Wow! Lots of positive reviews for the last chapter! :D I'm so happy! I'm so glad you like the new twist and different-ness! You guys are awesome XD If you thought last chapter was chaotic, wait until you read this chapter, hahaha. Lots of stuff going on. Ooh, and it's the 20th real chapter :D Whoo! Wow. Hope you like it!

To Silly: Thanks so much for the review! I'm glad you like it and was shocked :3 Thanks! I know it did, but hey, Arcnologia was gonna come any moment ;D I will, and I hope you like this chapter!

To Eliisa-chan: You're very welcome! I'm glad it was :D I'm glad you picked up on that! You're absolutely right ;D In one of the other chapters, when Lucy faints, it's actually Zeref talking into her head too. But those chapters were kind of boring, so it's okay if you don't remember. I love Zeref too. He just doesn't scream 'bad guy.' You're welcome (again), and I'm not sure if that makes me a good author, but I can get points for originality though, right? Haha, anyway, hope you like this chapter and review again! (P.S I sent a PM for your last review, but I felt like putting this one up here :D)

"What the hell is that?!"Lyon shouted.

"A dragon," Sting and Rogue gaped on the other side of town.

"What's it doing here?!" Hibiki wondered in confusion.

"Let's go," Kagura ordered and all the mages rushed forward.

"Not him again," Laxus swore.

"Get out, now!" Future Lucy screamed.

"Grab the young ones!" Makarov ordered. Happy grabbed Romeo, Carla went for Wendy, and Lily transformed and grabbed Asuka.

"Take her and get out of here," Gajeel barked, tossing Levy at Lily.

"Wait!" Levy shouted before Lily flew out a window.

"Lisanna, take the master!" Mira shouted, transforming into her Satan Soul and flying out as Arcnologia took a step towards them. Lisanna transformed into a bird and grabbed Makarov and the First.

"Ever, go!" Elfman shouted.

"Don't boss me around!" she snapped, but looked at him with worry. "You better get out there in one piece!" she ordered before flying out.

"Take Lucy and run!" Zeref shouted at Natsu, who was already running towards them.

"Zeref!" He ignored her and pushed Lucy into Natsu's arms.

"Just run!" Future Lucy sobbed.

"Erza, go," Jellal said.

"Jellal," Laharl said threateningly.

"We don't have time," Erza shouted.

"She's right. You're majesty, hold on to me," Duranbolt said. Laharl, Durton, Arcadios, Hisui, and the king held on to him as he teleported to safety.


"Lucy!" Natsu tackled her to the ground, shielding her with his body as the castle shook and the roof disappeared. Arcnologia had swatted it away.

"Run!" Lucy cast a look back as they ran and saw Arcnologia was ready to hurl some dark ball at them.

"Go!" Future Lucy and Zeref shouted, blasting magic at it and holding it back. The castle shook and started tilting.

"It's crumbling!" Gray shouted and they ran down the stairs.

"Hurry!" Erza shouted, already heading towards the next flight.

"Erza!" Jellal shouted as the ceiling above her started collapsing.

"Wha-?" He used Meteor and shot across, tackling her down the stairs before it fell on her.

"Erza!" they shouted.

"Go! They'll be fine!" Laxus ordered, and they hesitantly started running again.

"Please stop shaking, Mr. Castle," Yukino begged as it tossed and swayed.

"Kyaa!" Lucy screamed and fell. The floor beneath her gave way and she screamed as she fell. Natsu shot across and grabbed her arm.

"Hold on!" He lifted her up, the crack growing bigger until the area they were on started breaking away.

"Shit!" It crumbled, breaking away from the castle and took them with it.

"What the hell?" Gray wondered as they started moving upwards and reattached to the castle.

"What's going on?" Juvia asked in confusion. The castle started putting itself back together.

Gray knew who was responsible for it. Ultear.

"Ul! The castle is falling!" Meredy cried as they ran towards it.

"No it isn't," she growled. "They're still in there!" She turned back time and fixed the castle.

But then Arcnologia hit it again and it started falling.

"Oh no you don't. Meredy!"

"On it!" she said, rushing towards the fray.

"I won't let you destroy it. Not before they get out," she vowed. You better make it, Gray.

"Let's get the hell out of here!" Cana yelled and they ran again.

"How many stairs are there?" Gajeel growled. The castle shook violently, and they all went down.

