A/N Wow, four months. Way longer than I really wanted between the last story and this epilogue, but between being busy, a bit of writer's block, and not feeling like working on this particular story, this had taken a lot longer than I'd have liked it to. But, finished now.

First, and most important: this leads into So the Drama, and has more than a few spoilers, so if you haven't seen the movie yet, go get that done first. If you have seen it, well, might be a good time to review it; it's good to watch regardless.

Second, thanks to Eddy13 who kept poking me every month or so to try and get something done, and beta checking everything.

And, without further ado, on to the story:

They both made their way to his room, and Kim went in before Monique could. Ron looked up when she walked in, and seemed surprised when she rushed over to his bed. Kim grabbed his arm and starting talking nonstop. "Ron, I'm so glad you're awake and I'm so sorry you got hurt but now you're better and I hope nothing like this ever happens again, don't scare me like that...Ron, are you okay?" Ron looked at her, confused.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, but I have to ask...who are you?"

Kim opened her mouth in shock, then felt her legs go out from under her. She fell backward, just barely catching the chair Felix had pushed toward her. She sat for a second to regain her equilibrium, then jumped back up, moving over to Ron's bed. "Wha-what? Don't you remember me? We've been friends forever." She turned to her mother, accusingly. "You said he was fine!"

Ann Possible was just as confused as she was. "I-I thought he was. He woke up and recognized people, called them by name." She stared at him suspiciously. Was he playing a trick on them?

Ron groaned quietly. "Don't...talk about me like I'm not here. What's going on, Mrs Dr P? Who is she-I don't remember." He squeezed his eyes shut, and frowned in concentration. "I remember my parents, Rufus, Felix, Monique, you...but I don't ever remember seeing her before."

Kim reached down and grabbed Ron's hand. "Don't you remember? We met in preschool, and we did everything together. You help me save the world." At this point, she started to tear up. "And-and then you got hurt...but mom said you were better." She bit her lip, and looked again at Ron, before dashing out of the room.

Ann moved to follow her, but Monique stepped in front. "I'll get her, Mrs Possible. You just figure out what's wrong with Ron." She turned and went out, hoping she could find Kim. Fortunately, she was waiting just outside the door, leaning against the wall. Tears were running down her face, and she wasn't really looking at anything. Monique stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Kim, and led her into the nearby waiting room.

After a few minutes, Kim had calmed down enough that she could talk. "I-I'm sorry about that. It's just that...I thought everything was alright...it sounded like Ron was fine..." She felt her eyes burning again.

"And you weren't expecting this."

Kim nodded, then said softly, "No...I thought everything was back to normal-but Monique...it's not just that he lost his memory-I could handle that. It's me. It's me he doesn't remember." She looked at her friend with blurry eyes.

"Girl, what's wrong? This isn't just about Ron losing his memory, is it?"

"I-It's just that I always watch out for him, and I always know that I have him to fall back on. Bu-But if he doesn't remember me, it's like none of it happened. All our years of friendship, just gone-and it's all my fault." Kim grabbed Monique's hand and squeezed tightly.

"All your fault? Why-is this about the missions?"

Kim nodded. "He always comes along, he wants to help me. I'm supposed to protect him, to watch out for him, but I ended up hurting him. I didn't have control of the situation, there wasn't anything I could do; I felt helpless, Zorpox had won. Then he stopped, so I kicked him, hoping I could use that chance to escape-and instead, Ron got shocked." She started sobbing again, and barely managed to get out, "The-the last thing he said was 'KP' a-and now he-he doesn't remember me."


In the hospital room, Ron couldn't figure out what was going on. Everyone was giving him dirty looks, even Rufus, but he couldn't think of anything that he'd done wrong. Ron looked to his friend for support, and Felix just shook his head. "Dude, how can you not remember her? You've known her longer than you've known me. Cmon, Kim Possible...saves the world...your best friend since forever. Help me out."

