A/N It's hereeee! The next (and also last) chapter of this is up. :) Please review and tell me if you liked the story or not. xoxo

You didn't have much time to ponder this question before you made your decision. The flames would close in on you any second now, and time was quickly slipping away. Even if you acted swiftly, there was no guarantee that your loved one would be alive by the time that you were able to carry him or her out of the burning building.

But nevertheless, you were determined to save the most precious person in your life. So turning in the direction of the men's restroom, you took one last look at your best friend since you were just a child (who was now nothing more than a few neon flames and a couple piles of ash), and waved goodbye as a single tear rolled down your cheek.

Then you proceeded in the direction of the bar where you and Cat had been eating lunch peacefully just minutes ago. Oh God, please let her be alive, you silently prayed, although you were bracing yourself for the worst.

After being burned a countless number of times, inhaling enough smoke to pretty much breathe fire, and tripping over a bar stool that someone had probably knocked over in their rush to escape the flames, you found her. Or at least, you were pretty sure that it was her.

Her once-bright-yellow sundress was literally on fire, and had streaks of black all over it, most likely the result of the wooden countertop's ashes falling onto her. Her flawless tan skin was now the home of many burns and scars which were scattered all across her body. And perhaps the most shocking sight to take in were the charred tips of her beautiful red hair, which was now at least four inches shorter than it used to be.

But time was of the essence, and your observing had to be cut short. So you scooped up your little angel, hoping more than anything that her unconsciousness was simply a sign that she wasn't feeling any of the pain; nothing more. If she were to die, you didn't know what you would do with yourself.

You barely made it three inches before encountering a problem. Both of the exits were blocked by seven-foot-high flames, and you certainly weren't going to head into the kitchen, which was obviously the source of the inferno. "Shit," you thought out loud.

You glanced around the restaurant in hopes of finding another way out, when a shiny, metallic object that remained unscathed by the flames caught your eye. Upon closer examination, you realized that it was a fire extinguisher! If you could just make it to the wall and grab a hold of it, you might be able to fight your way through the flames, saving both yours and Cat's lives.

The 30-second journey to the object that would rescue you felt more like 30 hours, and each step grew more and more painful, on top of the fact that Cat, who only weighed 90-some pounds, seemed to become heavier and heavier the longer you carried her. But you had to keep going. For her.

Battling off one last blaze, you were finally able to come in contact with the extinguisher, and you had never felt so relieved in your life. It took you a few seconds to twist the knob and get it to work, but soon the flames around you were dying down, and you were able to create a path through the burning sushi restaurant.

As you kicked down the door, still clutching Cat tightly in your arms, the siren of a fire truck sounded in the distance. It's about fucking time! you screamed internally. But on the outside you remained quiet. You were too weak and too overwhelmed to speak. The last thing that you remembered before passing out was seeing Cat's beautiful eyes flutter open ever so slightly, and hearing her groan your name.

You woke up to white. White bed, white pillows, white curtains, white everything. Considering that you had been in a state of darkness for the past few days, it was enough to blind you. "Am I in heaven…?" you groggily muttered. But once you became aware of the searing pain in both of your arms and one of your legs, you realized just how absurd that theory was.

Suddenly the curtain was flung open, revealing a large man in a white (shocker) coat. When he looked up from his papers and noticed that you were awake, he smiled. "Robbie Shapiro?" he questioned with a grin. You just nodded unsurely, confused.

"You've been knocked out for the past four days," he said matter-of-factly, as if it was no big deal. "It's good to see you awake," he added, smiling.

God, he smiles a lot, you thought to yourself. Wait… Smiles… That reminded you of… "Where's Cat!?" you shouted, jerking straight up in your hospital bed, but instantly regretting it when the pain in your leg became practically unbearable, causing you to wince.

"Easy there," the doctor cautioned. Once you slumped back into your pillow, he continued. "Your friend Cat Valentine was in a coma just like you, but she woke up yesterday afternoon." You glanced at the clock; 8:12 in the morning. "She suffered from second and third degree burns all over her body. I'm sure she doesn't look quite the same as she did before the fire, but with a few months of treatment, she should be back to normal, with the exception of a few scars." You breathed the deepest sigh of relief that you ever had in your life. "You saved her life, Robbie," the man who sat next to you said sincerely. He stared at you for a few moments, allowing you to contemplate his words, then slowly got up and exited the room.

You saved her life. The words rang in your ears. YOU, wimpy little Robbie Shapiro, saved Caterina Valentine's LIFE. A smile quickly found its way across your face, and for a minute, all that you could think about was how much you wanted to hold Cat in your arms again, just to reassure you that she really was alive and would be okay eventually.

A week after you woke up for the first time after the accident, you were allowed to go to Cat's room to visit her. The doctor had been right. She didn't look quite the same. But in your opinion, she was still the most gorgeous girl you had ever had the privilege to lay your eyes upon.

The little redhead was just as peppy as ever, despite her conditions, and had even thought of surprising you with a new puppet in place of Rex (to this day, you didn't think that she realized how much that had meant to you). She had also given you a grateful kiss on the cheek.

The next day, the nurses were kind enough to move her hospital bed into your room, which made the overnight stays not-so-bad. It was nice to have someone to talk to, but the fact that it was Cat made it even better.

That evening, she thanked you for the millionth time for not leaving her behind, and this time was even brave enough to kiss you on the lips. Her courage left you both in shock for a few minutes, until you finally were able to find some words. "I love you Cat," you whispered hesitantly, afraid of what her reaction would be. But when she leaned in for another kiss, anything that had been holding you back before was now gone. "I love you too…" she murmured, a smile on her face.

And looking back on it, you were thankful that that fire had happened. All of the pain and suffering had been worth it. Because if it hadn't, you never would've become so close to the young woman who you now had the honor of calling your girlfriend. You'd never cared for someone more than you did for Cat. I guess you could say that your love for her was, well, on fire.

A/N Mehhhh. Other than that last line, I don't like this chapter. At all. :P Oh well. I guess this is what happens when I try to watch Glozell videos and write stories at the same time. xP But i dunno, maybe some of you liked it. Did it end how you thought it would? Please tell me all about it in a review. :) Have a happy day, guys! xoxo