them.

"Hey! Ampora! Alliance?" You call, grinning up at him.

He glares down at you but still huffs out a "Fine".

You've found a new game to play. Another test of power and this time with an even broader playing field and so many more pawns. You're excited to start.

"So, how does it work?" You demand.

"Have you not been listening at all?" Sollux grumbles. "We don't know how to do it yet."

"The horrorterrors have agreed to teach me the way-"

"Rose! No!" John cries stepping forward. You had almost forgotten he was there. "The last time they tried to help you with anything-"

"JN, you're wasting your breath. Trust me." Sollux grumbles, crossing his arms. Seems this conversation has happened before; the first argument between the new couple, interesting.

Rose only smiles, shaking her head. "You both shouldn't worry, I have this under control."

Sollux barks out a laugh, cold and mocking, slowly standing to his full height, not slouching like usual. He's got a good seven or eight inches on you and when a marble step is added into the mix you feel like he's towering over you. Usually Sollux and Gamzee are hunched over or even sitting so it's not as noticeable but now it's obvious. Captor is all skin and bones but his gaunt face and glowing eyes are still intimidating.

"Wait, but, Rose! You can't trust them! I mean…" John looks to Sollux for help but he's already leaving and when he looks to you you're afraid you don't have anything to add. "Rose, please." You don't like how much they rely on her, both John and Davesprite; it's frustrating.

"John, I know what I'm doing." She assures him, giving him her best smile.

He doesn't look assured.

You pull him away to talk to Davesprite and Jade. Dave isn't very excited, unlike Jade; he seems more worried about Rose. You convince Jade to team up with you, too, making your boys both roll their eyes.

Slowly everyone grows bored and goes home. Davesprite goes with Jade so you drag John home with you. Your nest is still in your living room so you both just curl up there, him behind you, arm slung around your waist and face pressed against the back of your neck. It's warm and safe with him there, sleeping without sopor is easy as long as you have him.

Maybe it's just because you spend so much time with Davesprite but at first you don't notice how your blush is becoming a strange mix of blue and green or how John's sickly red is becoming a burnt orange. Instead Davesprite's attention is the first to be grabbed by the striking color change. It's after you've been practically rolling on the floor laughing and you're just laying there gasping for breath between the few little giggles bubbling up your throat. He props himself up on his arm beside you, shades pushed back into his golden hair and a rare grin on his face, but then his brows furrow and it's back to being covered in a veneer of uncaring composure. It makes you frown back because whenever this happens you know something is wrong.

"Your blood is blue," he says finally and you snort.

"Duuuuuuuuh!" You reply trying to shove him but he bats your hands away.

"No, no, like… your blood is supposed to be blue."

You narrow your eyes. "Yes Dave, I am a blue blood."

"You blushed gold." He says and is visibly uncomfortable with the statement. He hates gold; he hates himself too sometimes.

You laugh but it's strained because deep down you know he's not joking. "Dave, seriously-"

"Vriska." His mask is cracking; he's beginning to look afraid. You wonder if he has nightmares about things like this, about becoming what he is or maybe even watching Jade turn a shocking green, like your nightmares of dying and then watching it all happen to John, too. You can't freak out about this, not in front of him.

"It's okay," you assure him, putting up a mask of your own. "Just… give me a second." You say standing. When he moves to follow, you push him back down and order him to stay. He just grumbles at you about not being a dog.

You force yourself to walk slowly and fight to steady your hands when they start to shake. You aren't going to kill yourself in such a stupid way, not after all the crap you've been through.

You're in Davesprite's home; it's shaped like a birdcage in your opinion. It's tall, like a giant cylinder topped with a dome. The porch wraps around it, milky white marble with veins of sparkling gold and sometimes black, and the pillars added into the mix look like bars. Palm and laurel trees are planted around it, you're pretty sure this is the only place either of the plants grows on the island.

You creep down the hall and into his room; it's a mess like usual, the bed has been shoved into the corner and on top of it is where Dave's roost has formed, even more extreme than your own. He's used all of his blankets and pillows and you're sure he's stolen a few from you as well as alchemized some. It's shaped like an actual bird nest and it's surprisingly comfortable even though there's a ton of feathers scattered inside and it's a bit lumpy. The counter of his dresser is reserved for his sword while his side table is used for the few little shiny objects that catch his eye. He says it's like your oranges and lavender, it's just a strange weakness he gives into sometimes.