"I-I can't. I'm trying to remember, I feel it's important, but I can't remember." Ron closed his eyes tight and searched his memory, but couldn't find any images of...her. He couldn't even remember her name! He thought back to what Felix said-Kim Possible. No matter how hard he thought, the name didn't mean anything to him.

Ron looked at Felix sadly and shook his head. Mrs Stoppable looked at Ann Possible and asked the question on everyone's mind. "How is this possible? How can he remember everything but Kim?" She couldn't believe this was happening-it was like something out of bad dream.

"Well, when I was doing scans of Ron's brain, and while it was pulling itself back together, I noticed there were some holes-areas he couldn't access...I think those were his memories of Kim. We need to do another brain scan and see what his brain looks like." Ann walked over to the intercom and put in a call for a wheelchair, then helped Ron to sit up.

As she was helping Ron, Kim and Monique walked back in, Kim looking much worse than when she left. Her eyes were red, but she seemed to have regained some of her strength. She looked toward her mom, a question in her eyes.

Ann explained what she thought was wrong, then leaned her head out the door. The timing was perfect, as a nurse was just arriving with the wheelchair. Ann thanked her, then rolled it in the room. She went over and grabbed one of Ron's arms, while Kim stepped up and grabbed the other. They sat him in the chair, but when Ann went to push the wheelchair, Kim was already there. "I'll get him, mom."

The adult looked uncertain, but nodded the go ahead to her daughter. "You know where to take him, Kim. I'll be along in a second, I need to get some things first." Kim nodded, then wheeled him out into the hall. She was at the end of the hall before she realized that no one was following them. She knew they were giving her an opportunity to talk with Ron, so she took it.

She opened her mouth to speak, but Ron beat her to it. "I-I'm sorry, this must be hard on you...Kim...if we've been friends for that long and I can't remember you." Ron turned to look at her, and she could see the distress on his face. "Part of me feels that I know you, but I can't..." He put his hands to his head and groaned.

"Ron? Ron, are you okay?" She leaned over, a concerned look on her face.

He shook his head, then looked at her. "I'm fine, just had a headache there for a second. No problem."

She looked unconvinced, but didn't say anything. They went the rest of the way in silence, uncertain of what to say to each other. Kim rolled Ron into the room, and within five minutes her mother showed up. Ann quickly set up the scanner, then had Ron lay down on the table in the center of the room. She walked over to the control panels nearby and punched up the brain scan.

Directly across from her, the far wall lit up with diagrams of Ron's brain. Ann walked over and looked at the scan, noting some differences from the earlier test. Kim walked over and looked at the scans, but wasn't as good at figuring it out. She gave her mom a questioning glance, so Ann explained.

"See here, and here," she pointed out two specific points, "His brain can't access these areas." She turned to Ron. "Ronald, think about something, like playing games with Felix." He did, and areas of the scan lit up with activity. "Now, see if you can think about Kim." The activity in his brain seemed to be focused around the blank areas, but there was no activity in the area. "See, for some reason he can't remember the memories in these areas."

Suddenly, the activity changed from a light green, to yellow, then to an angry red. Ann turned, then gasped. Ron's looked to be in agony, and he had his hands on his head. Ann rushed over. "Ron...Ron focus on me." His eyes snapped open, and he stared at her. He seemed to calm down, and his brain activity dropped.

Kim looked to her mom for answers. Ann took a deep breath, "Kimmie, I think he was trying too hard. He needs to just take things easy. I'm sure that with a little work, the memories will come back. We just have to make sure he doesn't force them."

Ron looked up at them. "I'm sorry..."

Ann stopped him. "You don't have anything to be sorry for." She looked at Kim. "I'll go over the data, and see if we can't figure out some way to jump start his memories. In the meantime, other than his memory and those scratches on his face, he's fine. We can check you out, Ron, as long as you don't over exert yourself."

Ron sat up, then slid off the table. He grabbed the edge to steady himself, then tried to take a step. He faltered, so Kim grabbed his arm. He smiled in thanks, then took a couple more steps, finally getting the confidence to walk by himself. The three of them went into the hall and met up with everyone else. They went down to a conference lounge.

