A/N: So, I've finally decided to put this one out there! Hope you like it!

Salutary Neglect

America sat in his house, waiting for England to come.

"I hope he comes soon!" he said to himself. "I really like big brother Engwand!"

As he waited, he got hungry, so he went to the kitchen and got a cheeseburger. He gobbled the cheeseburger up and continued to wait. Eventually he got bored, so he went outside and started to run around, chasing little animals all over the place. He was soon tired, so he went inside and had another cheeseburger before taking a little nap.

After his nap, he waited some more, munching a cookie.

"Where is he?" America wondered out loud. "It's been hours and big brother Engwand's still not here!"

He again got bored and started to play with the little soldier dolls England had given him. He eventually got bored with this and went outside to play some more. He climbed to the top of a tree outside his house to see if he could see England. Not seeing him, America climbed back down the tree and continued to run around. He got bored of this too, so he walked down the road away from his house to go look for England. When he reached the nearest town, he walked through the streets, looking for emerald eyes and big eyebrows. He walked to the pier, seeing if maybe England's ship was coming. When he saw a ship coming he jumped up a little and shouted, "Engwand!"

America watched the ship come closer and closer, his feet dangling over the water as he watched. When the ship finally reached the dock, America jumped up and eagerly watched the people walking off of the ship. When the last person got off, America dejectedly sat back down on the pier, watching the setting sun sink into the water, turning it a bright orange. He sighed a cute little sigh and got up, walking back to his house.

"I tought Engwand was gonna come today!" he muttered as he walked into his house. He sadly walked up the stairs and into his room, hugging his teddy bear close and falling asleep.

A/N: When our teacher talked about salutary neglect, I was like, "Aww! Po Chibimerica!" So now I've made a fic of it and this fic is going to include other history-based fics! Yay! Review if you liked it!