Hello all, this has been a story idea that has been bugging me for ages so while i may not update it often I will continue to write and update it when I can. I just want to have another avenue to rid myself of various writer's block :) And also I think that they are one of the cutest couples that do NOT have enough stories written about them, so I decided to write my own. This is what would have happened had Yusuke broke his promise to return in three years.

Please remember to R&R I won't know what you think unless you tell me. Also please note that this story is rated M for upcoming chapters and that rating will not change. And lastly I do not own any of the characters from Yu Yu Hakusho regardless of my wishes. I hope you enjoy this first chapter.

The King Who Loved Me

Chapter One

Yusuke Urameshi was bored. He sat on the throne with one leg casually tossed over the arm, a yawn escaping his lips. Suddenly one of the messengers ran into the throne room entering through one of the many entrances and approached him, frantically trying to gasp for their breath and speak at the same time.

"Milord," he finally managed to pant out while kneeling before Yusuke.

"Yeah, yeah…what do you want?" asked Yusuke sighing irritably, he wondered what his friends were up to, though he'd never admit it, he defiantly missed the fighting and pranks that they had managed to play on Kuwabara. How he missed the fighting. Just as the thought popped into his head—another swiftly followed—Keiko. Was she ok? Did she still wear those long flowing skirts, making it especially easy for him to tease her.

A lascivious grin formed on his lips at the last thought. But just as quickly as the grin had appeared it vanished too. Was she still waiting for him, or had she moved on to someone else? A light growl built up in his throat at that idea, however before his thoughts could travel farther down that darkened path, the sound of a throat clearing dragged him back into the present.

"Milord, there are visitors here to see you; a Kurama and a Hiei."

"Well, why the hell didn't you say that sooner?! Let them in!" snapped Yusuke sitting up excited. Ever since he had taken the throne three weeks prior, he had been forced to learn procedures, protocols, traditions, responsibilities, etc. Never having any time to see his friends here in demon world, or in the human world.

"Well, well Spirit Detective it's been a while." snorted Hiei.

"Heh, what's up? I was wonderin' when you jerks were gonna stop by for a visit." chuckled Yusuke.

"Hello Yusuke, the throne suits you…" said Kurama smiling pleasantly.

"Hell yeah it does! But damn can you say pain in the ass? Jeez day in, day out, blah, blah, blah, everyone is always yapping at me." sighed Yusuke slumping back into his chair.

"You fought for it…" shrugged Hiei, "What did you expect? Kings have responsibilities too, it's not just about fighting detective, but surely you knew that." He quipped rolling his eyes.

"How has everything else been going? We haven't seen you since the day you took the title." asked Kurama looking around.

"Fine I guess—a little boring, but it definitely beats Genkai's training." shrugged Yusuke as he forced himself up and jumped down so that he was standing in front of them.

"How you managed to defeat Yomi and take the throne I'll never understand." said Hiei hotly.

"Aww, come on Hiei! You guys knew it was going to happen sooner or later." joked Yusuke.

"We were all expecting fifty or sixty years later, but once again you surprised us all Yusuke." said Kurama still smiling.

"We all know I'm just full of surprises." said Yusuke grinning.

"Fool." said Hiei irritated.

"So what do I owe the honor?" asked Yusuke smirking.

"We were wondering if you would like to accompany us to the human realm?" said Kurama stepping forward with his right hand placed over his heart.

"Eh, why the hell not? I've been trying to escape this place for several weeks; you've just given me the perfect excuse. Besides I can't wait to see the look on Kuwabara's face when I tell him who's king." chuckled Yusuke.

"Then we should be going…" said Kurama throwing Hiei a knowing look over his shoulder.

Hiei just grinned and nodded his agreement. Yusuke, who was summoning one of his servants completely, missed the exchange.

"Are you ready Yusuke?" asked Kurama opening up a portal.

