Title: Watching in the darkness.

Summary: Kurt Hummel had always felt a presence around him, ever since he was a little boy. Now after ten years of seeing a pair of beautiful eyes that swirled with every shade of brown watching him, and of questions building up inside him. He may just get his answer. But would he rather have stayed not knowing when he finds out the truth?

Fiction rating: M- Mature.

Chapter title: Just some designer sunglasses

Chapter rating: K-T.

A/n: I deleted this chapter by accident so just reposted it. Sorry to everyone who has this story on their alerts:(

Kurt believed in something. He just didn't know what. He didn't believe in God. But there was something there, he was certain of it. He felt it. Not all the time, just...sometimes. Like something, some presence, was watching over him. Not a ghost, not an alien, just, just something. And he had a strong feeling that it wasn't...good. But he couldn't bring himself to be scared of it. He couldn't be scared of it because it helped him.

He'd first felt it in a nightmare, he had been young, it was before his mother died. He couldn't remember what the nightmare had been about, but he knew it was bad. Very, very bad. To this day all he could remember from the dream was a pair of beautiful eyes, they swirled with hints of honey, chocolate brown and golden amber. He could still remember them like it was yesterday even though it was so long ago. He woke up sweating and whimpering, but he didn't scream for him Mom or Dad. He felt like there was someone or something with him, he could feel it comforting him and yet he couldn't actual feel anything on the outside of his body. Like whatever it was, was inside of him. He felt it slowing his heart and clearing his mind until his breathing was quiet and even. And when he felt completely relaxed again and was seconds away from falling asleep. It left him. Kurt could remember feeling sad, but it was almost as if this thing had told him it would be back, and he'd believed it. And it did.

He couldn't get those eyes out of his head on matter where he went. What did they mean? And over ten years later, he still thought of them, dreamt of them, looked for them in every passing stranger. Sometimes he swore he saw them, in the reflection of a shop window, in the corner of his eye. Just watching him. It happened more at night, in the darkness. Two beautiful eyes, watching and looking over him. For a small amount of time he thought he was going crazy, and that thought lingered in the back of his mind every time he thought he saw them. However, that thought was completely over powered by the strong urge he felt towards them, like his whole body was craving them. Needing them. Waiting for them.

It scared him however, that this presence seemed to be appearing less and less. He was lucky if he felt it once a month now. It had pretty much been there everyday after his mother died. He was sure he couldn't have gotten through it without feeling like there was someone else, other then his Dad caring for him. Over that period it had helped him to stay strong and to get to sleep at night, he found himself looking forward to bedtime when he could curl up and wait for it to arrive, slipping beside him and gently easing him into sleep. He wasn't a stupid child though, he knew that this wasn't what you would call normal. He kept this presence to himself. And he still did now.

He tried not to let his whole life revolve around the times when he'd feel it. But it was hard. He still went out, although it happened a lot more often when he was alone at home. It almost felt like a private, intimate moment, not to be experience around others. He had friends, good grades. He was happy but...there was always that longing for him to find those eyes. When he really thought about it, it came when he was most unhappy, upset or stressed. And to be honest, he hadn't felt that bad in quiet a while. Maybe that's why it's visits were dwindling? It felt more like it was just popping in to check on him every now and again. He missed it. He felt special when it happened, like he had something no-one else did.


Kurt jumped as he was yanked roughly from his thoughts and back into the real world, "Wh...What?"

"The green or the red?"

The real world found him in the mall in the middle of Ohio, a few minutes away from his home in Lima. One of his best friend was stood in front of him holding up two completely hideous woolly jumpers.

"Urgh, Rachel none," He shook his head and screwed up his nose.

"What?" Rachel frowned, "They're just like the ones that you gave me for Christmas!"

Kurt shook his head furiously, "No, no, no," He shuddered at the offensive words, "Rach, the neckline and length is completely wrong for you."

"I though they were cute," Rachel sighed looking longingly at the woolly mess in each of her hands.

"Please just put them back before I throw up?" Kurt moaned, "It's not even Christmas yet."

"These aren't reindeer Kurt, they're just plain deer, see?" She said holding them up to his face.

"Oh my God, get the cheap knotty wool away from me," Kurt squealed taking a step back and shaking his head, "I have to educate you."

Rachel sighed and grumbled under her breath, putting the disgusting items of clothing back on their rightful hook, "Where did Mercedes go?"