"What was that?" Lucy gasped. A deafening, chilling roar sounded above them.

"I don't know, but let's get out of here," Natsu said, picking Lucy up and jumping over some railings to the next floor.

"Kyaa!" she screamed as everyone followed.

"The roof!" Juvia screamed. Large chunks were plummeting towards them.

"Jump out the windows!" Laxus told them and they jumped out the nearest ones.

"Ow," Lucy whimpered as she and Natsu fell onto a tree.

"You okay?" Natsu's muffled voice came beneath her.

"Sorry!" She quickly moved off him.

"Lucy! Natsu!" a voice called to them nearby.


"Is everyone out?"

"Yeah," the rest of the team said, running up.

"We're out too," Erza and Jellal said after them.

"Good," she sighed and dispelled her magic. The castle immediately crumbled after Arcnologia hit it again. Ultear looked tired from repeatedly fixing the damage.

"Thanks," Gray said.

She smiled at him. "No problem."

"Where's Meredy?" Juvia asked worriedly.

"She's fighting that thing. I'm heading there now," Ultear said before running.

"We will too," Erza said before running after her. Natsu jumped out of the tree with Lucy as the rest of them left to fight.

"Lucy," he started, not sure what he wanted to say. He wanted her to stay away, but stay close to him at the same time.

"Let's hurry, Natsu. Wendy's over there already," she said, pointing to the gust of wind that hit Arcnologia, but didn't have any affect.

"Okay, just… be careful."

"And this is coming from you," Lucy teased as they ran. All good feelings died as they neared Arcnologia. Future Lucy and Zeref were holding off most of his attacks, but no one seemed to be doing any damage. Even Sting and Rogue in their Dragon Force didn't make him flinch.

"He's toying with us again," Freed said.

"Dammit," Natsu growled before charging in.

"Sagittarius! Scorpio!" Lucy summoned. They shot long range attacks, but it didn't do anything either.

"Kyaa!" The shockwave from Future Lucy, Zeref, and Arcnologia's attacks hitting each other blew the roofs off houses and sent them flying back. Lucy saw the dragon slayers and their Exceeds flying dangerously fast towards a nearby building. She pulled out another key as Scorpio disappeared.


"Wool Wall!" Fluffy pink wool cushioned their fall before disappearing.

"Thanks, Lucy!" Wendy and Natsu shouted before rushing back. Torrents of magic from all sorts of categories were hurled at Arcnologia, lighting up the night. The Dragon Slayers even combined their roars at him.

"Why isn't it doing anything?" she sobbed as Arcnologia continued playing with them, as if wanting to enjoy their struggle. Her friends and everyone were battered, bleeding, and bruised.

"No one can take him down," her future self said to her.

"What can I do?" she cried, watching Erza stumble and collapse. Jellal scooped her up and darted away from razor sharp claws. She saw Gray form an Ice Shield to protect Juvia, before it broke and they were both sent flying.

"Something only you can do," Future Lucy whispered, putting a finger on Lucy's forehead.

"What are you-?" She gasped in pain, clutching her head. Voices, words, information flooded her head. It felt like it was splitting.

"I don't understand."

"Just do what your heart tells you to do," Future Lucy said, holding her hands and placing her forehead on Lucy's. Her eyes fluttered shut.

"Mama," she whimpered, walking towards her mother.

"What is it, Lucy?" her mother gently asked.

"I had a nightmare."

"Come here," she beckoned, placing her in her lap.

"The monsters can't get you. How about I sing you a lullaby?"

"Okay," she said, snuggling against her as she sang.

"Why do you sing, mama?" she wondered drowsily.

"Because I can show you my love and feelings with more than words. So you can feel it right here," her mother said, pointing at her heart.


"Really. The dark doesn't seem so scary now, does it? The monsters won't come near you now."

"Why not?" she asked.

"Because real monsters don't feel love, so they run away."

A tear escaped as Lucy realized what she had to do.

"I'm sorry," her future self whispered.

"It's okay. I can do something," she softly said before tilting her head up, turning her face to the heavens. She let the tears run freely as a warm light surrounded them.

"A white light

Cuts though my dark world,

Like the stars in the night sky."

"What's going on?" everyone wondered as the magic circle started softly glowing white.

"Whose singing?" they wondered as a voice carried to them.

"It sounds… like Lucy," Natsu said, dodging a tail. Arcnologia seemed angry now.