After everyone had sat down, Ann stood up to talk. "As near as I can tell, the memories are there, but he can't access them. The connection's just not there. It almost looks like his brain has rewired itself to avoid these areas of his mind. Anytime he really focuses on these areas, he gets a headache, so we're just going to have to let the memories come back on their own. I think this first major area is his memories of the last two weeks. I'm not sure if those memories will ever come back; the second area is memories of Kim. I'm sure if he just spends some time with Kim, things will start to come back."

Monique spoke up. "So basically, your telling them to go out and do things they normally do."

Ann blinked. "I guess I am..."

Ron grinned. "Sounds good to me, who's up for some Bueno Nacho?"


Mrs Possible still had some other things to take care of at work, and Ron's parents had other plans, so the four teens decided to go to the Tex-Mex Restaurant. They all ordered, grabbed their food, then went over to their usual booth. Ron sat down, then Kim slid in beside him. Monique was a little surprised that Kim chose to sit by him, but chalked it up to the events of the last couple of weeks. She sat across from them, and Felix rolled his wheelchair up to the table.

Kim looked at Ron. "So, now what?"

Ron looked back. "'Now what' what?"

The red head rolled her eyes. "What do we do next?"

"I didn't think that far ahead. I haven't had Bueno Nacho in forever."

Kim just sighed and looked at Monique for help. She turned to Felix, and Felix just stared back. "Umm." Monique thought for a second. "You two always watch movies together, right? Pick something to go see."

"Well, usually it's Ron that picks the movies..." Kim turned back to him again.

"I can't remember anything from the past two weeks, so I don't have a clue what's on. Not to mention I can't remember what type of movie you'd want to see. You know me so well, pick something we'd both want to see."

Kim frowned in thought, running through a list of movies to see if there was anything good on. For the most part, there weren't any good movies showing...but there might be one..."I have an idea...you always liked the Bricks of Fury series...they're supposed to be doing a musical or something."

"A musical?"

Kim nodded. "Yeah, that was kind of my reaction too. But of a list of very bad choices, that's the only one that might be good. It's either that or Night of the Fallen Star."

Ron grimaced. "I don't know what that is, but it sounds like a chick flick. Okay, Bricks of Fury: The Musical it is. Are you guys coming?"

Felix opened his mouth. "It sounds interes-" He broke off as Monique 'accidentally' elbowed him.

"Actually, as good as that sounds, we really need to be getting home. I need to go, and Felix said he'd carry some of my things for me."

Ron was confused. "What things?"

Kim smiled slightly. "Better question: don't you guys live on opposite sides of town?"

Felix tried to think fast. "Yeah, but...uh, Monique needed me to do something with her computer...set up a webcam, and...then her mom said she'd drive me home."

Kim eyed her. "Don't you already have a-"

"Love to chat, gotta go, bye." Monique rushed it all out, grabbed Felix, and they were quickly gone.

Ron looked at Kim. "That was weird."

Kim nodded. "About as weird as when you tried to climb the Christmas tree at the Rockefeller Center to see if the star on top was made of chocolate." He looked at her. "It wasn't, by the way."

"Seeing as I don't remember that, I won't dignify it with a response. So, uh, Kim, are we going to go see this movie?"

"Right." They were finished eating, so Kim helped Ron gather the trash, then dumped it in one of the trash cans. After that had been taken care of, Kim grabbed Ron's hand and pulled him out of Bueno Nacho, in the direction of the movie theater.


Shego groaned, and woke up, but didn't open her eyes. She tried to remember what she'd been doing, and how she ended up here, but everything was still a little fuzzy. She was laying on her back on some sort of hard surface, probably a table. Shego knew she couldn't figure out anything else without opening her eyes, so she opened them and blinked twice. As they focused, she saw a blue face an inch from her.

