A/N: Thanks for reading!

Rachel crossed her arms and looked at everyone in the room genuinely shocked and downright offended by their not so welcoming greeting, "I thought you all would be happy to see me! Especially you Finnley," Rachel narrowed her eyes at Finn, "What the fuck?Is that how we greet each other now?"

Rachel kept her glare on Finn, who in turn already looked like he was about to give up and let her win this argument, like he had so many times in the past. Quinn set down her drink and walked over to where Rachel stood with Mike on her heels, just in case his girlfriend turned into the angry drunk.

"Ok first of all, Finnley?"Quinn rose her eyebrow judgmentally at Finn, then turned back to face Rachel, "Second, who here even invited you? I can't speak for the group, but I would love to know so I know whose ass to kick."

There were collective 'yeps' and other sounds of agreement heard throughout the group, and Mercedes heard Santana whisper to Brittany to go get her vaseline.

"Well Quinn, the birthday boy invited me-"

Blaine stood forward and spoke up before the group had a chance to arrange his funeral, "Rachel I invited you months ago. I haven't texted, tweeted, facebooked, or called you in months, how did you even remember the directions to my cabin?" He asked her sounding a cross between astonished and annoyed.

"I. Remember. Everything," Rachel said looking at everyone in the group, "Everything."

"Well then you should remember all the ass whoopins I gave you," Santana told her.

"And that you were a bully in high school, remember Sunshine?" Mercedes reminded her.

"And, that nobody here likes you," Lauren added.

"Anyway, I'm not leaving, or allowing any of you to bully me into leaving, like so many, if not all, of you did to me in high school. I'm a stronger individual now! My sprit can withstand-"

"Someone please get the hinny a carrot!" Santana yelled over Rachel's rant.

"Like I was saying, I let my haters be my motivators and I'm not leaving until the owner of this establishment tells me to."

Everyone looked at Blaine and Blaine looked down at his cup.

"Well Blaine? Are you going to kick me out and risk me flipping my car over from falling asleep on the road, or be a kind human being and allow me to stay? Just remember that my death will be on your hands."

Sam snorted into his hand and Mercedes smacked his arm.

Blaine gave an apologetic look to the group, "Guys, driving this late can be dangerous.."

Everyone in the group let out frustrated sighs and separated throughout the cabin.

Rachel clapped her hands and ran to hug Blaine, "So where is my room?"

"There are no more rooms left, you have to sleep on the couch over there or take a recliner."

Rachel looked at Blaine displeased and Blaine quickly walked away to refill his drink.

Sam took Mercedes' hand and set off to take her upstairs when he was stopped by Santana who took Mercedes' other hand and drove her away from him, saying something about the Lord testing her. She brought Mercedes to the couch and Mercedes looked over to Sam and mouthed "5 minutes."

Sam groaned melodramatically and went to sit on one of the kitchen stools as he waited for her.

"This whole day has been crazy."

Sam looked to his side to see Kurt taking a seat on the stool next to him.

"Yeah, it has…"

"Rachel shows up from nowhere, potentially ruining Finn's relationship, and a couple of my friends are potentially ruining their friendship…"

Sam took his eyes from Mercedes to look at Kurt.

"If you have something to say, say it."

Kurt dropped his act and became serious, "Okay. I feel like I'm on the sideline about to see two cars collide head on and there is nothing I can do about it. Your friends with benefits thing with Mercedes won't only affect your friendship with her, but also with everyone here."

"Kurt I appreciate your concern-"

Kurt held up his hand, "Please let me finish. With Rachel and Finn, choosing a side was easy because nobody likes Rachel, but with you two it's different. You get along great with the guys and the girls and the same goes for Cedes. When your arrangement with her goes awry, everyone here will have to pick a side and that's not fair to us. We shouldn't have to go through the awkwardness whenever you two will be in the same room."

"Are you finished?"

"No I'm not. Sam your friendship with Mercedes is one of the most sterling and genuine friendships I've seen. Ever. Are you really risking decades of friendship to get seconds of gratification?"