"I reach out and grasp it in my hands."

Chains sprouted from the sky and wound itself around Arcnologia, shackling his limbs. He fought against them.

"Where are these coming from?" Makarov wondered, unable to see where they appeared from the sky.

"This can't be," the First gasped.

"This warmth that fills my heart,

I know its love.

It gives me strength,

The most powerful kind."

The light grew brighter and warm, but not blinding.

"I feel warm," Wendy said in awe, looking at her arms.

"Everlasting and true,

Forever in one's heart.

It brings down

The mightiest of men

And empowers all.

I want to spread this feeling,

That touches everyone's hearts."

The chains tightened around Arcnologia and he struggled, roaring in frustration.

"What's this?" Sting wondered, feeling his strength returning.

"I don't know," Rogue said.

"Fro likes it," Frosch said.

"I want to see you,

The most important people in my heart.

And even if I can't,

I know you love me too."

Tears streamed down her face as she sang. She knew what was going to happen after, and it hurt knowing. But she had to do this. Only she could do this. So she continued singing.

"So let's spread this light

That cuts through the darkness,

Like the stars in the night sky.

It heals any wound

And carries us away

In these rivers of emotions."

"What the?" people gasped who were once buried under rubble. They suddenly found themselves out of it, their major wounds healing.

"What's going on?" Erza wondered as her leg and major wounds healed.

"I don't know, Erza," Jellal said, holding her tightly as Arcnologia was suddenly dragged into the air kicking and roaring.

"I want to see you,

The most important people in my heart.

And even if I can't,

I know you're watching over me."

"Why does it sound so sad?" Juvia wondered.

"I don't know, but it's giving me a bad feeling," Gray said, helping her up.

"'I love you'

It places me under a spell

That I never want to break.

Even if I can't see you

You have a special place in my heart.

Forever watching and protecting,

I will be by your side

In happiness and sadness.

And you, beside mine."

"Lucy," Zeref whispered sadly as she stopped singing.

With one last roar, Arcnologia was swallowed up by the sky, and the circle slowly faded away.

"What happened?" Duranbolt gasped in shock, where the royal family was safe.

"I-I'm not sure," Hisui stuttered, not sure what happened either.

"I think Future Lucy had something to do with it," Arcadios said thoughtfully.

"Dammit!" Natsu shouted, rushing away from the fight.

"Where are you going, Natsu-san?" Sting called after him, following him along with the rest of Fairy Tail and other mages.

"That was Lucy, wasn't it?" Wendy asked as she ran beside Natsu.

"It sounded like it," he said. Please be alright.

"You did it," Future Lucy whispered happily. Lucy's eyes fluttered open, her hair escaping its pig-tails and settled on her shoulders.

"What happened?" she asked, gasping as she looked at her future self.

"You sent him back," she beamed, the outline of her body sparkling.

"You're fading," she whispered.

"That spell would have taken your life, so I directed the backlash to myself." She took her hands and smiled a real smile.

"You saved them. And the journey will be hard, long, and painful, but I believe you can do it. What I failed to do."

"I don't understand," Lucy panicked.

"Everything will be clear soon, and Zeref will be there to help you. I'm sure mama is proud right now." A tear slid down her cheek.

"You better treasure him, past me. I know you will, and goodbye will be painful, but you got to pull through. You can do anything for them. For him, right?" Lucy nodded numbly, tears falling.

She exhaled in relief. "Good."

"Lucy!" Natsu yelled nearby, running with a mob of mages. Duranbolt had teleported the others over too, and saw Future Lucy start fading.

"Don't hurt yourself, okay Zeref?" she said as he appeared on their other side, away from the group.

"Okay," he whispered, crying, his eyes heartbroken.

"Bye everyone!" she said, turning around and waving happily as she disappeared, balls of light floating into the sky.

"Future me," Lucy sobbed. Everyone in Fairy Tail was crying too.

Roars echoed in the distance, stopping them cold and put them on high alert.

"They're here," Zeref said, turning towards the source.

"It can't be," Natsu whispered in shock as Wendy cried.

"You're shitting me," Gajeel whispered, just as shocked. Lucy turned around as the new arrivals landed, their landing sending a blast of wind at them.




"Serious?!" Fairy Tail gasped in shock, staring at the three dragons.

"Why are there more dragons?" Rogue wondered.