Kurt bit his lip, glancing the around the store quickly, "I don't know."

"Come on, let's find her and get some coffee," Rachel huffed, grabbing Kurt's hand roughly and pulling him through the mall.

"Hey, Rach, I'm sorry, it's for you're own good," Kurt frowned, Rachel wasn't usually this forceful about clothing, "Are you okay?"

Rachel sighed loudly, "Yeah, I'm...I'm...no."

Kurt tugged on her hand to stop her from flying through the store (and more then likely knocking people out of the way like bowling pins in the process), "What's up?"

"My Dad's..." Rachel trailed off.

"What about them?" Kurt asked. Kurt had always had great respect for Rachel's parents. Two gay men living in Lima together, with a beautiful and amazingly talented (as well as annoying) daughter? Now that is an achievement. Of course Kurt would be raising his family somewhere much grander, preferably in New York somewhere close to central park but not to far from...

"I think they might brake up," Rachel whispered, her brown eyes filling with tears.

Kurt frowned, "Rachel why would you think that?"

Rachel let out a long exaggerated breath, "They're always fighting!" She cried, "Over everything, it's ridiculous!"

Kurt continued to frown, "Like what?"

"They argued for an hour last night because Hiram wanted to watch football and LeRoy wanted to watch some fashion show thing," Rachel shook her head in despair, "I don't know what to do."

Kurt bit his lip, "You know Rachel, don't take this the wrong way okay?"

Rachel's eyes narrowed, "Okay..."

"You do tend to drama queen and, I very much doubt your parents are breaking up," Kurt reassured her.

"How do you know that?" Rachel asked doubtfully.

"Because, every couple goes through rough patches, you know that," Kurt said, he grabbed her hand and squeezed it softly, "And also, as I am gay and can very much relate to LeRoy, no matter how much I loved my husband, I would still argue my point that project runway is much, much better then a group of men kicking a ball of air around a field. And even if he argued back at me I'd still love him just as much."

Rachel let out a long breath, "How come you always know the right thing to say?"

Kurt shrugged, "No idea. But Umm, Rachel?"


"If they do ever...travel down that road you know me, Mercedes and the rest of the Glee club are here for you right?" Kurt smiled at her, "We are family after all."

Rachel beamed and threw her arms around Kurt's neck in a tight hug, "God I love you Kurt Hummel."

Kurt laughed, wrapping her arms around her middle and squeezing her tight.

"I mean it, is there even the slightest chance ever that you're not gay?" Rachel asked, pulling away from their embrace, "Because I'll marry you."

Kurt laughed again, "Ah, sorry Rach, no can do."

Rachel smiled, "Even if you get to pick out my outfits everyday?"

Kurt stroked an imaginary beard as he pretended to think, "Tempting Rachel, and you know I love you but it's still a no."

"Fine, being one of your best friends is good enough I guess," Rachel smiled.

Kurt giggled, looking up from his shorter friend. His laugh got stuck in his throat as he saw a pair of beautiful eyes staring at him in a mirror above a large display of sunglasses. It was strange. Because it wasn't just a pair of eyes, Kurt guessed they belonged to some sort of face, but it was like Kurt couldn't see anything other then the eyes. Like his body wouldn't let him take in any other detail about what was watching him.

"Kurt, are you okay?" Rachel asked.

Kurt felt Rachel pulling on the sleeve of his jacket. In normal circumstances he would have pulled her off and told her that if she'd stretched the material she would never see the light of day again. But this wasn't normal circumstances. He pushed past her and walked towards the display at a record pace, keeping his eyes directly on the ones watching him, not even blinking in case they vanished. They stayed where they were. Kurt stopped directly beneath them, his heart hammering terrifyingly fast in his chest, so fast he felt as though it was going to leap out of his ribcage. The eyes continued to stare back at him, they were filled with sadness and happiness all at the same time, the confusion made his head hurt.

He could have been standing there for seconds, it could have been hours. He didn't know, he didn't care. But he was terrified to look away no matter how much his eyes stung and watered. Suddenly he was filled with an overwhelming sense of contentment and safety and he gasped, biting his lip.

"Who are you?" He whispered, refusing to take his eyes away from those still looking at him, "What are you?"

Suddenly the presence drain away from him, leaving him feeling empty. He was shaking.

