Returning to Hogwarts was quite eventful. At first, it was Vivica who believed that her mother was playing a sick joke on them when they could not get through the barrier to platform 9 ¾ on September 1st. It was frustrating that the Weasley's were already on the train and she and Harry and a bedraggled Remus (it was the full moon a night or two ago) had missed the 11 o'clock train. Luckily Harry, who had surprisingly not blown his top like his sister or became irrated like his god father had kept his cool and decided to floo to Professor McGonagall's office. After all, she was connected to every Gryffindor's house. When they went back home, wet and cold from the pounding rain, Lupin fire-called to make sure Professor McGonagall was fine with two wet children trotting into her clean office. Given their luck, McGonagall was not there, but Snape was.

"Severus!" Lupin called when he saw the dark man return a few files to a cabinet. Whether Snape had not heard him or was pointedly ignoring him was not certain, but when Lupin shouted: "Vivica and Harry are here!" he whirled around in a flurry of black robes and knelt at the fireplace.

"Vivica and Harry?" he asked. "How did they miss the train? Where is Lily?" he added the last part in with worry.

"Tell him we will explain once we come through," Vivica ushered, excited to see her father again.

Remus nodded. "Vivica said she will tell you everything once you let her through, please, Severus,"

Snape sighed, he hated to agree with Lupin, but was ecstatic to see his daughter once more. "Let them through."

Moments later, Harry had slid through and shook Snape's hand respectively. Snape nodded at him, being uncharacteristically friendly before his daughter had tackled him into a tight embrace.

"Dad!" she cried, resting her head on his chest while he hugged her tight. "Migosh, dad, we've got plenty to tell you!" she exclaimed.

Snape let out a unnatural chuckle, "Very well, but I doubt McGonagall would like us to have an, er-lively conversation about your mother in her office,"

Vivica laughed, "Perhaps not,"

"Leave your trunks here, I'm certain McGonagall would organize them for you," he said smoothly and led them down the hall.

"Professor Snape," said Harry.


"You must promise us one thing before we relay our story to you," said Harry.

"Depends on the promise," Snape said dismissively. Childish second-years.

"It's a good story, though you cannot tell anyone every single detail of the story," Vivica said.

"Kitten, I'm not sure-"

Vivica glared at him. "You do want to hear the story, don't you?"

"I could just use occumlency on you," he half-joked.

"Please, do try, although it would not be as entertaining as if when it would be us telling you," Vivica scoffed as she settled into Snape's favourite armchair.

"The story is ironic," Harry whined. "We do want to tell you, just don't tell anyone!"

Snape smirked. "Fine, no one will know but me,"

"Alright, Harry do you want to start? No, alright then, so mother got married this summer-"

"MARRIED!" Snape exclaimed, sputtering out his tea. Vivica patted him on the back and settled him onto a chair. Lovely Lily, married once more and still not to him. It was sick, but he possessed an apparent one-sided unconditional love to her. This marriage was not as terrible as the Potter one, since he was the man that Snape had loathed the most, though it was still a slap in the face. After another couple years away Lily had seemed to want to reconcile before school had let out last year. What a tease, what a joke. Does Lily not know what effect that her series of relationships are having a negative impact on their daughter? A million questions were racing through his brain at the moment but he was unable to ask any questions. "Who is she marrying? How old? When did this happen? Why haven't you told me sooner?"

"Shhh, dad, it's quite alright," Vivica said soothingly while Harry answered the questions.

"Well, his name is Mr. Andrews and he's a rich old muggle that is a lawyer or something fancy like that. He is similar to Uncle Vernon –Aunt Petunia's husband- except he looks a bit more decent. He hates children though, and we hate him, he's always yelling at Vivica-"

"Yelling at Vivica? Did he hurt you kitten?" Snape asked with concern, checking her for any bruises. Had he laid on hand on her this Mr. Andrews would disappear as quick as his father did when he became a death eater. To his apparent surprise, she was giggling.

"Just let him continue with the story, dad, it's fine," she laughed.

"Not when he's threating my daughter, I would like to have a fine word with this man,"

"I would pay to see that," chuckle Harry. "Either way, mum and Mr. Andrews met over some holiday-"

"-That's why she was upset with you, and broke off all ties," Vivica informed her father while Harry let out an evident groan, which got him a cold glare from Snape before he turned to his daughter.

"She chose a fat rich muggle over…Never mind, continue on, Harry,"

"As I was saying," stated Harry loudly so no one could interrupt him this time. "They met over a holiday, fell in love and all that junk, and married in August. Mum became Mrs. Lillian Garnet Andrews, which meant Vivica and I are now the owners of all the Potter stuff like our house and vault in Gringotts and everything!"

Snape let out a small gasp. All of the Potter assets. The Potters were one of the wealthiest families in Britain, even better off than the Malfoys. And two children were in charge of everything? Vivica was sensible, but she had an expensive taste. "Does Lily know that-"

Vivica cut in automatically. "She does, but she lives with Mr. Andrews, so we informed her that she can stay with him and Uncle Remus would be our guardian while we are on holidays. I've been yearning to send you a letter all summer but that stupid custody thing mum had signed a couple years back does not allow me or Harry to owl you over the holiday and Mrs. Weasley promised mum that any of her children would not be doing the dirty work for me,"

"Although I am not exactly a fan of your Uncle Remus, I hope he is taking good care of you," stated Snape evenly. He did not want the children to hear the disgust in his voice when a warewolf would be in charge of them during holidays, but Vivica could easily retort back at the fact that Lupin was their father figure for most of their lives.

"Uncle Remus is way more fun than mum!" Harry's emerald eyes were large with excitement. Uncle Remus was hardly authoritive, and when he was it was for all the right reasons, like Vivica leaving Harry alone at the amusement park while she rode a big rollercoaster one summer.

"I take it he has a very few rules, much like your father," Snape sneered.

