A/N: For the last time I just want to thank EVERYONE for leaving all the fabulous reviews and comments that I've received for this story. It's been a really fantastic experience and you're all so, so wonderful!

A big shout out to CastleTyger for this chapter as it's her birthday month! Hope you have/had a lovely day :)

And so, without further ado, onto December...


"Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know you're beautiful"

~ What Makes You Beautiful ~ 1D

December 24th – 9.03pm

Another Christmas. Another CBI Christmas party.

This one's a bit different though, for two reasons. The first is that Abigail Grant, the wealthy philanthropist we helped in July has sponsored this year's event. The second is that I'm actually attending for a change.

Christmas is such a joyous occasion but ever since I lost Angela and Charlotte I've avoided this time of year like the plague. Too many painful memories of the lives I'd been so careless with. I wasn't interested in celebrating. Didn't want to be around people. Couldn't have anyone guessing how I really felt. How much I hurt. It was a weakness I had to keep hidden, so outwardly I used to pretend it didn't bother me…but it did. A lot.

This year is different though. I want to be with people. One person in particular.

This year I'm looking forward to Christmas with the over bright decorations and all the good cheer.

This year for the first time in over a decade…I'm happy.

It's a good feeling.

Early this morning I laid wreath's on my wife's and daughter's graves. It was hard but it no longer left me feeling so desolate and empty and alone as it had done in the past. Maybe it was because Lisbon came with me this time.

She hadn't said anything; she'd just been there for me as always…quiet and steady. Letting me deal with it my own way and when I'd stood, she'd clasped my hand and raised it to her lips for a gentle kiss.

Honestly, every day, every little thing she does just makes me love her even more. I didn't think it was possible for me to feel like this again…but for once, I'm more than happy to be proved wrong.

The thought of her has me avidly searching the ballroom. The normally modest party CBI throws has been far overshadowed this year and not only are employees here but also local councillors and legal hotshots. Abigail Grant doesn't like to do things by half judging by the amount of decadent food laid out on platters around the hall and the huge, impeccably decorated trees that adorn the sides. They're nice but there's something to be said for the haphazard way a child, or even an out of practice adult, dresses a tree. Festive music is being played by a band and their singer is really, rather good.

Unfortunately, this is the one year I wish it had been the usual, somewhat boring, event that I often heard the rest of the team describe after the holidays.

It would make it a whole lot easier to leave this thing early. As it is, Ms. Grant has purloined Lisbon and is in the process of introducing her to pretty much everyone in the room.

I'm pleased for her; she deserves to get some recognition for everything she does. I just wish it didn't have to be tonight when I have other, more personal, things I'd like to introduce her to myself.

What I need is a distraction.

I finally catch sight of Lisbon a few feet away, standing awkwardly next to a willowy bottle blonde who is with a short, rather rotund gentleman. Obviously a love match. Ms. Grant is called away and I watch Lisbon fidget with her dress as she self-consciously darts a glance at the taller woman. I can't help but shake my head.

Despite her outward confidence, especially at work, Lisbon can still be so insecure at functions such as these. I don't know why. To me, she's far more beautiful than that gold digging leech draped over her wealthy lover. Expensive jewellery and expertly applied make-up doesn't hide the fact that that woman is just plain ugly on the inside whereas Lisbon just positively glows with the compassion and goodness I know resides within.

I'm a lucky man.

I catch her eye and raise my glass to her in acknowledgement. I'm pleased to note that my shoulder no longer protests to such a motion. It's taken a while to heal but even my ribs are feeling a lot better now too. I still have some twinges if I over exert myself but it's not going to be enough to stop me taking Lisbon back to my new apartment tonight…unless she doesn't want to go of course.

The thought pulls me up short but when I see the way she smiles back at me, I quickly dismiss my errant musings. There's a sultry gleam in her eyes that fairly makes my body hum with anticipation. I stare back at her and, after blatantly running my gaze down her svelte, powerful body, I wink and give her a wicked grin. I can see her cheeks flame, even from here.

