Long time, no update! For anyone that doesn't already know from other stories of mine (I think only a couple of you have bothered checking out my other stories. Shame on you.) I am going through and finishing my stories! So this one is typed out and ready for posting but I'm only going to post one chapter today.


Happily, Arthur watched them load the new 'guests'. Ten was a lot when it was just himself, but now he had a Vampire Werewolf hybrid to care for.

If Arthur didn't find Alfred attractive he wouldn't be doing this, but Arthur was still pondering what he felt for Alfred.

Sure he wanted to sleep with him, who wouldn't? There was more to that though, because Arthur wanted to mark him, claim him, and keep him just for himself. He didn't want a crazy, loud, rude, handsome, charming Hybrid did he?

First things first, let's get Alfred himself settled and fix the whole matter with Ivan. Ivan, the demon contractor, was annoying but had a frightening power about him. Arthur had run into him before, and in one case, it led to a person close to Arthur dieing.

Arthur wasn't planning on losing another. Did I just say Alfred is dear to me? Arthur stood and strolled over to his ship. A good day's sleep will help me to solve this problem but maybe a spot of tea first.

~Time goes on~

As Arthur stood at the edge of the summoning circle carefully drawn on the old wooden planks that once were covered by a rich dark red rug, Kiku stepped up to the other side with some herbs in hand. Placing them down carefully in their area while making not to step on the meticulous markings then handing Arthur a small amulet.

Arthur was once again making the trip into the nether-world, home of the demons.

Ivan had at least two powerful demons in his company, so Arthur needed to match him with strength and numbers. An added benefit would be information as to just which demons Ivan had called on.

Kiku looked at Arthur "Are you ready Arthur-san?" Arthur nodded and both vampire and demon channeled their power into the magic circle, which started to buzz and make snaps of energy around them.

Arthur was then treated with the experience of dizziness and falling backwards, which he swore was worse than he remembered.

When he reopened his eyes the world around them was red and fiery.

Lava ran like water, lapping at the dark and rich dirt nearby and just a small length away was a village.

Arthur and Kiku stepped out their circle, each gripping a amulet with a third held by Kiku for whichever Demon agreed to contract with Arthur.

The village was not large, with a few stores and houses made of basic wood and stone, and one tavern. Demons bustled around briskly, some nodding to Arthur and Kiku as they passed. Kiku talked pleasantly with a few coarse looking demons by the tavern.

As Arthur took in his surroundings he noticed something strange. A voice that he associated with sunshine and the normal human world made its way to Arthur's keen ear. It couldn't be! That is impossible!

Arthur spun around quickly and narrowed his eyes to strain to see through the small crowd of demons. There!

Arthur called to Kiku and quickly took off; because there was no way that he was here. Arthur ducked and dodged his way through the crowd calling rushed apologies to those he upset in his wake.

Down a narrow street and there he was! Arthur stopped and gathered his breath to bellow to the retreating figure. "Alfred! Get your bloody arse over here!"

Alfred turned around and the person beside him, a woman, also turned. Seeing Arthur, Alfred rushed to him, laughter spilling from his mouth.

When Alfred stopped in front of him, Arthur then noticed something wrong. "Alfred, you look like a…" He gawked at Alfred.

Alfred laughed again, the sound relaxing Arthur some. "I look like a ghost, I know! Marie-", he gestured to the brown haired woman that joined him "– thinks it's because I'm not really here. Oh, and Marie is my Aunt!"

Arthur was having a hard time understanding anything other than that astonishing fact that he found Alfred somewhere he shouldn't physically be able to go, so he spluttered out nonsense "What?"

Alfred laughed again, softer then last time. "My mother was a Demon and she contracted to, and later married, my father, who was a werewolf vampire mix. He had both gene sets in him, and he passed them to me. At least that's what Marie says."

The brown haired woman interrupted before Arthur could say anything, if he could've anyway since he was still shocked. "If you are here to find someone to contract with, then I believe that you need to take Alfred along with you. I have heard about someone searching for a person like Al. Whoever it is probably doesn't need to find him."

Kiku, dipped his head to the woman, Marie, and titled his head to Arthur with a question in his gaze. Arthur nodded as he recovered use of the rational part of his brain.

Kiku handed Alfred the charm, snapping it around his wrist. The detailed metal chain held and the skin around it became more solid. Arthur, by now completely back to his former mental status, recited the procedure "Hold this charm while we return and call your full name. That's easy enough, even for someone like you. Right?"

Alfred nodded "Right. Hey wait a minute! Are you saying that I'm stupid?"

"I did not say that, I only implied something along those lines." Arthur grinned crookedly at Alfred.

Alfred grinned back "Bastard"

Arthur's smile grew from their friendly banter, as he had missed the daily verbal fights they had gotten into. "As much as I love arguing with you, we have a job to do. Now don't do anything stupid."

Alfred thumped his chest and grinned ear to ear, "What do you take me for?"

Arthur and Kiku were already turning away but Arthur stopped for a moment longer to retort "A moron."


Arthur just ignored Alfred and hurried back into the town, pushing past whoever got in his way. He was anxious to get back to Alfred. Kiku followed silently as they made it back to their circle.

Almost as soon as the circle was in sight, Arthur felt a sudden jerk. Like someone had pushed him or as if a storm was thrashing the ship around… The ship! Arthur pulled Kiku quickly into the circle and forced the circle to come alive and spark as he shouted Alfred's full name.

The magic was being forced so when he regained clarity he was on the floor instead of a normal standing position.

Arthur could not help but swallow the depression when finding Alfred wasn't there on the floor beside him. His thoughts are quickly distracted by a crunching sound and the ship lurching.

Kiku appeared by Arthur's side and helped him up. After dusting himself off, Arthur accepted his cutlass that was held out by Kiku. Time to kill whatever bugger that dared to attack him! He smirked before running out, Kiku disappearing as soon as he hit the outside air.