Ok, so apparently today is attack of the one-shots day. Seriously, two in one day when I should be working on my ongoing stories. Oh well. Hope you enjoy this one!

Pre-Invasion, duh.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything.

Recognized: Robin, B-02

Robin's form materialized in the entrance to the zeta-tube as he walked forward.

"Where is everyone?" He muttered, looking around at the empty room. He heard voices coming from the kitchen and used his ninja-skills to make his way over silently, planning on surprising them. Making the Team jump was always fun. But when he entered the kitchen, he froze, faced with a horrifying sight. He let out a shocked gasp, making the rest of the team turn to look at him where he was standing, wide eyed, in the doorway.

"Robin? Is something wrong?" Megan asked, concerned. Artemis rolled her eyes. "Nothing bad is happening, ninja-boy."

"You… you…" Robin stammered. "You're eating COOKIES FROM A PACKAGE!"

The team exchanged incredulous looks. "I do not see what the problem is." Kaldur said gently. Robin stared at him. "You don't see what… guys, you're breaking the number one rule of the Batclan!"

"I thought that was don't leave home with your utility belt." Conner muttered. Robin shook his head. "No, that's the number one Bat-rule. The number one rule of the Batclan is never, EVER, eat cookies from a package. Even if you're dying from starvation."

"That seems a little harsh." Artemis muttered.

"But, what's the difference? Between the rules, I mean." Megan asked, confused.

"Bat-rules are for the Bats that go out into the field." Robin explained. "So, me and Batman. Rules of the Batclan, however, are applicable to anyone who is associated with the Bats. So me, Bats, A, my siblings, Catwoman, Dr. Thompkins…"

"Why is Catwoman included in that?"

"You have siblings?"

Robin ignored the questions. "And, since you guys are my team, you're included in it too. Kinda."

Artemis huffed. "I don't get what the big deal is. Cookies are cookies are cookies, right?"

Suddenly, she felt the full force of the Robinglare. "Never say that." He growled. Then he sighed. "That's it, you guys need an intervention." He whipped out his cell phone. "Wally? Yeah, meet me at my house in 2 minutes. I'm staging an intervention. What? No, it's not about you and Artemis, though that's a good idea. No, it's a cookie intervention. Uh-huh. From a package. I know, right? I'm gonna call A, but I'll need someone to help bring the containers. Yup. See you in a minute."

Without another word to the team, he spun on his heel and rushed out of the room, dialing another number on his phone. They heard the zeta-tube go off, announcing his departure.

Artemis blinked. "What just happened?"

Alfred was in the kitchen of the Manor, preparing dinner, when the door burst open and a blur rushed in. "Master Wallace, please, no powers in the house." The blur screeched to a halt, revealing the young speedster. "Sorry, Alfie. Is Dick here yet?"

Alfred raised an eyebrow. "I was under the impression that he was in the Mountain with the team." "Well, yeah, but he told me to come here and meet him." Wally explained. A voice interrupted him. "We're staging an intervention." Alfred turned to regard the young man who had appeared in the doorway curiously. "Dare I ask?"

Dick smirked at him. "The team," He announced dramatically, "was eating cookies out of a package." Wally let out gasp of horror. "And then, to make matters worse, Artemis as good as told me that she thought that they were good." "Oh, dear." Alfred said seriously, with a twinkle in his eyes. "Whatever shall we do?"

"We're staging an intervention, I told you. Can you whip up some cookies?"

"Of course." Alfred said, moving to grab the necessary ingredients from the pantry. "After all, I would hate for your team to suffer the horrors of packaged, machine-made cookies. I shudder to think what sort of cookies they have been subjected to in the past." He shook his head, muttering under his breath. "Pre-made cookies, really. What are they thinking?"

"Exactly." Dick beamed, bringing a mixing bowl to the counter. "Which is why they need help, fast. Wally, get out of the kitchen."

"What?! Why?"

"Rule of the Batclan number 10, NEVER let anyone get even a glimpse of the secret, sacred chocolate-chip cookie recipe.

Rule of the Batclan number 15, Make sure Wally is not in a position where he can blow up/set Manor on fire. This means banishing him from the kitchen whenever the oven or stove is being used. No exceptions."

"Dude! What kind of rule is that?"