Shego screamed loudly. The blue man pulled his head back and yelled too. He backpedaled, tripped over something on the ground, and landed in a heap. Slowly, Shego's eyes focused, and she looked around. She realized that she'd been knocked out and taken to their alpine lair for medical treatment. She relaxed, realizing that the face she'd seen had been Drakken and not the hated Zorpox. As soon as she realized this, she got up and stared angrily at Drakken. "What were you doing?"

Drakken wore a hurt expression. "I was just making sure you were okay-you took a nasty hit there." Dr Drakken pointed to a spot on her head.

She reached up and felt just above her right eye. She touched a small lump on her head, and hissed at the pain. "What...what happened...wait, I remember, Zorpox-he knocked me out!" Shego was outraged-and embarrassed. She'd fallen for the oldest trick in the book. Zorpox had feigned being unconscious, and like an idiot, she'd fallen for it. But if they were here in this lair... "Kimmie beat Zorpox, didn't she?"

Drakken frowned slightly. "I don't know. I dragged you out of there, and headed here first. I haven't heard anything from him, so I think she won." He looked at her uncertainly. "That's...um, that's good, right?"

She growled, but nodded. She looked at Drakken, and there was something about the way he was looking at her. "What is it? Do I have something on my face?"

"Somehow, I still think that you should bleed green..." Shego narrowed her eyes and looked like she was going to comment on that, so he continued quickly. "Um, I mean I have a new plan."

Shego groaned. "I don't even get a day off! Fine, Dr D, what's this new plan?"

"Well, I haven't worked out all the details yet, but I do have a promising start..." He motioned to the door, then walked out, Shego following him. "I've decided that even though Zorpox was working against us, his training was good-" He ignored Shego's exclamation of disbelief. "-Research, Shego, that's the key. I've already set up a number of research projects, but I need your help." He stopped outside a door, then punched in a pass code. The door slid open, and he walked in, Shego right behind him.

He motioned for her to sit down, then sat across from her. He turned on the main screen, and a man appeared on it. Shego was surprised. "Mr Nakasumi? We already tried using his technology to make your giant robot-"

Drakken interrupted. "No, not his factory, I want Nakasumi himself."

"What?" Shego frowned. "Why do you want him-decided to switch jobs and you need a reference? 'Yes, I know Dr Drakken-brilliant scientist, very knowledgeable. Did I mention in his past job he wanted to take over the world?'"

Drakken looked at her tiredly, skipping the verbal sparring. "Shego, grow up-I'm trying to take over the world here." Her eyes widened, but he continued before she could say anything else. "Nakasumi has something I want-you will go get it. Period."

The green villainess nodded. Okay, she could play this game too. "Fine, Dr Drakken, I'll get Nakasumi. When? Now?"

He shook his head and stood back up. "Later-for now, follow me."

She did, obediently. Shego wondered, however, what the mad doctor was planning.


Shego was surprised when Drakken led her to the training room. The training room was a mid-sized room full of weightlifting equipment and foam mats, a place for her to teach the henchmen-or at least try to teach them; her results had been less than stellar. She was even more surprised to see Drakken's entire group of henchmen, nearly 150 men, seemingly waiting for them. She gave Drakken a questioning glance, but he ignored her.

Instead, Drakken motioned to the first four men, and they stepped forward. They stepped into a small circle on the floor, then stood, waiting. Drakken put out his hand, and Shego took her cue, stepping on the mat. The four henchmen stepped toward her, then rushed at her.

It was beyond easy for Shego to deal with them. She dropped under one's wild grab and hit him in the jaw, knocking him out. She spun and kicked a second one in the stomach, lifting him off his feet and flinging him off the mat. He landed hard, but she missed it, instead focusing on the next person attacking her. He tried to kick her, so she grabbed his foot, then yanked him and pivoted. With a wild swing, she slammed him into the last henchman, then turned and looked at Drakken, as if asking 'what now?'

The doctor just ginned. "Next."

