A/N: Oh look. Another story. What a surprise. FFFFF- Damn Plot Bunnies, get out of my mind!

Okay, so..this is my first M fanfiction. Lolno. I'm just kidding. This is yet another T or K+ fanfictions. Yup.

This is about Fem!Iceland and her family. GUESS WHAT'S THE SETTING?

That's right. High School AU. God. I write too much for this setting. I suck. xD This is slightly based off Me and my brothers, but I haven't really read that manga yet. But well….let's read!
WAIT. Before that, here's the human names!

Fem!Iceland- Emma Bondevick

Norway- Lukas Bondevick

Denmark- Matthias Bondevick. (Shut up, their last names are all Bondevick because I said so.)
Sweden- Berwald Bondevick

Finland- Tino Bondevick

Pfft. I also don't own the cover photo. It was found on tumblr. No. I don't ship America with Iceland. THEY ARE BEST FRIENDS 5EVER, OKAY?

She's the princess, okay?

"Hey! Wait up, Emma!" A boy with blonde, spiky hair screamed at a silver haired girl walking through the Crisp Fall weather. She smirked, and stuck out her tongue because she obviously didn't care.

This is Emma Bondevick, a girl in the 10th grade. She, of course, has to have the most over-protective brothers in the world. Yep, she has 4 of them.

And that porcupine, Matthias, over there is one of her brothers. She groaned loudly at how slow he was, and it was her, the non-athletic one talking!

"Pick up the pace, Porcupine!" She retorted, her face reddening at the cold. He started to whine while licking his lollipop…She would never know how he got it.

"B-But…Emma, I'm tiredddddd…" He complained, poking her in the head repeatedly. She tried to shoo off his hand, but when she saw how much it failed, she gave up. Instead, you compromised to something else.

"Mathias, does it look like that I care?" Emma asked, groaning at his constant whining. Mathias frowned, but he gave a smirk when he saw another boy close to his age, which is of course, his brother.

Emma beamed, excited to see her brother.

"Hi, Onii-chan!" Emma exclaimed, smiling and waving to a blonde haired boy with a curl. That's Lukas, her real, biological brother. The other 3 brothers were adopted by Emma and Lukas's parents.

Lukas shot a faint smile at her, making her have the urge to smile back. She instead turned around to smile at him, again.

"Hello Emma, how are you?" Lukas asked, ruffling her silver hair. She blushed, not liking when they just treat her like a little child.

"Ve! ~ Kiku! Let's say hi to Emma!" A voice exclaimed, addressing Emma. She turned around and gave a wave to the Italian. Lukas and Matthias gave the two a look. A Japanese teen walked up to Feliciano and politely waved to everyone.

"F-Feliciano-san, please refrain from running way too fast! I was busy talking to someone at the time!" The teen that we will assume is called Kiku said. He was panting slightly, he regrets not exercising often.

"Emma, how do you know these people?" Lukas asked wondering what his sister does on her free time. She sighed, hating how overprotective they can be.

"Lukas, relax. They are in my Gym and Core Classes." Emma explained, glaring at him. She lightly put her hand on his shoulder, and he loosened up.

"Well…whatever." Lukas muttered under his breath. He took Emma's hand.

"When are Tino and Berwald coming?" Emma asked with a confused gaze in her eyes. She squeezed Lukas's hand firmly.

"Berwald has work, Emma! And I don't give a shit about Tino!" Matthias exclaimed, telling her their whereabouts. Lukas glared at Matthias for using language.

Lukas let go of Emma's hand and walked toward the Dane. He took Matthias's school tie and pulled it. Hard.

"EFJHFDKJH LET GOOOOOO!" Matthias screamed in pain. He doesn't want to be choked in front of his sister….

Emma chuckled at Matthias's pain. She sometimes wondered if she was a sadist or not.

"Emma, pull up your bow!" Tino exclaimed, running in from the corner. She blushed, and tried to pull up the tie on her uniform.

"There you are, Tinnnooooo!" Matthias smiled, waving at him, "Hey…where's Berwald?"

"Berwald? Oh, he's just helping out with the play." Tino said, fingering a blue rose. Emma averted her gaze to the rose. Her eyebrows rose at how unnatural the color is.

