"Mum, can Fred, George and me go to the Qudditch Shop please? We already bought all of our stuff and all we will do is look around!" Vivica asked her mother with large pleading shiny green eyes.

Mrs. Potter and Mrs. Weasley exchanged secret, non-verbal mother codes.

"As long as you take Charlie and Ron with you," Mrs. Weasley compromised.

"Okay," mumbled Fred, already heading down the street.

"And Harry," Mrs. Potter gently pushed her son towards his sister. She frowned down at him, but led him to the shop with her friends after receiving a stern look from her mother. As usual, Harry's appearance in Diagon Alley was made an event as random people gave him huge smiles and some of the older ones shook his hand.

"I should start making money off of you," Vivica smirked as she wavered off another one of Harry's fans. "We should charge five galleons per autograph. Split the money fifty-fifty."
"Why would you get half when its Harry's autograph?" George questioned.

"Because," she said smugly. "I thought of the idea, did I not?"
"She has a point," said Bill. "Here we are."

"OH MY GOD!" The eleven-year-olds exclaimed. Fred and George ran towards the broom while Vivica had to half-run, half-carry Harry to the new Nimbus '98.
Vivica ran her pale fingers over the smooth finishing of the broom's handle. "I'd marry this broom,"

"Not if I marry it first," Fred replied and examined each clean cut bristle. Harry and Ron exchanged secret smiles. Their siblings are absolutely in love with Qudditch, so much so that all three of them have agreed to be signed into the same league.

"Miss Potter,"

Vivica broke out of her trance and looked behind her because usually, if anyone addressed a Potter, it would be Harry.

"Madam Hootch!" she exclaimed and gave the teacher an enormous smile. She was her father's personal Qudditch trainer until his sixth year, when she went on maternity leave. She often bought her daughter, Cammie, over for tea and visits while she and James talked about his future Qudditch career. After is unfortunate death, her visits slowly became less and less until about two years ago, when it just stopped. It was very nice to see her again.

"Isn't that a beauty," Madam Hootch admired the broom behind them. "It's a shame that first years can't own one yet, it'd be great that you could get a head start for Qudditch try-outs in your third-year."

Vivica nodded. "I practice on dad's old brooms though, since mum doesn't seem to want to buy them."

"Very well then, I might just take you under my wing as well. And how about you little Harry? Have you been practicing with your sister as well?"
"Yes Ma'am." Harry nodded quietly.

"How positions do you play?" she asked as if she were talking down to a two-year-old.
"I practice seeking, since every other position is kind of taken,"

"Very good!" Madam Hootch clapped her hands. "It's Giovanni's last year, we'll be glad to take you when it's time."

"Thank you, Ma'am." Harry slowly crept behind his sister. He might be the 'Boy Who Lived, Harry Potter,' but he's shyer than a hippogriff. It was Vivica who was the outgoing one of the siblings. And the smart one. And the athletic one. And the talented one. Both siblings were somewhat jealous of another, with Harry being one of the most amazing wizards of all time and Vivica being miss-all round-perfect. They also competed for their mother's love. Mrs. Potter would be less harsh on Harry during punishments and treated him very gently, as if he was as fragile as glass. This angered Harry, since he did not want to be pitted or treated like a baby. He wanted to be treated like his big sister. Vivica would get more chores and work around the house, but that came with a small price to pay for all the freedom and responsibility she got. Mrs. Potter would spend hours with Vivica in their potions lab and study learning and creating who-knows-what. They both wonder that if James had still been around, they'd both get more time with their mother.

"I'd best be going," Madam Hootch said. "Cammie's with her father at the sweet shop, and he'd obviously over feed her on those nasty treats. I'll see you in class on Tuesday, Vivica and Weasleys!"

Vivica and the twins waved her off and returned their attention to the brand-new broom, but it was gone.

"Where'd it go?" Vivica asked, puzzled.

"Hey Weasels, bet you'd have to sell your house and about a hundred of Potter's signature for this," a young blonde boy caressed his new broom while his father paid for it.

"Shut-up," Fred snapped and lunged forward, but Charlie held him back and told him to calm down.
"Yeah, you son of a death-eater," Vivica hissed.

"'Least my mum isn't a mudblood," he glowered back.

Vivica whipped out her brand new wand. "Take it back you dark little snake,"
"Dad," Malfoy nervously tugged at his father's robes.