Four more stepped forward. She dealt with them just as easily. Shego kicked one in the head, and chopped another in the throat; they were both out for the count. The last two, however, were smarter. One distracted her from the front, while the other sneaked up from behind and grabbed her. Before the first one could take the opportunity, however, she stomped on the foot of the one holding her, and struck back with an elbow. He grimaced, and she spun and knocked him out. The fourth one charged her, and she let loose with a shot to the groin. Many of the men watching winced.


Shego fought the next four, and beat through them easily too; but now she was getting tired. She started to turn to Drakken and ask what was going on, but he was already continuing.


With a growl she turned and took them out faster than she had the first group. She finally got Drakken's attention. "What are you doing? Are you bored and what to watch the henchmen get beat up?"

The doctor shook his head. "Shego, you're good, great even-you can keep up with Kim Possible." He motioned with his hand. "But they can't-they lose, always. They only beat her by pure numbers-there's more of them than she can possible hope to beat...but some of them might actually be good in a fight-take Walters and Randalf..." He motioned to the one that had tried to hold Shego, and the other that was going to attack her. "They weren't so bad, were they? I'm only going to keep the best ten henchmen that I've got-and you, Shego, are going to pick them."

He gave a small, wicked grin. "Of course, if you're getting tired, then go ahead and take a break...I mean, the great Kim Possible couldn't beat them all, so what chance would you have?"

Shego gave him a hateful glare, one that promised revenge for his comments. She turned back to the rest of the henchmen. She spoke loudly, confidently.



When they had arrived at the movie theater, Kim had gone to get their tickets, while Ron went after the food. He was surprised to see Zita working the concessions stand. He walked up to her, intent on getting the food, but she beat him to the punch. "Ron, hi. Are you here by yourself, or with Kim?"

"Um..." Ron frowned. "With Kim?" He sounded unsure of himself.

Zita smiled. "So you'll want your usual, right?

"I guess so...what's our usual?"

Zita's smile faded. "I don't know, you tell me. I don't usually work the concessions stand, but I got called in since I'm familiar with the theater." She shrugged. "Um, it's you and Kim, right, so maybe two medium popcorns? Do you need something to drink? Any candy? What about Rufus-does he want some nachos and cheese?"

As Zita talked, Ron's eyes got larger and larger, and he started to freak out. "I-I-I don't know, I don't know what Kim wants. What does Kim want?" Ron looked at Zita, his eyes pleading for answers. "Do you know what Kim wants?"

If Ron wasn't freaking out so much, it would almost be funny-him asking what to get for his best friend. Zita shook her head, then got ready to say she didn't know, but saw movement behind Ron. "K-Kim, hi, we were just talking about you." The red head looked at her suspiciously, and protectively stepped beside Ron.

"Is...there something wrong here?" Kim watched Zita carefully.

Ron spoke up. "No-no, I just don't know what you want to get."

"Oh." Kim was relieved, although she didn't know why. "Um, we'll take a large popcorn and two small cokes." She looked at Ron for confirmation, but he was still confused, so he just nodded to whatever she said. Kim continued to watch Zita, then thanked her after getting the food. She grabbed Ron's hand and pulled him toward the theater, getting one last parting look at Zita. The sales woman didn't know what she'd done to upset Kim, but hoped it wasn't anything bad.


The movie was horrible; the acting was bad, the music was poor, and Ron was pretty sure that they had used fake bricks. Even still, it was a Bricks of Fury movie, so Ron enjoyed it...sort of. He stood and stretched as the credits rolled, then turned and started to walk out of the theater. He paused when he realized that Kim wasn't behind him. He turned, and grinned.

His best friend was sprawled out in her seat; feet extended, hands across her chest, asleep. She was oblivious to the world, and this gave Ron an evil idea. He went around to the row behind her, then sneaked up to her seat. He stood over her and brought his finger up, then started flicking her ear. She raised a hand up to swat at it, but Ron jerked his hand back. He did it again, and again she missed. He did it a third time and got the surprise of his life.

With a loud war-cry, Kim woke up and immediately defended herself. She had trained herself to react defensively in case her brothers were bothering her, or if she should be attacked by one of her foes. She flipped backward, up over Ron's head, then landed behind him. She grabbed his arm and pressed it against his back, then bent him forward over the seat.

