"I'm SO sorry!" I exclaimed as some of the books I held in my arms scattered across the floor.

"No I'm the one who's sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going." The boy apologized.

He fell to his knees beside me and started gathering my books with me. I looked up as our hands met when we simultaneously reached for the same book. He continued picking up my books as I slowly studied his face. It was cliché I knew that but I had to find a way to know why he and the others were following me. I gasped suddenly as a few scenes flashed through my mind.


"It doesn't matter; it's none of your business is it? We can do whatever we want as far as I'm concerned." He stated roughly.


I rolled my eyes, turning around to glare at him. "Gee Zach thanks so much. You really know how to flatter a girl don't you? It must be a natural talent of yours." I said sarcastically.

He smirked. "Yeah, must be."


"Cammie, you have... to get... away. Find the gang... and go home, protect yourself."

"What, I, I, I don't understand..." I sobbed tears crashing on his face.

"They're here for you..." Zach whispered, lifting a blood dripping hand to caress my cheek. It was wet and warm as he passed his fingers through my hair. I closed my eyes still crying, enjoying his touch not bothered that he was covering my face and hair and clothes with his blood.


I winced as a sharp violent headache took over my mind.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked placing a concerned hand on my shoulder.

I nodded and frowned at him. I saw those scenes, I obviously knew him or used too. I stared at him eyes wide. I was the one with the lost memory which meant he had to know and the others, I might possible have known them as well.

"Oh my gosh!" I yelped as I stood up.

I grabbed my books from him and ran away, trying to lose myself in the shelves. I pressed my back against a shelf in the far corner of the library. I needed a few moments to recollect myself. I looked at the books in my grip and shook my head realizing that they were no longer going to help me. I put them behind me and gasped for breath. Suddenly a pair of green eyes was looking me straight in the eyes and I could see an unasked question in them. I raised a hand to his cheek slowly; as if afraid he would evaporate like an illusion. My eyes focused from his left eye to his right eye as I tried to figure out who exactly he was to me.

"Cammie?" He asked in hesitation as if afraid it wasn't me.

My heart jerked in my chest when he said my name. I stared at him my gaze filled with fear wondering if maybe it wasn't better this way. Perhaps I shouldn't remember, perhaps it was better if I forgot my past life.

"I… I don't know you." Is all I said before pushing him away and trying to get away from him.

"Yes, actually you do know me." He said roughly pushing me against the self again. I shook my head violently from side to side. "Cammie look at me." He ordered firmly. When I refused he begged me instead. "Look at ME Please!" I choked on a sob and shoved him away from me.

He banged into the shelf across the aisle making books tumble to the floor. I glared at him. "Do NOT touch me! You have no right. I may know your name, you may know mine but I do not know you and you do not know me. At least not anymore. I don't know who I was before but let me tell you I am not the same girl you knew."

He stared at me shocked and something seemed to register in his mind as he looked me up and down. His eyes lingered on my outfit, on my dyed hair and lastly on my eyes. He seemed to find the last piece of a puzzle he had been searching for as he accepted the fact that I was no longer the exact same girl. After all the Cammie he had known, would she have had the courage to kill without mercy?

"Would I have had the guts to kill willingly back then?" I asked, repeating the question I had thought in my mind. He opened and closed his mouth, like a goldfish, unable to answer me. "I thought not."

"Fine, you may not be the same girl as before but I still want to help you. The others and I were helping you before you lost your memory; let us help you once again."

I pondered his words for a moment, finally nodding as he grinned widely. "Perfect let me get the others." He proclaimed turning to leave.

"Wait." I said coldly, he paused and turned around slowly. "Make it clear to them that I don't know who they are. Make sure they understand that, I don't want a sappy reunion. Try and make them act as if they don't know me when they come."

He frowned slightly but in the end he conceded.

"This is Bex," The girl waved nonchalantly. "The dunderhead over there is Grant and the other one is Jonas." They grinned and waved gaily at me. "She's Liz." She threw me a shy smile. "He's Nick." He pointed at the boy at the far back who was whispering frantically with the black haired beauty. "And she's Macey." The girl slapped his arm and hastily said, "Let's not talk about this now." Before flicking her fingers at me in a sort of wave.

I looked at the two curiously, knowing they were up to something but simply shrugged. "Nice to meet you." I felt my heart twist when they shared disappointed looks after my words.

This was what I was afraid of, they were hoping I'd remember them if I talked to them. It was not the case and after a few hours of talking with them and organizing plans with all of them I felt extremely guilty at their pained expressions. Seeing them suffering made me want to remember for some odd reason. I may not act like it but I felt something when I saw them and from that moment on I knew: Once my job done I would do whatever it takes to get my memories back.