"Kurt, like I said before, I appreciate your concern for us but this thing is between Mercedes and I. And believe it or not, we know what we're doing. Now I would also appreciate if you minded your own business and go blow Blaine's back out or something completely unrelated to worrying about me and Benzy."

Sam started to walk away but stopped and said over his shoulder, "And it's not seconds of gratification."

Sam walked away and headed towards Mercedes and Santana and seated himself on the floor in front of Mercedes in between her legs. Leaning his head back, he sighed relaxed as Mercedes ran her hands through his hair, massaging his head as she talked with Santana. Sam raised his head slightly when he heard Rachel address Marley near the recliner.

"So Marley, I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting. I'm Rachel Barbara Berry, aspiring broadway star."

Rachel held out her hand and Marley shook it, barely.


"I also dated Finn for years. He chased me around like a lost puppy in high school, it was the cutest thing. It's nice to see that he has moved on. As best as he can."


"Not much of a conversationalist are you?" Rachel asked her snidely.

"It depends on who I'm talking to, I'll catch you later Rachel, I think its time for my boyfriend and I to go to bed."

Marley walked away and took Finn, who was playing beer pong, by the arm and dragged him up the stairs. Rachel glared after them.

Two soft tugs of his hair brought Sam's attention away from Rachel. He looked up at Mercedes, "Huh?"

She smiled and repeated, "I said, are you ready?"

Sam jumped up and grabbed her hand practically dragging her up the stairs to their room. When they arrived, he slammed the door shut and pushed her onto the bed, jumping on top of her bouncing body.

"Someone's antsy."

"My balls are deep sea blue right now Benzy, less talking and more humping."

Sam latched his mouth onto hers and reacquainted his tongue inside her mouth. Mercedes moaned deeply, sending a shiver down Sam's spine. As Sam kissed the life out of her and fondled her breasts, Mercedes' hands went to work on his jeans, urgently trying to undo them. When she succeeded she slipped her hand past the elastic waistband of his boxers and started tweaking and stroking his hard dick gently. Sam moaned into her mouth and nipped on her bottom lip and just as he was about to tear her blouse off, their bedroom door barged open, startling Mercedes and causing her to unintentionally squeeze Sam's dick roughly.

Sam groaned in pain and keeled over to her side. Mercedes bit her lip remorsefully at him and turned her head back to the door to see Brittany standing there.

"Mercedes, since you're a fairy, can you make the mice that live in my grandma's attic talk and force them to make me a dress?" Brittany asked Mercedes simply.

"The fuck is she talking about?" Sam asked muffled from his head buried in the pillow.

"Britt I'll do it later alright."

Brittany nodded and asked her, " And can you turn my car into a pumpkin?"

"Britt, I will turn anything into whatever you want, can you go now?"

Brittany enthusiastically nodded again and left their room, closing the door behind her. Mercedes turned back to Sam, "I'm so sorry!"

"It's ok."

"Is it bad?"

"Nah, Loki will heal, just give me a few minutes."

"Loki? You named your dick Loki?"

"Yeah," Sam said with a shrug.


"Because they're both misunderstood and sensitive creatures."

Mercedes only stared at him and Sam smacked his lips, "Don't even try to act like you've never named your parts."

"I haven't…"

"Liar! Your tits are big! Every girl with big tits names them, and your ass-"

"Halt that shit!"

"Whatever, do you mind if I name them?"

"Go crazy Sam."

"Okay, let's see…" Sam pointed to her right breast, "That's Rizzie.." He pointed to her left breast, "…and that's Lizzie."

"Rizzie and Lizzie?"

"Yep," Sam then looked down between her thighs, "And this little miss here is Amiga."

"Amiga?! Why Amiga?" Mercedes snorted out through her laughs.

"Amiga means friend right? Well your pussy has become one of my best friends, and Loki loves her as well."

"Sam you are officially insane!"

"Am I?" Sam asked trying to sound mysterious.

"Yes! Have you always named the body parts of the girls you fucked in the past?"

Sam thought back and now that she mentioned it, he hadn't. Not even with his last girlfriend.

"Actually, I haven't.."

Mercedes chuckled some more at her best friend's insanity then laid back on the bed and used her foot to softly stroke Sam's crotch. Sam grasped her foot and controlled her motions, making her stroke slightly harder.