"Woah," Sting gaped.

"You've grown, Natsu," Igneel's rumbling voice said.

"Oh, you're so big now Wendy," Grandeenie cooed.

"And you're still a brat, Gajeel," Metalicanna grinned.

"Why are you here?" they asked in wonder.

"We've come for Lucy, I presume," Igneel said, turning his head towards her.

"I am," she said, giving him a small smile.

"What the hell? Where are you taking her?!" Natsu shouted, running up to stand beside Lucy.

"Natsu, stop it," she said.

"Why, Luce? He's taking you someplace I don't know." They missed the looks the dragons gave them as they turned to each other.

"Please, Natsu. I have to go," she whispered, close to tears.

"Why, Lu-chan?" Levy cried.

"Don't go!" Wendy sobbed.

"I have to," Lucy cried. Natsu held her as sobs racked her body.

"Please let me go, Natsu."

"I can't. It feels like if I let you go, you're going to disappear away from us. From me." He pulled her back to look at her face, and realized what this feeling was. That she meant more to him than a friend, guild mate, or family.

"Lucy, I-" Lucy cut him off by kissing him. He was surprised for a second, but pulled her to him and kissed her back, wrapping his arms around her. Tears rolled down his cheeks. Because he knew this was a goodbye. She pulled back a bit, his arms still around her, breaking the kiss.

"Please, please don't say it," she whispered.

"Don't go," he pleaded, feeling his world start to crumble beneath him.

"I loved the time I spent at the guild. Running around and doing stupid things with you."

"This isn't a goodbye," he growled, kissing her desperately.

"I have to go, Natsu," she said, breaking away with a sad smile.

"Stay." 'with me' hung unspoken between them.

"I have to go," she repeated, letting their fingers linger a moment before pulling away.

"Lucy!" he called after her as she started to slowly run to the dragons. He took a step after her.

Strong arms stopped him by trapping his arms.

"Let me go!" he roared.

"She has to do this. Let her go," Capricorn said sympathetically.

"No," he growled, yanking his arms out of his grasp. There was so much he hadn't said to her, and he wouldn't let her go without him.

He ran after her, already halfway there already. The yells and cries of the guild telling her not to go were heard behind him as they followed him.

"Luce!" he yelled, voice filled with pleading. He heard her sob harder, picking up her pace. His legs felt like lead, like he was moving through molasses.

"Lucy!" he called again as she reached the dragons, hiding her face in Igneel's side as she cried.

"No!" he shouted as Igneel covered her with his wing, hiding her away.

Zeref helped her on to Igneel's back and she leaned against him, her tears continuing to flow.

"Bye everyone! I had a lot of fun! I love you all!" she shouted to them with a smile pasted on, waving.

"Don't do it Igneel!" Natsu shouted as Igneel was about to take off. He was so close, but he stopped as Igneel beat his wings, kicking up sand and dirt and almost blew him over.




"I'll be seeing you, Wendy," Grandeenie said.

"At least try growing up, Gajeel."

Igneel could only give his son a sympathetic look before taking off with the other dragons.

"Lucy!" he yelled while chasing after them. They started getting farther away from him, even as he ran faster.

"Lucy!" he called one last time. He saw her turn around and looked over Zeref's shoulder.

"Natsu!" he heard her cry, breaking his heart. He saw her cry into his chest as he held her, before they all disappeared from view. Natsu slowed down to a walk, collapsing on his knees.

"Dammit!" he yelled.

"Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!" he continued to yell angrily as he punched the ground, creating a deeper crater with each punch. Everyone left him alone, knowing he needed it as they cried too.

Natsu stopped punching the ground and placed his hands on the ground, hanging his head. And he cried, roaring his frustration and misery, not caring who heard. He watched Igneel leave him again. But what hurt the most was the person he took with him. Because she was the only girl he loved, and he couldn't do anything to stop her.

Aww, I'm sorry Natsu : ( I'm evil, I know. Did ya get a surprise? I hope so. Actually, I was pretty nervous/embarrassed for writing that song/poem thing truthfully. But I thought it fit. Anyway, I typed this up as fast as I could because I was so excited :3 Next chapter is going to be a bonus chapter, which shows what happened in Future Lucy's time (I thought it'd be neat). Please review and let me know how I did! It's a bit hectic, but it's a fight and more dragons came at the end, so it's bound to be hectic :3 Ciao for now!