a/n: Hey! So this is my first AU story, just a little plot bunny that's been bouncing around in my head. I'm not sure where I'm going with this story but I do know that this is a skinwalker!dean fic and there will be brief mentions of child abuse. The upcoming chapters will be much longer than this one. I'm just warming up to it. I hope you stick around for a spell and as always enjoy :)

Dean Winchester was only four years old when he was taken from his family, just a few months shy of his mother's horrific death. His daddy told him not to go outside. He told him to look after Sammy, make sure Sammy was safe. Daddy said he wasn't going to be gone long; he'd only be gone for a few minutes. He told Dean to say indoors but, Sammy was sleeping and there was a doggy sitting out in the parking lot.

It was a pretty doggy with shaggy black hair and playful eyes. Dean had always wanted a doggy but he got a baby brother instead. Sammy was a great brother but he was too young to do anything with yet. If he had a doggy he could play all kinds of games. Dean jumped down from the chair he was perched on and pulled opened the motel room door. He knew his Daddy told him not to go outside but, he really, really wanted to pet the doggy.

Little Dean walked out into mid afternoon light clapping his hands with joy as the doggy started yipping with happiness. But as he reached the Doggy something weird happened, the doggy lost its fur and transformed into a man. A big, black, scary van pulled up behind the dog man, the side door rolling open. Dean tried to run away, screaming for his Daddy but the dog man was too quick. He grabbed Dean from behind and tossed him into the van.

That was the last time anyone saw little Dean Winchester again.