I am a normal high school student, a junior and have some normal classes. Well, there is one part of me that isn't normal: Every night in my dreams, I seem to go to some place. That place is filled with technicolor ponies that talk and have lives like us humans. I have a few brony friends who describe this place as My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I'm unsure if I should be telling them that I venture into that world in my dreams.

Every night in this world seems to be the dawn of a new day in the other. It's like every time I go to sleep, I awaken in the other. Odd thing is, when I wake up there, I too am a pony. My name there is Metal Hooves. A gray furred foal that has a black mane with it done in an emo style, like that whole hair covering one eye thing. The even weirder thing is, I am an alicorn there, it looks like a unicorn fucked a pegasus and out came a unicorn with wings.

I am afraid for some reason to show the wings so I wear a black trench coat. Some bullshit from the unicorn mare that takes care of me in that world that I can't recall. This is a log from my memories that I record in both worlds about what happens.

This tale begins in the human world. I hope through these logs I should be able to piece what happens.

Well it's bed time. Let's see what happens tonight… or today? Fuck this has gone on for so long I lost track between day and night. Anyway good night everypony. Dammit I meant everyone. Into the Equestria I go.

A/N: Here on out, this is written from the first person/pony point of view.

Location: Equestria, Ponyville. Library.


It's the morning time, and it's a Monday in Ponyville. I hate Mondays. My room is a mess in the library, what with my favorite trench coat lying on the ground, a bunch of books on alchemy and blacksmithing in the corner, and a few posters for some of my favorite bands that are ponified versions of them. The oldest poster being a Lamb of Celestia (free devil horns and a cookie if anyone in the comments know who the humanized version is).

I walk out of my room and into the bathroom for a shower. I turn on "Ghost Walking" by Lamb of Celestia on the radio while I'm in the shower.

"Metal Hooves! Turn that down!"

Ah, isn't it my favorite purple dragon Spike. Even though he's pretty much my best friend, it's fun to mess with him.

"What's that Spike? You want me to turn it up? Ok," I say with an evil smile while turning it up.

"No! Turn it down! And hurry up, breakfast is ready!"

I get out of the shower and dry off. After that I stare in the mirror. There's always something up with my reflection. It looks like there's my form in this world, and right behind it, I see my unconscious human form. I ignore the double reflection to do my mane in my usual emo style, the whole hair covering one eye thing.

I walk out of the bathroom with a feeling of dread. Damn I hate Mondays.

The table was set, Twilight was already in the library working.

"Morning Twilight," I say like my soul has been sucked outta my body.

"Morning Metal, you better hurry up."

This purple unicorn always treats me like a foal, ok yeah I am. Still, I hate it when she does that. I can just easily teleport to my desk.

"Yeah, yeah. I know."

"Are you forgetting something?" she doesn't want me walking around without my trench coat, I ask her why all the time, all she says is just "I will tell you that in a few years. Just wear that coat."

I make the trench coat teleport on me. I love the feel of it. Hoof crafted by Rarity in my favorite shade of black and with massive pockets in the coat, like a it-would-be-redundant-to-wear-a-saddle-bag kind of big.

As soon as I finish breakfast, I grab my headphones and iPod (or what ever the ponified version is called) and trot right out of the door.

I leave the headphones off my ears and around my neck, and turn on some All That Remains.

As I approach the my school, I notice that something doesn't seem quite right. I couldn't put my hoof on it, but something wasn't right.

School fillies and colts playing in the school yard before school starts, check.

Ms. Cheerilee inside prepping everything for today, check.

Huh, I guess I'm imagining things. I trot inside the school.

I take my seat next to Sweetie Belle (cough cough my fillyfriend cough cough). We exchanged our "Hey"'s and what not before turning to the black board for the day's lessons.

-Time skip, lunch break-

"Hey, you two! Quit making out in front of me and Applebloom!"

Me and my favorite marshmallow filly stop kissing.

"Scootaloo, we were just kissing, no need to flip out like a small foal."

I swear, that orange filly takes after her idol. Damn lesbian ponies.

"Yeah, grow up," Sweetie Belle said in agreement.

We all continue talking while eating.

There's that feeling again, like something doesn't seem to blend like how it should.

I could have sworn I felt some kind of presence near me, like a chaotic aura.

Chaotic… odd. Should I ask the CMC if they felt it to.

"Hey," I whisper, "do you guys feel like you're being watched?"

Their responses were all the same:

"Huh uh."

I merely shrug as we continue eating.

As the lunch bell rings, that presence feels even closer. This time I hear its voice.

"Free me," it pleads to me. It's all it says.

I try my best to push it out, but it doesn't want to leave.

-time lapse, Ponyville library (night)-

Now is the time where I start my human day. I still can't shake off the feeling of that presence.

As I look into the mirror in the bathroom. I saw not just my human and pony form, I saw a draconiquise.

I turn around in fear to see nothing. Like I'm seeing things that shouldn't be there.

I say my good nights to everypony in the library and go to bed and into the human world.

A/N: Well, this is my first true fic. So please go easy on the reviews. Let mew know what you think. PM's would be great for reviews, so that way I could get better info on what could be improved and I could actually pay attention to any new ideas. Thank you everypony. In the words of FPSRussia, "and as always, have a nice day."