Disclaimer: I don't own Megamind or it's characters. Wish I did but. :)

The first time they had sex was very interesting. Whilst he looked mostly human on the outside (aside from being a primary colour), once divested of his cloths Megamind could only be described as humanoid.

Whatever species he was. It had adapted to reproduction in its own way. Where a human male would have a penis Megamind had a slit. When aroused, the organ inside would engorge and expand outwards. When finally erect it would be approximately 11 inches long, textured with ribs and bumps making it quite thick also. Small pores along the surface released a very light slime.

Minion had explained to Roxanne that the female of the species had an orifice just above the anus. It would also engorge, becoming a large cavity. Like a mouth but completely dry and with no teeth of course. The male would mount the female from behind. Evolutionary speaking, while the female clung to a rock wall or tree, the male would insert himself into the cavity, the slim acting as lubricant and triggering the cavity to tighten holding the male in place. The ribs and bumps would also assist in holding them together.

The female would flex her muscles automatically as the male released more hormones via the slime. When fully aroused the ready male would climax filling the female's cavity with his sperm. The male can generally do this 3-4 times in a successive large quantity.

Spent the male retracts and the females cavity closes to become a womb. The sperm a potent mix of hormones and aphrodisiac would trigger the female to release tiny eggs from pores in the cavity.

Females can spend days having endless orgasms from the sperm without even having to release eggs.

Roxanne learnt quickly that he was very hard and very big. The pheromones he released worked on her too. She would orgasm the instant he entered her. He could then fuck for hours and when he did cum it was like a fire hose went off inside her and again for at least another 4 times. Her womb visible bulge by the end.

For 2-3 hours later until the acids in her womb nullified the aphrodisiacs she would orgasm over and over.

Fucking her arse came natural to Megamind. He was so strong and forceful. While not as physically strong as Metro Man he was still inhumanly powerful.

Minion once told her that Metro Man was incapable of sex. His species reproduced via kiss. Saliva entered the female carrying sperm she then regurgitated the baby 12 months later.