You walk over to hesitantly grab his sword. You suppose using a knife would be easier but it doesn't matter. It's not very sharp and your skin is tough but you still manage to cut your palm. Your actions are stiff and mechanical and when gold greets you instead of blue you simply close your eyes, fingers curling around the wound.

There are some things about yourself that you've known forever. It's more than common sense; it has been engrained into your very being, a series of facts that cannot be questioned. It's like the universe, what goes up must come down, energy is passed along, and all life must come to an end. It's simple and easy; you cannot forget it. You sometimes delight in them, you're proud of them, while others, like Captor's words, they echo through you, an undeniable truth that makes your insides ache.

But now everything is changing. The rules you could once rely on in any situation no longer apply. You don't know what to do.

Your name is Vriska Serket; you are a liar, a manipulator, a thief. You are not an easy girl to love and you certainly aren't a good person. You're the descendent of Marquise Spinneret Mindfang and you are a blue blood.

You are nobility; one of the members of the highest castes, your blood is the color of the sea. Your enviable cerulean swill has shaped who you are today. The color of your blood decides who and what you are and what you will be, it is your identity, the thing that gives you a place in the world. It has given you power, you are strong and gifted and you held a spot high in your society. Everything revolved around it.

Your blood is the thing that you are taught to be proud of, the only thing to wear on your sleeve for all to see.

Karkat seems to be confused on the subject; he's gotten it all twisted around.

Your blood, it may be your most important fact, the first rule that has affected all of the others on your list.

And now, your number one rule, it no longer applies.

Now your hand is dripping with gold, not even the good type of gold like the insides of an egg but the sparkling gold of treasures and money. You're so tired of gold. And you don't know what to do.

What goes up doesn't always come down, energy stays and may never go, your lives no longer have an end. The woman you've spent your life trying to become, compared to you, is weak, flawed, nothing special whatsoever.

For once you feel as lost as Tavros. You want someone to tell you what you need to do to fix this, tell you that it all will at least be okay, and tell you that you are still the same. But you know that this is not something that can be fixed, you just know it. You can't go to Davesprite, he's as unstable as you right now, going to him would just cause him to become worried and nervous. And deep down, you know you are not, and will never, be the same and haven't been for a very long time.

Davesprite doesn't come in a moment later like you were expecting, he stays in the other room and you almost wish he hadn't listened to your request. You're starting to feel a little lightheaded. It's not because of blood loss, of course not, besides your hand is already healing. You're simply shocked and don't know what to do with yourself.

Maybe this is how the others feel all of the time, lost and confused and horribly alone in the world. You can see how they would need a leader. You want to just curl up and pester John on the computer but you know that will solve nothing.

You uncurl your fingers, almost afraid of what you will see, only to find your grey skin has closed once more but it is still stained with gold. You suddenly want to puke. No, you're going to puke. You drop Dave's sword, letting it clatter to the floor, and head straight to the bathroom, dropping to your knees before the toilet and throwing up. You continue to dry heave until your body is shaking and your head spinning even worse than before. A hand is suddenly raking through your hair, fingers long and spindly but not tipped with claws. John.

He pulls your hair back for you, carefully tying it with god knows what. He lets you sit there for another moment, breathing heavily and fighting to ground yourself, hands gently running up and down your back, brushing the loose sprigs of hair from your face, murmuring quietly in your ear. You can't really tell what he's saying but that doesn't matter, what does is that he's here for you.

Dave must have called him. Perhaps he knows you better than you thought.

You grimace, wiping at your mouth with the back of your arm. John huffs softly in your ear, rising from the floor to grab a washcloth. You watch him wet it in the sink, ring it out, then turn to you. He tries to smile reassuringly but for once you can't bring yourself to smile back. He hands it to you uncertainly and you take it, wiping off your mouth and your arm before throwing it to the corner. He rolls his eyes but does not object.