"I think Amiga wants a visit from Loki," Mercedes said to him as she unbuttoned her jeans.

Sam set her foot down and crawled over her, his face inches from hers, "But Loki wants to make a pit stop before he visits Amiga," he whispered above her lips.

Mercedes closed her eyes and whispered back, "Where?"

She felt Sam pulling off her jeans and she unbuttoned her blouse, discarding it across the room. Sam discarded his clothes and cupped her breasts, using his thumbs to rub over the delicate lace material. He brought down the left bra cup, "To Lizzie.." he brought down the right bra cup, "..and Rizzie's house."

He unclasped her bra and threw it over his shoulder. He moved her up the bed and positioned himself above her breasts.

"Loki wants a group hug."

Mercedes bit her bottom lip and propped herself up on her elbows. She gathered her breasts in her hands and Sam slid his dick between the two bountiful bounds of soft flesh. She pressed her breasts together tightly on Sam's moving dick and moved opposite Sam's thrusts. Sam gripped the headboard and used the leverage to move faster against her creating an ineffable friction that would no doubt leave him a blubbering mess. Sam moved faster, rocking the bed and closed his eyes due to the snug fit. When he felt something wet on his tip, his eyes flew open and he looked down to Mercedes with her lips puckered for him, greeting Loki with each drive.

"….fucckk…" Sam moaned out strained.

Mercedes giggled as she watched Sam trying not to release. She moved her breasts faster and began blowing on his wet tip. Sam's strangled moans and quivering hips encouraged her to bring her breasts even closer together and she knew he wasn't going to last long. Opening her mouth wide, Mercedes stuck out her tongue and gave a subtle lick to his tip-that subtle gesture was the straw that broke Loki's back.

Sam halted and scrambled out, "Sranehakutamatatagracias!"

His hot cum collided with her collarbone, she felt it slowly sliding down the middle of her breasts. Sam collapsed beside her and panted and wheezed, attempting desperately to gain back a fraction of his pride by trying to gain his composure.

Mercedes grabbed a tissue and wiped herself clean of Sam's donation. She retrieved her nightgown and slipped it on and grabbed Sam's boxers and threw them on top of his still body. She tried to pull the cover back but Sam's limp body wasn't budging.


I can't."

Mercedes huffed and went to his side of the bed, "Boxers on or off?"


She took his boxers and slipped them on him. She used way too much of her strength as she lifted his lower body and pulled the cover from under him. Settling into bed, she turned off the lamp and covered them both.

"Goodnight Sam."

She heard Sam whimper and she looked over to see him making grabby hands with his arms stretched out. She shook her head and smiled as she moved over to him and snuggled into his embrace.

"Night Benzy."

Mercedes felt the bed move and snuggled her face deeper into Sam's bare chest. When she felt the bed move again, she opened her eyes a tad and felt their cover being pulled away from them.

"What the fuck?" she whispered into Sam's chest, causing him to stir slightly.

Mercedes turned and saw a dark figure in their bed-next to her. She jumped from the bed and leaped over Sam, who looked around confused and dazed. Sam felt the bed moved right after and he shrieked and sprung from the bed. Mercedes flipped on the light switch and saw Rachel laying in their bed.

"Rachel what the hell is wrong with you?!"

Rachel looked guilty and said, "I can't sleep on a recliner, and Brody snores, and Kitty wouldn't stop complaining! She even complains in her sleep! I checked every room and this was the only door that wasn't locked."

Sam stepped forward with his hand over his heart, "So you decided to sneak into our bed and risk giving us-giving Mercedes a heart attack?"

"I'm sorry I was going to leave in the morning before you two woke up."

"Well you can leave now."

"Oh come on Mercedes, the bed is big enough for the three of us! I'll sleep on close to the edge, you two won't even know I'm here."


'Please! You two are the nicest couple here!"

Sam and Mercedes both spoke up, "We're not a couple."

They gave each other looks and Rachel gave them a look as well, "Oh?"

"Rachel it's four in the morning-"

"All the more reason to let me sleep here! I promise you won't know I'm here!"

