Of Webs and Wizards Chapter 2

Author's note:

Thanks for all of the reviews everyone. This story was up for a few hours and I already had three reviews. You all inspire me to keep writing. Having the day off from work doesn't hurt either. This is another relatively short chapter, It just didn't seem to want to be any longer. Next Chapter takes us to England, Probably won't get it done soon, but hopefully by next week.

And of course, I don't own Harry Potter or Spider-Man. They belong to J.K. Rowling and Marvel Comics respectively.

And of course, I don't own The Late Show.

Peter Parker, the Amazing, Spectacular, and sometimes Astonishing (But Never Uncanny) Spider-Man was bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored.

He had just survived possibly the most Bizarre and surreal night of his life. And now he was sitting in a hospital waiting room.

His aunt is in intensive care, recovering from her traumatic ordeal the night before. The Doctors told him that she was recovering nicely and that he should go home. The problem being that he didn't have a home. In more ways than one at the moment. Otto Octavius had come back into his life the previous night, with a slew of clones of Peter himself, and enough whack-a-doo amongst them to keep an army of Shield therapists busy for years. Most of them got killed in the process. Only one remained. Jessica… Jessica Drew she called herself. Basically she was the exact same person as Peter, only with girl parts instead of boy parts.

That was enough to make Peter really confused about the nature of his reality.

There was a couple others, but SHIELD had them. The fight had wandered all over town, but had started in his home. Which was now wrecked, and swarming with cops and SHIELD agents.

Then there was the second problem. During the fight, his aunt May had discovered the truth about his secret identity. Which triggered a heart attack. Or it could be SHIELD threatening to flatten the house. But before she collapsed, she told him to get out of her house and never come back.

They had a reconciliation of sorts when she first woke up in her hospital bed, but he wasn't sure if she still wanted him to move out or not.

So here he sits in the waiting room of a hospital, nowhere really to go.

I suppose I could always go live with the X-Men. He thought to himself. But that wasn't really much of an option. Things with Kitty weren't doing so well, haven't been for quite awhile when he really thought about it. Plus there was M.J.

He really had no clue what to do about her. She was turned into a monster because the clones were obsessed with her. Made him wonder how the hell that was possible.

It's not like my dating preferences are encoded into my genetics. He mused.

Reed Richards of the Fantastic 4 managed to repair her genetics, getting her back to human shape again. But that in itself was heinously messed up.

Being turned into a monster shouldn't be a side-effect of being with me.

Although he couldn't really see a future with him and Kitty, atleast her abilities made it so that she could defend herself. Mary Jane was… confusing.

Peter glanced up from his inner monologuing when he heard the sound of two pairs of shoes approaching.

No spidey sense. Atleast that's something.

The two pairs of shoes belonged to two men, one of whom he immediately recognized.

Doctor Strange. Psychic to the Stars. The guy is on The Late Show atleast once a month.

The man next to him seemed a bit more gaunt and wary. He didn't exactly set off any alarms, but he definitely looks like a guy who has been in a fight before.

Doctor Strange led the other man directly to him, which was more than a little unsettling. He stopped in front of Peter and bowed lightly.

"Good evening Mister Parker. I don't think you remember me, but I am Doctor Stephen Strange."

Peter Smirked.

"Yeah, I have cable. I know who you are."

The man with Doctor Strange snorted in amusement.

Doctor Strange gestured to his associate.

"Quite. And this is my colleague, Sirius Black."

Peter quirked an eyebrow skyward.

"Serious Black? Is he a pop star or something?"

Doctor Strange stifled an amused grin while Sirius looked confused.

"Something more of an apprentice actually."

Peter shrugged.

"Whatever, Look. I don't really know what you are doing here, and I don't really care. My Uncle always told me not to talk to Strangers."

"A pun, cute. We actually are here to talk to you about your family Mr. Parker."

Peter's head snapped up and he glared at Strange.

"The only family I have is in this hospital. No excuse me, but please go fuck off!"

Sirius's eyes widened by the profanity used by the boy.

"I'm sorry for your hardship Mr. Parker, but you're only half right."

Curiosity got the better of Peter and he turned his attention to Sirius.

"What do you mean?"

Sirius handed him a folder containing the family tree Strange had divined for him.

"You have a cousin, He is in England, and has gone through problems very similar to your own."

Peter snorted.

"I kinda doubt that. So assuming I believe you, why haven't I heard of this guy before?"

Doctor Strange took over for Sirius at this point.

"Your cousin Harry was born into what can best be described as a cult."

Sirius looked offended at this statement, but let him continue.

"Inside this cult is a number of different warring factions, and a year after his birth, one of those factions targeted him and his parents."

Peter could sense that the Doctor was speaking in code, but couldn't quite figure out what he meant.

The Doctor continued.

"The attacking faction killed his parents, but their leader was killed in the process. Harry was hidden with his other relatives, your Mother's sister and her family. Five years ago he was inducted into this same cult-like society that his parents were involved with. And ever since there has been numerous threats and attempts on his life."

Peter studied the Doctor for a moment.

"Ok, so he's mixed up in some awful cult. Sorry to hear it, but not really much I can do about it."

Sirius gasped in shock.

"He's your family! You have to do something!"

Peter held up a hand placating him.

"Don't even start. My entire day has been devoted to trying to rescue my family from a nightmare like you wouldn't believe."

Doctor Strange grinned at Peter.

"We know all about it. Nick Fury's security is not very good against magic. He should probably look into that."

Peter gave the two men in front of him a hard look.

"So you know…?"

Doctor Strange nodded solemnly.

"We do, and that secret remains with us, regardless of whether or not you decide to help us."

Peter nodded.

"Thank you. But what do you mean 'Help you'? I thought you wanted me to rescue my long lost cousin from his weirdo cult?"

Sirius snorted.

"You probably shouldn't call them that, but doing that would be helping us. Harry's parents despite being in a 'cult' as you call it, were my best friends. Harry is my godson, and I just want to help him get out of there alive."

Peter pondered this for a moment before responding.

"He's in real danger?"

Sirius nodded glumly.

"Very much so. The cult that tried to kill him before is back and they are trying to destroy him."

Peter sat very still for a few moments. Then men before him took it as a sign that he was pondering the viability of their claims and deciding Harry's fate from across the world.

"Ok, I'm in. But on a couple conditions."

Sirius nodded eagerly.

"Name them."

"Firstly, judging by your accent, this will be a trip to England. And that is way outside of my budget. So you guys need to cover the cost of that plane ticket."

Doctor Strange smiled.

"You won't be taking a plane, but I can cover whatever costs you need me to."

"Ok, thing two. My Aunt May is currently in recovery. She's going to be in there for atleast the next four days. We have that long to help this cousin of mine. Any longer and I'll need to be back here. Preferably I'd like to be in and out of this in as little time as possible so I can get back to her."

Doctor Strange considered this demand for a moment.

"Very well, we may be able to get access to something that will allow you to do it all in one day. But it is tricky and bends some natural laws to do."

Brushing his hair back over his head, Peter grabbed his backpack and slung it over his shoulder.

"Ok then. Doc, Alakazam me or whatever you gotta do so I can go save my cousin… Whom I've never met… From his deadly cult….. In England…..In one day….. On second thought"- And Peter's second guessing was lost to the ether as Strange teleported the three of them to his Manhattan manor.