Harry and Vivica were both accustomed to Snape's snide remarks and replied with an equal amount of wit. "Much like the father who gave us everything,"

Snape was taken back. Didn't Vivica realize that he would tend to all of her needs, provided that he was allowed to see her. Legally, the only relation Snape could have to the Potter children was a student-teacher one. No tea in his office during the afterhours. No allowing Vivica to stay with him in his quarters when she is sick. The only thing he was allowed to give her was an education, and marks back. Damn the Ministry for always siding with the mother, and looking at wealth rather than the condition of their parents. It was easy enough, to keep small things hidden from the Ministry, but they did random checks, and one cannot be too careful. "I would give you anything, provided that I had the opportunity." He said coldly and crossed across the room into his office.

"Harry, would you mind finding McGonagall and telling her that we are early, I'm sure you'd like to tell her the story," Vivica said gently.

"Sure, but would you not like to come?" asked Harry curiously.

"Later, later." She reassured him. "I want to talk to my dad,"

Harry smirked. "Good luck, he looks really pissed,"

"Harry! Mind your language, we are in school now," but Vivica could not help but giggle when she knew her brother could swear.

"Yes, mother," Harry rolled his eyes and scampered off.

"I'm nothing like your mother." Vivica spat.

Harry stuck out his tongue and exited, leaving Vivica to go find her father. She knew what she said was harsh but please, he should not be insulting the Potter luxury. Parents. In an odd way, she wondered what would have happened if she didn't have them. What if both Lily and James had died on Halloween and Snape was killed by You-Know-Who for changing sides. The only way Lupin had become their guardian was through Lily's persuation to the Ministry that he was not a threat. If her parents were gone, there would be no one to banter for Lupin, leaving them with the only blood-ward they had left. Aunt Petunia, he fat oaf husband and idiot son Dudley. It would be torture, living with them. They hated anything about the wizarding world and would surely lock the siblings in a cupboard under the stairs or something similar. It was such a tragic, unfortunate thing that a privileged child should not think about, and it bought tears to Vivica's eyes by the time she reached Snape's office and she just silently wrapped her arms around him.

"Kitten," he said softly and swiveled around so that she could sit on his lap. "I'm sorry, I should not have said that about Potter,"

"Ah, so I do have a responsible parent after all," she said dryly.

"Your mother is being childish. Give her the year, I'm sure she would be better by then."

"A year is an awful long time," Vivica looked at him skeptically. "Besides, she'd be enjoying her life with that Andrews bloke. Hey, you know what you should do dad? You know how teachers go to student's homes if they had done something really bad? You should go over, say that I did something stupid and meet him. He'd be terrified if you just apparated into his house."

Snape cocked a brow at her. "And why would I want to meet him?"

"Oh, I just want you to spook him away with magic or something. Mum refuses to use magic and of course Harry and I are underage, but now that he is family, he has the right to know."

"You just want a good laugh, don't you?"

"You know me much too well, daddy," Vivica chuckled. "I could consider it revenge too,"

"While we are on the topic of revenge, I would hope to get Dumbledore back," Snape snarled.

"Dad, you are never going to get the DADA position, I'd think you would understand that after not getting it for the past eleven years." Vivica chuckled but immediately stopped at his intense glare.

"Sometimes I am certain you are Lily's daughter,"

"-Well that's a lovely compliment,"

Snape playfully smacked her knee. "Now listen, you bratty child. I have been deprived – yet again – of the defense against the darks arts position, but the person who received the title is the most dunderhead I have had the pleasure of knowing,"

"Is it Malfoy's dad?" Vivica exclaimed in horror. Defense against the dark arts would be a horrendous class with Mr. Lucius Malfoy as the professor. He would favour the Slytherins more than her father ever did and would probably use unforgivable curses on the Gryffindors, or any other house for that matter. Not to metion the fact that Stella Lestrage, the biggest dunderhead Vivica had the pleasure of knowing, would have the most unfair advantage in the class, seeing that the senior Malfoy had raised since her mother and father had been in Askaban for the majority of her life.

Snape shook his head, "God forbid the day that Lucius Malfoy becomes a professor. No, it is not him, it is this Lockhart fellow,"

Vivica's eyes went huge and shook her dad's shoulders with excitement. "Gilderoy Lockhart? The same guy in all the magazines who killed a troll with his bare hands in Australia and-and-"

Snape sighed. "Believe me, I doubt he even butters his own toast."

Vivica's face crumpled.

Snape gave her an awkward answer. "Vivica darling, please, do not, for lack of better terms, 'fangirl', over this idiot,"

She glared at him coldly, "I'll have to see for myself,"

Snape gave her a hug. "You will be disappointed, kitten,"

"Then I suppose I will be returning for another year of DADA classes you then,"

"Most certainly, I don't want you to fail your OWL exams next year because of a stupid teacher," he said reassuringly. "He knows nothing on the subject-"

"-But his books! They are-"

"All a load of rubbish. McGonagall and I were playing around with him though," said Snape.

Vivica gave him a huge smile. "So you do have a sense of humor, tell me what you did,"

"The two of us asked him defense against the dark arts questions. I am not surprised to say that he did not know what to do with Cornish pixies!" he chuckled.

"Dad, you and I have a very different definition of what is funny. I am best friends with the twin Weasley's, and they have a high standard of humour. Anyways, it's getting late and you are expected to be at the feast, Professor Snape," Vivica grinned. "And please, don't frighten the first years,"

"That is the primary reason I attend these feast, so those children won't dare try anything in my class." He said, getting up and stretching.

"See you later dad," Vivica gave her father a warm hug.

"Bye Kitten, and if you would like to talk about your mother-"

Vivica glared at him. "No I would not," She had the whole summer to think about her mother; now that school had started she had time to spend with her father and friends, the people that she cherished the most with the exception of Lupin.

"Nevertheless," he said softly and kissed the top of her head. "I'm always there, darling,"


Later that evening in the Great Hall, Vivica and her fellow fourth year friends were animatedly discussing how she and her brother could not get through the barrier.

"Perhaps it closes off at exactly eleven," Angelina suggested.

"It was around 10:55 that we tried to get through, we were late, but we could have made it," Vivica argued.

"Or maybe your mother sealed it," George suggested hastily.

