A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for all the awesome reviews! I love it! A special thanks to loveallsvmtb for letting me know Hadley's correct last name! I will be correcting that asap! Hope you guys like this one! I own nothing


The ride home was quiet. The vampire, Eric, was driving them in his red corvette. Sookie was afraid; she was afraid for herself, and for her loved ones. They had tried to call Jason and Hoyt and finally Alcide, but none of them answered. Eric said he would look into it, but she couldn't help feeling that it was hopeless. She would never forgive Hadley. She couldn't believe that her own flesh and blood would betray her like this.

She peeked at Lafayette and his friend Jesus in the back. They were awfully cozy; Jesus' hand was on Lafayette's knee and they were whispering to each other. Sookie smiled slightly to herself. She was happy for Lafayette; he was her best friend and had had a very hard life. He deserved happiness.

She looked at Eric out of the corner of her eye. He had saved her. She couldn't believe that a vampire she had never met before had not only saved her, but also was going out of his way to protect her and her family.

They pulled up into her Gran's driveway; Eric grimaced as the broken rocks and gravel hit his precious car. Sookie chuckled to herself.

They all got out of the car, and Sookie, Lafayette, and Jesus were making their way up the porch when Eric lightly grabbed her elbow.

"Miss Stackhouse, might I have a moment?" he was so polite, more so than those other vampires she had met. She stayed back while the two men made their way in and she could hear her Gran greet them.

"Thank you, Eric. For everything. I know this is probably a huge inconvenience to you." She started out as she sat on her porch steps. She wasn't sure what to do or say.

Eric just chuckled, "You needn't worry about that. It is my job, and something I feel must be done." Her heart dropped a little at this. "However, I feel I would do it anyway. I get the feeling that you are something…special. And I would very much like the chance to get to know you better."

Sookie just looked up at Eric. He was truly beautiful, like he was carved of stone and should be in a museum. "Are you asking to spend time with me?" she asked surprised, he seemed nervous even though his face wasn't giving it away.

"Yes I suppose I am." Eric responded, shoving a hand through his hair.

Sookie smiled and stood up, crossing the short distance between them, "I would love to get to know you too, Eric. You have to be one heck of a guy to not only save me but also protect us and look for my missing brother."

Eric smiled softly. "Thank you, I hope I can live up to your expectations." He visibly relaxed. "Now, concerning your protection, I would suggest that you all stay together for the time being, safety in numbers. I have things to take care of tonight and most of tomorrow, but later in the evening I will come by and I will find a place close by to rest during the day so that I may be near in case of emergency. I have Pam looking into all possibilities for finding your brother. One way or another we will find him and we will get him back for you, Miss Stackhouse."

Sookie sighed. She was so happy that she was alright, and so was Lafayette. But she couldn't help but worry about Jason. She figured Alcide and Hoyt had made it out, they was smart. Jason probably would have run back to look for her or Lafayette.

"Thank you so much, Eric. I suppose I will see you tomorrow night." She went to go back up the steps and suddenly turned around and hugged Eric.

He smiled softly, "Goodnight, Miss Stackhouse. Pleasant dreams to you and yours."

Sookie turned and ran inside. She leaned against the door and listened as Eric drove away. She sighed and made her way into the kitchen. She saw her Gran fluttering about, making food and drinks for the two men. She seemed to have taken a shining to Jesus.

"Hey, gran, I was thinking that Lafayette and Jesus might stay the night?" she asked as she grabbed a glass of iced tea. It was delicious after what they had been through tonight.

"Of course, but no funny business now!" she said as she slide a plate piled high with sandwiches onto the table. She then looked around. "Where is your brother, Sookie?"

Sookie froze and looked at the two men; they were looking at her out of the corner of their eyes. She gulped and said the only thing she could think of. "Oh you know Jase, he ran off with the first pretty girl he could."

Her Gran shook her head and started going on about Jason's habits. Sookie ate her sandwich and excused herself for bed. She went to her room, got dressed and threw herself down on her bed. She sighed heavily and smiled as she thought of Eric, her godly protector. She quickly fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of him.

When she woke the next morning it was to the smell of bacon and hotcakes. She scurried out of bed and ran downstairs, still in her pajamas. She found her Gran in the kitchen where she left her.

"Good morning, Gran!" Sookie ran over to her and kissed her soft wrinkled cheek and grabbed a plate.

Her grandmother looked at Sookie and gasped. "Sookie! We have a guest, a man none the less! And you come to the table dress in your sleepwear. What will he think?"

Sookie looked down at herself and sighed. "Sorry Gran. I wasn't thinking, I'll go change right away."