She got her own surprise, however, when Ron's left foot shot out backward, against the front of her shin. As she fell to the side, Ron twisted in her grip, freeing himself. He then spun around and fell with her, pinning her to the ground. She stared up in shock.

"Where'd you learn to do that?"

As soon as Ron realized what he'd done, he jumped up off of her, and pulled her to her feet. "Oh, man, I'm so sorry Kim. I didn't hurt you, did I?" He frowned as he thought about what just happened. "Wait a minute, you attacked me!" He stared at her with narrowed eyes.

"Come on, Ron, it's no big. You know, it goes with fighting villains all the time." She briefly explained about how they saved the world from villains. "But where did you learn to do that?"

Ron was as confused as she was. "You mean flip you over? I don't know, it just sorta came to me. I just acted instinctively."

Kim wasn't convinced. "Ron, I've never seen you do anything like that before. The only time you've done something like that..." Everything clicked into place. "...was when you were Zorpox." Kim frowned in thought. After Ron had been Zorpox the first time, he'd been able to repair the attitudinator helmet, and used it on his evil cousin; she hadn't really given it any thought then, but maybe there was something to this.

She pulled out the Kimmunicator and contacted Wade. He appeared on screen, and asked about Ron. "Kim, is Ron doing any better? Monique and Felix told me what happened, how you went to the movies-anything?"

She shook her head. "No, but can you do a scan for me?" She explained her thought. "Is it possible that Zorpox's intelligence could have been...transfered to Ron?"

"Well, not exactly." Wade looked down, then back at Kim. "The attitudinator doesn't enhance the brain waves of people that it's used on; all it does is chance their morality from good to evil-whatever intelligence is there is all Ron's."

"So if Zorpox was able to do all that stuff, it's because those were some of Ron's latent talents?"

Wade seemed to mull it over. "Yeah, it would have to be; but chances are they're buried so deep, it took something like a total brain re-write to bring them to the front-Zorpox was the one that tapped into his potential, instead of Ron."

"So wait...are we saying that Ron is a genius?"

"Not really. I mean sure, deep down, he's got the potential to be brilliant-but so does everyone else-even you, Kim. It has to do with his knowledge, the way he applies himself, even his IQ, all boiled down together to determine what he can and can't do. Zorpox just seems to be be much, much better at applying himself than anyone else I've ever seen." He finally shrugged. "I guess we can do some tests, if you want. Take Ron back to your house, and we can use your computer to get a baseline. We can test him every day or so, and see if anything changes."

Kim nodded, and motioned her friend to follow her. Ron did, matching her pace a few steps behind, watching her warily. After her little impromptu Kung Fu demonstration, he wasn't about to get any closer to her for the time being. He followed at a respectful distance, all the way back to her home. He was actually so focused on maintaining his distance that he tripped almost a half dozen times, on uneven sidewalks, sticks and twigs, even his own two feet. The last time came as they had reached Kim's house; she paused on the front steps, and Ron was so focused that he didn't see the front step. He careened forwards, right into Kim's back, both teens tumbling into the house.

The red headed teen let loose a growl from the floor, then pressed upwards, feeling Ron slide off her back. She sighed, then reached down to pull him to his feet, rolling her eyes as she spoke. "I'm not going to hurt you, you know."

Ron reached up to rub his nose. "You already did." He sniffed a few times, rubbing up and down the bridge, his eyes watering. "Do you think it's broken?"

"If it was broken, I'm pretty sure you'd know. Now, come on, lets go upstairs and get Wade to do those tests for us." She looked towards the wall clock. "It's getting pretty late already, and we've got school tomorrow. I don't want to keep you over too long."

He seemed not to have heard her, still looking and rubbing his nose. "It looks crooked. Do you think my nose is crooked?"

His best friend rolled her eyes, finally putting an arm around him and leading him upstairs. "Wimp."