"Yeah, you said she had not come to send you off," Fred piped up from Vivica's left. "It's alright though, you got to floo here and spend the afternoon with your dad."

"It's still strange though, what if I can't take the train back at Christmas?"

"Tell Dumbledore, he'll fix it right away," Angelina smiled. "We can go tonight if you want, otherwise you'll keep me up all night,"

"Ang does have a point," George said. "When she found out about her mum's new marriage, she would keep Fred and I awake for hours,"

"Shut-it George," Vivica did not want the whole school to hear about her mother's new marriage. It was embarrassing, especially since she had downgraded herself to an old snooty muggle.

"Yeah George, look, there's Ginny!" Fred exclaimed. "Oi Ginny! You know what to do, lil' sis!" he cheered.

Ginny's cheeks burned a deep crimson as she closed her eyes and ducked her head down.

Vivica smacked Fred's arm in Ginny's defense. "Fred! It's her first year, leave her alone,"

Fred scowled and rubbed his arm, and made to hit Vivica back when Snape caught his eye. He immediately lowered his arm and looked as ashamed as Ginny had. "Your dad seems crankier than usual,"

"You're such an idiot Fred." Angelina glared at him. The two of them won't have to deal with an angry Vivica in their dorm room.

"It's because Via's mum remarried," George hissed. "Sheesh, you are an idiot Fred,"

Vivica's cocked her eyebrow at George with a surprised look. She didn't have a chance to say anything since the sorting had started.


The first class of the day for the Gryffindor and Slytherin fourth years was Defense Against the Dark Arts. Stella Lestrange and her goons, along with the rest of the girls in their class sat front in centre and grinned widely at their new professor. Angelina was speechless, and though Vivica tried hard to remember what her father said about the cocky Professor Lockhart, she smiled at when the professor waltzed into the room. Fred, George, Lee Jordan and the rest of the boys from both houses scoffed and poked each other with their wands whilst the professor gave his pointless speech.

Stella waved her hand eagerly in the air for the first time in four years. "Are pixies dangerous, professor?"

Vivica smirked. "No, they are just stupid, much like you,"

The twins snorted with laughter while Stella shot her nasty look that reminded them of a pig, causing them to laugh harder. Professor Lockhart on the other hand, did not believe it was that funny. "Miss Potter," he said with his new authority.

"Professor Lockhart," Vivica matched his tone.

"I have dealt with many scary creatures, and pixies are one of them. Have you ever encountered a three-headed troll and killed with the flick of your wrist?" He glowered down at her.

She gave him a sarcastic roll of the eyes.

"Via, stop," Angelina muttered under her breath.

"Yeah, Vivica, your dad," George whispered.

"Continue!" Fred grinned.

"I have absolutely never encountered a three-headed troll, sir," she said.

"Well that goes to show you-" Began Stella with an arrogant air.

"I'm not finished," Vivica snapped. "I have absolutely never encountered a three-headed troll, but I have encountered you-know-who."

The class's rowdy chatter died immediately. All children in the wizarding world, muggle born or not, knew the story of how James Potter stepped in between Voldemort and his son, taking in the killing curse and protecting Harry. They had not realized the Vivica was there the whole time. Stella's friends seemed curious but glared nastily like their leader when she snapped at them.

Professor Lockhart stammered. He was definitely not used to be outshone. "Is that so? You were only a baby at the time; how could you remember."

"I was a day shy of being four." Vivica roarted. "I saw You-Know-Who. Before he killed my dad…"

Fred put his hand reassuringly on her shoulder. "It's alright, you don't have to prove anything Via."

She shrugged him off. "No, he thinks he's done better. I'll prove him long,"

"Well you can prove it to me in detention. Tomorrow night at eight." The pretty professor sneered.

"He smiled at me," Vivica added sullenly.

Professor Lockhart let out a deep sigh. "What now?"

"Let her continue!" growled a Slytherin.

"You-know-who. I was hiding under the blankets and he caught my eye, he smiled, he has happy to destroy my family. He killed my father, I screamed and he turned to Harry, laughing, but before he could do anything something happened, a puff of black smoke and he was gone. Harry was crying and there was a bloody red scar on his face. My mum came back later that night from a meeting…And yeah…"

Vivica never told anyone the story from that dreadful Halloween Night. It had driven her crazy though, when one thought they were better than someone because of their lame achievement. Witch Weekly's best smile is no match for James sacrificing his life for Harry and potentially saving the whole world by killing you-know-who.

"Boo-hoo," sneered Stella.

Vivica jumped up from her seat and banged her fists on the table. "Bitch, you're parents are in Azkaban, for being dirty death eater scum. My dad died for us, so you can eat my-"

"Please go see Professor McGonagall, Potter," commanded Professor Lockhart. "There will be no arguing in this class…its causes stress pimples."

"I'll leave with freaking pleasure sir," Vivica collected her things. She paused at Stella's desk, who gave her a satisfactory smirk. Vivica hexed her with a freezing charm, causing her face to remain in that ugly smile and left the room. She walked down the halls with a new sense of power. Last year she would have never been as bold as to yell at a teacher, and this, more than likely done with her satisfying arguments with her mother could be the root cause of this. She knew she was right, but being sent to Professor McGonagall on unhappy terms caused a pit in her stomache. She gulped and opened the door to her head of house's office, a placed she had flooed to less than twenty-four hours ago.

"Lockhart sent me here," she said dully.

"Yes," McGonagall did not sound happy. "Sit."

Vivica obediently perched on the luxurious golden chair.

McGonagall lifted her head up from her paperwork and gave her grim look. "Swearing at a professor on the first day? Bashing him and his students for their questions? Vivica, what on earth are you doing?"

"Hey!" she exclaimed. "I did not swear at him, I swore at Stella Lestrange. That's because she mocked my story about how my dad died."

"What does James' death have to do with your class?"

"Lockhart was going on about his stupid adventures and I had it so I told him that no, I did not encounter a three-headed troll but I did meet you-know-who so he can go shoveituphis…." She defended. "I have the memory if you don't believe me, look!"