By the time she made it back to the kitchen, Lafayette and Jesus were in there helping out her good ol' Gran. Sookie smiled as she watched all the people she loved. She sat down and ate her breakfast. When she was finished she got up to clean all the dishes.

"Oh, Sookie dear, I'm going to be going out this evening. Maxine Fortenberry is having the ladies over tonight to play some cards." Gran said as she went to get her gardening gloves and went outside.

The day went by fairly quickly with Sookie and the boys helping clean the house, and soon enough Gran was leaving for her game. After she had gone, Lafayette was at the door with Jesus.

"Hey, Sooks. We'll be back, just gonna run over to my house and grab some stuffs." He said slyly as he wiggled his eyebrow at Jesus.

"Okay, just be careful. Remember what Eric said!" Sookie yelled as they ran out the door in a hurry.

Sookie decided to go make some popcorn and watch a movie. She had just popped in Breakfast at Tiffany's when there was a knock on the door. Her heart started racing as she thought Eric might be early. She ran to the door and as she opened it her smile fell. She was staring at a man yes, but not the one she wanted.

"Hello, Miss. I just moved in across the way, the old Compton house. I thought I would come around and introduce myself to my neighbors." Said the mystery man as he smiled at Sookie. He was handsome enough with his dark hair and blue eyes, but there was something about him that put Sookie off. But she wouldn't forget her manners, otherwise her Gran would surely know.

"Well, hello. I'm Sookie Stackhouse. I didn't realize anyone had moved into old Jesse Compton's place. It looks so deserted."

The man chuckled. "Well it was. But as he was my last living descendant, the house reverted back to me. It just took the courts time to figure it out."

"Last living descendant?" she said as she raised her eyebrow. What were the odds of meeting two vampires and a pack of werewolves in twenty-four hours? She wasn't sure but they didn't seem high.

"Yes, Ma'am. I am a vampire. Bill Compton and may I say it is a pleasure to meet you."

Sookie snorted before she realized it. "Bill? Vampire Bill?" what was it with vampires? Didn't they realize they were supposed to have scary names? Not Bill or Eric.

Her guest raised his brow. "I'm not laughing at your name. It sounds like a sneeze and resembles a reality stars name, and yet I am the one displaying manners."

Sookie waved her hands in front of her. "I'm sorry. I don't mean any disrespect it's just that I have met two vampires and neither of you have a name like I was expecting."

Bill seemed to freeze rigidly at the mention of the second vampire. "Who was this other vampire you met, might I ask?"

Sookie stopped chuckling and narrowed her eyes at Bill. "Why would you care?"

"I only wish to make sure you are safe, Miss Stackhouse. I have no other intentions, I can assure you."

Sookie was quiet for a moment and then decided it couldn't hurt her. "His name is Eric. Eric Northman. Do you know him?"

If possible, Bill tensed even more. "Yes, I know him. I don't believe you are safe with him. He is a very very dangerous vampire, Miss Stackhouse."

"Am I, now?" came that familiar voice that sent shivers down her spine. Both Sookie and Bill turned to see Eric sauntering up the stairs of her porch. "William T. Compton. I don't believe I was informed of you coming here. Now why would that be?"

Bill's eyes narrowed at Eric. "I was planning on coming to see you tonight. I just wished to get everything in order with my house."

Eric let out a cold laugh. "Why do I find that hard to believe?" Eric looked at Sookie. "Good evening, Miss Stackhouse. I hope you are doing well?"

Sookie just nodded in agreement as she looked between the two vampires. She could tell they had a history.

"Mr. Compton, I think you should be making your leave. Now." Eric said as he glared at Bill again.

Bill looked at Eric and then turned his cold gaze to Sookie "I will leave now. It was a pleasure meeting you again, Miss Stackhouse." And the he vamped away. Sookie sighed in relief.

"Are you alright, Miss Stackhouse? He didn't harm you, did he?" Eric said as he rushed up the steps and towards the door.

Sookie shook her head. "Good otherwise, I would have to hurt him. I don't want you going near him, Miss Stackhouse. He is up to something."

Sookie's temper flared at this. "You can't tell me who I can and can't see, Eric. That's not the way this works."

He narrowed his eyes. "I can, and I will. I forbid you from seeing Bill Compton. He is just bad news and will get you into trouble."

"That's exactly what he said about you! What if he is right?"

Eric flinched from this comment. "I do not care what he said and what you wish to believe. You are mine. And you will do as I say." He said coldly.

Sookie gasped and was lost for words for a moment. "Eric Northman, you sure as hell are a piece of work. I hate you. I will never be yours." And with that she slammed the door shut. She heard him lay his head on the door, sigh and walk away.

"I will be back tomorrow, Sookie. I can promise you that."