A/N: so this story literally slammed me between the eyes and has been nagging at me to write it for weeks now. And no matter how many times I told myself no more stories until one of them is complete this would not go away, so I finally caved and started in on it. Anyway I hope you guys like it!

"Xandriana? Xandriana wake up! Xandriana!" A distorted male voice calls from above me.

That's not my name… why is he calling me Xandriana? I feel like I'm drowning in a black ocean, with no way to tell which direction was up. The last thing I remember was playing Dragon Age II and falling asleep on my sister's futon. Remember me? Another voice asked, but this voice was different. It seemed female but it didn't sound totally human.

Wait… you're in my head! A deep rooted fear bled into my soul as I fought to regain consciousness.

Easy little one, it's alright. I am a part of you and cannot hurt you. I feel warmth envelop me, and scales press against the naked flesh of my back and along my arms. Who are you?

I am you. I am a piece of your soul in another form. Do you remember?

No… I fight through the blackness scrounging for any memories or clue as to what happened. We are one. You were chosen by the Dragon God Mercurion to bring about his return in this world. When he pulled you from your world he crafted us together so that we are now one in the same. When you have need of me just call and I will help. Images then flow like a raging river of Mercurion infusing me with a dragon half, and showing me the new body he had crafted for me based on my character in the videogame. When the process of placing my soul in its new shell was done he said that only when my blood flowed and only when I asked would the dragon surface. How will I survive? I don't have any training with weapons what so ever, with the Xbox I just clicked buttons!

Don't worry, Mercurion knew that, and it won't matter. All you need to do is let your body do the work. It knows what to do and how to respond, you will not be defenseless. Besides if all else fails I take over and flame on. I snicker a bit at the Fantastic Four reference but another voice calls for my attention. "Xandriana please wake up!" a woman sobbed distantly.

Why do they keep calling me Xandriana? My name is Layla! I yell angrily but no sound comes from my lips.

You are Layla no longer, you are Xandriana Hawke now. We are on the road fleeing Lothering and we just got backhanded into a cliff. We have been unconscious for the rest of the battle but there are more Darkspawn coming, we must awaken. Open your eyes, and rise. I feel my brow furrow in confusion as I slowly begin to open my eyes. "Carver?" I croak while I blink rapidly in an attempt to clear the blurriness from my vision.

As my eyes focus I see Leandra, Carver, Bethany, Aveline, and her husband Wesley crowded around me. Bethany was kneeling next to me with a healing blue glow surrounding her hands up to her elbows, while Leandra held my head in her lap. "Oh thank the Maker we thought we lost you." Bethany said wiping the sweat from her brow.

It might be a good idea to smile; we don't want to worry her. I grimace instead of smile as I sit up, "How long was I out?" Carver grins at me.

"Long enough to miss the fight sister. What were you thinking charging the Horde like that?"

"I'm fairly certain I wasn't, hence my getting slapped around like a cheap whore when the rent is late." I grunt as I struggle to my feet.

"Xandriana!" Leandra exclaims mortified at my rough comment.

Carver outright laughs, while Bethany simply covers her mouth with one hand trying to hide her chortling. Aveline and Wesley glance at each other with small smiles; at least someone has a sense of humor that has withstood the battles and blood.

"Okay, let's get this shit over with." I sigh, and roll my shoulders to loosen the stiff muscles.

I spin the twin Fereldan blades and tense up for the oncoming swarm of Darkspawn. I know there are more and I also know we are going to lose Carver and Wesley in the coming battle, but maybe, just maybe, by knowing these things in advance I can change the outcome. It may indeed be possible, but be prepared if fate cannot be altered. My dragon half cautions. And for Mercurions sake give me a name! I'm a part of you not a demon or spirit possessing you! "dragon half" is not going to cut it! She huffed more than slightly offended.

What do you wish to be called?

I don't know, just choose something decent. I smile a touch maliciously when I see more Darkspawn running up the hill.