"I cannot use Occlumency on a student, nevertheless, that old coot,"


McGonagall shook her head. "No Dumbledore, always hiring idiots for the Defense Against the Dark Arts position. He should give it to your father, that way I would not have complaints from Gryffindor parents and students every day. Perhaps we may have to pull Harry and you from that class again and have your father teach you."

"Can't he just be the teacher? He would be so much better!" Vivica pleaded.

"What about the potions position. Do you think your mother could consider-"

"Nope, not worth trying, she just got married."

"She was the most talented potions student this school has had, behind your father." She reasoned.

Vivica chuckled, surely she won't be punished. "You can try, write her a letter right now but she will say no or not even reply. She's moody like that,"

"How about Uncle Remus? He feels miserable living off of us, maybe he would like it better if he was working! He was a prefect wasn't he? Don't they have to be well rounded in their studies,"

"An excellent suggestion," she sighed. "But his condition as a werewolf."

"Dad'll brew wolfsbane for him if I asked. It'll work professor, believe me,"

"I do believe you, but you have to give it time. Sorry, but you have to suffer at least a week more of him until this all gets sorted out."

"Do I have permission to skip and have dad teach me?"

"I'm afraid not, but your snide remarks," McGonagall smirked. "I could pass aside this time."

Vivica hugged her head of house. "Thanks!" she exclaimed.

"Now, I believe you have my class now, am I correct?"

"Yes, professor,"

"After you,"


She loved showing cheek to a professor, and she knew her father would not say anything since, according to him, this man is a dunderhead. Professor Lockhart was gone all too soon for a lot of the girls but he was replaced with Lupin. Snape was to stay at his position since Lupin did not excel in the place nearly as well as him. Snape was not pleased but as long as there was no professor harassing his daughter he was fine. He was eager to overthrow Lockhart the moment he heard about Vivica's treatment in class. Lupin was much better suited for the job and was fun with more hands-on activities rather that notes. On the other hand, throughout the first weeks of school Ginny had started to become a little more distant every week. She had curt conversations with Vivica, barely spoke with her brothers and kept to herself in her dorm most of the time. If the Junior Qudditch league was still intact, Vivica would have suggested she tried out, but the girl was so remote. She was quite unlike the Ginny in the summer, who had eagerly talked about Hogwarts and her sorting and classes. She told Percy about his sister's odd behavior and dismissively said something about freshmen jitters and to just leave her alone.

Harry too, was also being rather secretive this year. He would whisper frequently with his friends Ron and Hermione but would become quiet when his sister entered the room. She could tell he lied when he said nothing, but before she could find time to pursue him like she did with Ginny, Hermione approached her with a clear confession by the end of October.

"Vivica?" Hermione whispered in the library late at night.

Vivica jumped up, but let out a sigh of relief when she saw the young second year. "Gosh, Herman, I was just reading about poisons for my potions homework and you scared me!"

"I'm sorry!" Hermione exclaimed. "I did not mean frighten you, sorry to bother you when you're doing your homework."

Vivica smiled reassuringly at the flabbergasted youngster. "It's fine,"

"Sorry, but I have to tell you something about your brother. He's being stubborn and won't come to you but I hope you'll know what to do,"

Vivica felt concerned. Was it once again about her mother? Was she trying to lure Harry, he favourite child back, without Vivica knowing? Vivica growled. "What happened,"

"Harry, he's-he's…hearing voices,"

His sister grew even more alarmed. "Voices? Has he gone mental? Bloody hell," Vivica hurriedly collected her books and lead Hermione to the common room.

"Please, don't tell him I told you, he'll be mad," Hermione pleaded.

"Er-yeah, I won't tell him you told me, Herman,"

"It's Hermione," she whispered. "Where are you going anyways,"

"To find that secretive brother of mine," Vivica charged up the boys stair well to the second-year common room. "And throttle him for not coming to me about this! Hearing voices! It's crazy,"

"Alright," nodded Hermione.

"Listen, Herman-ione, go get Professor Lupin, tell him Harry and Vivica I need him,"

"I'll be back," Hermione sped out of the room.

"Oh, hey Via, what are you doing up here…"

"Shut-up Fred, and just follow me,"

"Oh, where are we going?" he said excitedly, causing Vivica to hit him square round the head.

"How can you be happy at time like this?" she retorted.

Fred looked shocked. "Did you find out then?"

"About Harry hearing voices, yeah! YOU KNEW! You did not tell ME!"

"NO, I was talking George and Angelin…never mind, Harry's hearing voices?"

"George and Angelina are what?!" Vivica's eyes went huge in shock. "Tell me! I don't like being kept from things!"

"After, I swear, Harry is more important right now, come'on!" said Fred. The two burst into the boy's dorm where Harry, Ron, Neville, Dean and Seamus were all sleeping peacefully, so the two friends creapt inside quietly. Vivica cast a silent levitating charm on her brother and brought him to the now deserted common room. She lay him on the couch and awaited Professor Lupin and Hermione. Once they arriaved, Vivica allowed Fred and Hermione to stay, cast the mufflito spell and shook Harry awake. Right away, she demanded answers from him and why he did not come to her first. Lupin settled her down and questioned the voices Harry heard. Harry reluctantly described them as a hissing noise, so, to confirm his suspicions, carefully penetrated through Harry's mind when he allowed him access.

"You know parseltounge Harry," said Lupin quietly.

"Like Salazar Slytherin," Hermione gasped.

"No, he can't, no one on the Potter side are Parseltounge's." Vivica argued.

"Mister Weasley, if you could please fetch Professor Dumbledore. The password to the staircase is Sour Keys," Lupin ordered. Fred smirked at the name, despite the dark situation and headed off.

Lupin looked worriedly between his two godchildren but did not utter a word until the person he had requested entered the room. After a debriefing of the situation, Dumbledore looked pleased rather than concerned, causing looks of disbelief from the rest of the crew.

"Parseltongue is a rare language that even I have yet to master," he said with his eyes twinkling. "I given time, Harry, you will know how you have received the gift, nevertheless, I suggest you keep your talent hidden for the time being."

