Final chapter! Hostility toward Peter at the beginning, uh oh!

Peter showed up the following day. He didn't walk away from that confrontation without a few injuries.

"Where the hell were you?" Stiles spat at him. Everyone was yelling at him, but Stiles was the loudest, which was not surprising.

"I just had to go see a friend about a thing," Peter said, smiling. Obviously he was lying, everyone, even the humans could tell.

"My ass," Scott growled. "We needed your help and you weren't here."

"You're nothing but a chicken," Jackson said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"A werechicken!" Stiles added.

"Stiles, shut up and don't help," Isaac muttered, putting his hand on Stiles' shoulder.

"Derek, tell them. I just had to go do other things," Peter said. "How was I supposed to know danger would strike when I was busy?"

"I'm with them on this one," Derek smirked. It was quite unnerving. Anyone on the receiving end of that smirk would do well to fear for their life. "Actually it wouldn't surprise me if you helped the alpha pack capture me."

"I would never," Peter protested.

"Yeah, right," Erica rolled her eyes.

"You are just useless," Boyd said loudly. Everyone looked at him because he rarely raised his voice.

"You're my uncle and you've done nothing to help us since you came back to life. With the exception of saving Jackson, which I still don't understand why you did that."

"I did all that travelling to find information on the alphas," Peter said.

"I don't think that's what you did at all. You lied and I bet you took a nice long vacation and came back with some crap."

"That's not true." Peter had his eyes narrowed, but Derek approached him and grabbed him by the neck.

"What the hell were you doing those two months you were gone, uncle Peter?"

"Fine, I went to the beach for a few weeks then I went on a road trip. Being dead takes a lot out of you and I needed a break. For the record, the information I did bring back was true. I just got it from someone I met a long the way. "

"Naturally, but the context was wrong," Boyd told him.

"Yeah, they just wanted the kanima that turned out to be that dead freak Matt and was controlled by our chemistry teacher. He tried to kill Stiles," Scott said.

"Hold on, what? There was another kanima? Why did this Harris guy want?" He didn't sound very convincing when he was talking.

"To kill me because I caused him to lose his job. My dad killed him then the kanima. Then I made friends with the alphas. They're really nice people. Promised to visit again some day," Stiles said. Anger flitted across Peter's face before disappearing a second later.

"You made friends with an alpha pack?" Peter said, outraged.

"Yeah, you told a crap load of lies, old man," Jackson said.

"I'm not that old!" he argued.

"Well, to be honest, Peter, I think I know exactly what you've been up to. You were the 'anonymous tipper' Harris talked about. What did you do, leave him a note or something? Did you know this would happen?" Derek was pissed. No, pissed didn't describe it well enough. He was so angry it was taking all of his strength to not strike Peter down right there.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Again, he wasn't convincing.

"I think you do," Derek growled, eyes flashing red. "And then what? Was your plan to kill Harris and use the kanima for yourself to get rid of me and become alpha and pick off the pack members that didn't want anything to do with you? Your plan was to probably take care of it all in that warehouse but Stiles' dad beat you there and saved us before you could make your move."

"What?" Peter said.

"Don't bother lying," Derek said menacingly. "I want you gone."

"You can't get rid of me," Peter scoffed.

"Yeah, I can. I'm the alpha, you're not. If I even smell your scent in Beacon Hills again, you're dead. I'll give you a day to leave. You better be gone by this time tomorrow morning."

When Peter refused to move, Derek threw him through a window in the back of the train depot.

"Wow, Derek, how did you know he was working against you?" Scott asked.

"Deaton told me not to trust him and I don't. Sure I trusted him a little when Jackson was still the kanima, but he's been off. That trip he went on for information shouldn't have taken as long as it did. He went on a vacation, I knew that from the moment he returned, I just never said anything. And also, I'm not stupid, I know I'm not the best with people, but I know how to read them."

"Why didn't you just kill him instead of sending him away?" Stiles asked.

"Well, Stiles, I have a heart believe it or not. Peter is the only family I have left and I've already killed him once. I don't think I could do it again. But I will if he comes back definitely."

"That's some deep stuff, Derek," Erica said.

Peter was gone by the next morning. They scoured the town to make sure he was really gone. Isaac found his scent leaving town on the highway heading south. That was the last they saw of him. Apparently he didn't want to die again.

Stiles was wrong. There was no new threat anytime during the following month. The rest of the summer went rather quietly. The guys did meet up and practise lacrosse a few times a week. This time, there were no interruptions.

Coach Finstock began lacrosse practise about two weeks before school began. To be fair, he made everyone try out for the team again. Scott, Jackson, Danny, and Isaac made the team again. Coach did not expect anything new from Stiles, but he was willing to give Stiles a chance since he won them the state championship last season.

"Stilinski! You're up," Finstock yelled.