God, I'm good.

I take a sip of my wine and glance around the rest of the ballroom. Cho is talking to some guys from the office while Rigsby is dancing with Van Pelt. They're swaying languidly together wrapped in each other's arms even though the music isn't slow. I guess they're not keeping their affair a secret anymore. I'm a little sad that there are going to be changes within the team but happy for them nonetheless. It wouldn't surprise me if we were hearing the sound of wedding bells in the very near future.

I can't stop my gaze seeking out Lisbon when I think of marriage. I wonder what she'd say if she knew where my thoughts strayed to from time to time? It'd probably scare the hell out of her. Knowing Lisbon, I doubt that she would have allowed herself too much daydreaming in regards to me. I was hardly a safe bet, was I? But I am now and I'm going to do my best to ensure she knows that.

I just need to get her out of here first.

I notice she's finished talking to the couple and is about to head in my direction when a man suddenly appears at her side. I recognise him instantly. It's Senator Carlton. I wonder what rock he crawled out from under? Despicable oaf.

I can see the change in Lisbon's relaxed demeanour immediately when she tenses and gives me an almost pleading glance as the odious man takes one of her hands in both of his and leans in closer. As she draws back and tries to politely extricate herself from the snake's grasp, I can feel my grip tighten inexorably around the slim stemmed flute I hold and put it down on a nearby table in case I snap the delicate glass.

I never did like Carlton and each time I see him I'm reminded exactly why. I saunter over and paste an innocent smile on my face that I know Lisbon can see clean through. Now I notice her a tense for different reason. She's obviously concerned at what I'm about to say…or do. I must say she's probably right to be worried because I've just found my perfect distraction.

"Senator Carlton, it's good to see you again," I say insincerely.

"Jane," he replies curtly, his clear dislike for me written all over his face.

I'm unfazed by his look and reach out to shake his hand. Anything to get his paws off of Lisbon.

"Abigail asked me to come and get you," I lie then lean in conspiratorially and add in a hushed voice, "She mentioned something about a little donation to your campaign."

As I expect, the senator's eyes fairly bug out of his head in anticipation and he smiles so widely I think his head might split in two. He's so predictable it's not even remotely funny.

"Really? Where is she?" he queries as he turns away and avidly scans the ballroom.

Contrary though it may be, as much as I want him to leave Lisbon alone, it still makes my blood boil that he dismisses her so easily without even the common courtesy of an, 'excuse me'.

I'm going to enjoy this even more now.

"Come with me," I invite and lead him away.

"Jane," Lisbon calls out with a hint of warning from behind. I turn and she gives me a stern look but I merely grin back then carry on walking.

I'm grateful she doesn't follow. I thought for a second she might. We wend our way through the revellers and pass by a Christmas tree where I take hold of his arm and guide him around to the back.

What are you doing?" he asks irritably.

"I just wanted to show you these decorations," I say, moving my hand to his shoulder and giving it a subtle squeeze. "Apparently, they're priceless. The icicle drops are real diamonds…take a look."

I nudge one of the dangling, crystal droplets and it begins to gently sway, to and fro. I coax Carlton into watching and after only a few seconds I plant my suggestion and tell him to forget our meeting. It's just too easy.

I bring him out of the light trance then, as he blinks and looks at the tree with a dazed, puzzled expression, I make my escape.

"What did you do?" Lisbon asks as soon as I make my way back to her via a quick stop at the band to make a request.

"I took Carlton to see Abigail," I reply with a casual shrug.

Her eyes narrow and I know she doesn't believe me but I'm saved from having to lie again when the aforementioned philanthropist taps Lisbon on the shoulder.

"There you are, Teresa! Come with me, my dear, there's a someone else I'd like you to meet."

The music changes and the melodic strains of 'White Christmas' waft out across the ballroom.

"I'm very sorry, Ms. Grant, but I've already asked Agent Lisbon for a dance," I cut in apologetically. I take hold of Teresa's hand and give the other woman one of my most charming grins before adding with just enough despondency in my tone to be believable, "You wouldn't deny me the pleasure, would you? This song is my favourite."