"But sir," Vivica snapped. "What about the voices,"

"Ah yes," addressed Dumbledore. "As for those…I suggest that one of you should be with him at all times while I conduct an investigation,"

"That's all?" Vivica demanded.

Dumbledore gave her a tired smile. "I am open to any more suggestions you have, Miss Potter. After all, your persuation, along with that of the other professors have led to the sacking of Gilderoy Lockhart-"

"Sir, please do not make it sound like getting rid of Lockhart was a bad thing. He was an unequipped professor." Vivica stated, getting nods approval from the students.

"Nevertheless, do you have any ideas? No? Well than I bid you five a good night. The Halloween feast is tomorrow, and I am assured it will be a spectacular day," Dumbledore nodded at them and exited, leaving five stunned faces in his wake. Had the sweet and sincere headmaster really given attitude?


Despite what Dumbledore had said about the feast, Halloween was a disaster. On Halloween, Mrs. Norris, Flitch's cat, was found petrified. On a wall nearby appears a message: "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir beware." Harry, along with his friends were the first to uncover the scene of the crime, causing them to be accused by the nasty squib. Vivica and Fred argued on their brothers and Hermione's behalf on how the second years could not petrify anything, with the rest of the professors agreeing. Malfoy, Lestrange and their fellow Slytherin's giggled amongst themselves, except for the boy who had requested that Vivica continue her story on the first day of school. He just looked afraid, shaking his head at the blood. After they were sent to their common rooms, the boy caught up with Vivica, Fred, Hermione, Ron and Harry.

"Um, hey," said the dark haired boy, taping Vivica on the shoulder.

"Huh, oh, er-hi?" Vivica looked confused.

"Aren't the dungeons in the opposite direction?" Fred said accusingly at fair-skinned Slytherin.

"Fred, it's alright," Vivica chuckled. "Yes, and sorry, what's your name?"

"Oh, sorry, I'm Andrew Drummond," he shook his hand respectively with her, but Fred reluctantly took it. "Either way, I was wondering if you knew about how the cat got petrified?"

"How the hell would she know? I suggest your Slytherin cronies would though," Fred snapped.

Andrew nodded, and turned to leave but Vivica seized his wrist and smiled at him, the way he had did when she retold her story. "Hey, wait,"

"Yes?" he asked hopefully.

"Don't mind Fred." She chuckled. "I'll let you now that, despite what I sounded like in DADA, I don't know about petrification, sorry. I could ask da-Professor Snape, or perhaps Professor Lupin and let you know,"

"You think Professor Snape would know? He's my head of house, but no one mentioned that he knew things about defensive against the dark arts." He exclaimed.

"Funny, I thought that's all your lot speaks of," Fred chuckled.

"Bug off, Fred!" she snapped. "Talk to Professor Snape. Out of curiosity, Drummond, are you, by chance, muggleborn?"

Fred's brows shot up in surprise. So that's why Vivica was being nice to a Slytherin, besides her father. "Are you?" he asked curiously.

"Well, er, my mum is muggleborn and my father is a half-blood, so the Slytherin House in general aren't really fans of me." Andrew admitted.

A family exactly like mine! Vivica thought excitedly. Her smile grew wider, and invited him to come with her to Lupin on Monday. Andrew thanked her and waved goodbye, while Fred scowled.

"Weasley, you don't have to hate every Slytherin," Vivica snapped. "My dad is awesome,"

"Excuse my caution, I don't have a sixth sense that detects purebloods from muggleborns," Fred replied heatedly.

"Shove it, would you? Besides, you must tell me about Angelina and George. They've been acting strange lately yes, but why?"

"AH-HA! I have sixth sense too then, but mine is about people in general. Well here it is, actually wait. Ron, you and your friends bug off, would you," Fred waved the trio away upon returning to the common room. He and Vivica settled on the windowsill and he continued his story. "George…he asked Angelina out!"

"Mother of god!" Vivica exclaimed. Angelina had tried to talk to her, but she was too preoccupied with her siblings and new amounts of homework. "When did this happen?"

"Well George said he'll make it official tonight, but it's been going on since summer started. George has been writing more this summer than Percy!" he exclaimed.

"It's going to be awkward now, we'll have a couple in our group. They'll always be agreeing and snogging and ugh," scoffed Vivica. Couples were nasty, her roommate, Luciana, began dating a fellow from Hufflepuff and they'd be snogging in the halls in between classes.

"I'm fine with it. I already warned George not to be too lovey-dovey about it," Fred said. "Speaking of girls, do you know Melanie Mist? She's in Ravenclaw,"

"Erm, yeah," Vivica recalled the pretty blonde, blue-eyed fourth year in their History of Magic class. "What about her?"

"You think she's pretty?"

Oh gosh, not Fred too! "Um…sure?"

"No, really. Please, Via you're the only one I can talk about these things. Lee's immature and George is off in his own little world."

"She's pretty, but she's just a step down from Stella, just so you know," Vivica said shorty and stood up. "It's been a long day, goodnight, Fredrick," she smirked, kissed his cheek and went to bed.

Fred gently touched the skin where she had laid her lips and smiled, but when Vivica caught his eye on the stairs, he pointedly wiped it off.

"You're going to get your birthday beats hard tomorrow," called Fred.

"Please, you hit like a little girl," she laughed and ran up the rest of the stairs, smilling to herself.


Throughout the year, many dangerous events began to occur. After Mrs. Norris got petrified, students of muggleborn decent were being attacked time and time again. They were escorted from class to class, attendance was taken in the halls and you could barely leave to go to the bathroom on your own. It was suffocating, with teachers breathing down your neck. Vivica never saw her father after hours because she was lead and kept in the common room or at a meal in the great hall as soon as classes were over. Fred and George could not pull anything as small as putting a mouse in goblet of pumpkin juice without being caught. Angelina, on the other hand, felt on edge, even with George with her almost twenty-four hours a day.

"I'll close to being next, I know it," Angelina shivered as she spoke in their dormitories on night in January.