"Finally, you remember my name," Stiles fist-pumped. Scott facepalmed.

"Do people even fist-pump anymore?" Isaac whispered.

Stiles ran out on to the field. The whole team's jaws dropped at Stiles' skills. He made every single goal and managed to steal the ball each time. The team members on the field were stunned. When everyone took off their helmets every expression obviously said, Holy crap, Stilinski, how the hell did you get so good?. Obviously Scott, Danny, Isaac, and Jackson sat off to the side knowing he would do well. All of them were proud, even, strangely enough, Jackson.

"Stilinski! What the hell was that? That was amazing! You're on first line!"

"F-first l-line?" Stiles stuttered. "Oh my God!"

"Good job, Stilinski! Now the rest of you except them," he pointed to Scott, Danny, Isaac, Jackson, Stiles, and two others, "suck balls. Greenberg, you've improved but you still suck. No first line for you."

After the practise, Jackson invited the whole new team to his house for a party. They all brought other people. Of course, there was alcohol, even though the werewolf folk couldn't get drunk. Danny got a little drunk and flirted with Stiles. Flirted with Stiles.

"Y-you know, S-Stiles, you're not that bad lookin'," he slurred.

"Really? So I am attractive to gay guys?"

"Of course. You're not really my type, but you're attracive," Danny said. Stiles bit back a laugh because Danny said 'attracive' instead on 'attractive.'

Stiles was kind of upset he couldn't really get drunk. Maybe if I drink a whole lot, he thought. "Thank you, Danny, I'm glad I finally got my answer."

"Yeah, s-so am I attracive to you?"

Stiles was stunned at that question. "What?"

"Do you think I'm attracive?"

What the hell kind of question is that? Of course Danny is attractive, Stiles thought. "Hell yeah, who wouldn't?"

"Good to know," Danny smirked. "Wanna make out?"

"How much have you had to drink, Danny?"

"Not much. I just want to kiss someone," he admitted.

"But that might compromise our friendship," Stiles told him. When he didn't get an answer, he turned to look at Danny and the poor guy was passed out on the sofa.

"So were you going to do it?" Scott asked him from across the room.

"I don't know," Stiles admitted. "How much did he have to drink?"

"He really wasn't that drunk. Trust me, we've been friends for a long time and I know how much it takes for him to get drunk. Don't know why he passed out, but he didn't drink that much," Jackson said.

"Maybe he was just tired," Allison said from behind Stiles. Lydia was beside her.

"Were you two listening in too?"

"Yep," Lydia grinned. "I think you should've kissed him."

"Maybe when he's not drinking," Stiles said. "Danny's my buddy now and I really don't want to make it weird."

He missed the jealous look that appeared on Isaac's face for a moment. Scott may or may not have noticed it though.

"Then why did you ask me if I wanted to make out with you before?" Scott asked.

"I was joking! I might like guys a bit as well, but I was joking when I asked you that Scott."

The weekend before school started back, Stiles had some issues with his jeep. He had to put it in the shop to get it worked on. The entire pack was shocked, well really they were stunned into complete silence for over ten minutes, when Derek told Stiles to use his car for the next day. Stiles almost died on the spot.

"A-are you serious?"

"No, I'm Derek," he said with no expression on his face.

"Haha, wolf got jokes now. You're being serious about letting me drive your freaking Camaro?"

"Yeah. I see the way you take care of your jeep, which is a piece of crap in comparison, so I'm sure you'll take care of my car. And if you don't-"

"You'll rip my throat out with your teeth. Yeah, like I haven't heard that before. Wow, I'd kiss you right now if I knew you wouldn't knock my head of," Stiles said happily. "So instead I'll take back every mean name I've ever called you. You're awesome."

"I'll even pick up your jeep when its ready and bring it to your house."

The following morning, Derek's car was in the drive way waiting for him. Scott and Isaac texted saying they'd get to school on their own. When he drove into the parking lot, heads turned curiously. Everyone was staring at the car, which was the coolest car in the lot. Jackson hadn't got there yet, so his Porsche didn't count.

Stiles got out, locked it and headed for the building. People gaped when they saw that Stiles was the one driving it. It was one of the best days of Stiles' life. Which was odd because who actually likes the first day of school?

The End-TBC (keep reading below)

I hope you liked the Stanny moment (sorry Stanny shippers, but that's not who I'm going to pair Stiles with in the near future, but I still like Stanny though.) Don't worry Peter isn't gone forever. He'll be back some day in another fic. :)

This is the end of this story, but I have a few more coming up. This is going to be a series.. The Werewolf!Stiles Chronicles or something. This is what's coming up:

-I wrote a one-shot about Stiles having an accident, a terribly embarrassing accident. It takes place during The Red Moon around chapters 3-4 I believe.

-Christmas fic

-3-4 more fics which I'm bouncing back and forth between. :) Not saying more just yet.