"Of course not. Please, go ahead," she says graciously, waving us towards the dance floor. "I'll see you afterwards, Teresa."

With a resigned expression, Lisbon nods then I lead her onto the dance floor where I finally get to take her in my arms. I've wanted to do this all evening. I let out a soft sigh and pull her closer to me relishing the feel of her petite body. She wraps her arms around my neck but instead of the warm smile I'm hoping for, she looks at me with a slight frown.

"I don't know whether I should thank you for saving me from Abigail or be angry because you lied to me about Carlton," she finally says in a wry tone.

"How about neither?" I suggest softly. "Let's just enjoy the dance, shall we?"

Her frown stays put for another few seconds then, to my relief, she visibly relaxes.

"Oh, what the hell," she mutters a touch begrudgingly.

"That's the festive spirit, Lisbon," I quip dryly.

She looks up at me, bringing our lips mere inches apart and I have to stop myself from dipping my head to sample the delights I know are so near yet very far away. I wouldn't want to aggravate her further by subjecting her to a very public display of my affection.

A perfect eyebrow lifts up as I think she guesses my thoughts. I'm half expecting another frown or a shake of her head but instead her fingers begin to gently toy with the hair at the nape of my neck. Each tender caress sends a tiny shiver of awareness right down the centre of my spine causing me to draw in an inadvertent sharp breath.

From the knowing gleam in her eyes, the little devil knows exactly what she's doing to me and quite honestly I don't think I could want her any more than I do right at this moment.

Luckily, or not, depending on how you look at it, the song comes to an end and as I reluctantly release her, the first few notes of 'Santa Baby' start to fill the air. Out the corner of my eye, I see Carlton stride onto the dance floor and come to a stop right in the middle.

"What the…?" murmurs Lisbon in bafflement from my side and then she lets out a gasp of surprise when, all of a sudden, Carlton starts to dance.

He's not the most graceful of movers and it's not long before a few people stop to watch and snigger. He's oblivious to their laughter though, because I've planted it in his head that he's really good…along with another, even more amusing suggestion.

Lisbon gasps again, this time in horror, as the abhorrent man takes his jacket off and swings it around in the air above his head before throwing it towards a woman in the ever-growing audience of people that are now starting to gather.

I note that Abigail joins the throng with a disgusted expression on her face so I take my chance while she's otherwise occupied and slip my arm around Lisbon's waist.

"I think it's time we were leaving," I tell her firmly.

"Oh my God," she groans as the senator starts on his tie. "I'm going to get in so much trouble for this."

"Nonsense," I refute as I turn her around and lead her away. "It's not your fault he's had too much to drink."


"Oh, hush. Let's just go. Everything will be fine, Lisbon, I promise."

She mutters something about me being a jerk but doesn't pull away.

I can't resist looking back over my shoulder just before we leave the ballroom and I have to choke back laughter at the sight of Carlton waving his trousers above his head and shaking his ass. The Rudolph printed silken boxers really are an unexpected bonus.

I close the doors behind us, effectively shutting out the sounds of the catcalls and whistles and she immediately turns to me with a frown.

"That was childish and irresponsible," she chides me seriously.

"It was," I agree trying to adopt a similar sober expression and failing miserably. "And no one deserved it more than him."

She smiles suddenly and shrugs her shoulders as she nods her head.

"That's true," she says then looks at me expectantly. "So, now you've got me out of there, what do you plan to do with me?"

"Why don't you come back to my place and find out?" I offer with more bravado than I feel. Inside I'm nervous as hell.

Her eyes widen slightly along with her grin and I see a faint blush colour her cheeks. She steps forward then reaches out and lays a hand on my jacket lapel, smoothing out a non-existent crease.

"Are you propositioning me, Patrick?" she asks softly, looking up at me from under her lashes.

"God, yes!" I reply earnestly as I grab her wandering hand and jerk her towards me. I'm done with playing games and innuendo now. I just need to know all of her…intimately.