"Well, after the sandwich incident…"

"I still don't know how I did that." Wally mused, thinking back. Honestly, he'd just put a grilled cheese sandwich on the stove, and then the fire alarm was going off.

"Dude, no one does." Dick smirked. "Regardless, you are not allowed in the kitchen now. Out! We need to get these cookies ready for the intervention!"

"Alright, alright!" Wally zipped off. A few moments later, Dick and Alfred heard the video game in Dick's room starting up. They exchanged amused looks and got down to baking.

Recognized: Robin, B-02

Recognized: Kid Flash, B-03

As the two figures appeared in the room, the rest of the team gathered in front of the Zeta-tube. They were curious to find out what had happened after Robin had rushed out like that. He was obviously up to something.

Artemis crossed her arms in front of her. "I still don't get what the problem is." She announced.

"You will." Robin answered as he walked forward with Wally following close behind. Both were carrying several containers.

"What's in the containers?" Conner asked.

"Heaven." Wally smirked. He sped past them and into the kitchen. Robin hurried behind him. The team glanced at each other before following.

They sat down at the counter like Robin and Wally told them to. Robin reverently set one container down in front of them and looked at them seriously.

"This, is an intervention. You obviously need help if you are eating packaged cookies- and enjoying them. Furthermore, Artemis, your comment about cookies was downright scandalous. Haven't you ever had a homemade cookie?"

"No." Artemis glared at him.

Robin seemed shocked. "Seriosly?" She nodded, still glaring. "Well, that explains a bit." He muttered. He looked over at the others. "Have you guys ever had homemade chocolate chip cookies?"

"I've had Megan's" Superboy pointed out.

"That doesn't count." Robin waved the thought away. "No offense, Miss M. Jeez, you guys really needed an intervention. Why didn't I do this sooner."

Wally nodded in agreement. "Seriously guys, that's just sad."

"OK, what is the big deal?!" Artemis demanded. Wally and Robin looked at her, looked at each other, nodded. Robin leaned forward and took the lid off of the container. Immediately, a mouth-watering aroma drifted up. It was, quite frankly, the best thing any of the teens present had ever smelled. Lying inside the container were a dozen warm, delicious looking chocolate-chip cookies. They were a perfect golden color and the chocolate chips were still warm and melty. They looked amazing.

"These," Robin said solemnly, "are the best cookies on earth, or any other planet for that matter. Even Ma Kent can't bake cookies like these. Once you eat one, there's no coming back."

The team stared at him, and then stared at the cookies. Wally leaned over to take one from the container. Robin slapped his hand and he yelped, drawing his hand back and staring at Robin with a wounded expression. "Those are for the team." Robin reminded him. "You have your own container. Well?" that was directed at the team. "Take one!"

Hesitantly, Artemis leaned over to take one. She took a small bite. Her eyes widened and she let out a small moan. "Oh, my god. These are amazing." "Told you." Robin smirked victoriously. The rest of the team took, and for a few minutes the kitchen was filled with munching and exclamations of pleasure. Robin caught Wally's eye from across the room and grinned; the intervention was a success.

"Who made these?" Megan asked, and then practically begged, "can they teach me to make these? And not burn them?"

"I'll ask, but I'm sure he will." Robin assured her. "Agent A made them."

"Dude, what about Rule of the Batclan number 10?" Wally asked. Robin ignored him.

"Who's Agent A?" Artemis had never heard of him. "Is he a superhero?"

"Oh yes." Robin smirked. "The most powerful of them all."

"Really?" Artemis asked skeptically. "Wouldn't I have heard of him them?"

"Oh, he's not an active, up front hero. He's Batman's dad."

The team's jaws dropped. "Batman's DAD?!"

"Well, legal guardian, technically. But he raised B, and he's practically my grandfather, so…"

"That man is god." Wally added.

"He's the only man that Batman answers to, no matter what. He can convince him to eat and sleep. He takes care of food, cleaning, and makes our costumes. And his recipe produce the cookies you're eating."

"Wow." Megan whispered. "He sounds scary."

"He is." Robin's grin was razor-sharp. "And the scariest thing is, he doesn't seem it. But when he's annoyed, or angry…" Robin shuddered. "Where do you think Batman learned the Batglare from?"

Ok. Batman's dad was a terrifying idea.

But his cookies were amazing.

Yeah... I don't know. I thought it would be funny.