After they peeled the last henchman off the mat, Drakken nodded, like he had all the info he needed. Shego waited until the last man was out of the room before collapsing. She may be good, but even with her glow power, she was only human-and fighting a hundred plus people was exhausting. She gave herself a few seconds to breathe, before launching herself at Drakken. She grabbed him by the collar and let her hands glow.

Her voice took on a threatening tone. "If you ever, ever use Kimmie like that to get me to do something again, they won't find your body for weeks."

Drakken was unconcerned. "Do you have the ten henchmen selected?"

She dropped him, then rattled off ten names. "Now, are you going to tell me what this is about?"

"All in due time, Shego. Go ahead and take the rest of the day off...good job, Shego." He walked away.

He left her confused. Was this really Dr Drakken, the crazy scientist that she'd worked for over these last few years? He seemed like a different person now, calm, in control...competent. Drakken...competent. No matter how hard she thought about it, she couldn't get those two words to go together.


As Drakken walked out of the room, he considered his newest plan. Putting Zorpox's training to use, he was thinking this plan out, step by step; but most importantly, he was the boss. Things weren't like they were before-Shego had always treated him with contempt, treated him as a footstool even though she should follow his orders; usually it ended up with him doing whatever she said under threat of pain. No more.

No, Drakken had a new idea, a perfect idea-a plan that had begun in his old lair, just before Zorpox blew everything up. But even as good as the plan was, there was still one major flaw. Her. Kim Possible. It didn't matter what he did, how he thought things through, she was still better than he was-better even than Shego. Still, she had to have a weakness-everyone did. With just a little research, he would know...and then the world would be his. Drakken chuckled.

It was even better than that, however. After watching Zorpox work, he had realized some other things, too. First off, the blond sidekick had kept his entire plan secret, even from Shego-and the villainess hadn't been able to figure things out. Not only hadn't she been able to figure things out, he had managed to catch Kim Possible off guard, too-and he had been right. Without any of the normal information leaks, from supply gathering, or henchmen knowing what was going on, the villain had been able to keep Kim totally in the dark. Drakken intended to follow the same ideas, and keep this plan under wraps. No one, not even Shego, would know anything about this plan, not until it was too late to stop it.


"All right, Kim, I've finished the test, and now I'll just have to compile the data. It will probably take the next couple of days to get any results, since I'll have to see if there are any differences between one day to the next. I'll keep you informed."

She nodded, watching as her friend cut the connection. She placed the Kimmunicator on it's charging cradle, then turned back to Ron. He was still rubbing a hand up and down his nose. "Does it still hurt?"

Ron blinked a bit, then shook his head. "Not really...well, maybe, sorta, a little." He frowned. "Now my head hurts."

Kim moved forward, concerned. "Did you hit your head that hard?" She grabbed his head carefully, tilting his head back, looking at his eyes. He quickly shook her off.

"No, not because of my nose. All those questions Wade was asking." He motioned back towards her computer. "Math really isn't my thing. But...you should know that, right Kim?"

She rolled her eyes at his suspicious tone. "Excuse me for being concerned about you. Yes, I know that you're bad at math, don't like English, can't stand monkeys, and can never get along with Mr Barkin. I also know that you love chimeritos, enjoy playing racing games, and cry during emotionally touching scenes in movies."

"Do not! I-I just got something in my eye at the exact time that man was talking, about the way they took his dog..." Ron lost focus for a second, his eyes starting to water. "They...they took his dog Kim, how could they?"

Kim just shook her head, teasing him a bit. "Come on, Ron, it's no big, I'm sure all big 'manly' men cry at emotion scenes like that."

Ron looked out of the corner of his eye, "Are you mocking me?"

"Nooooo." She drew the word out, then smiled, holding her thumb and finger close to each other. "Well, maybe a bit. Come on, let's get you home, we'll talk more in the morning. It's getting late, and we have school, remember?"

As Ron followed her downstairs, he whined at her. "Aww, come on, I've lost my memory, and I don't even get a day out of school? This totally tanks."