"Hey…..Tino, what's with that rose?" Emma asked, she was curious about it. He chuckled.

"Oh, this? I got this from Arthur. I think he wanted to give it to you, but was too scared to try. Because I wouldn't let him, of course," Tino explained, handing her the rose, "A blue rose means mystery." Tino's face darkened, and started to hold his own fist. Emma sighed at the action.

She sniffed the rose, "…..This smells wonderful, Tino. I wonder where Arthur got it?"

Tino just shrugged. Lukas crossed his arms again, while Matthias started yapping on about his day.

"Matthias, shut the fuck up. Let's just all walk home." Lukas suggested with his stoic expression. Matthias whined once again.

"Not now, Lukas!" Matthias whined. Emma sighed and blew a strand of her hair off her face. She got out another lollipop, and stuck it into Matthias's open mouth. He saw the action, and smiled. Lukas just sighed and signaled for them to walk home.

"AWW YEAH! MOMMM, IT SMELLS FUCKING AWESOME!" Mathias exclaimed when he walked into the house, in taking all of the delicious aromas.

"Matthias, don't curse!" Their mom yelled from the kitchen. Matthias pouted, while Lukas snickered at his melancholy. Emma ignored the two and went up to the Family Room with Tino.

"Hey….Tino, can we play a game?" Emma asked, sitting down on the bottom step of the carpeted stairs. Tino smiled at her, nodding.

"Mhmm.~ Sure! Which game do you want to play?" Tino answered, later asking her another question, ruffling her hair. He whistled for Hanatamago to come over. The fluffy white dog hopped over to Emma, nuzzling her knee. Emma smiled and pet Hana's fur.

Emma pointed to the closet, telling Tino what game she wants to play from there.

"Y-You want to play that? Uh, sorry but we can't! It's too inappropriate for you!" Tino explained, obviously flustered. He was playing around with his fingers, blushing very hard. Emma pouted and decided to ponder on the subject. She doesn't WANT to make him flustered, but she was very curious.

"What is that game about, then?" She asked thoughtfully. Tino once again, blushed.

"O-Oh….well, it's a game that our parents play. It's only for two people, or just couples in general. It's not recommended for you….I think you wouldn't want to lose your virginity playing this game." Tino replied, reading right off the box. He decided to push the box RIGHT back in. He cursed his parents for keeping it in where Emma can get it. He pulled out the game of life, suggesting that they should play it instead. She nodded.

"Can Lukas and Matthias play with us?" She asked. She looked down the hallway, to see Lukas playing on his violin. She sighed. Looks like she can't do so right now

"Would you like to just listen to Lukas play it?" Tino asked, signaling her to let himself go to the bathroom. She nodded, smiling that she can hear her brother play the violin.

She tip-toed past Matthias, who was eating like a pig at the time. She sprinted toward Lukas, to find him now practicing the guitar. She always wondered why he has to be such a prodigy with all instruments. She was maybe a bit envious of him.

Lukas is a great singer. He is very well liked for his soothing voice. On YouTube he is also a very popular Utaite, because he studied in Japan for a while. He is a prodigy, able to play 4 instruments: Guitar, Violin, Flute, and Piano. And he was all awesome at them, as well.

Tino, on the other hand has an occupation as a Vet. He loves animals, so he volunteers at pet shelters most of the time. They all still go to school, of course. He just helps out with the Pet hospital and shelter.

"Oh, everyone. Have you done your homework yet?" Lukas put his guitar down, just remembering that he had some. He sighed, going to go do his homework. Matthias groaned; he would rather be hanging out with his friends. Tino smirked, being the lucky one to not have ANY homework. Emma nodded, and immediately went to her room.

She trudged up the soft stairs. She paced down the hall way, and slightly opened the door to her room.

In her bedroom, purple and blue was EVERYWHERE. If the bed wasn't canopy, you would've thought that the room belonged to a male. The room was neat, of course. You can see her frosty blue curtains cascade along the plain window.

She picked up her blue messenger bag she threw on the ground a few minutes ago. She took out her purple binder with her puffin as the cover.

Said puffin just chirped. He probably wants some food.