Sam and Mercedes looked at each then back at Rachel.

"Fine," they both said in conjunction.

"You guys are the best! I take back everything bad I ever said about either of you, like the time I called you a-"



Sam turned off the lights while Rachel snuggled into her pillow. Mercedes settled in the middle with Sam right behind her on her left. It was about twenty minutes later when Mercedes laid on her side facing Rachel and drifted closer to sleep…until she felt a familiar hand creeping up her gown. She grabbed his wrist and pushed his hand away. She felt Sam nesting into her back and he began kissing the back of her neck. Mercedes tried moving away but Sam stopped her movements with a firm grip to her waist.

"Sam don't you fucking dare!" Mercedes whispered harshly to him.

She was sure Rachel was sleep, but there was no way she would fuck around with her in the bed with them-but when he was stroking her slit like that…

Mercedes wiggled his hand away and Sam whispered softly in her ear, "We won't get caught if you keep quiet."

"She is right there!"

"She's sleep, shhhh."

Sam began stroking her again and Mercedes buried her face in her pillow. She could feel the mattress moving slightly under them from Sam's finger fucking and she was trying desperately not to scream his name. She gripped his arm securely as his thrusting became faster and moaned in ecstasy into her cotton pillow. The spasms and tingling in her abdomen became greater and greater with each thrust and the chilling effects of her climax appeared as soon as Sam nipped her neck. Sam felt her wet essence coated his fingers and altered his thrusts into slow and gentle caresses. When Mercedes trembling finally ceased, Sam pulled out his fingers and licked them clean, moaning into her ear so she knew how good she tasted to him. As he nestled back into her back and wrapped his arms around her exhausted body, they both gravitated to sleep unaware of the wide-awake and now severely disturbed Rachel gripping her pillow for dear life.

As Mercedes nibbled on her toast she noticed the way Rachel stared off into space with a troubled look on her face. Mercedes woke up to find Rachel gone that morning and she hadn't said anything all morning, something was wrong with her, and Mercedes wondered if anyone else could see it. Sam must have noticed Rachel's strange demeanor, as well because he asked, "Rachel are you alright You haven't said anything, like at all."

"Are you complaining?" Quinn asked Sam disbelievingly.

"No, it's just weird. She's never been this quiet."

"I'm fine!" Rachel shouted out.

"Are you sure?" Blaine asked, "Did you sleep wel-"


Everyone at the table stared at her.

Rachel laughed uncomfortably and stammered, "I slept perfectly fine! I'm going for a walk now, to get some fresh air and pray."

Rachel quickly left the table and rushed to the door.

Mercedes and Sam exchanged glances both knowing they were caught. When Sam started to discretely laugh, Mercedes pinched him.

While everyone was resting their hangovers, Mercedes decided she needed some fresh air as well and told Sam she was going to go for a walk on the trail. Sam caught up with her right as she left the house. They walked side by side and Sam reached for her hand.

"What are you doing?"

"Holding your hand."


"Why not?"

Mercedes relaxed her hand into his and didn't say anything as they walked through the wooded area. She had actually wanted to take a walk alone to gather her thoughts about whatever she and Sam were and what they were doing. Kurt's words from the day before kept replaying in her head. Was getting off now going to worth it in the end? Mercedes hadn't been in a real relationship since him, and Sam hadn't even attempted to date after his relationship ended a few months ago. They both settled into a routine of having carefree sex with other people and she never became jealous when he brought home a girl, and as far as she knew, Sam never had a problem with her guys as well. Sam fucked tons of girls and she never batted an eye, but Kitty only flirting with him, left Mercedes livid. If Mercedes felt that outraged over him flirting with another girl, she didn't even want to think about how she would be when he brought home another girl or started dating again. The heartbreak of their past relationships would only last so long, just like their agreement. Was Sam only using Mercedes as a crutch to get over being burned by her? Was she only using Sam to get over him?

"Are you okay? You're acting like Rachel."

"Hmm? Yeah I'm good, just thinking."



"Benzy, you're going to make yourself depressed again."

"You don't think I know that? I can't just not think about him, I was engaged to the man!"