You force yourself to stand, knees feeling weak and head suddenly throbbing in protest. It only makes you angry. You slam the toilet shut and flush it scowling. John lets out a little giggle and you realize how childish you must seem but you're too exhausted to care.

"Come on Vriska," John murmurs. "We can go back to your house and watch some movies." He moves closer, offering you a hand. He knows from experience that you probably wont take it.

He knows how you are.

But you're tired and lost and for once you don't just need John, you need him to lead you. So you take his hand. He looks pleasantly surprised and then maybe a little shocked when you lean heavily against him, pulling that arm around you and twining your fingers with his, but he doesn't object.

He pulls you through Davesprite's house but stops so the other boy may press a kiss to your temple and tell you what you needed to hear, that it's going to be fine. You suddenly feel selfish for reacting how you have. He didn't throw up when he became what he is today, he didn't throw a fit and act like a child, he had to shift into another body entirely; you just have to deal with a color change. You open your mouth, but then hesitate. Apologizing is embarrassing and hard; luckily Davesprite already knows what you want to say.

"It's fine Vris," he tells you, lips pulling into a rare smile, one of the smiles he saves just for those he holds dear. You force yourself to smile back because you already aren't deserving of it.

John takes you home and your luck keeps you from running into anyone else on the way there. Overhead you catch glimpses of a temple of sparkling white, not quite as extravagant as any of your own but that isn't what really makes you stare. Standing inside is a statue of gold, a statue of Davesprite. You don't point it out to John and you force it from your mind. You don't need any more to worry about.

You brush your teeth. Angrily, practically tearing your last toothbrush apart. You'll have to alchemize another. John is waiting for you in the living room, movie already in. You curl up against him on the couch and just sleep.

The next day you feel much better but that only makes you want to talk to Rose even more. You leave John to sleep, feeling as if this is something you need to do alone, like you need to make up for being so weak by doing something independently. The walk to the main building is quick, you're eager to talk to Lalonde and the images overhead are starting to get a bit unnerving, making you want to get inside as fast as possible.

You see statues, shrines, and sacrifices. You can't help but freeze when you see a human, a man, not very attractive, with sharp features and muddy brown skin, decorated with tattoos and only a small amount of colorful cloth to hide his lower half. He's cold and dangerous looking, dark eyes empty. He holds a knife, it's made of stone and the hilt of it is shaped into something, you just can't tell what, and it has blood on it. He's made up with colorful feathers and dark makeup and he's standing before some sort of altar that is also crimson with human blood. You're feeling a little sick again.

Especially when you realize that at the base of said altar the word "Karkat" has been carved in Alternian.

You're relieved when you finally reach the main building. You go straight for the library, knowing that's where she's going to be. When you barge in she doesn't look surprised, just glances up from her book then goes right back to reading.

"Good morning Vriska, if you're here to learn about the new world I will be more than happy to aid you." She says calmly.

You're not sure you want to, not any more. "Our blood," you say and immediately have her attention once more. "Is it more than just me whose blood has changed?"

She blinks at you then frowns. "Your blood? What do you mean it has changed?" So even she has not realized yet. You think that maybe this peaceful world is dulling the senses of those around you, even Rose.

You don't have to worry about anything anymore, food is alchemized, not hunted, enemies are nonexistent as well as the Condesce, there's no need to keep in shape or to fight. You and Davesprite will strife sometimes but it's always awkward because both of you don't want to hurt the other and you always end up laughing at his shitty sword and how he takes the whole thing so seriously. He's a big dork but you pity him for it. He makes fun of your dice, too, and how you "really think you have aaaaaaaall the luck". You do have all of the luck and you make sure to remind him.

Davesprite still thinks it's his job to take care of everyone so he's more focused and catches the things others no longer, you think. But even you have stopped noticing some things. It's disappointing.

"It's gold." You tell her, suddenly feeling exhausted all over again.

She studies you for a moment. "Are… you sure you're not mistaken?"

You scoff, fighting down the sudden urge to backhand her. "Am I sure? Yes I'm sure." You hiss. "I cut myself open the other day and what comes out? Gold. Not cerulean, gold."