We had planned everything out and I felt the inexplicable need to have fresh air so I excused myself and went out onto Drake's balcony. He had a nice balcony in town and I could see all the lights twinkling in the darkness. Someone came to stand beside me and I let out a shaky breath.

"You okay?" He asked.

I turned around resting my back on the railing my hands holding me steady. The window sliding doors were closed and I could see the others glancing at us curiously from time to time.

"I don't really know anymore. Before you guys came along I was fine, never really wanting to know what I forgot but now that you're all here, talking to me. It makes me wonder, makes me want to know. I want to find out what Macey and Nick are up to, I want to remember all the times Liz uttered the words 'Oopsie daisies'. I want to roll my eyes when Grant says some random comment about food or other. I want to smile when Bex says 'Bloody hell'. But I can't because…"

He nodded seeming to understand what I meant, which was weird really because I myself didn't really know. "It'll come back eventually, for now just focus on taking down the Circle."

I turned my head, my body still facing the doors. He looked back at me and our eyes met like in one of those romantic movies I had watched with Drake when we had free time. He stepped closer until his chest was pressed up against my shoulder and arm. I had to tilt my head up a bit to see his face seeing as he was taller then me. He gave me a small smile and started playing with a lock of my hair.

I turned my face away rapidly, my hands clenching and unclenching around the black cool steel railing. "You'll remember me, Cammie."

I turned back to look at him. "What makes you so sure?" I questioned cheekily.

"I'm impossible to forget." He whispered with a smirk.

I blushed and looked down at my feet. I barely noticed that the curtains had been closed giving us unwanted privacy, at least on my part. In the end we just stood quietly side by side, enjoying the peace and quiet. Finally Zach stood and left informing me that he was going to eat. I told him I would join him in a bit but truth was, I wasn't even close to being hungry.

Suddenly there was a thud behind me, I started and jumped around to face the intruder.

"You startled me." I said to the boy.

"Sorry Cammie didn't mean to." He shrugged stepping closer to me.

The doors had been closed once again and I glanced nervously around me as he closed in on me. "What are you doing?"

"What I was supposed to do a long time ago but I was accidentally delayed by Drake." Alex explained.

"Which is?"

"Getting you." He growled.

"I shoulda known, you were always sickly sweet. Anyway let's get this over with."

After that everything happened very fast: He kicked me and just as I was about to duck but he wiped my legs out from under me and I fell backwards my head hitting the balcony railing, my head snapped forward and I crumpled to the floor. I heard glass crashing and then everything went black.

I woke up suddenly, it was dawn outside and without thinking I changed my close and slid out of the apartment. I didn't have a fleeting thought about the previous night nor about what happened, I simply walked out barefoot and wandered the streets. Well it looked like I was wandering; it felt like I was wandering but deep down in my mind I had a destination. I walked for hours until the sun was up high in the middle of the sky.

I arrived at a bank and handed the lady at the welcome desk my passport. She looked down at my bare feet but merely sighed and walked away with my identity paper. I stayed put, not blinking once until she came back and I followed her through empty corridors. Finally she motioned for me to enter a room. I glanced at her and entered hesitantly, not sure what to expect. She nodded at me and I placed my hand on the smooth surface in the middle of the bolted door.

The door slowly swung open to reveal a plain wooden table with a metal box on it. As well as a few drawers in the wall with locks and codes on them. The lady smiled and said, "I'll leave you alone."

She then left closing the door like I asked her. I stayed there for hours starting off by opening the box on the table. It had a small object in it and I fiddled with it before giving up on it and placing it gently on the table. I then found a few keys hidden in the box as well as a picture. It was of 'Cammie and gang' as was written on the back. I shook my head and moved over to the drawers opening the first one after a half hour I pulled out an envelope on which I could read: 'Don not open, send to CIA as soon as you come here.' Figuring I could trust what was written I put it on the table not even thinking about opening the envelope.

In the next drawer, this time it took me a full hour to open, I found small carton boxes that were no thicker than a DVD box again it said to send to the CIA though this time it didn't forbid me to open them so I did. What I found were little slips of paper filled with my writing, drawings and pictures and a CD in each. I shrugged before slipping them back in the boxes and putting them next to the envelope.

I moved towards the last drawer and opened them up in a jiffy. Inside I found what seemed like the hundredth box. I opened it and found multiple letters one for Rachel, Joe and Katherine, each with an adress. There was a journal as well which I grabbed and plopping onto the ground I opened and started to read. It was a journal of Matthew Morgan; I had been around enough Circle members to know that he was my father at least that was what I had managed to deduct. As I read it I understood what all the papers and boxes were. They were the key to destroying the Circle. Was it really all that simple? Just a couple of envelopes to send to the CIA and it was done? It was slightly hard to believe but then again it had taken my father a lifetime to collect all of the information. I stood up, tears in my eyes and picked up the object that I knew I had seen before,


I turned one last corner and found myself in a small deserted waiting room; I crumbled on to the couch and raised the object close to my eyes, studying it curiously.