Mercedes took her hand away and crossed her arms. All this shit was messing with her head and she hoped she wouldn't start getting emotional. Why couldn't Sam just let her walk alone?

Sam ruffled his hair and thought about how he could make her feel better. Sam was always supportive of her relationship with that douche, but she knew he never liked him. She deserved better. They both did. And Sam didn't know why it took so long for her to see that. To see that she would be better and happier with somebody else…like him.

"Yeah I know and thank God that's over."

Mercedes shook her head and turned back towards the cabin, but Sam caught her arm and faced her back to him.

"I'm sorry you're feeling like shit, but I'm not apologizing over not liking him."

"I'm not asking you to!"

"I know you Mercedes. When you were with him you always made excuses for every horrible thing he did to you and you tried to convince your friends to do it too."

"Oh like I'm the only one here that did that. What about her Sam? When she cheated on you, when she would steal from you, when she let another guy borrow your car!"

"I get it."

"Glad we're on the same page. You can let go of my arm now."

Sam released her and she walked a few feet away, until she realized he wasn't following her. Exhaling loudly, Mercedes walked back and grabbed his hand and sat herself and Sam down under one of the many tress.

"I'm sorry, a lot of stuff is on my mind, and when I start to get stressed, thoughts of him always pass through."

"I know, I get the same way."

"How do you deal with it?"

"Lots of ways, hanging with you normally does the trick."

"It does?"

"Yeah, and every time she pops in my head I think about the shit she did to me and I end up doing the moonwalk, because I know I dodged a huge bullet."

"I should try that."

"You know what else you should try?"

"Does it involve Loki?"

Sam moved closer and pecked her lips, "Uh-huh."

Mercedes looked around them to make sure they were alone. She never tried doing anything sexual in public out in the open, but the thought always excited her. She got on her knees, between his legs and pulled Lokiout just enough. As Mercedes drew Sam into her mouth, Sam threw his head back against the tree. Maybe if Mercedes wasn't busy introducing Loki to the back of her throat and Sam kept his eyes open, they would've heard Rachel coming up the trail. Rachel stopped sudden and took in the sight in front of her. Not knowing what to do, she turned around and ran back down the trail, praying to Jehovah to have mercy on those two deviants.

While her friends were either napping or playing pool in the game room, Mercedes was sitting on the couch going through her phone when she saw a number she didn't recognize calling her. She pushed ignore and waited for the unknown caller to leave a message. A couple of minutes later her phone vibrated again, this time signaling a text message. She opened it.

I miss you.

Who is this?

A really dumb guy who needs you back in his life..

Joe lose my #.

Can we meet? One last time?-Please…

I'll see.

Fair enough. I love you.

Mercedes stared at those last three words and almost threw her phone across the room, until she remembered she took off her phone insurance to lighten up the bill. She decided to delete everything that reminded her of Joe. Every picture, saved message, and…that one video. She shoved her phone in her pocket when Rachel abruptly walked through the front door and avoided Mercedes as she picked up her bag and walked through the living room. She needed a shower bad. She remembered Blaine telling her that he and Kurt's room had a bathroom. She ran upstairs and opened their door without knocking, coming face to face with Blaine and Kurt doing-what the hell were they doing? She cocked her head to the side before closing the door and going back down the stairs. As she walked to the door, she said over her shoulder, "Going for a drive! Don't wait up!" And slammed the door shut behind her.

Mercedes shrugged and went to go check on Sam. After their woodland indecent exposure, they walked back to the cabin and Sam went to their room to take a nap. She quietly walked into their room and saw Sam on his back, snoring peacefully. She gently got onto the bed and dozed off to Sam's snores minutes later.

The vibrations in his pocket woke Sam from his nap. He yawned and saw Mercedes sleeping, and faintly heard her mumbling lyrics to Rolling in the Deep. He caressed her face then took out his cell. He had a new text from…her. He opened it, not knowing what to expect from her.

I know I'm the last person you want to hear from but I found out something today that you should know.

Sam responded immediately.


A response came a few minutes later.

I'm pregnant.

A/N: Cue dramatic orchestra music!