"As ready as I'm ever going to be—I just had to make some arrangements cuz, of my absence is all…" sighed Yusuke in exasperation, as he led the way to the portal and jumped in without another word or glance directed towards his friends.

Once again the two of them shared a look and followed.

As Yusuke landed he looked around to find himself at the bottom of the stairs that led up to Genkai's home, looking up he noticed Genkai, Kuwabara, and Shizuru waiting and grinning. They all looked the same except for Kuwabara who had grown several inches; he was now almost the same height as Yusuke. His wayward thoughts abruptly stopped when the single most important person to him did not appear. He hesitated for a moment more before jumping up the stairs to stand next to them, "Where's Keiko?" he asked fighting to keep his voice calm and controlled, trying to display no signs of his inner turmoil outwardly.

"Well hello to you too asshole." grumbled Kuwabara annoyed.

"Yeah, yeah." snorted Yusuke, and rather than waiting for them to answer question he raised his chin and began to loudly sniff the air, taking in a deep lungful every time.

"Whatcha doin' Urameshi?" asked Kuwabara scratching his head in confusion.

"Nothin'." muttered Yusuke, who began to self consciously rub his nose.

"Bout' time you came back Urameshi! I was worried ya'd finally gotten yourself killed." said Kuwabara smugly.

Distracted for the moment Yusuke turned his attention to face his friend and grinned, "Did you ever really believe I could be killed? For good? Me?" was the smug retort.

"So Mr. Mazoku—finally had enough? You come home with your tail between your legs?" mocked Kuwabara.

"Actually Yusuke's king—once again he has managed to surpass all of our expectations." said Kurama as he walked up the last step, entering the temple, quickly followed by Hiei.

"What?!" was the shocked reply that could not be stifled from any of their friends.

"So dimwit actually managed to do something right?" scoffed Genkai, who had been the first to recover from the surprising news.

"Hey OLD HAG! I've done lots of things right!" snapped Yusuke irritated.

"Like what? Get yourself killed—repeatedly?" she snorted.

"Not even close you stupid crazy bitch! I defeated Toguro, killed Sensui, stopped Yomi, taken over the throne—oh yeah and SAVED HUMAN WORLD—REPEATEDLY!" snarled Yusuke as he ticked off his accomplishments on his fingers.

"That's all?" asked Genkai smugly.

"What the hell you old bat?! I just got here and already you've started in on me! What gives?!" shouted Yusuke defensively.

"Hey Urameshi so what now?—I mean are you gonna permanently stay in demon world or what? Cuz I remember you sayin' before that the fights were held every three years or somethin' like that, and that the winner was elected the new king." said Kuwabara befuddled.

"Naw, I'm king for life—the previous ruler changed the tournament rules, he thought for sure that he was gonna take the title again—bastard." snorted Yusuke.

"He didn't account for Yusuke, his stubbornness, or his Mazoku heritage." chuckled Hiei amused.

"Everyone on the whole seems ok with the change of rules to the last tournament. But as for your question about living in demon world—yeah I'll be livin' there, but it's not like I can't visit anytime I choose, so it's not really that big a deal." shrugged Yusuke, but already his mind was returning to his earlier thoughts of a missing someone.

Again he looked around, and again he was disappointed when no trace of her appeared.

"Hey guys where's Keiko?" he asked annoyed.

"Gone." said Shizuru taking a drag from her cigarette, speaking up for the first time.

Yusuke's head jerked around and he fixed her with a fierce stare, his hands unconsciously clenching into fists, a deep growl bubbling in his throat.

"Where is she?" he snarled.

"Living in the U.S. with Yukina and Botan." said Shizuru with a shrug, releasing a puff of smoke.

"What?!" he growled, the air suddenly charged with electricity. The tension palpable all around, every one's eyes focused on Yusuke, who had gone suspiciously quiet after his outburst. The air thickened when they noticed Yusuke's Mazoku markings beginning to appear on his body and his hair beginning to lengthen.