How had it gotten here? If I had it before I had lost my memory? Deciding not to dwell on unimportant things such as that I twisted and twirled it, I took out key from the first box and placed it carful at the center of the object. It hummed slightly before popping open. My eyes widened and I opened it wide to see a beautiful chain with a small pendent it was an emblem with M.M. carved on the back, this was just a gift nothing to aid the destruction of the Circle, just a present.

After sorting everything I had I gathered it all and kept the letters for the three people and the CIA firmly in hand, I then sneaked out of the bank and raced back to the apartment.


"Well where could she have gone? We've checked the whole town and she's nowhere in sight." Grant said.

I discreetly shut the door behind me and walked into the salon without anyone noticing me. After a few moments I cleared my throat to attract attention. Bex jumped up, hands on her hips as she scowled at me.

"And where have you been?" She grounded sounding like a mother who worried all night when her daughter didn't come home at curfew.

I had a sudden flashback of a time when I snuck back into a room where the three girls on the couches were sleeping but as soon as I shut the door they all shot out of bed demanding to know where I was. I explained that I had only been to the kitchen and then with the girls deciding it was no use sleeping any longer we stayed up all night chatting about random things, but mainly the Blackthorne boys, who were staying at our school.

I gasped and dropped all my things to the floor. It wasn't much, it was barely an important memory but they were in it and now I recognized them.

"Bex?" I whispered.

Her eyes widened and she nodded slowly. I ran out to her, wrapping my arms around her neck. I quickly ushered the other girls to join and they finally let the tears flow. After a moment we pulled away from each other and I looked at the hopeful looking boys. I gave them a sorry smile and said, "Sorry boys, still don't remember you."

They sighed and Nick shook his head, "You get used to being the one left out in the end." Then he laughed joyously and asked where I had been.

I explained everything to them. They 'Ooh-ed' and 'Ahh-ed' in all the right places, I got to the end of my explanation and there was a long moment of silence. As we shared thoughtful looks Grant decided to break the silence, "So that's it then? A bunch of papers and the Circle is done for? Well bless my soul!".

"Bless my soul? Grant say that one more bloody time and you will no longer have the privilege to call yourself my boyfriend?!"

A month later we hadn't moved from Drakes apartment deciding to take it slow. Turns out that all Macey and Nick were going through was Nick promising to help Macey get away from a stalker that was seriously starting to freak her out. Nothing serious at least not to from my point of view. I was slowly regaining my memory though I still had many more blanks then memories. The week before going back to Gallagher like the others wanted to I went for a walk with Zach. We were walking along a river and stopped at a post box and I pulled out the packages we had to send to the CIA.

"Why didn't we do this before?" Zach wondered.


"Right… Okay."

I stepped forward and pushed it all into the mailbox. I closed my eyes as it slipped in falling to the bottom of it. Zach wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"You alright?" He asked.

I nodded placing my hands on his. "I just can't believe it's over."

He turned me around and stared me straight in the eyes. "It's not, it never will. The Circle will come back. It'll always find a way, I know it's not what you want to hear but when it does come back full force you'll be long gone, so will your children and your children's children. It took the Circle centuries to build up and now that it's been destroyed once the CIA will be on the lookout and it will take up to three times the time it took to build the first time.

I smiled at him and rested my forehead against his. "I guess your right but it's over for us, at least for now."

"For now." He repeated before leaning in a placing a chaste kiss on my lips but before he could pull away I pressed his lips harder and wrapped my arms around his neck. He sighed and held me tightly as he kissed me with a passion that made my knees buckle. Everything around us was a blur, even the catcalls from our friends who had in fact followed us. It was a gentle yet fierce kiss; it proved to me that he would be with me for as long as I needed. He would be with me when I faced my mother, he would be there when I went on my first CIA mission, and he would be there for my ups and downs. He would always be here to protect me, to love me and he would only leave if I asked him to. He smiled against my lips and my emotions soared on the feeling. We parted slowly and the turned to look at the others. The others ran up to us chatting loudly.

"So, we gonna go eat or what?" Grant asked.

A/N: Sorry if this is a rushed ending. I know it is and I am really sorry. :( Hope this story wasn't too much of a disappointment. Check out Collecting Liesif you haven't already. Thanks for following this story, I don't know why you did. Thanks to all my faithful reviewers, fallowers and favoriters... Is that even a word? Love y'all! Please don't hate me! Please excuse the spelling mistakes and typos (might I remind you that I am French (alright I admit half Canadian but still!) and live in France so my computer doesn't show me my mistakes and I don't write in English often so my mistakes may be obvious to you but not me. So SORRY!)