Disclaimer: I do not own 'The Outsiders'


The sunlight streams through the window and across my face, causing me to groan and roll over. Birds are chirping noisily outside, and I suddenly wished I own a heater so that I could kill them all. Sliding out of my bed, I groggily make my way out of my room and down the hallway, toward the kitchen; I notice that there is a rather appetizing smell coming from that direction. Shuffling into the kitchen, I notice Johnny kicking the fridge door shut as he places the finishing touches on a duo of plates filled with breakfast foods. Walking behind Johnny, I watch him curiously as he sets down a glass of juice, and I cough softly; Johnny spins around and stares at me with wide eyes, a light blush dusting his cheeks. Leaning on the kitchen doorframe, a small smile crosses my lips.

"Johnnycake, are you making me breakfast?" Shrugging his shoulders, Johnny grins himself, flicking his head to the side to get his bangs out of his face.

"Yeah; I thought I'd blame it on Dallas just to see you're reaction, but you woke up early." A laughter erupts from my throat, causing Johnny to smile a bit wider as I try to imagine Dally cooking. Taking a few steps closer to me, Johnny reaches out and starts fixing my hair; sighing, I guess it's a lot messier than usual this morning if he felt the need to fix it. Looking up, I notice that Johnny is quite a bit taller than me now, he's around Ponyboy's height; I sigh, resting my head against his chest.

"You're too tall now, Johnnycake." Johnny's chest rumbles as he chuckles, and I can feel his lips pressing a kiss on the top of my head as his arms wrap around me. Turning my face up, I blush at the intensity of Johnny's gaze, and I can feel his heartbeat speed up through our embrace. His face slowly lowers down, and I feel myself standing on my tip-toes; our lips brush against each other's, and Johnny's arm tightens around my waist, pulling me closer. His other hand moves to the back of my neck, tilting my face up more, and he applies pressure to our kiss. My hands grasp the front of his shirt as my eyes slide closed; I let Johnny take over, and my heart does flips as his tongue traces my bottom lip. Opening my mouth and letting him in, Johnny backs me into the wall by the doorway; our kiss intensifies, only to be rudely interrupted by an amused cough. Johnny pulls away from me and looks away, and my face heats up as I spot Dallas and Sodapop grinning at us like the Cheshire Cat. Dallas makes his way towards the untouched food, but Soda looks at me knowingly, then motions for me to follow him to the back porch; I comply, and when we get there I light up a cigarette. Turning his chocolate gaze towards me, Soda shakes his head slowly.

"I didn't know you guys were together..." Letting out a sigh, I take a drag of my cigarette.

"We aren't...at least, we weren't..." Looking down at my hands, I sigh once again. If they hadn't of interrupted, maybe Johnny and I could have figured it out. Soda drapes his arms around my shoulders and hugs me tightly before releasing and standing up and entering my house. Listening intensely, I hear the front door open and close, and yet another sigh escapes my lips; someone sits beside me and I know immediately that it is Johnny. I put out my cigarette and look at him with a shy smile; Johnny smiles back and tucks my hair behind my ears, his hands lingering as they cup my cheeks. I feel myself get lost in his black eyes, and he smirks at me before he speaks.

"Victoria, will you be my girl?" My stomach does flops as I nod my head, and Johnny smiles before leaning in and pressing his soft lips to mine. As we kiss in the early morning sunshine on the steps of my back porch, I can't help but think...

Today is going to be a wonderful day.


Is this good, or is it going too fast? Please let me know~~~!