"Angie, your parents are muggleborns, you're a second generation witch. It'll be rid of all muggleborns first, like Harry's friend Hermione Granger. I'm going to keep an eye out for her, I mean, she's way more useful to him than Ron. Either way, they're haven't been many attacks in large period of time, and teachers are literally watching us like hawks. And in your case, George is too,"

Angelina scowled at Vivica. "What is that supposed to mean? That George is watching me like a hawk. Both you and Fred seem weary about our relationship! Why haven't you told me about it?"

"I would just like to take a moment to remind you that you hadn't even asked me if you should go out with him in the first place!" Vivica snapped.

"Since when do I have to ask you about who I should date?"

Vivica sighed. "Look, I don't have girlfriends, but I do know that they talk about this sort of stuff. Now that George and you are a couple it makes it awkward for the lot of us. Now it's just the things between the two of you, not all of us,"

"You're the one to talk! Fred and you have always been closer that any of us, and now that George and I have paired off it makes things different?" Angelina smirked with satisfaction when she saw Vivica's surprised, astonished face.

Vivica took a deep breath, and what seemed so ordinary now, happened once more. She eyed her friend, scowled and yelled. "I've known Fred and George forever, much longer than you have known them. I love them both, and I thought I loved you too, until you questioned me today. Had I not included you in everything Fred and I did? I've told you everything I know about them, but now that you have taken George into your little world, I have no choice. I haven't got time to waste on people who don't include me or like me anymore. In less than a year I will have to make a career choice and when I do achieve my goal and become famous, I won't have to care about people thinking I'm ruining relationships. Good-freaking-night!"

Along with her mother, Angelina had disappeared from her life now as well.


Obvious as it was, Qudditch had been cancelled for the remainder of the year and Oliver Wood was about to have somebody's head. Vivica and Angelina sat at opposite corners of the room while Fred, George and the rest of the team pressed him for answers about letting McGonagall supervise practises and games.

"Listen, Wood," Vivica called from her corner.

"What?" he asked just as irritably, jerking his head in her direction.

"All of us," she eyed Angelina especially, "Are going to go crazy without riding our brooms. Tell the professors that! We need some light in times of darkness and all that junk to get them to let us play. They can put up wards and all, Dumbledore will be outside with us during games! Get all the Captains to talk to him, he's a pushover, I bet he'd let it happen."

Wood looked thoughtful, but shook his head in the end. "A genius idea with the exception of me talking friendly with the Slytherin Captain."

Vivica sighed. "Fine, I'll get someone to talk to him, but will you follow through with the rest of the idea?"

"Of course, just talk to the guy!" Wood exclaimed and hugged her. "Thanks, Viv,"

"Anything for the team," Vivica beamed, purposely catching Angelina's eye over his shoulder.


"Hey, Vivica, this is for you," said Fred at breakfast, tossing her a pure white envelope with her name written in fancy curls.

"The bloody hell," Vivica muttered and tore open the letter. "It's from mother; the hell does she want to do with me?"

"Language, Miss Potter," said Snape pointedly as he walked by the Gryffindor table.

"Professor Snape," Vivica snapped. "I have very good reason too," she handed him the letter and he looked up, appearing to be unimpressed.

"Nevertheless, a detention is in order. Lunch today, Miss Potter, and do mind what you blurt out in the Great Hall." He smirked and strode up to the staff table.

Vivica also smirked to herself, happy with her father's acting abilities.

"You're a lucky one, Potter, no points taken away from SNAPE!" Lee Jordan high-fived her from across the table.

"No so lucky when you read this," she glumly handed him the letter as well.

Lee Jordan cleared his voice and read out the letter in a scratchy, high-pitched, feminine voice. "Vivica,"

The table erupted into giggles, even Angelina managed a smile.

"Go on, Jordan," Vivica rolled her eyes.

"You, along with your brother, are to come to our home this Easter for some special news. I have informed the Weasley's and you will be picked up at precisely 3pm on the third of April. Mum."

"What do you reckon the news is?" asked Harry, settling in between herself and Fred.

Vivica sighed. "Well I doubt it's the fact that she has separated from the oaf she has married because she sent this by muggle post to Mrs. Weasley to forward to me,"

"Are we going to go?" asked Harry, "Even Hermione is coming to the Weasley's for Easter this year."

"Fat chance," chuckled Fred. "You know you're not going Via,"

"I'll ask him before I go, for all I know, mum could be plotting a sabotage or something. She didn't even come see us for Christmas, why would she rekindle during Easter?" Vivica smiled at Harry. "I don't think we are going Harry, don't stress about it,"

"Well Harry does have to stress about the Transfiguration quiz that we have today, it's a written one, and he's terrible at those," Hermione shook her head with disbelief. "Goodbye, Vivica, we've got to go write that test,"

"Listen to Hermione, Harry. You can't get by in school just on Application. You've got to know what you are doing as well. Either way, we've got to go to Defense, goodluck!" Vivica hugged her brother, he pretended it was gross and shrugged it off, and the two parted ways.

Later at lunch in her father's private quarters, the two pondered over the letter resting on the coffee table. He ran his wand over the note various times muttering complex simples Vivica could not understand. He sadly took the letter and held his daughter close.

"Kitten," he said softly. "I think your mother is losing her magic,"

"No! That's not possible," Vivica replied immediately. "A magical person can not just – lose their magic!"

"Well the spells say otherwise, watch this," Snape once again muttered a complex spell and the letter glowed a faint blue colour. "It does not matter at the fact that she wrote this on muggle paper or used a pen instead of a quill. Her hand must have moved across the paper, and from my spell, the stronger blue it glows, the stronger the magic in a person, based on the skin flakes. Write a line for me,"

Vivica wrote her full name on the parchment her father provided, and he said the spell. Portions of the paper became a deep indigo colour, making Snape smile. "You're quite powerful, love,"

"You try, dad," Vivica gasped when she saw that her father's sheet glowed a dark, navy blue. "Where'd you learn the spell?"