"Well, it's about time," she murmurs dryly just before she leans in for heated kiss.

A sudden deafening cheer erupts from the room beyond and we break apart to stare at the door we've just exited through.

"I guess Carlton finished his routine," I speculate aloud as I try and slow down my rapid breathing.

"Oh, God," Lisbon groans with a pained expression. "Thanks for the visual."

We share a quick grin then I take her hand and stop to get her coat from the cloakroom before heading outside to my car. We get in and she doesn't even pass comment on my speed as we head for my apartment. Once there I unlock my door, switch on the lights and stand back to allow her entrance.

I only moved in a few days ago. It's a nice place with one bedroom and a spacious living area. I managed to strike a deal with the previous owner to purchase some of their furniture, as I have none of my own that I wanted here. It's ideal, plus it's only a ten-minute drive to Lisbon's apartment. She came and viewed it with me a while ago but she hasn't been back since I moved in.

I watch her move around the room and stop in front of the small Christmas tree to reach out and touch the star on top.

"It's crooked," she announces with a little smile as she tilts her head to accommodate the angle.

"I know. I like it like that," I reply as I walk up behind her and place my hands upon her shoulders.

She immediately tenses and I realise that despite her outwardly calm demeanour, she's probably feeling just as nervous as I am about taking this next step. It's a comfort in a way and I find it actually helps me quell some of my own apprehension.

I take off her coat and toss it on the couch to my side before turning back and leaning in to nuzzle her neck. Slowly, I trail barely there kisses all the way up to her earlobe. I hear her breath catch but instead of going further, I pull back and start on my task of letting her hair down. I tug the clips out one by one and let them drop to the floor as I enjoy seeing her long tresses slowly uncurl.

She sighs and the more I tend to her hair, the more I can see her tension ease. At last it's all free and I run my fingers through glossy strands a couple of times until she suddenly turns in my arms. Her lips seek out mine as she places a hand either side of my face and pulls me in for a deep, drugging kiss.

Fire leaps through my veins as I clutch at her back trying to pull her closer, ever closer but it's not enough. I need more. My fingers fumble for the zip but I only manage to drag it part way down before she pulls away and quickly slides my jacket from my shoulders, leaving it to fall in a heap on the ground.

"Bedroom," she commands huskily.

I nod and we stumble to my room leaving a haphazard trail of clothes behind us. I wanted to take it slow tonight but once she kissed me like that, I stopped thinking with my brain.

Down to our underwear, we're standing by my bed when she suddenly pulls away and steps back.

"Wait, are you sure you can you do this?" she asks with some concern. "I don't want to hurt you."

Her words manage to penetrate my lust-fuelled haze and I feel my stomach lurch unpleasantly. Why would she hurt me? Unless…is this just going to be for tonight?

"What do you mean?" I force out hoarsely.

"Your ribs; your shoulder," she explains. "I don't want to hurt you."

Considering the way my mind was going, I can't help the relieved chuckle that escapes as I close the distance between us and take her back into my arms.

"As long as you don't get too rough with me, I think I'll be fine," I say before going in for my favourite spot on her neck. I hear that wonderful little whimper and feel my ardour surge through me anew.

"You're not going to let me forget that, are you?" she asks, her voice breathy.

"Probably not," I concede on a murmur.

I lean in again but before I reach my goal, she moves and I suddenly find myself flat on my back on the bed with Teresa straddling me. I don't even really know how it happened.

"Got you right where I want you," she says with a triumphantly smug expression on her face.

She's taken the words right out of my mouth.

We remove the last of our clothing and revel in our nakedness, touching and caressing. We take turns to explore each others body thoroughly; seeking out the most sensitive spots so that we may draw out the most pleasure, the most passion. I mumble something about protection and in between kisses she assures me she's got it covered. Soon, the air surrounding us is punctuated with groans and sighs and whispered endearments until the moment we can wait no more and our sweat-slicked bodies finally unite.

