-Plane: Human Plane. Time: 0900. Location: ?-

As I awaken and the static clears, I begin to notice that where I have awakened was not my room. I don't recall seeing any scientific machinery in my room. Nor do I recall the headgear on my head ever being rigged to me.

The headgear on my head was wireless and had little pads on it placed on different places on my brain. I looked over to my left to see some one way glass. What is going on?!

A door opens to my left and two men in lab coats enter.

"This young man is something else. He seems asleep yet he is awake," one of the scientists explained to the other.

"So he is lucid dreaming?" Proposed the other scientist.

"Yes and no."

I listened to these two debate what is going on with me… while I am laying before them.

I eventually got bored of hearing them debate and asked "why am I here?".

"You are here because you may be the way into new land," explained scientist one.

"New land?! What are you talking about?!" I enquired.

"Lies. You do know what we are talking about. When you enter REM sleep your brain waves are on the same frequency as the statue at Canterlot High," scientist two explained.

"Who wants to know?!" I demanded, confusion in my voice.

"The US government. Thanks to you we have access to new land and resources", Scientist One detailed.

The government? Resources? Land? No… this is not right… why? I thought we were done with the lassize-fair era.

"We got many logging, mining, and construction companies on board this operation, we can't let this fail. Once we learn how to put soldiers and other humans into Equestria, America will grow in influence," one of the scientists explained, patriotically and proudly.

"Damn corporations. I'm just a high school student! Why me?! Isn't there someone else?!" I exclaimed and spat.

"To be frank, there are others. We have them being studied, thing is though, your form is something we have never seen before. An alicorn, strength of an earth pony, wings and flight of a Pegasus, and the magic of a unicorn. If we study you we might have the power to take it all over," a scientist detailed, laughing.

I merely gave him a look that said 'seriously?' and laid back in my bed-rack-restraint thing. I have my own room they are studying me in, I guess now would be a great time to ask to try my theory about skills transferring over. "Can I get up and have a guitar," I asked, apathetic to my situation.

The restraints came undone and I got up. Someone comes in with a decent guitar, an acoustic Epiphone. I take it and test to see if it's tuned to standard tuning, EADGBE. After trying to tune it by ear, I try my best to play a E chord. I placed my finger one string off and corrected it. Then another E, and another. I then break into a random song. I don't think of it. I just play it. Some of the scientists gather around to listen along a few of my fellow test subjects.

I finish on a power chord and everyone claps. I think to myself, "wow… this really does work. Do they know about my theory? Oh well, I feel proud of myself". I set the guitar off into the corner and sit in a chair as everyone leaves.

I begin to think about my predicament and what my life has been like. At 10 I started having those dreams. In those dreams it was like being a baby all over again. At 11 I took notice to always having lucid dreams where I am semi in control, but not knowing the term and always being in Equestria. When I was 15 I visited a sleep study to find out why I was having the same dream setting to find out I am perfectly fine. Here I am at 18, finding out that I am the key to a dominance of a world. Why me? Why do I have to be the one?

I spend hours pondering those questions. When I become tired the scientists usher me onto the bed and strapped me onto the sensors. I drifted off into sleep and began a new day in Equestria.

Hey hey hey foals. Been a long time, no? Well here I am again. I've graduated high school, I've been picking up more hours at work, I got out of an abusive relationship, what else? Yeah. Life has been busy. That is why the hiatus was there. Anyway, I saw a comment and I forgot who it was who said it, but I am going to explain one of the concepts of this story. One of my main things of this story was to challenge the definition of a HIE story. How I do this was to make it not HIE in terms of the character's physical bodies, but in terms of the conscious minds of the characters (the me in there and Metal Hooves) yes it is. Now with that in mind, I will let you decide for yourselves. Anyway, PM me with ideas, conversations, anything. I love to interact with my readers. Until next time~ btw, expect delays because of the fact life has become so busy for me. Bai~