"The Dark Lord," he stated somberly. "He used this spell to see who was a squib or not and who to recurute. He only wanted the most powerful. His glowed to a deep, deep, emerald, almost black, but not quite."

"There is a flaw in your statement, dad," Vivica said carefully. "This note dates to about a week ago, could the DNA have weakened or filtered out?"

"Perhaps," Snape nodded. "I want to make sure of it. I will take you and your brother from the Weasley house to your mother's house, and then we will see."

"But I can not be with you outside of school," said Vivica. "Mum would be more than displeased."

"Dumbledore can bend a few rules for me when he finds about the contents of the letter," Snape chuckled.

"Thanks, daddy," she hugged him and kissed his cheek. "Now, don't you have a fourth-year potion class to teach?"

"I believe so, Kitten," he kissed the top of her head and the pair walked into the classroom.

"What cover story would you like to use this time?" Vivica chuckled.

"How about removing rats eye-balls?"

She shrieked. "That's gross!" Vivica protested.

"Then I believe that should have been your detention cover story," Snape laughed as she gave him a malicious glare whilist the students filed in.

"Nice one, Potty-Mouth-Potter," Lestrage smirked as she took her seat. "Mummy giving you troubles again,"

"You've never seen yours in twelve years, what would you know?" Vivica retorted back. "Unless you've visited Azkaban, and by the look of your dead face, it appears that you must have,"

The Gryffindors rooted in her response while Stella huffed down on the chair as her fellow Slytherins gave her nasty glares for not coming up with a comeback.

"Ah, it appears as if you've handled Stella on your own just fine," Angelina smirked and took her seat beside George. The divided table of the once fantastic four held so much pressure that it could break a tube of glass.

"Thanks," Vivica said unemotionally. "I can manage on my own, unlike-"

"Settle down and listen up, you selective collection of nimrods," Hollered Snape, dying the chatter down immediately.

"You're beloved headmaster would like to increase some good, inter-house bloods between the Hogwarts students. Personally, I doubt it would work," Snape caught his daughter's eye. "But the product of these friendships could be something wonderful," Vivica beamed with pride and importance as she was described as kindly Professor Snape could. Say that she was the wonderful product.

"So, partner up with a person of the opposite house, and make the Antidote potion on page 564, you have the afternoon."

Snape hooted with laughter on the inside when he saw that not a single body had moved. The two house glared at eachother, with more hate than teenagers could possible muster. This was the same scene, nineteen years ago, in the very same classroom. The only two people who had began the potion were he and Lily, and in the end, they were the only pair that had gotten any work done. They rest of the class kept glowered at each other for the whole two hours. It was strange though, when a Slytherin was the first to stand.

"You can't reject any offers," Snape said, mainly to the Gryffindors, knowing this would be an unproductive class if nobody partnered up.

Andrew Drummond, the quarter blood, just like his daughter made his way to the person he had least suspected. Vivica. Dammit! If only he could take back his own rule now. He glared at one of his favourite Slytherins, as he and his daughter worked happily together. Drummond was kind, but he gave him limited information on the dark arts, hoping he would not be obsessed like he was, and make the grave mistake he had. Vivica should not be on friendly terms with anyone who even wants to further educate themselves with the dark arts, with the exception of him, Snape thought. She should hear from him after this class.


"How long do you think it will take to make the analysis on her, dad?" asked Vivica as they strode up the Maple Street in London.

"Give me fifteen minutes and I'll answer everything," said Snape. "Just keep talking."

"Professor Snape, if mum did lose her magic, could she get it back?" Harry said curiously. "I hope so, she is not that good at muggle cooking,"

"I'm not sure that she could get it back, but Dumbledore most likely does," replied Snape. "Now I'm going under the invisibility charm, so Harry, let me enter before you,"

"Yes sir,"

"Here goes nothing," Vivica sighed and knocked the large maple door of the Andrew's family.

"I actually hope mum doesn't answer," Harry chuckled.

"Aren't you curious as to why she had called us?" Vivica asked.

"Eh, I'd still rather have free time with our friends," said Harry.

"Well if I'm here Harry, I'm certain you two will be home with the Weasleys this evening," said Snape, and scowled when Mr. Andrews opened the door. Thank goodness he was under the invisibility charm.

"Oh," Mr. Andrews sneered. "You're here,"

"We won't stay long," Vivica snapped. "And it is not like we are here for you anyways,"

"Watch your tongue girl, you are at my house now," Mr. Andrews growled.

Snape snuck in between Harry and Vivica and elbowed Mr. Andrews hard in the middle.

"The bloody hell," Mr. Andrews patted his belly and sneered at the children. "It is not a surprise that you two attend a boarding school, nasty children. Just sit in the parlor and not break anything while I get your mother,"

Vivica narrowed her eyes at him. "No wonder no one comes to your house for tea, cranky old git,"

"Would you like bar of soap in your mouth?" Mr. Andrews chuckled. "It is possible,"

Luckily, Snape was two steps ahead of him. "Scourigfy!" he whispered and pointed to the man's mouth. No one disaplines his daughter like that. Bubbles emerged from his mouth, and each time Mr. Andrews swore, more soap gagged him. Harry and Vivica laughed all the way into the parlor, but were disappointed when Snape lifted the spell.

"LILY!" cried Mr. Andrews. "THE CHILDERN!"

"I'm here, it's okay, love," Lily smiled, causing Snape to gag when she kissed Mr. Andrews cheek.

"Deal with them," he snapped. "And send them home," Mr. Andrews disappeared up the stairs.

"Hello children," Lily smiled and made to kiss each child on the cheek. The two scowled and wiped them off immediately.

"Out with it mum," Vivica said unemotionally.

"Yeah, so we leave early," Harry added.

"Alright," Lily giggled. "You two are going to have another sibling!"

Vivica and Harry sprayed their tea all over the fancy furniture. "A BABY! MOTHER WHAT THE HELL!" the screamed.

"Well I'd hoped that you two would be a little more enthusiastic," Lily chuckled. "It's fair I suppose, but nevertheless, it is exciting, isn't it? Harry you'll be a big brother!"