"No," Kurt's whisper was filled with urgency, "Don't leave me."

The feeling came back again for less them a second, spreading all the way down to his finger tips, but Kurt somehow understood that it would be back again soon. He felt something brush past his back and as he turned to look, there was nothing there. He quickly glanced back to the mirror but the eyes were gone, only his own blue ones were looking back at him.

"Kurt? What is it? Some awesome designer sunglasses?" Rachel laughed.

Kurt jumped about three feet in the air, how long had see been standing right next to him? "I thought so," He quickly recovered, "But they're just some cheap re-make."

"Aw, that sucks," Rachel sighed and patted his arm, "Come on, let's go and find Mercedes okay?"

Kurt nodded, his whole body seemed to be on auto-pilot as Rachel steered him through the shop.

This was bad. Really, really bad. It was official, Kurt was mad, and crazy and possibly needed to be put into some sort of mental home before he became dangerous. Oh my God what the hell was he going to do? He'd never felt anything that intense before, and he'd only seen the eyes out of the corner of his own. Brief glances that he could easily say were just his mind playing tricks on him. But he couldn't say that anymore. They had definitely been there, and had definitely been looking at him for a long period of time. Should he tell someone about this? No...no that was a really, really bad idea. For the first time since the nightmare so many years ago. Kurt was terrified of this presence watching over him.

"Kurt why are you so quiet? What's wrong?" Rachel asked.

"Nothing," Kurt breathed, "I'm just...thinking."

Rachel gave Kurt a weird look but let the subject drop, concentrating on finding the third member of their trio. They found Mercedes over by an arrange of huge, statement jewelery with her eyes awe. Kurt had finally managed to snap out of his mind set and even managed to laugh as he and Rachel towed her away from the stand and towards their favorite coffee shop cafe.

"Kurt Hummel, it's late, why aren't you in bed?"

Kurt looked up from the TV, raking his brain for an appropriate excuse, "I'm just not tired Dad." Lies of course. He wasn't in bed because he was terrified of the presence coming to find him. He'd refused to look at any reflective surface since earlier that day in The Gap.

"I don't care. Bed. Now. You have school tomorrow," Burt said, putting on his best fatherly tone.

Kurt sighed, knowing that tone meant he had no chance in hell of even the tiniest amount of wiggle room, "Night Dad," he grumbled as he walked past.

"Night kiddo, sleep well," Burt patted his son on the shoulder as he walked past, frowning when Kurt jumped away from his touch, "You okay?"

"M' fine," Kurt replied making his way to his room downstairs.

He looked around nervously as soon as he was alone, he put all of the mirrors in his room face down, while trying not to look into them before shutting his drapes across his window and climbing into bed. Before he knew it he was crying, hot, terrified tears were rolling freely down his cheeks so fast he knew he couldn't stop even if he wanted to. He curled up on his side, hugging and crying into his pillow, hiding beneath the pathetic protection of his comforter.

He raised his head, looking around frantically when he felt the familiar sensation of someone watching him, he fumbled for the switch of his lamp on his bedside table, flooding the room in light and making his eyes water and him blink frantically.

"Hello?" He whispered brokenly, tears still pouring down his flushed cheeks.

The was suddenly filled, for the third time today, with the same feeling his had felt in The Gap store. He shivered and bit his lip, trying to fight against it but it only pushed against him harder and harder until Kurt gave up, still crying even though he still felt so safe and content.

"No," He whispered shaking his head, "Please, please just go."

It was almost as though whatever the hell this was paused, as though it was thinking.

"Why me?" Kurt continued to cry as he whispered the words, "Why are you doing this to me?"

The feeling didn't leave him, it seemed to move. Flowing around his body in his blood.

"Stop, please, please?" Kurt begged, "Just not tonight, just leave me tonight I need to think, please?"

Kurt swore he heard someone let out a soft sigh before the feeling slowly drained from his body, starting at his toes and working it's way slowly up, climbing his legs, stomach, chest and arms all the way to the top of his head.

Kurt fully understood that it would be back soon. Kurt was not looking forward to that day.

A/n: This is a little different to what I usually write. It's Kurt and Blaine with a darker twist to it, and the sort of stuff I love to read so I thought I'd take a bit of a stab at it, it's probably not the best but hopefully it's not completely terrible, your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.