A/N: So apparently I have a thing about Hermione and the Weasley men. No idea why. Thought I'd give this pairing a try since I've had this idea bouncing around in my head for about a month now. For those of you who may recognize this, it's posted on my HarryPotterFanFiction account as well. DISCLAIMER: Any thing, one, or place you may recognize belongs solely to JK Rowling. Enjoy!

Time: 3 years after the Battle at Hogwarts


It was 12:30 in the morning when Hermione apparated to the Burrow. Her work at the Ministry had taken longer had taken longer than she originally thought it would. Not that it mattered what time she arrived since she knew there would be one there to greet her. The Weasley's had left to go visit relatives in Ireland and no one was expected back at the Burrow for another three or four days. Mrs. Weasley had told Hermione to go ahead and stay the weekend when her vacation from her job in the Department of Mysteries started. Hermione was grateful for the invitation. She had been looking forward to this vacation for months now. It had been a while since she had seen the people she considered her second family for any extended period of time.

Hermione let herself in with the spell Mrs. Weasley had told her when she first started coming to the Burrow. Even in the dim moonlight that was filtering through the windows, she could see everything was still the same as when she had first come here with Harry and Ron ten years ago. So much has changed in those ten years, she thought to herself as she climbed the stairs to one of the empty rooms left vacant by the three Weasley brothers who had moved out.

They had seen the rise of Lord Voldermort and then they had brought him down. They had fought and laughed and loved together. They had lost old friends, but made new ones. They had seen death and destruction, but they had also seen life and hope. It was still hard to believe everything that had happened.

Now they were all out on their own. Harry and Ginny had gotten married last year. Harry, along with Ron, worked as an Auror. Hermione would see the two of them occasionally at the Ministry when they were between assignments. Ginny worked at Hogwarts as the new flying coach and Quidditch referee since Madam Hooch had retired this past spring. George still ran the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes shop in Diagon Alley that he and Fred had started before the War. He and Angelina Johnson were married and expecting their first child. As for Hermione, she loved her job working in the legal division of the Department of Mysteries. She hadn't found anyone to settle down with yet, but she wasn't in any particular hurry. She was only 21 after all.

She reached the room she had been looking for and pushed the door open. When her the light from her wand illuminated the room all her thoughts vanished as she screamed.

The figure that had been sprawled across the bed bolted upright so fast that they toppled off with a "Bloody hell!" As they got to their feet Hermione aimed her wand at them without even thinking about it. Battle reflexes are hard things to break. When she finally got a look at who it was she was even more surprised. Then noticing something else about that person she blushed and turned away.

It was Charlie Weasley and he was completely naked.


Charlie had a month's leave from Romania that he planned on using to surprise his family with a long overdue visit. From recent letters he knew that they were away in Ireland at the moment so he figured he would get home early to surprise them when they got back.

He had arrived at the Burrow earlier that day, just as the sun was getting ready to set. It was an odd sensation being the only one in the house. Usually whenever he was here he was surrounded by the unending chaos of his eight other family members. Of course, he often contributed to the chaos himself. He had to admit that it was good to be back here again. It had been over a year since he had last been home. It wasn't until he was back that Charlie realized how much he had missed this place.

He had taken a walk around outside, marveling at how quiet it was. The dragon sanctuary he worked at could be called many things, but quiet was not one of them. He had come back in for a dinner of a turkey sandwich before heading up to his old room and collapsing into bed. He was exhausted having had to wrangle a belligerent Hungarian Horntail before he could leave for the day. Within moments he was sound asleep.

He had been asleep for four hours when he was jolted out of bed by someone screaming. He swore and bolted upright, thinking he was still on the dragon reserve and someone was in trouble. As he sat up though, he very unceremoniously fell on the floor making him realize that he wasn't on the reserve after all. They didn't have rugs there. Charlie picked himself up off the floor with a groan and turned to face the figure that was standing in the doorway, illuminated by wandlight.

It was a young woman dressed in Ministry robes that only served to isolate the beauty of her face. Her unruly brown hair was pulled back away from her face showing off the curve of her jawline and revealing the lines of her throat. She looked vaguely familiar, but Charlie couldn't place her.

Before he could say anything, the girl blushed furiously and turned away from him. Charlie was confused by her strange reaction until he looked down and realized that he wasn't wearing a stitch of clothing. He vaguely remembered stripping off his sweaty clothes from the reserve before collapsing into bed earlier.

"I'm sorry I didn't think anyone was home. Ron told me that the family was gone to see relatives," she said as he grabbed a pair of sweatpants and pulled them on.

As soon as she mentioned Ron, it clicked into place as to why she looked so familiar. She was Hermione Granger, one of his youngest brother's best friends. She had changed quite a bit since the last time that he had seen her.

"You can turn back around now," he told her after he pulled a shirt on over his head, "I'm decent."

He watched as she slowly turned around to face him. She seemed much more at ease now that he was properly dressed.

"I was unaware that there was going to be anyone else here either," he said sitting down on the edge of the bed. She leaned back against the door frame.

"I only just got in a few minutes ago," she explained. "I didn't know there would be anyone here. I was just on my way to find an empty spare room, but obviously this one's taken so I'll just be going." Charlie had to smile at her rambling as she turned and left the room. He watched her go with an amused look before going back to bed. It was certainly turning out to be an interesting trip home.


Hermione made her way up one more flight of stairs to the other spare room. Before she entered she muttered a spell to make sure that it was empty. Satisfied that it was, she went in and dropped her beaded bag on the bed. She changed out of her work robes and into the pair of shorts and old Gryffindor Quidditch jersey that she had borrowed one night when she made an emergency stopover at the Burrow. It was so comfortable that she had slept in it ever since.

Once she was comfortable, Hermione crawled into bed. As she fell asleep, her last thought was that Charlie Weasley had a nice body.

A/N: Love it? Hate it? Whatever? Leave a comment/review please! As always they are MUCH appreciated and highly beneficial to the well being of my story.