Mirene: Hi everyone! Because I don't want to start another story and wouldn't have the time to include it in my updating sessions anyways, I've decided for this idea to simply be a fiveshot to a tenshot, but still maybe fiveshot. This can't be a long chaptered thing.

Ikuto: I do think you're just lazy to update your other stories.

Amu: She doesn't even own us, so who cares?

Mirene: I care...

Amu: And I don't.

Mirene: Rated M for its juicy goodness which is not in this chapter.

Ikuto: Anything on here is not researched and is not really accurate. So just enjoy the damn story and don't nag about unimportant crap. Thanks!

07/24/13: Hi everyone. Because of my lack of research and fans enjoying this story for what it is, I've decided to create an alternate world without Arabia and Japan. I understand that there are those that can get frustrated with the upcoming chapters and will take offense no matter what I say, so I'm rewriting the story to incorporate the new details. I hope everyone understands and will enjoy this new version!


Full Summary: Ikuto is a wealthy, handsome Solarian prince with many wives. While visiting Lunatra and falling in love with the wife of the Lunatran king, he forcefully takes her back to Solaria and marries her without her consent. As her husband is waging war with Solaria to get her back, she must fend off the other jealous wives of this Casanova as she tries to find a way to escape. Amuto!

"Prince Ikuto..." Lulu purred, moaning as Ikuto planted butterfly kisses over her bosom, red marks scattered across her pale skin, her thin, seducing veil of blue whisked to the side savagely as he kneaded and tended to her breasts. "Ah, yes... Ikuto," she gasped when he started putting his tongue to use on her precious pink nubs.

His hands skidded down her belly, playing with the small golden ring that pierced her naval before stroking her bottom veil that covered her most endearing area. Lulu grasped his hair within her ringed fingers as his own fingers went lower, contacting skin and slipping underneath the veil to-

"Prince Ikuto!" Kairi blasted into the bedroom with an obviously furious red face. "Did you forget what today is?"

"Did you forget to knock, Kairi?"

Kairi ignored his snide remark, adjusting his glasses before crossing his arms with a stern expression. "Today is the day you leave to Lunatra to discuss the economy trades, you insolent... prince! (That was close, he almost called him a fool just then.) How are you to become the proper prince of Solaria when all you do is play Casanova with the women night and day!?"

"I must tend to my concubines when they need me," Ikuto replied as Lulu snuggled into his side further before slowly detaching herself from Ikuto when Kairi gave her a deadly glare.

"F-forgive me, dear. I-I should go," she mumbled in a hurry as she slipped on her turquoise robe, rapidly exiting the room past Kairi, who managed to whisper angrily about the need to control her hormones on important days as this before she left back to the room of royal concubines.

"Kairi, couldn't you have interrupted after the fun? I mean, I'm already hard. What was the point of that?" he complained, holding his throbbing crotch underneath his silken pants.

"That point is that this is a seven hour flight and you have exactly half an hour to get your things ready and be on the plane." Kairi inspected the room, finding three suitcases in the corner. "I suppose you've done half the job already. Just clean yourself up and be at the plane soon," he mumbled as he commanded servants to take the luggage to the plane, leaving Ikuto alone with a strong boner with no one to care for it but himself.

"Damn it," he mumbled as he left to the bathroom, taking hold of his cock as he reached the door to open it.

"Ah. That didn't feel even half as good as it would have been had I been assisted with Lulu," Ikuto nagged at Kairi, who was sitting calmly beside him on the plane. It had just taken off and was only five minutes into the flight, the pilot barely having steadied the plane in air.

"Yes, yes. Next time you'll be more time efficient with that then," he spoke as he typed on his laptop, his typing pace increasingly fast, eyes never leaving the screen as he spoke to Ikuto. Ikuto couldn't believe he would work his fingers to that extent for the purpose of... work.

"Maybe next time you'll simply give each of my concubines a schedule of my life then," Ikuto retorted.