"I understand, I didn't mean to upset you." She snaps back, standing from her desk. "I haven't noticed any changes…" She adds thoughtfully.

"Maybe that's because you've been hanging out with your little yellow-blooded boyfriend this whole time." You grumble back.

She glares at you, pulling some scissors from the top drawer of her desk and digging the tip into her skin without a second thought. Out comes liquid gold. You aren't alone. You scowl, taking a step back, and she finally glances down at her hand.

You can't tell what she's thinking. She doesn't look surprised or upset, she just nods sharply. "I see… Dave's little comparison only continues to strengthen. What a cliché, why couldn't it be something more interesting? Vriska, it's nothing to worry about, this will have no effect on you whatsoever."

You scoff at her. "No effect?"

She ignores you. "It's simply a reference to our old gods. For whatever reason our new world seems to be extremely similar to what theirs was like in all of the old myths. Now, do you wish to start organizing your empire? I have, it's actually quite interesting. So far they have successfully developed speech but they're a bit iffy with their written language. Hieroglyphics, too complicated, they really must develop writing based off of phonetics."

You groan, pinching the ridge of your nose. "I don't know what you're talking about and I'm having a real hard time making myself actually care."

"Do you want to create an empire to crush your enemies?" She deadpans, rolling her eyes.

"I thought you'd never ask!"

Rose's explanation of the change in blood color wasn't enough but the new knowledge of how to get in these human's minds certainly is. You're tired of hearing all of this "Oh, it's just a reference to human gods" without any more information. Your people never had gods, except for Gamzee and his stupid Messiah, you don't really get the concept of them beyond them being imaginary Condesces. They sound pretty stupid.

Rose forced her way in early with her people, but you can jump in at any stage of their development it seems. She assures you the sooner the better, they're always more barbaric around that time, easier to manipulate. You like the sound of that.

She sits you down "crisscross applesauce" and orders you to close your eyes as she sits before you, bowl of water in her lap. You don't comply, watching for her to do it first. She only gazes steadily back at you. "Vriska, I'm not trying to trick you. I've already showed Nepeta, Equius, Sollux, and even Karkat how to do this, if you wish you can just go to one of them."

"You actually showed Karkat how to do this?" You ask, mind going back to the man and the bloody altar.

"Yes, I believe I might regret that later. If he gives his people his little 'I am God, prostrate before me you weak little maggots' speech or whatever it was he told John I'm not sure what will come of it. But, I still showed him how." She sighs. "So, are you going to let Vantas show you up?"

"No!" You snort. "Okay Lalonde, how does this work?" You huff, closing your eyes.

"Interesting, I actually got you to do it." Your eyes snap open to find her smirking. "You don't have to close your eyes." You glare at her as she shifts so she is sitting beside you, knee bumping your own. You've never really been this close to her, her nose is slightly upturned, her purple eyes framed by black lashes that you suspect have been adjusted with makeup, and her lips are also covered with black. "Now, you can do this anywhere but I don't suggest doing it often or for long amounts of time. It works better in the dark, too." She explains setting the bowl before you.

"More of this water? What's the deal with it?"

"The same deal as our new blood color." She replies calmly. "Now," she murmurs, slipping her little stick of leaves into your own hand. "You just have to focus."

You snort. "You've got to be kidding me. This is stupid."

"You sound just like Karkat…" She sighs making you scowl. "I'm sure your surprise will be just as amusing."

"Whatever Lalonde," you huff, looking down at the bowl before you. "So, if this dooooooooes work… do I need to just get a bowl and some stick?"

She rolls her eyes, ordering you to do as instructed before standing. You grumble but do what she told you to despite still being wary. She goes back to her desk and you're left sitting in the middle of the floor like an idiot. You're about to give up when an image begins to form in the water. You lean over it, your shadow, sure enough, making it clearer. "It works!" You yelp without thinking and immediately regret it.

"Shocking, the Seer knows how to do her job." You glare weakly at Rose but she only smirks.

"How do I talk to them?" You growl.

"You just speak."

"God! This is stupid! I could've done this myself!" You cry standing.

"Mm-hmm…" She hums, not even looking up.

Some days you really hate Rose Lalonde.