There's a sudden hush as we stare deep into each others eyes. She smiles and I lean down to kiss her gently on the lips. It's an acknowledgement of our love without words then I draw back slightly and begin to move. I can no longer think anymore, I can only feel as our bodies instinctively fall into the age-old rhythm. It's urgent and intense and raw and when I hear her cry out my name, my own voice follows scant seconds later.

My heart is pounding so hard I think it might explode from my chest as I all but collapse panting on top of her. I place a tender kiss on her still damp forehead then, mindful of her tiny form beneath me, I immediately try to move but strong arms wrap themselves around me, keeping me still.

It's actually not a bad thing as I can feel the odd painful twinge coming from my ribs. I bury my face in her neck and just enjoy the feeling of being this close to her as we allow our bodies to calm down.

It was even better between us than I'd ever imagined in my wildest of dreams…and some of those have been pretty graphic. I have a feeling of complete and utter contentment seeping into every single pore of my body. I just hope it was as good for her.

I lift my head and gaze down at her flushed face. Her hair is splayed wildly across the pillow and her eyes are closed but there's a small smile playing about her slightly swollen lips.

"I love you, Teresa," I whisper as I smooth some wayward strands of hair from her face.

She languidly opens her eyes and stares back at me as her smile widens.

"I love you too," she replies in the same hushed tone.

I don't think I'll ever tire of hearing her tell me that.

This time when I move, she lets me go then excuses herself to pay a visit to the bathroom. I lie on my back and stare up at the ceiling, just taking a moment to reflect on what's happened to me…to us over the past few months.

Little did I know when I made that resolution to myself nearly a year ago that it would make me confront the demons and pain in my own life. It wasn't meant to happen but I'm glad that it did because I realise now that I needed to resolve those issues before I could truly move on.

It's been hard at times but it was worth it so that I can now be with Teresa if not completely, then at least relatively, unencumbered. My emotional baggage certainly feels lighter and even though there are things that I won't forget, I find I can look back at them with a more discerning eye than I did before. I can't ask for more than that.

The bedroom door opens and she walks back in looking a little self-conscious in her nakedness but I merely grin and lift the covers in invitation. She crawls in next to me and I pull her close, warming her chilled body with mine as I encourage her to snuggle up against me.

"Any regrets?" I ask quietly as I absently begin to play with her hair. I guess there's a part of me that still needs reassurance.

She lifts her head from where it was resting on my chest and looks down at me with a small but definitely mischievous smile.

"Just one," she replies.

Even though I don't think she's serious I can't help the way my body tenses and my hand stills in it's ministrations.

"Oh?" I query, attempting nonchalance.

"Yeah, I regret you're not already making love to me again," she reveals with a grin as she moves to lie on top of me. "Or is twice too much for an old man like you?"

I laugh out loud at that then wrap my arms around her and roll us over until she's pinned beneath me.

"Oh, I think I can manage it with the right amount of encouragement," I counter as I slide my hand under my pillow then pull out and hold up an item I secreted there earlier.

"My cuffs?" she gasps in amused disbelief as the shiny metal glints in the soft light from the living room. "How the hell did you...? Never mind."

She reaches out to take them but I jerk my hand away and grin.

"The stuff dreams are made of, eh, Teresa?" I query with a raised brow and knowing smile.

Her answering blush is all the confirmation I need and then I lean in for a kiss as I proceed to make hers a reality.

One of my last thoughts before I succumb to sleep as we lay spent afterwards is that maybe, for my next resolution, I'll try and make another one of my dreams come true.

It took me a year to woo and win the love of Teresa Lisbon…so I wonder just how long it'd take to convince her to marry me?

Hopefully, next year, I'll find out.


A/N: Well, I hope you all enjoyed the story as much as I've loved writing it! Please leave a review as I'm dying to know what you think :)

I decided against anything too graphic as I didn't think it'd match the tone of the rest of the story but I hope you all enjoyed the chapter anyway :)

So all that's left to say as Christmas comes knocking upon the door is that I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas or very Happy Holidays! You never know, I might even be back next year ;)