"Whatever. Stop being so impudent. Besides, did you have breakfast this morning? And lunch afterwards?"

Ikuto looked strangely at the man beside him. What kind of a weird question was that? Is this really his whacko manager/assistant/adviser? "Uhm... I had... coffee. And an omelet. And some corn? It's not even time to eat lunch yet. What kind of a-"

Kairi laughed quietly, which really surprised Ikuto. "Yes, yes. Sounds good. By the way you're talking, have you been eating sugar today?"

Ikuto was mind blown. "Sugar? You should know that I am never drunk on sugar or even anything. And even if I was I wouldn't be-"

"Ha. You're crazy."

Sure, he may be an important figure in his life according to work and family, but Ikuto was superior. There was a limit to how much he would be made a fool out of. "Look now Kairi, you-"

"What? Put down that chocolate."

Okay. Ikuto was certain he was going crazy. He wasn't even holding anything, so how-


Ikuto snapped and grabbed the mini laptop from Kairi's lap, staring at the screen while keeping it open as Kairi was frantically trying to retrieve it back and close the laptop, scrambling above him. But Ikuto saw.

On the screen was a childish looking girl with brown pigtails, happily munching on chocolate, opening her mouth and closing it as if she were talking. But he couldn't hear her?


There were earphones attached to the laptop in Kairi's right ear. How clever of him.

Ikuto smirked at Kairi as he pulled the the earphones from the laptop, the speakers blaring as the girl blabbered all about her day and of the sugary foods she had eaten in this one day. The man turned red as he grabbed the laptop back, and in a fit, got up to move to a different part of the plane.

"The guy wasn't even listening to me," Ikuto muttered, staring at the folder that was on Kairi's seat. It was a yellow folder that said "Containing Info of Lunatran Meeting". Figured that he was supposed to look at it and might as well kill some time, he opened the folder and took out the content.

"A few papers of boring shit..." he mumbled as he shuffled through them, which were all typed. He threw them aside and took out a small packet with a sticky note on it that said "Important People: Must REMEMBER!". Ikuto raised an eyebrow. "Seems interesting."

He opened the packet and shook out five photos that came with a bunch of papers attached to each one. The first photo was of his deceased father, Aruto. Grimacing at the memory of his gruesome death, he felt even more pissed off at the sight of his current stepfather, Hoshina Kazuomi, also the current ruler of Solaria. Not even bothering to read those papers, he left on them on the seat and stared at a picture of a blonde man with eyes that were in the middle of magenta and crimson, though he didn't know how.

"The current Lunatran king... most important man at the meeting besides Hoshina Kazuomi..." he read aloud, skimming through the papers for this Hotori Tadase. He had a nice, angelic smile, yes, but there was something about his eyes that Ikuto just couldn't shake off. Maybe it was some kind of unnoticeable glint?

The next picture was of Utau, the famous Solarian singer who was actually his sister, married off to Kukai, an international and professional ball player who swept Utau off her feet and into his arms. They had eloped since Kazuomi was against their marriage, but apparently she was going to be at this meeting. Interesting. He hadn't seen her even since she did elope. He wasn't even invited to her wedding, their lovely pictures spread all over the Internet. By then, Kazuomi had probably disowned her in private.

Now that he thought about it, he hadn't thought of his sister in a while. She wasn't on top video lists lately, or had commercials about world wide tours, and anything of the sort. It was as if she had completely disappeared from the showbiz enterprise.

Reading through her papers for some more information, it turns out... She's actually Hotori Tadase's secretary. Wow, what the hell was Kukai then? His picture wasn't in the packet, so it probably didn't matter at the moment.

The last picture was a rather... exquisite one.

A woman. Pink, straight hair that looked as soft and rare as the finest, most expensive Solarian silk. Her face clear and pale, outdoing even ivory. Her eyes shined with a golden light that looked as if it was stolen from the sun itself. Her face and neck, exposed without a veil, immensely turned him on. She was a blessing to Earth from Apollo.