"Oh, Mr. Puffin! I'll get you something. Just wait." She cried, holding her hand up to her pet. She can't believe that she completely forgot all about her puffin.

She handed the puffin some fresh fish that she stole from her brother. She petted the little puffin, satisfied with what she had done.

Look! It's me, the time skip bunny! You surely remember me from the author's other story, right? So yeah. Let's time-skip to night time, after dinner!

After dinner, all of the siblings parted from each other to do their own thing.

Lukas decided to go start practicing all of his instruments. Berwald just came back from helping out with the play, but now he would have to go to his part-time job. It seems like Berwald is a very busy person.

Matthias, on the other hand decides that he should go out drinking. Their mom won't know, though. He just only said that he was hanging out with his friends, Gilbert and Alfred.

Tino puts on his shoes to go start walking Hanatamago. Emma rushes down the stairs, just in time to ask him a question.

"Hey, Tino. Can I walk Hana with you?" She asks casually. She really wanted to spend time with her brother. She hasn't specifically spent time with her Finnish brother. He smiles and nods. He gives her the cloth leash that holds Hana. Emma smiles slightly, and motions Tino to open the door for her. He laughed a little bit, seeing how anxious Hanatamago is, just to get outside.

Tino pushed the door open, Emma walked out of the door with Hanatamago. Tino followed behind her, not forgetting to shut the door.

"So, Emma. How are you doing with school right now?" Tino asked, curious about Emma's life. He of course, knows, but they need some small talk right now.

"Oh, it's good. I'm getting straight A's. I made some friends. With Lilli, Mei, Linh, Elizaveta, Bella, Natalya, and Victoria. Nothing really much, besides that." Emma explained, clearly bored. Tino smiled lightly at her.

"Well, that's good, Emma." Tino chuckled, happy with life at the time.

"Are you interested in any guys?" Tino asked, with an aura surrounding him….threatening murder to any guy she likes. No boy should harm their little princess.

"Hmm. Nah, I would rather just be friends with them." Emma replied thoughtfully. She actually did wonder what she is going to do in the future. She thinks that she should get married to one of her brothers, because well, they are the best. She shakes her head, remembering that it would be incest. But apparently, Kiku liked incest. In Anime and Manga, of course. She decided to shake it off and change the subject.

"Oh, and Tino, have you heard of this thing called Homestuck?" She asked, remembering when she read the webcomic. It is funny, but yet, confusing at the same time. Tino nodded.

"I also love PewDiePie!" She exclaimed, deciding that it is the time to spout out random things. Tino laughed at her outburst, Emma pouted at first, but then decided to laugh along with him.

"Hehe. Tino, you are a great brother." Emma smiled. Tino gave a bright smile as well, ang hugged Emma.

Hanatamago started barking, sitting right at Emma's leg.

"O-Oh! Hanatamago, sorry for forgetting you for a second!" Tino apologized, frowning a bit. The dog gave a satisfied bark, and continued on through the neighborhood.

The sun was setting, pink, orange, and yellow flew through the sky. Emma turned around to look at it. She smiled at how pretty it was.

"Wahh….It's so beautiful!" Emma laughed, pointing at the sunset. Tino smiled, and sat down. He pat the prickly grass, motioning Emma to sit down with him.

"Emma, you are so cute!"

"S-Shut up!"

A/N: Ah, isn't it adorable and fluffy?

I loved writing this. This might be my top priority; I have so much fun writing this.

Basically, all of the Nordics will have their own individual fluffy scene with Emma. This was Finland's. Next chapter, I'm making it Norway.~

Oh, and what do you want Fem!Iceland to be paired up with?

Yes, I hinted at her and England. I have no idea why.

I honestly like her with Norway, but clearly we want no incest in this story. Hong Kong, South Korea, Male!Liechtenstein, Italy…..you tell me!

Whoever gets the most votes will get to be her love interest. xD

Gah. This is totally a Shoujo manga.

And yes, I started reading Homestuck.

Well, I hope you review!~

Oh, and Red-Tulip's Secret...NUMERO 1: I secretly love Spain. Romano isn't actually at the top of my fav character list, it's Spain. Rizu...I bet you are laughing at me right now, aren't you? DAMN IT.