"Mum, you are stupid? Your child! It could be magical, or squib, either way, your blasted husband will find out about magic and-and could kill you!" hissed Vivica.

"Vivica, love, I'll ease my husband into this," smiled Lily.

"He doesn't like children though," said Harry. "He'll make you do all the work,"

"It's not like that hasn't happened before," Lily chuckled. "James and Snape were not around for long,"

"It's not dad's fault, he died!" cried Harry.

"It wasn't completely my dad's fault either," snapped Vivica.

"But who raised you? Who prepared you for Hogwarts? They were not there, it was all me, right?" Lily smiled. "And I was thinking, we should all live here, a big happy family!"

Harry and Vivica snorted. "Yeah, right."

"I'm serious, I've had a long time to think about it, and I think we would make a wonderful family,"

"You said that about your families before," countered her oldest daughter, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Besides, we hate your husband, and he hates us," said Harry. "We liked living with you before you met him. Now we like Uncle Remus, he's great to live with. Either him, or we spend our holidays with the Weasleys,"

"You can't spend the remainder of your lives with the Weasleys, they have their own lives," explained Lily, inhaling deeply. "I'm not really asking you if you would like to live with us, it's more of a demand." She said more sternly.

"You know what I think of that! Stupid. Just because you are losing you magic should not mean that you are losing your senses as well." Vivica snapped.

"How am I losing my magic?" Lily said shrilly, standing up and intimidating the children.

"Here," said Vivica, tossing her mother her wand. "Preform a spell,"

Lily gripped the wand tightly. "This is ridiculous."

"Summon your own wand," demanded Vivica. "You know you want to use the wand,"

Lily sighed. "Accio, my wand!"

They waited a while, and Lily tried the spell again. After several attempts, Lily's own wand appeared from a truck, coming slowly towards them. Lily argued that since she was using a different wand, the spell would not work. Harry challenged her to summon his glasses with her own wand and yet again it had taken several attempts, even with Harry right in front of her.

Snaped nudged Vivica, indicating that he was done. Vivica nodded in direction of the nudge, and stood up sharply.

"Thank you for the tea and announcement, mother, but Easter dinner is about to start and we cannot be late," Vivica falsely hugged her mother, kissed her on the cheek and faced her one last time before she left. "Good luck, with the magic and the baby." Both pairs of green eyes, one older, one younger stared at eachother deeply, the younger one, surprising herself, began to more behind the emerald orbs. She saw a man, towering over her petite mother, kissing her, than throwing her aside. Touching her, then demanding food, or liquor. Hugging her over pregnancy, than slapping her for not being protected. Lastly, a very important scene unfolded. Mr. Andrews pointed a wand at her chest, threated her and used an unforgivable imperious curse. Vivica's eyes grew with alarm and seized her mother's wrist. Lily struggled, kicked and fought, but Vivica's size worked to her advantage. She cast a silencing spell, grabbed her things and she, Harry, her father and mother left the Andrew's mansion. Once a safe distance away, she demanded her father to apparate them to Potter Manor, and once they were inside was when Lily let out an anguished cry.


Snape, Harry, Vivica and Remus after he had learned everything all took their turns waiting for Lily to come out of her traumatized sleep. Snape had lifted the curse, and since then, Lily had been unconscious. The healers said that it would take her a few days to come around, since she was in shock over what she was subjected too. Another shock to Snape was that his daughter could preform legitimacy without a wand, and at such a young age. He was fearful for her, and demanded that she keep that a secret until she is specifically told to tell somebody or preform the spell by himself. He also insisted that they start lessons on the subjects right away, so that she can learn to control herself. The fact that she was successful with a difficult spell that was not a concern for Vivica, but how horridly she had treated her mother throughout the course of the year. She felt so impossibly guilty to make her own mother suffer that she barely stuck through her whole shift.

Once Lily did come around, Vivica personally attended to her needs. Warm baths, massages and soup helped, but Lily barely said three words a day. The first signs of Lily's motherly instincts were at the end of the year, when Harry went to go rescue Ginny from the Chamber of Secrets'. The basilisk that had petrified Hermione, among plenty of other muggleborns throughout the summer term, was killed by Harry. At first Lily took to healing him with the spells that she could somewhat preform, with the help of Dumbledore and Lupin (she still would not even face Snape after he told her that he had performed detection charms while she was pregnant) and then, the same with the philosophers stone last year, lectured her son about the dangers of his heroism, and how much like James he was.

Harry, relieved that his mother was back, and spent every second of his day with her. Although Vivica wished to be included and Harry as well, Lily would send her out and bond with her son. It angered the girl, who had made the discovery herself and saved her mother, was being ignored. She had her father and Dumbledore set up protection charms up in Potter Manor; reported the incident to the Ministry, who were now on a manhunt for 'Mr. Andrews,' since he had disappeared the moment Vivica fled with her family from his house. She had vented out her feelings to Fred, who would just shake his head went he thought she had talked to much and took her out to their make-shift Qudditch pitch. The rest of the Wizarding community, including Molly Weasley, immediately carried out support and provided tea and a shoulder to cry. Once again Lily was the centre of attention and her children in the sidelines. Once the summer was over, Vivica could not wait to get back to school. That was, when there was no threat of the escaped prisoner, Sirius Black.

***Phew! If the Chamber of Secrets came to be this long, I'm frightened for the Goblet of Fire and Order of Phoenix! Those are really great stories and will try my best to accomplish those stories by the end of next year (I'm being real here, sorry for the interval). Prisoner of Azkaban coming soon! I've started the intro, but am unsure about Vivica-Sirius relationship since a) Sirius and Snape hate each other more than Harry and Voldemort but b) She gets along fine with James and Remus. Any suggestions will be appreciated! Either way, thanks for staying with me for so long, and you do not know how incredibly I'm sorry about the extremely long update! Thanks for reviewing yesterday for the summer chapter and I will give you a pre-thank you for reviewing this story! Reviews are helpful, constructive and give me millions of ideas! Thanks a million-billion times, readers! Love, Ashlyn!***