How about-

Don't you dare try to use any of those stupid pet names from your old world.

You're no fun. I comment dryly. Just rifle through some of my old memories and choose whatever one strikes your fancy. I used to be pretty good at naming characters.

I behead the first Darkspawn to reach me, while simultaneously disemboweling another. I always loved my dual weapons! Bethany sends massive fireballs and lightning into the fray keeping most of them back. Carver skillfully decapitates two genlocks with a single swing and cracks the skull of another with his shield, but it is Aveline and Wesley who fight together as a team that are the most successful. They seem to dance across the battlefield defending themselves and also guarding their partners back. It was quite beautiful to watch actually, but all too soon the dance shattered when a Hurlock Alpha gets a lucky underhanded blow and penetrates Wesley armor. Both the weapon and chest plate are coated in tainted blood, and if the wound didn't kill him, the taint surely would. Screaming in rage Aveline dispatches her foe and quickly takes down the Alpha who has signed her husband's death certificate.

However I feel a change in the air, and a deafening roar announces the arrival of the ogre. "Oh no…" As the beast tromps up the slope, fear settles in the pit of my stomach.

I glance at Carver; he has a reckless determined look on his face, not good! In a desperate attempt to at least save him, I charge first, yelling as loud as I can; but Carver is faster and manages to get ahead of me bellowing a battle cry. "Carver wait, don't!" I am once again too late, for the ogre has snatched up Carver and crushed him in one fell swoop.

The creature grins at the gory mess in his hand before flinging him away like trash. I watch in detached horror at the broken body as it is tossed to the ground. Rage begins to swirl and collect in my chest, making my breathing shallow and erratic. Do you wish for my shape?

No. I will do this on my own. I feel the dragon recede slightly, she respects my wish to remain human for this fight but she knows that I will need the extra strength to win. I wonder where this rage has come from, I don't even know Carver. He isn't really my brother, so why would I be so upset? Then I look at his mangled flesh again, Leandra is cradling his head to her chest as she openly weeps at the death of her only son. As I look at Bethany, I can see her heart broken gaze linger on her dead twin before it fills with a potent mix of grief and unbridled fury. It was one of the reasons you were chosen. You are loyal to any and all who need help, you would do anything to protect others even if they are strangers. You feel their pain and become the guardian they need, you knew they were going to die but you still tried to save them. Now do what you must and avenge them! The rage in my chest has bloomed into an livid red flower, and I explode.

Screaming in pain laced rage, I charge the monster that has killed Carver. The beast smiles at me, with broken mangled teeth. He sees me as a gnat buzzing in his ear, I am nothing of significance only a mild irritant. With very sharp teeth. My blades sing as I swing them about cutting down the unlucky Darkspawn in my way. Bethany sees my charge and blasts the ogre in the face with a fireball, using the distraction to my advantage I dart between its legs and sever the Achilles tendons above the heels. It does the trick, and the beast falls to the ground bellowing in pain. The skull is thick but the weak spot at the back of the neck is the same as any other creature. I grin maliciously as I climb atop and run across his back, I am granted a slight satisfaction in seeing a flash of fear in the tainted ogres eyes as he struggles to see and reach me. Bethany, Gods bless her, has frozen his arms to the ground locking him in place. "This is for my brother."

The blade slams home disconnecting the spinal cord from the brain. I cruelly twist the large dagger before pulling out, I know it will not bring back Carver, but it gives me a sadistic sense of gratification that I caused more pain on the beast before it died. Snarling I turn toward the Darkspawn from my perch on the back of the ogre, "C'mon, I need more practice with this new body."

However I hear the sound of a roar from above us and I remember this is where Flemeth comes in to blast the remaining creatures off the face of the Earth. She certainly knows how to make an entrance.

Yeah and ruin the fun…

A/N: Yes this is a shameless insertion fic and I'm proud of it dammit! I know it may not be popular but I do hope you won't bash it too much. So leave me a review please I do so love them! X)