"Almost done, Draco, calm yourself,"

Before Vivica could cast a curse however, Mrs. Potter entered the shop.

"Vivica what are you doing?" she demanded angrily.

"That blonde bloke Malfoy insulted you and the Weasleys," she replied, easing her wand down.

"Doesn't give you a right to curse him, the boy isn't even in Hogwarts yet." Mrs. Potter snapped, then whirled around to the smirking Malfoy's father. "Excuse Mr. Malfoy, but if you would kindly tell you son to keep his rude opinions to himself."

The Senior Malfoy's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but before he could think of a snide remark, one of his friends appeared at his side.

"Lucius," said the man deep, drawling voice. "I need to speak with you,"

"Of course, I was just going to tell Mrs. Potter her that her parenting advice is not needed for me, since my son does not whip out a wand at the tiniest insult.

The dark haired man faced her and both faces mirrored surprise and astonishment.

"Severus," Mrs. Potter said quietly.

"Lily," Snape's eyes were beginning to get wet. It's been almost a decade since he'd last seen her, and it hurt his heart to see the widow that he had helped create standing in front of him.

"Mum," Vivica asked quietly and stepped to her mother's side.

Snape gave her a sad smile.

"Vivica, this will be your Potions Professor this year," Mrs. Potter said softly. Vivica had never seen her delicate. "Professor Snape,"

"Good afternoon, Professor Snape," she offered her and he squeezed it tight.

"I hope that your mother has taught you well, Miss Evans?" he asked gently, which caused Charlie's mouth to hang open. Never in his life had he seen Snape ever talk to a student in a gentle tone. Not even his Slytherin students.

"I'm sorry sir, my last name his Potter," Vivica said.

Mrs. Potter led the children out quickly when she saw the hurt and pain in those onyx eyes.


"Molly, it broke his heart," Mrs. Potter explained over tea while their children were out in their make-shift Qudditch Pitch.

"He was going to find out that she's a Potter in school anyways," reasoned as she sipped her warm chamomile.

"It killed him that she didn't remember either," Mrs. Potter toyed with her tea cup.

"Lily Potter, I honestly do not understand why you feel his pain when he didn't feel yours after what he did to you," Mrs. Weasley snapped in a motherly tone. When Mrs. Potter said nothing, she continued. "After all, he joined the Death Eaters and called you a-oh- mud blood when you went to save him! Did he not feel sad for you? When you lost your infant child's father because of his dark beliefs?"
Mrs. Potter turned to face her. "He did. He understood, and I didn't want his apology."
Mrs. Weasley's mouth hung open. "What happened?" she demanded eagerly.

"He said he was sorry, but he wouldn't quit the job for a reason he could not tell me. Then I said that he was lying and took Vivica away from him. He hasn't seen her since today. I'm a terrible person!" Mrs. Potter sobbed. "I haven't let a man see his child for ten years!"

"Shhhh," Mrs. Weasley soothed. "It was all because of that one reason. Do you know what it is?"
"No," she managed to choke out.

"Then see! You haven't done anything wrong, sweetie."

"Yes I have," she argued. "I fell in love with him, and created this mess."


Snape sat quietly in his study at home for hours, looking through a half-finished album. There were pictures of his daughter, a plump, green-eyed, dark haired little angel that called him "Da-da" instead of "Professor Snape, Sir". The baby Vivica would immediately fall silent in his arms when she cried and her first smile was projected at him. How could he have been so stupid and joined brainwashing cult known as the Death Eaters?

"Severus," Malfoy stepped in, and crossed over to his desk. "Missing your little, mud blood?" he smirked as he eyed the picture of the three of them at Vivica's first Christmas.

"It's just that when I ran into her," Snape admitted. "I felt so bad."
Malfoy scoffed and Snape ignored it. "I haven't seen Vivica in ten years. How would you feel if you hadn't seen Draco in that long?" he snapped.

"Firstly, don't you dare compare you mud blood child to my Draco,"
Snape gave him a nasty glare. "I don't care what you say about Lily. She picked Prince Potter over me. But you don't ever say anything about my daughter," he hissed.

"Whatever," Malfoy said, clearly scared, but didn't dare show it. "I'm just saying that it would be terrible, yes, but I'd most likely forget him in ten years time."

"OUT!" Roared Snape.

Malfoy chuckled rudely, but edged out of the office.

Snape put his palms on his face as a small tear slid off his face.