"Damn. She's hot," Ikuto sighed, his dissatisfied member starting up again. Determined to not get hard for the rest of the flight, he started reading her attached information.

"I see you're reading the folder. Good," Kairi suddenly appeared beside him, picking up the messy pile of papers from his seat before sitting down. "And I see you're ready to play Casanova in Lunatra."

"You bet I am," he grinned, stroking the picture of the girl.

"Read on, my boy, and you will see," he said, sipping some coffee. "I'll be getting some rest now. There's still another five and a half hours to go." And Kairi's head rested on the seat, knocked out in a second. That man worked too hard. And what the hell did he mean by "read on, my boy"?

Ikuto found out when he read.

Her name was Hinamori Amu. A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.

And she was the wife of the Lunatran king.

Hotori Tadase.

The plane shortly landed after Ikuto knocked out from the shock of knowing that the pink haired goddess wasn't even a virgin. But at least they weren't bonded by children - they had none. He must have had low sperm count or something, because by now, Ikuto would've made love to her enough to get her pregnant and already have 24 kids. And that's not even counting concubine children.

"We'll be meeting them tonight," Kairi told him as they exited the plane into the port. "We'll be heading to our hotel and then chill there for a few hours, and then we'll be going to the king's castle for the meeting. Are you feeling-"

"I'm famished," Ikuto cut in. Kairi smiled before suddenly, his phone began to ring vigorously.

Kairi! Kairi! Pick up your phone, Kairi! Kairi! Kairi! Pick up your phone, baby!

Blushing, he quickly picked it up as Ikuto held himself back from guffawing out loud in the open. That was such a hilarious ringtone. And that voice was so childish and girly. Now that he thought about it, it was probably that girl he was chatting with on his laptop's voice.

"Ah, hello. Yes, good afternoon. Thank you, I'm fine. Yes. No, that'd be perfect. We just landed in the Stardust province. Yes. Okay. Best regards to you, sir. Thank you. Good bye." He hung up and smirked at Ikuto. "Lucky for you, the girl of your dreams will be seeing you earlier than you thought. Oh, but unfortunately, she's taken. Too bad, isn't it," Kairi teased.

"Not for long. She'll be easy pickings with my looks," he countered with his own naughty smirk.

"You think she's a slut like Lulu? Please. Tadase has his standards, unlike you."

"You're lucky I'm not telling Lulu that."

"She already knows I don't like her, so who cares? I have more authority over her and therefore she can't do shit to me whether she would like to or not."

"Hmmph. She may not be like Lulu but hey, I'll get what I deserve in the end."

"What you're going to get is your ass kicked."

"Very funny."

"Well," Kairi shrugged, "it is what you would deserve." Kairi smiled as Ikuto growled (or rather, his stomach did) and the two walked out of the airport, a luxurious, shining white limousine was awaiting them. The passenger window slid down, and a young, familiar man was grinning at them as the driver, his brown hair dangerously ruffling in the wind as he took off his sunglasses.

"K-Kukai?" Kairi and Ikuto mumbled questioningly at the same time.

Kukai grinned his old grin.

"Hey guys! Long time no see! Well, are you just going to stand there or get in? The people don't like waiting, you know. They'll probably eat ahead of you and leave the bill."

"Very funny," Ikuto smirked as the two of them got into the vehicle and sped off.

Mirene: So? What do you think? It's nothing much yet, just a few introductions, but trust me, this will be good!

Ikuto: Amazing.

Amu: Bravo, man. Bravo.

Mirene: Your sarcasm hurts.

Amu: It wasn't meant to be sweet.

Ikuto: I like this... but the lack of lemons...

Mirene: Sorry, that non-Amuto lime was the most you're going to get today.

Amu: Non-Amuto eh? Fine, i suppose this is review-worthy.

Mirene: So guys? You dig this or what?