Thank you to lizzabet for reviewing, and bree22p, lizzabet, DianaJ22, shoppergflute, crazyobsessions, lachildress, Mixuuhh, Snape'sGirl6-7-90, and anonymous8998 for favorite/following. Love you guys!



"Chiefs are you with us?"

"Oh yeah!"

"Chiefs are you with us?"

"Oh yeah!"

The cheer was interuppted by the crowd roaring. Isabelle turned around to watch as her high school football team ran the ball for a touchdown, putting them two points ahead in the last minute of the game. The crowd went wild, making it virtually impossible for Isabelle and her squad of cheerleaders to start any cheers.

One minute later, the game was over and the cheerleaders hovered on the track, waiting for their coach. Isabelle shivered and pulled her jacket closer. She had ditched her skirt for warm up pants and a jacket over the top of her uniform, but the cold Michigan weather had no mercy.

"All right, ladies! I will see you all tomorrow, bright and early at seven!" Coach Sam said, smiling excitedly. Groans were audible throughout the entire sqaud, and passing spectators laughed.

"Just kidding," Sam said, smiling at her team. "You can have the weekend off. I will see you all Monday after school!"

"That is more like it!" Kaitlyn said, nudging Isabelle. Isabelle smiled, nodding her head.

"No kidding! I don't even think I'm capable of moving at seven in the morning," Isabelle said, putting her gloves and scarf on.

"Isabelle, classes start at seven forty-five. I know you wake up before seven for a fact!"

"Yeah Kaitlyn, but not on a Saturday!" Isabelle said, nudging Kaitlyn. She grabbed her bag and started walking with Kaitlyn in tow. "Are we walking together?"

Kaitlyn nodded. "Yeah, but I told Robert he could come over after the game, so he's going to walk with us."

"Ohh, Robert. He's a senior! And a captain in football!"

"Yeah," Kaitlyn laughed. "And I'm a junior. And you're a sophomore!"

"Keep stating the obvious," Isabelle laughed. "Oh, shit, hold up. I left my hot chocolate back at the track. Meet you at the high school?"

Kaitlyn nodded. "Don't rush, Robert always takes forever to get out of the locker room."

Isabelle nodded and turned around, maneuvering her way through the thinning crowd of spectators. After going back to the track and picking up her drink, the stadium was deserted and the parking lot only had a few teens and football players left. Isabelle hated walking by herself; it was always after curfew and really dark after football games, and she watched too many scary movies to not be scared.

She walked around a black SUV, only to run into a woman with long dark hair. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" Isabelle said, regaining her balance. The woman just shook her head and smiled, seemingly not bothered.

"No worries. What's your name?"

"I'm Isabelle," Isabelle smiled, shaking the woman's hand. "You are...?"

"Chloe. Chloe Donaghy."

"Oh," Isabelle said, surprised. "I've never met you before. Normally in this small town, you know everyone. Were you here to watch the other team?"

"Um, yes, I was," Chloe said, smiling. "You have lovely red hair. And blue eyes. They remind me of someone I know very well."

"Oh! Thank you," Isabelle said, shifting. Generally she didn't talk to strangers, and this woman seemed slightly odd. She smiled too much, and she sounded foreign. Maybe Irish. "At any rate, I should be leaving, my friends are probably waiting."

"Of, course," Chole smiled. "Have a great night." To Isabelle, it almost sounded as if Chloe's voice had sarcasm in it. Needless to say, she left quickly.


"You have keys?" Robert asked as they walked up to Isabelle's door. The lights had been left on, after Isabelle's mother left for work, so she didn't have to dig in her purse very much.

"Yeah, I got it. Thanks guys," Isabelle said as Robert and Kaitlyn walked away. They were so wrapped up in each other, Isabelle was surpsrised either of them didn't walk into a tree.

Isabelle walked in, turned on the lights, and set her stuff down. She lived with her mother only, but it was like living alone; her mother was never there anyway.

"Ruby!" Isabelle called, waiting for the little Yorkie to pop up. She heard the scrambling of little legs, and her pint-sized dog burst into the room, excited as ever to see her.

"Hey there, little girl! Do you have to use the bathroom?" Isabelle said, picking up the little dog. She went outside and set Ruby down, where she went off into the dark. Isabelle shivered in her uniform and warm-ups. They didn't really do much to help the chilly night air.

After a few minutes, Isabelle called, "Ruby! Come on, you're little, you didn't have to use the bathroom that much."


"Ruby? Come on."

After a few more moments, she heard some scuffling of leaves. Relieved, she closed her eyes. "Let's go, Ruby, it's cold."

When Isabelle opened her eyes, she saw Ruby. She also saw a man holding the little dog walking towards her with a gun in his hand.